Fortune Teller

Chapter 1769 One hour later

Nine levels above the ancient world.

Deep in the third level of space, a medicine garden a hundred miles wide floats in the wind, and eight figures can be vaguely seen.

In addition to the gray-haired young man, the black bear, the woman with a whisk, and Gu Xiuyun, there are also four second-generation disciples of the Taishang Sect wearing Taoist robes. They have all integrated the four rules and mastered the secret of creation. However, they have not understood the impermanent mind, so they have never been able to become Emperor Qiankun.

"When it comes to stealth, what can be more powerful than the concealment methods of Destiny Mind, Destiny Ripple and Source of Destiny. These three are invisible and formless. After combining with each other, they achieve the ultimate in stealth. "

A short-haired man said continuously while waving his hands, forming regular lines.

Just by counting the breaths, a complete numerology pattern was condensed.

"Junior Brother Gu, what do you think?" The gray-haired young man chuckled.

"The fusion of the three rules does have indescribable power. I can't say anything about this numerology pattern." Gu Xiuyun pondered for a moment and pointed to several corners of the divine map. "I just don't know why, but those places always feel... Something is wrong, the combination of destiny mind and destiny ripples should be more perfect, and the source of destiny, which has always been the foundation of the human body in the path of destiny, should be able to fully accommodate the other two rules..."

"Following the laws of heaven, cultivating one's body, and refining one's heart, these three basic rules have always been the foundation of destiny practitioners," Black Bear said loudly, "Although Senior Nephew Xi Hong has integrated the four rules and has an extremely high level of Taoism, after all, he has no The understanding of the impermanent mind and the understanding of the basic rules are incomplete, so there are always flaws in his numerology pattern. "

Hearing this, the short-haired man smiled bitterly.

If someone else had said this, he would have immediately jumped up to refute, or even get into a fight, but every Taoist person speaking at this moment had a foundation far above him, and among them were the Master and the two Imperial Masters, and he How dare you say no even half a word.

But having said that, the short-haired man couldn't see the problem with the numerology pattern.

After all, being able to reach the fourth level of acting shows that he has perfectly integrated the four rules. Even if there are flaws, they are flaws in the eyes of others. In his own opinion, this is the most perfect numerology pattern.

"Xi Hong, you don't have to be angry. What we said may not be right."

The gray-haired young man smiled slightly, "The way of life is your own way, not someone else's. Although Junior Brother Gu has a solid foundation, he has not yet begun to integrate the rules, and Junior Brother Black Bear has not fully understood the fate of his heart. The words of the two of them, Not necessarily right.”

"Master, you don't need to comfort me," the short-haired man shook his head and said, "I know there are problems with my numerology pattern. If it were truly perfect, I wouldn't have made no progress for countless years. It's just that it's so difficult to break the bottleneck and take a step further. "

"On the great road of heaven and earth, there is always a glimmer of hope."

The gray-haired young man moved his fingers slightly, and another numerology pattern was condensed. This time, only two rules were integrated, namely, the ripples of destiny and the source of destiny. "Let's take a look at this numerology pattern again. Where are the mistakes and omissions?" ? How to evolve?”

Everyone looked at it one after another...

Time passes.

Unknowingly, Gu Xiuyun has been staying in the third level of torrent space for millions of years.

A million years is just one hour.

For mortal life, such a long period of time has already brought great changes, the world has undergone great changes, and it is unknown how many reincarnations it has gone through.

But to the sun, moon and stars, a million years is just a blink of an eye!

And the gods and demons of the Supreme Universe and Divine Power Realm each have terrifying power that surpasses the sun, moon and stars. Even if the sun and moon collapse and the stars are broken, they will not fall. What does a million years mean?

As for the Lin clan, just as Ye Xin expected, they started the next round of selection of the town clan guards.

"Ke Qing Ye Lan, the selection of the town clan guards is about to begin. Please go to the meeting hall." A message came.

Ye Xin opened his eyes, his face as calm as water.

Over the years, she has been living in a simple life. Except for consulting Master Fu Guan every time, she spends the rest of her time practicing in the side hall, so no one knows what level her strength has reached!

"Lin Xiao, Lin Changfang, don't let me down."

Ye Xin stood up and walked towards the door of the palace...

Two months later.

Over a vast lake.

Dozens of Blackwater Tribe gods and demons gathered around, staring eagerly at the superimposed divine formation in the center of the lake. It was a formation composed of six top-level divine formations, including the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation and the Jing Jiao Sky-cutting Formation. The power is so strong that even gods and demons at the peak of the divine power realm can't help but feel chilled in their hearts.

"I didn't expect Ye Lan's formation skills to reach such an extent. Six formations were superimposed and she couldn't find any flaws. If I want to kill her, I'm afraid I have to risk my way in."

"Master of Black Sail Island, Yelan's strength cannot be underestimated."

"Yes, I heard that she even killed Lin Liuzhao, and now she has the blessing of the formation. Can we really deal with her?"

