Fortune Teller

Chapter 1794 Speculation


The divine light of water and wood was like a sword that tore apart the heaven and the earth, instantly attracting the attention of all the gods, demons, and practitioners. At the same time, an extremely terrifying aura enveloped the entire space of Baihua Island, including the trillions of miles of void outside the island.

The terrifying fluctuations in divine power even forced Ye Xin and Bingchao Shenjun to stop.

"what happened?"

The guests, gods, demons, and maids on the island all looked to the sky.

I saw a six-armed giant beast standing above the island, its body towering into the clouds, and its entire body was filled with an almost black blood-red mist.

"I would like to see if any of you can stop the people I want to kill!"

The six-armed giant beast made a thunderous sound that resounded throughout the void, and its six arms were already attacking Baihua Island and Ye Xin and Bing Chao outside the island.


The void trembled, and six dark cracks appeared between heaven and earth.

This blow was far more terrifying than that of the Golden Eyed Emperor back then.

Jintong has no other means except emperor-level divine power, and his understanding of Taoism is extremely low. But Liuxiu is different. He is not only a god and demon emperor who combines two bloodlines, but also a practitioner of the killing Tao in the third level of acting. By.

Although the fourth killing rule is only a little integrated, it is already extremely powerful and ranks among the best among all emperors.

"This madman."

The Red Flower Emperor's pupils shrank slightly, and his face was filled with anger.

"I knew that nothing good would happen where there are six pigs." Black Bear shook his head slightly, "Junior brother, Liu Bo is not a golden pupil. You may have to put in some effort."

"Not urgent."

Gu Xiuyun looked down indifferently.

At the same time, the Purple Thunder Emperor had already stepped out of the Taoist platform, and six thunder divine chains crossed the void and blocked the six-armed giant beast.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With six consecutive explosions, the Thunder God Lock was smashed to pieces by the arm of the six-armed beast, but it also gave Ye Xin and Bing Chao a chance to escape.

"Hurry into Baihua Island, Liu Xiu is going crazy."

The Purple Thunder Emperor's voice reached the depths of their consciousness.

Emperor Liubo went crazy... Ye Xin and Lord Bingchao turned pale, their powers instantly reached their maximum, and they fled towards Baihua Island.

An invisible barrier also appeared around the island.

That is Baihua Island's island-protecting divine formation. As the cave dojo of the Red Flower Emperor, how could Baihua Island have no means of defense? The invisible barrier seems ordinary, but it is filled with astonishing fluctuations of divine power. Even in the face of the God and Demon Emperor, it can Resist for a moment.

"Escape, can you escape?"

The six-armed giant beast looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "No one can save the person I want to kill, not Chihua, not Taoist Xi Ming, let alone you, an early emperor who has not even started blood fusion."


The six-armed giant beast stepped out in one step, ignoring the fleeing Ye Xin and Ice Tide Lord, and instead headed towards the Purple Thunder Emperor to kill them.


Six arms fell on the Purple Thunder Emperor's head, causing his divine body to shatter and even his blood vessels to break apart.


The emperors present were slightly shocked.

He is truly worthy of being the most ferocious emperor in the ancient world of Taiyuan. His strength is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary emperors. He performs the killing rules of the third level, and with the bloodline of water and wood, he can rank in the top five among all emperors.

Of course, this does not include the Supreme Sect.

"Liu Xiu has lost his face, and of course he has to get it back from Zi Lei," Emperor Jinpeng said indifferently, "This lunatic is always willing to take advantage and refuses to suffer losses. Zi Lei should have thought of this before making a bet with him. result."


The other emperors nodded slightly.

With Liu Xiu's strength, everyone present was not afraid of anyone except Black Bear, Whisk, Jin Peng, and Sanyuan.

Needless to say, Black Bear and Whisk are the emperors of the universe of the destiny system, and they perfectly integrate the five rules of destiny. Their strength is almost terrifying, and more importantly... there is a Supreme Saint of Taiyuan behind them.

As disciples of the Supreme Saint, the two of them naturally mastered various secrets. They were also in the realm of emperors. If Black Bear and Whisk were really ruthless, they might not be able to kill Emperor Liubo.

The Jinpeng Emperor and the Sanyuan Emperor are also extremely powerful beings.

The Jinpeng Emperor also cultivates the rules of life and death, and integrates two emperor-level bloodlines to the extreme. The Three-Source Emperor is even more terrifying, devouring the Qiankun Emperor of the system, and integrating three emperor-level bloodlines.

