Fortune Teller

Chapter 442 The first battle in the abyss

"This person is most likely the junior from the human race who killed Junior Brother Wu Hanjiao."

Looking at the scene a hundred feet away, the Ice Toad Demon King was extremely excited. Unexpectedly, he only found traces of Gu Xiuyun after walking in the Wind and Thunder Abyss for half a month.

Fenglei Abyss is vast and vast, with a radius of one million miles. The three demon kings have been prepared to stay in the abyss for three to five years, or even longer.

But I didn’t expect that in just half a month, I would gain something.

A hundred feet away, the scene in the mirror began to fade away and seemed to be about to disappear. Seeing this scene, the Ice Toad Demon King stepped forward and waved several rays of spiritual power one after another, blending into the depths of the mirror space, and then made calculations.

The abyss space is extremely chaotic, and the scene a hundred feet away seems to be close at hand, but in fact it is thousands of miles away.

If you are in the ordinary Douxiao realm, you can only wander around in the mirror space like a headless fly, unable to find any pattern at all.

But the Ice Toad Demon King is different. It has been practicing for seven thousand years.

After entering Shangmiao, he worshiped under the Demon Emperor Jinshu and practiced the secret techniques. After seven thousand years of hard training, he understood eight types of sixth-grade mysteries. His understanding of the battle method was even more profound. In terms of strength, he was far away. Above the top level demon king.

With such exquisite attainments in formations, one can naturally figure out some of the laws of the mirror space.

Half an hour later, the Ice Toad Demon King withdrew his spiritual power and revealed a cruel smile on his ugly face, "It turns out that it's three hundred miles away. Junior human, you can't escape!"


The escaping light flashed away and passed through dozens of mirror spaces in an instant.

In another mirrored space.

Gu Xiuyun turned his hands over and was still meditating on the secret techniques. As his accumulation became more and more profound, his understanding of Taoism also changed slightly.

The great road of the world leads to the same destination through different paths.

No matter which path you take, it will ultimately lead to the five elements, wind, thunder, and time and space.

The seventh level of mystery is the ultimate in Taoism, but it is not the ultimate in Taoism.

From the fifth-grade Dao Rhyme to the seventh-grade Mystery, the restrictions of the Immortal Dao have become more and more concrete, while the eighth-grade rules have separated from the material and pointed directly at the root of the Dao.

The true meaning of rules, mysterious and mysterious, is the foundation of heaven and earth.

While he was thinking, a huge figure passed through the space barrier and appeared at the edge of the mirror space.

"Huh?" Gu Xiuyun turned around and looked.

The black-striped golden dolphin and the tyrannosaurus monster also retracted their minds and looked towards the edge of the space.

In the past half month, many practitioners have passed by the mirror space. After sensing the breath of one person and two beasts, they quickly turned back and left.

The practitioners in the abyss are mainly those in the early stage of Douxiao Realm and Master Yuxuan. Master Shangmiao is almost invisible. After all, the thunder tribulation here is quite dangerous, and the value of Qinglei Jade and Jifeng Pearl is not high. Very few masters of Shangmiao are willing to stay here to practice.

The spiritual auras of the black-striped golden dolphin and the tyrannosaurus beast were enough to scare away 90% of the practitioners, so they looked indifferent.


The moment they saw the figure, the expressions of the man and the two beasts changed dramatically. The huge demon king on the edge of the mirror had an aura as deep as the sea, and he was clearly a peerless demon king of the highest level.


The tyrannosaurus monster screamed in surprise and immediately ran away from Gu Xiuyun.

Facing the Miao Demon King, the Black Pattern Golden Dolphin and the Tyrannosaurus Monster were unable to catch even one move. Only Gu Xiuyun could resist.

But as soon as the two demon beasts moved, they found that the entire void was completely suppressed, and the air seemed to be filled with steel. Even the Xuanxuan level demon beasts found it difficult to break free from the constraints of the void.

