Fortune Teller

Chapter 1792 Marvel

"Admit defeat?"

Ye Xin raised his head indifferently, his face full of fighting spirit, "Just by relying on a magical power in this field, you want me to admit defeat and dream."

The words fell.

Her body grew rapidly, and the divine power in her body was also surging crazily. Her two fists emitted a dazzling light, as if they had turned into two thunder and lightning.


Fist pumped.

The thunder and lightning were like spears tearing apart the gods, directly splitting the waves where the water power was condensed, and all the restraints around them were gone.


The Ice Tide God's eyes suddenly widened.

The guests on the island and the gods and demons watching also looked shocked.

Tianmu's sea-suppressing magical power is the special skill of the Ice Tide God. The combination of the divine power of water and wood alone is far beyond the realm of ordinary divine powers. It has also formed magical powers and secret techniques. It can't suppress a person who has just stepped into the magical realm. A junior in the late stage?

"No wonder the Purple Thunder Emperor chose you. You are indeed quite capable, but these alone are not enough."

The Ice Tide God Lord waved his hand.

The sky-supporting divine pillars in the depths of the waves rose up one after another, and with terrifying power that crushed the heaven and the earth, they smashed hard at the woman in green.

Sea wave blockade and divine pillar crushing are the two major methods of Tianmu's sea-suppressing magical power, and they are also the most basic methods.

Even so, it is more than enough to deal with the peak of the Divine Law Realm.

At the same time, Ye Xin stepped forward.


Amidst the lightning and thunder, Ye Xin's two fists were like two mountain peaks, hitting the divine pillar that supported the sky.


There was a violent roar.

The divine pillar supporting the sky in front of Ye Xin was smashed and flew away.

Immediately afterwards, the second divine pillar arrived.

The thunder fist also blasted out again, bang, there was another loud noise, the second thunder pillar also flew out, then the third, fourth... Each pillar contained amazing power, But he couldn't stop Ye Xin from casually punching him.

There seems to be endless power in her fist.

"How is that possible?" Bingchao Shenjun's expression finally changed.

With bloodline cultivation in the late stage of the Divine Law Realm, it may be possible to break through the waves and tides, but it is absolutely impossible to repel the wooden divine pillars. Those are the sky-supporting divine pillars formed by the combination of the water and wood bloodlines. They are so powerful. Far beyond a single bloodline.

At this moment, he was constantly being smashed away by Ye Xin? ?


The guests on the island and the gods and demons watching the battle also showed expressions of disbelief.

It's incredible that a junior who has just entered the late stage of the Divine Law Realm is on par with the Ice Tide God.

Tianmu's sea-suppressing magical power is the Ice Tide God's special skill!

"Did I read it wrong? How could Junior Ye Xin's thunder power be so powerful that it could even blast away the Heavenly Wood Divine Pillar?" The three-eyed dragon looked shocked.

"You read that right," another god said in shock, "but how is this possible? A single bloodline in the late stage of the divine realm is more powerful than the two bloodlines of water and wood??"

"Incredible, incredible."

Fu Guan and the Lin clan chief were amazed.

In comparison, the emperors on the golden platform seemed much more calm.

"The Secret Art of Creation——"

A gloom flashed in the eyes of the six-armed giant beast, "Taoist Xi Ming, I remember that you swore before that your secret technique is extremely difficult to deduce, and no one can deduce the corresponding method in a short time. In this situation, What's going on?"

"Are you questioning Pindao?"

Gu Xiuyun glanced at it, "I said this, but I also said that it's not that Pindao doesn't have the ability to deduce secret arts. It's just because he has too little understanding of the power of thunder that he can't succeed in a short time. If there is a Qiankun Emperor who is proficient in the power of thunder, he can do the same thing."

"Really?" The six-armed giant beast sneered, "There are not many destiny emperors in the ancient world of Taiyuan. Black Bear and Whisk are not good at the rules of thunder. The same is true for Xi Hong Wenran and others. Tell me, apart from you, Taiyuan Who else in the ancient world can deduce the secret of creation?"

"What do you mean, Ye Xin's secret technique of creation was taught by Pindao?" Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows.

"You know whether it is yes or no." The six-armed giant beast responded coldly.

Gu Xiuyun was too lazy to explain any more.

A god and demon emperor would not cost him too much money. In addition, he did not want other emperors to know about his deal with Chihua, lest the Sanyuan Emperor would have other ideas and miss the Seven Songs of Exquisite Heart in vain.

As for Emperor Liubo's dissatisfaction... it's none of his business.

outside the island.