"And this is the western border of the Lanhai Region, and the ancient city of Zhenjie is not far away. If those Lin tribe gods and demons come to support us, we will be in big trouble."

The gods and demons of the Black Water Tribe said to each other one by one.

The gods and demons gathered here are all above the middle stage of the divine power realm. Among them are five late-stage divine power realms, as well as the most powerful Black Sail Island Master.

The Blackwater Tribe, like the Si Crocodile Tribe, anyone who reaches the peak of divine power and masters magical powers and secret skills can be listed as the Island Lord (Tan Master). However, compared to the Si Crocodile Tribe, the Blackwater Tribe has far fewer pool owners. Much less, because they do not have the background of the top ethnic group, the Tianjiao Clan, and the number of magical powers and secret skills is much smaller.

But this does not mean that the owner of the Blackwater Tribe is inferior.

In fact, the island owner of the Blackwater Tribe is still stronger than the master of the Sigong Tribe, because the Blackwater Tribe's body is black water smoke, which can change into invisible at any time, and has extremely strong life-saving capabilities. One island owner can be as strong as two or three people. A pool master.

"Don't worry, the gods and demons of the Lin tribe will never support Ye Lan, and this is the Tianshui Ze in the Lanhai area. Every ten thousand years, the Tian Shui Ze will erupt. When the water vapor spreads, it will be more beneficial to us, the Black Water Tribe."

The owner of Black Sail Island sneered, "No matter how powerful Ye Lan's formation is, can it still resist Tian Shui Ze's natural danger? This is one of the most famous dangerous places in the Lanhai area. The lake itself can annihilate everyone below the World Master." Creatures.”

"But will Tianshui Ze really explode?" asked another god and demon.


The owner of Black Sail Island was full of confidence, "That man will not break his promise easily, not to mention he has a valuable treasure in my hand, so how can he dare to go back on his promise? Besides, you don't want the Lin tribe's medicine garden under Tianshui Ze. ?”

"Medicine Garden!"

The faces of the Blackwater Tribe gods and demons were suddenly filled with murderous intent.


A strong wind blew up, and dozens of gods and demons rushed into the divine formation in unison. Not long after, there was a vibration around the Tianshui Lake. The water was churning, the sky water poured in, and countless lakes rushed into the void, even the divine formation above the lake. It was also impacted.

At the same time, the sound of killing could also be heard faintly from the depths of the divine formation.

One stick of incense, two sticks of incense, three sticks of incense... half a day passed before I knew it.

There were still sounds of killing in the divine formation, but no figure appeared, as if those sounds were just illusions.

Until several months later.

The selection of the town guards was over, the divine formation dispersed, and the Blackwater tribe gods and demons were still nowhere to be found in the sky above Tianshui Ze.

Only Yelan stands in the sky.

"How can it be?"

"Master of Black Sail Island, and so many gods and demons in the middle and late stages of the divine power realm, are they all dead?"

"How did she do it... Over the years, apart from visiting Lord Fu Guan, she spent the rest of her time practicing in the side hall of the cave. How could her strength be greatly improved?"

Lin Xiao, Lin Changfang and others who were peeping from a distance looked confused and at the same time felt deep fear.

They didn't dare to take action again until they understood Ye Lan's true strength.

"Your disciple is very talented."

On the third level of the torrent space, Black Bear sat carelessly beside Gu Xiuyun and looked down, "In just one hour, she was able to improve her cultivation to the late stage of the divine power realm and create a magical secret technique. It can be seen that she is He is very accomplished in the field of destiny. If he can keep practicing, he may become another Emperor of Destiny in the future. "

"The way of destiny cannot be achieved by immersing yourself in practice."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Ye Xin has experienced a little less hardship. The three inner cultivation methods are destined to be her biggest hurdle."

"Very good," Hei Xiong curled his lips and said, "I have accepted so many disciples, and there are no more than three who are as talented and understanding as Junior Ye Xin, and none of them have understood the impermanent mind. How can a disciple like you actually learn so quickly? Master the mind of impermanence, if you don’t want to see her, I can shamelessly accept her as a closed disciple.”

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled, but did not respond.

Although he had never accepted Ye Xin as his disciple, he did regard her as his disciple in his heart, and among the many disciples, only Ye Xin could possibly inherit his mantle.

Lan Chonghe and Ji Wenshan both focus on killing.

Yan Lu cultivates cause and effect.

Although Zhu Xi practices destiny, his talent and understanding are indeed not high, and he has experienced too few hardships, so it is difficult for him to achieve great achievements.

As for Ning Yuan, he cultivates the Tao of All Things, and he has nothing to do with fate.

Only Ye Xin, who is extremely talented in destiny and is a god and demon, is most likely to become the Emperor of Destiny in the future.

"The path of cultivation depends more on oneself. Becoming a disciple of the Supreme Sect may not be a good thing. Let her walk in the world of mortals!"

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes.

"Master, you are so lazy." Black Bear's face was full of contempt.

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