No matter which one he is, he can easily suppress the Six Emperors.

Compared to them, Chihua and Gu Xiuyun were much inferior, so naturally they were not taken seriously by Liu Xiu.


There was another loud noise.

The fist of the six-armed beast was like a sharp dagger, forcefully penetrating the Purple Thunder Emperor's divine body and creating a hole thousands of feet wide.

"This stronger than before."

Emperor Zi Lei's face showed bitterness, and the corner of his eye fell towards the main seat of the Taoist platform.

With his strength, how could he dare to take the initiative to provoke Emperor Liu Xiang? It would be good if the other party did not cause trouble for him. The previous bet was not so much a fight between him and Liu Xiang, but a fight between Chihua and Liu Xiang. .

Whether it is the last level of thunder power that Ye Xin evolved, or the method corresponding to the secret technique of creation, they all came from the hands of the Red Flower Emperor.

"Zilei, just hold on a little longer," Emperor Chihua shook his head slightly and said through a message, "Now is not the time for me to take action."

It’s not time yet?

The Purple Thunder Emperor smiled bitterly, gritted his teeth, and continued to resist the crazy attack of the six-armed giant beast.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

There were violent roars.

The rules of killing combined with the blood of water and wood pushed the strength of the six-armed beast to an unimaginable level. Every time he punched, the Purple Thunder Emperor could be seriously injured, and this was even when the Purple Thunder Emperor tried his best to protect himself.

To be able to suppress a god and demon emperor to such a situation, one can imagine how terrifying the killing methods of the six-armed giant beast are.

"No wonder Emperor Liubo is so arrogant. He does have the capital to be arrogant." Looking at the fighting outside the island, Gu Xiuyun sighed in a low voice, "The three rules of murderous intention, killing body, and source of killing are perfectly integrated, coupled with a trace of the murderous intention rule, Six Emperor Xin's attainments in the Way of Life are no less than those of the second-generation disciples of Taishang Sect."

"This madman is really powerful."

Black Bear nodded slightly, "The third level of acting in the Killing System is no less powerful than the fourth level in the Destiny System, or even better. If it weren't for the lack of a Holy Secret, Liu Xiu's strength would be even more terrifying. "

"Fortunately, no saint has taught him the secret method."

"Otherwise, the Taiyuan Ancient World will be even more chaotic."

Xi Hong and Wen Ran said in succession.

The killing system and the third level of destiny system are completely different concepts.

The killing system only has six rules, while the destiny system has nine. It can be imagined that each killing rule is much more powerful than the destiny rules. The killing supreme in the third level of acting combines four killing rules. At the level of rules, it is almost comparable to the Emperor Qiankun who combines five or even six types.

However, most of the rules for the fusion of Liubo Emperors are weak.

For example, murderous intent and the source of killing are the weakest rules in the killing system. The only one that can be used is the killing rule, so in terms of rules, it is equivalent to Xi Hong and Wen Ran.

If he integrated the three rules of killing the body, killing the soul, and killing the heart, it would be really terrifying.

Even without the Holy Secret, he can easily kill ordinary emperors, even slightly stronger than the Jinpeng Emperor.

"What I'm curious about now is how the Emperor Zi Lei dares to go against Liu Xiong," Hei Xiong asked in confusion. "Liu Xiong is powerful and has always been lawless. With Zi Lei's character, he should not take the initiative to provoke him."

"Unless someone instigates you." The whisker woman laughed.

While talking, several people's eyes fell on the main seat of the Taoist platform at the same time.

Besides the Red Flower Emperor, who else could convince the Purple Thunder Emperor to make a bet with the six-armed giant beast? Who else can deduce the method of compressing the divine power of thunder in such a short period of time?

There is only the Scarlet Flower Emperor who has not really made a move for countless years, but whose strength is unfathomable.

The other emperors were unsure about this because they didn't know who had deduced the secret technique.

But Black Bear and Whisk are very clear.

The secret art of creation was not deduced by Gu Xiuyun, nor was it the work of Patriarch Kong Cheng. Apart from the Red Flower Emperor, there was no other possibility.

"It is easy to burn the fire of Emperor Liubo, but it is difficult to calm it down," Fuchen laughed softly, "Even if Chihua is really the Emperor of Destiny, she does not have the Holy Secret in her hands and will. How strong can the attack be? If I want to deal with Liu Xiu, I'm afraid it's still a little short of that."

The Holy Secret Passage has a great impact on strength.

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