Fortune Teller

Chapter 1793 Fury

On the golden platform, the emperors quietly looked at the fighting outside the island.

The emperors didn't care about the victory or defeat between Ye Xin and the Ice Tide Lord. Who lost and who won was just a difference between the ancestral mark. What they cared about was the secret art of creation.

"I didn't expect that junior Ye Xin actually mastered the secret art of creation in just one hour."

"Looking at her divine aura, she should have only mastered the first few levels of skills, and does not involve the highest level of secret skills. As a practitioner of her destiny, it is not difficult to achieve this."

"Yes, the real difficulty is how to deduce the method, not how to practice it."

The gods, demons and emperors talked quietly through their soul thoughts.

The divine power of thunder in the late stage of the Divine Law Realm is already the ultimate of a single bloodline. It needs to be compressed to increase the power by ten or even a hundred times. The difficulty is so high that it is almost unbelievable. Even with the guidance of the secret of creation, it is still a An extremely difficult thing.

"Tell me, who deduced that secret technique, the Black Bear Emperor? The Whisker Emperor? Or the Taoist Taoist Xi Ming?"

"It doesn't look alike."

"Hei Xiong and Fu Chen are not good at the power of thunder. Although Taoist Xi Ming is proficient in the rules of destiny, he has not been practicing for a long time and his understanding of the material path is not very deep. As for Xi Hong, Wen Ran and others, it is even less possible."

"But apart from them, where else in Taiyuan Ancient World are there any emperor-level powerhouses of the destiny system??"

"Could it be... Patriarch Kong Cheng?"

"How is it possible? With such status as Patriarch Kong Cheng, how could he condescend to be involved in such a trivial matter?"

"But besides him, who else can deduce the secret technique in such a short period of time."

Gods, demons, emperors, you said to me one by one.

Compared to the six-armed behemoth, these emperors were undoubtedly much calmer as bystanders, but even they couldn't figure out who had deduced the secret technique.

at this time.

A soft chirp sounded, "Look, everyone, Junior Ye Xin and Lord Bingchao are about to decide the outcome."

All the emperors looked down.

Deep in the starlight ribbon, the woman in green's fists were like lightning, constantly tearing open the blockade of the Tianmu Formation. However, the surrounding wooden pillars seemed a little weak, and the fluctuations in their divine power were much weaker than before.

It was obvious that the Ice Tide Lord's divine power was on the verge of exhaustion.

Ye Xin was still at her peak, even better than at the beginning. After half an hour of fighting, she became more and more proficient in controlling the divine power in her body, making every move appear to be light and heavy.

"After fighting for half an hour, Bing Chao's divine power is finally exhausted."

"Tianmu Zhenhai's magical power is extremely powerful, but the consumption of divine power is far more than other secret techniques. It is not easy for him to persist for so long."

"It's a pity that junior Ye Xin has mastered a secret technique of creation, and it is a method of compressing divine power."

The emperors shook their heads slightly.

Not every secret technique can compress the power ten times or a hundred times without any cost like the secret technique of space.

The Tianmu Sea Suppressing Divine Power combined with the Tianmu Formation has indeed pushed the strength of the Ice Tide God to a very high level. Each wave is no less than a half-step God's full blow, and every divine pillar can easily crush the night. Xin's physical body, but at the same time, the amount of divine power consumed is also an astronomical figure.

In comparison, Ye Xin was much more relaxed.

She only needs to avoid the wooden pillars and tear apart the wave blockade, and then she can fight against the Ice Tide Lord.

Of course, this is also because of her status as a destiny practitioner and the destiny system, which is best at seeking good luck and avoiding disaster. If it were other gods, it would be impossible to avoid the bombardment of the wooden pillars, and they would have been beaten to pieces.


There were a few more loud noises.

Three wooden pillars landed next to Ye Xin one after another, but she dodged them narrowly.

"Damn junior."

The Ice Tide God's face turned dark.

"Idiot, the Tianmu Divine Array can't kill her. You don't know how to use other methods?" The voice of the six-armed giant beast was like a sharp knife, piercing directly into the depths of the Ice Tide Lord's mind. "Kill her at all costs." , if you dare to lose this battle, I will make your soul fly away and disappear from the world forever. "

Disappearing forever... The Ice Tide God Lord's heart trembled, and a fierce light suddenly appeared on his face.

At this moment, another voice sounded, "Bingchao, this is just a discussion of divine power, not a life and death fight. You can use your body and divine power, but if you dare to use Taoist treasures and other foreign objects, don't blame me for attacking you." You're welcome."

That was the voice of the Purple Thunder Emperor.

As soon as the words fell, the fierce light on Lord Bingtide's face immediately disappeared, and then he showed a wry smile again.

One is the Liubo Emperor and the other is the Purple Thunder Emperor. They are both big shots that he cannot afford to offend. Who should he listen to? ?

No matter who you listen to, I'm afraid it will lead to a dead end.

Just as he was hesitating, a third voice came into his ears, "Bing Chao, let's fight as we should. I can protect you from death."

"Emperor Red Flower?"

The Ice Tide God couldn't help but raise his head and look high into the sky.

In the center of the thirty-nine golden Taoist platforms, the Red Flower Emperor sat leisurely, his eyes calm and indifferent, but showing unquestionable power.

"I have never heard of anyone who died because of the opportunity of the Hundred Flowers Banquet. The Red Flower Emperor will definitely keep me safe if he speaks personally."

The Ice Tide Lord breathed a sigh of relief, and the secret weapon of killing that he wanted to use was put back into his body.

At the same time, on the Taoist platform.

The six-armed giant beast looked at the master of the Taoist platform with a stern expression, "Chihua, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean, you don't understand?" Emperor Chihua responded indifferently, "I am not holding a Hundred Flowers Banquet for you to kill people."


The six-armed beast clenched its fists tightly, its eyes flashing fiercely.

He didn't care too much about an ancestral divine mark, but losing to the Purple Thunder Emperor in front of everyone made the six-armed giant unbearable.

At this time, Chihua still wants to step in and prevent him from killing people?

With the temper of Emperor Liubo, how could he endure such humiliation?

"Okay, okay," the six-armed giant beast laughed wildly, "It turns out that you are all against me, Zi Lei, Chi Hua, and you... Taoist Xi Ming!"

"Liuchuan, I am the one who wants to bet, what does it have to do with the two of them?" Emperor Zi Lei shouted angrily.

"It doesn't matter? Do you think I am stupid?"

The eyes of the six-armed giant beast were red, "Without Chihua's help, how could you have made up so many magical medicines of will, and Taoist Xi Ming? Apart from him, who knows the secrets of creation, and who can deduce the secrets of thunder power?" ?”

"You all want to embarrass me, so I will let you know how the Six Evil Emperors got their name!"


A divine light of water and wood penetrated the heaven and earth.

In an instant, the entire Baihua Island, including the trillions of miles of void around it, was shrouded in a terrifying aura.

Emperor Liubo was truly angry.

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