The fight between Ye Xin and the Ice Tide Lord continued.

One by one, the divine pillars supporting the sky were smashed away, and the expression of Lord Ice Tide gradually turned gloomy. It was obvious that Ye Xin had mastered a very special secret method, which could exert the power of thunder dozens of times. This alone , which is no less than a half-step divine king.

"With your advanced cultivation in the Divine Law Realm and a secret technique that increases your strength, it's no wonder that you, a junior, dare to fight against this Divine Lord. But it would be too naive to think that you can win this way."

"Junior, you are still far away."


Mighty divine power surged out from the body of the Ice Tide Lord.

In an instant, Tianmu's sea-suppressing magical power changed drastically, countless seawater turned into ribbons of starlight, and the pillars supporting the heavenly gods turned into huge mountain peaks, forming a towering divine formation that covered the sky and the earth.

"Tianmu Formation!"

Seeing the scene outside the island, the eyes of the guests at the banquet froze slightly.

The Ice Tide God Lord finally took action.

As the master of Half-Step God, how could Tianmu Zhenhai's magical power only have two methods: simple blockade and smashing? The most powerful thing about this magical power is that it can form a super formation, using the power of rules and the power of the formation to The opponent is crushed to death.

"Junior Ye Xin, I have been practicing for countless years, and my understanding of the magical power of blood is a thousand times better than yours. I want to see how you can break through my Tianmu Formation!!"

The Lord Ice Tide shouted angrily.

Countless starlight ribbons blocked Ye Xin's body, forming waves one after another. Each wave was no less than a full-strength blow to hold up the divine pillar, and it was endless.

As for those mountain-like divine pillars, they are frantically absorbing divine power.

One can imagine how powerful it will be when the Heaven-supporting Divine Pillar absorbs enough divine power. That is the Ice Tide Divine Lord's strongest move.

"Tianmu Formation!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Xin's face became a little solemn.

Before the fight, the Purple Thunder Emperor told all the secret arts and magical powers of the Ice Tide God through sound transmission. The most powerful one is the Tianmu Formation. This formation is based on the divine power of water and wood. If you advance, you can kill, and if you retreat, you can seal the enemy. It can be said to be a very powerful method.

Of course, to Ye Xin, the formation itself was nothing.

As a practitioner of destiny, Ye Xin's understanding of the formation path far surpassed that of the Ice Tide God Lord, but after combining the divine power of water and wood, it was different.

The power of the formation combined with the divine power of blood has pushed the power of Tianmu's sea-suppressing power to the extreme. Every wave contains shocking power, and those Tianmu divine pillars can easily penetrate the body of the divine monarch even half a step away.

"After millions of years of hard training, I have cultivated the secret technique of compressing divine power to the third level. In terms of pure strength, it is not much inferior to the Tianmu Divine Array. Coupled with the destiny method... it is not impossible to win."

Ye Xin took a deep breath and stepped forward.

Boom! !

Wave after wave of waves hit his face, but were forcibly split open by Ye Xin's fist.

Immediately afterwards, the divine pillars that supported the sky were also smashed down one after another, but they did not even touch Ye Xin's body. She dodged them before they could reach her body.

Destiny practitioners all have the ability to predict misfortune and fortune, and can easily avoid it as long as it is not a large-scale field bombardment.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

There was a constant roar.

Ye Xin and the Ice Tide God Lord were in a fierce fight.

At the same time, soul thoughts surged on Baihua Island.

Both the guests inside the banquet and the gods and demons watching from the outside of the banquet were all transmitting messages.

"It's unbelievable. Yelan Keqing is actually on par with Ice Tide God Lord."

"I have also seen the power of Tianmu's sea-suppressing magical power. It is definitely the top secret skill of the divine king level. Junior Ye Xin is only at the late stage of the divine realm, but he can actually walk in the depths of the formation with ease. It's amazing, it's really amazing. "

"No wonder the Purple Thunder Emperor would let Bing Chao be her opponent."

"After this battle, no matter who wins or loses, Junior Ye Xin's name will be spread throughout the ancient world."

in the crowd.

The elders of the Lin clan, Lin Changfang, Jiaolong Linkong and others looked at each other, their faces full of shock and horror.

"Ke Qing Yelan's strength has reached such an extent."

"What secret technique did the Purple Thunder Emperor teach her that actually allowed her to fight against the Half-Step Divine Lord with her cultivation at the late stage of the Divine Law Realm, and not fall behind at all?"

"Her current strength is probably not even half inferior to that of the clan leader."

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