Gu Xiuyun also noticed this scene. It was obvious that the Shangmiao Demon King on the edge of the space had a sealing method that could suppress the space. This method is similar to the Five Elements Formation Forbidden Spirit Realm, but its power is more powerful, and it is definitely at the seventh level of mystery.

"Finally I found you!" The Ice Toad Demon King showed a strange smile, which was gloomy and a bit cruel.

"Looking for us?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly, but before he had time to think, the voice of the Black-striped Golden Dolphin had already reached his ears, "It's one of the three superior demon kings. I remember its aura clearly. It must be a human-faced dragon." Revengeful."

"A fellow sect of the human-faced dragon actually found this place?"

Gu Xiuyun was shocked and confused.

Fengleiyuan and Xuanjia City are hundreds of millions of miles apart. Even the true artistic conception power cannot sense the scene in the depths of Fengleiyuan through such a long distance. How did the Demon King find this place?

As his thoughts flashed, the Ice Toad Demon King had already taken action.

call out!

More than a dozen invisible sword lights penetrated the void, stabbing at one person and two beasts.

"Be careful, it's the soul-like secret technique of Master Shangmiao!"

Gu Xiuyun didn't have time to think, the spiritual power all over his body surged, and the true soul lock was pushed to the extreme. At the same time, the mountain shaking hammer in his hand trembled. The restraint formed by the seventh-level realm spirit treasure was huge, but it was comparable to the seventh-level mysterious There are still some shortcomings in front of the giant hammer.

After opening up the forbidden spirit realm of the sixth-grade formation, the power of Taiyue's true form skyrocketed. The secret technique itself was no less than the top secret technique. When combined with the black cloud hammer, the power was even more terrifying.

What's more... there is also the Seventh Grade Spiritual Treasure Shaking Mountain Hammer.

The three forces merged into one, instantly tearing apart the invisible constraints of the mirror space.

call out! call out! call out!

The invisible sword light had already arrived in front of Gu Xiuyun, and most of it pierced into his body, following the soul breath and slashing towards the sea of ​​consciousness.

The remaining sword light stabbed towards the black-patterned golden dolphin and the tyrannosaurus monster.

The power of each sword ray was so great that it was enough to cause the consciousness of a powerful person at the Xuanxuan level to collapse and fall into a coma. The Ice Toad Demon King displayed nearly twenty sword rays at the same time, which showed that he had already acted ruthlessly.

However, the dozens of sword rays that penetrated Gu Xiuyun's body were obliterated by endless chains as soon as they entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

True Soul Lock is a top-notch secret technique for souls and a defensive secret technique. If it cannot even block the Ice Toad Demon King's soul power sword light, it is not qualified to be called a top-notch secret technique.

In terms of soul secrets, the Ice Toad Demon King is no more powerful than Gu Xiuyun. Its Taoist realm is still at the metaphysical level. It is only because of its true soul as its backing that it appears extremely terrifying.

"It's so shameless for someone who is so good to actually launch a sneak attack!"

Gu Xiuyun jumped up, and with the power of the Mountain Hammer, he rushed to the side of the Black Pattern Golden Dolphin and the Tyrannosaurus Monster. At this moment, the two monsters had already fallen into a coma. The soul power sword light could not hurt Gu Xiuyun, but it could severely damage the Black Pattern. Golden Dolphin and Tyrannosaurus Monster.

"Fortunately, Xiao Hei and Ni Ao have been tempered by the sound of wind and soul these days, and their willpower has strengthened a lot, otherwise they may not be able to withstand the soul secret technique of the Miao Demon King."

Gu Xiuyun quickly put the two monsters into his Xumi bag, and then fled towards the edge of the mirror space.

With his current strength, facing the peerless demon king at the upper level, he can only save his life and fight to the death... It's still far from enough.

"Want to leave!"

The Ice Toad Demon King roared angrily, and noisy phantom sounds resounded throughout the mirror space. Each phantom sound was like a sword, stabbing towards the depths of Gu Xiuyun's sea of ​​consciousness.

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