Fortune Teller

Chapter 1770 Seven Songs of Exquisite Heart

In the medicine garden.

The whisker woman was playing a game of numerology patterns with Gu Xiuyun. The black bear, the gray-haired young man, and the disciples of the fourth level of acting were all watching.

"In just one hour, Uncle Gu's understanding of rule fusion is no less than that of the second level of acting. It's amazing, really amazing."

"That's natural. Uncle Master can even activate the Divine Chart of Destiny. The realm of Taoism is so amazing. With this foundation, it is naturally much easier to understand the rules of fusion."

Xi Hong and others watched and talked.

There are three vague rules in the numerology pattern diagram, namely the field of destiny, the ripples of destiny, and the shadow of destiny. These three are all external cultivation rules. When combined with each other, they can deduce the changes in the external cultivation system to the extreme.

"Although the three methods of external cultivation are the same system, they are distinct from each other and have completely different directions. Senior brother Kong Cheng is worthy of being the pinnacle emperor who is about to integrate the seven rules of destiny. I can only repeat the numerology pattern that I have laid out. Half of the changes are carved out, let alone deduced perfectly.”

After a long time, Gu Xiuyun sighed.

"Half of it is already very good," said the whisker woman with a smile. "I have been studying the three diagrams of external cultivation arranged by senior brother for endless years, but I can only barely reproduce it. It is almost impossible to deduce and perfect it."

The numerology pattern contains infinite mysteries and is changing all the time. Simply reproducing it requires extremely high attainments.

Not to mention the perfect deduction.

Of course, this is also because this numerology pattern is too difficult. The three rules contained in it are all external cultivation methods. There is no evolution of heavenly secrets and no source of destiny. The difficulty of understanding is actually no less than the fusion of the five rules.

At that level, even Xi Hong and other disciples at the fourth level of acting are far behind.

The fourth level of acting means that the fifth rule has begun to be integrated, but it is only the beginning and is still far away from the perfect state.

As for the black bear and the whisker woman, they have perfectly integrated the five rules, but it is still difficult to integrate the sixth one.

The path of spiritual practice becomes more and more difficult the further you go.

While he was thinking about it, Black Bear suddenly raised his brows, "These guys actually found their way to my head."

"What's wrong?" The gray-haired young man smiled.

"It's people like Jiu Tong and Zi Lei. They wanted to trade with Junior Brother Gu for the secret of creation, but they couldn't find anyone, so they targeted my disciples." Hei Xiong curled his lips slightly, "Gu Ximing, you let it go at the beginning. Anyone who wants to exchange the secret of creation with you should show enough sincerity. Now they come to your door, will you see them or not? "

"Not urgent."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and said, "If you want to change the secret technique of creation, one or two rare treasures are not enough. I have to give them enough time to collect treasures. I heard that the Red Flower Emperor's Hundred Flowers Banquet will be held soon, and I will go and take a look then. Let’s meet those gods and demon emperors by the way.”

"The Hundred Flowers Banquet is really good."

A smile appeared on the corner of Black Bear's mouth, "The Scarlet Flower Emperor is indifferent by nature, but her strength is extremely high. She has merged two emperor-level bloodlines. During the Hundred Flowers Banquet she held, not many gods and demon emperors dared to cause trouble. Even if there were, Fuchen and I would help You hold on, we have never been absent from the Hundred Flowers Banquet."

"Feast of Hundreds of Flowers!"

Xi Hong and others looked at each other with expressions of emotion.

As strong men in the fourth level of acting and mastering the secrets of creation, their strength is no less than that of Gu Xiuyun, or even better, so they are naturally qualified to participate in the Hundred Flowers Banquet.

"Elder brother, are you going?"

The whisk woman asked.

"I won't go," the gray-haired young man waved his hand, "If I go there, I will inevitably be entangled by those gods, demons and emperors. Instead of eating some tasteless fruit, it is better to drink a few sips of my own brew. liquor."

Black Bear and Whisker Woman nodded slightly.

Indeed, Kong Cheng's identity is not suitable for participating in the Hundred Flowers Banquet. After all, he is the first person under the Holy Spirit in the Taiyuan Ancient World. With his presence, other gods and demon emperors will definitely feel restrained, and those who want to seek advice will definitely feel restrained. The God-Devil-Emperor is also very annoying.

Therefore, in the Hundred Flowers Banquet in the past few hundred years, Black Bear and Whisker Woman have always attended on their behalf, and the gray-haired young man has never appeared.

"By the way, when talking about the secret of creation, I think of a treasure."

The gray-haired young man's eyes suddenly lit up, "Junior Brother Gu, let's forget about the others. If Emperor Sanyuan wants to ask you for the secret of creation, you can't agree easily, no matter what kind of precious spiritual material it is, unless he is willing. Lend me the exquisite seven-song heart."

"Seven tunes of exquisite heart?" Gu Xiuyun looked curious.

"What it is?"

Xi Hong and others also looked confused.

"That is the real treasure of Taiyuan Ancient World," Black Bear swallowed, "If Senior Brother had not mentioned this thing, I almost forgot about it. Thinking about it carefully, since Junior Sister Fuchen became emperor, it seems that there has never been a Sanyuan Emperor. I have lent the Seven Songs of Exquisite Heart, so very few people in the sect know about it.”

Xi Hong and others blinked.

Gu Xiuyun's curiosity became more and more intense.

Treasures that even the second generation disciples of Taishang Sect have never heard of must be extremely rare, and may even be unique in the entire Taiyuan ancient world. Most of these treasures have incredible power.

"I won't tell you what the magical function of the Seven Songs Exquisite Heart is."

Black Bear smiled slightly, "Anyway, you guys won't need it, and whisker and I won't need it for the time being. Only Junior Brother Gu is in urgent need of this thing. Junior Brother, let me remind you that Emperor Sanyuan is not an easy person to talk to, and he is extremely powerful. , has begun to fuse three emperor-level bloodlines, and there is the ancestor of the fire element behind him, so coercion will definitely not work, only inducement. "

"Junior brother understands."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and fell into thought.

The name of the Sanyuan Emperor was known long before he entered the Taiyuan Ancient World. This emperor was clearly recorded in the books of the Xi Palace and clearly stated that he was the undoubted one among all the gods and demon emperors in the Taiyuan Ancient World. the first person.

The reason he uses Sanyuan as his nickname is because he is integrating three emperor-level bloodlines.

When his bloodline is successfully fused, he will be renamed the Siyuan Emperor. At that time, this person will be so powerful that even Black Bear and Whiskey Girl will be afraid of him.

"That guy Sanyuan has always been very stingy."

The gray-haired young man shook his head and said, "Back then, I asked him to borrow the Seven-Tune Exquisite Heart. It took me half a year before he was willing to borrow it for a few days. Later, Uncle Yi Ming and Uncle Ning Ke came to visit and also wanted to borrow the Seven-Tune Exquisite Heart. Linglongxin, this guy refused to take it out no matter what, until the master spoke, he had to give in. "

"Junior sister Fuchen borrowed the treasure only because the master asked her to do so."

"Junior brother, if you want to borrow the Seven Songs Exquisite Heart, you have to put in a lot of effort. This guy is not someone who can just let go."

With that said, the gray-haired young man walked towards the hut deep in the medicine garden.

It's time to water the flowers and plants again.

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