Fortune Teller

Chapter 443: Chase and Escape

At the same time, green mist surged out from around the Ice Toad Demon King and filled the air towards Gu Xiuyun.


As soon as the poisonous mist appeared, it violently collided with the yellow light in the mirror space. The two forces annihilated each other, as if water and fire were incompatible with each other.

Whether it is the phantom sound or the green poisonous mist, they are all the innate magical powers of the Ice Toad Demon King. This demon is best at poison and illusion. Once the magical powers are used, even the top masters at the Xuanxuan level will not be able to hold on for long.

However, facing the two great magical powers, Gu Xiuyun remained calm and composed, "Shangmiao Demon King is really powerful, but it's a pity that you can't stop me!"

If before the sixth-grade formation forbidden spirit realm was opened, the Ice Toad Demon King could indeed forcibly trap him with the help of the seventh-grade realm spirit treasure. But now, the power of the black cloud hammer has skyrocketed, and under the light of the hammer, the void restraint is approaching. Collapse could only suppress his speed by 90%, but it could not stop Gu Xiuyun.

The void restraint loses its effect, and the phantom sound and poisonous fog magical powers are useless.

Gu Xiuyun's soul has already reached the peak of the Xuanxuan level, and he has also practiced the Thousand Thousand Threads of Soul Thoughts. His soul body is extremely special. A few phantom sounds cannot affect the soul thoughts, not to mention the blessing of the true soul lock.

As for the magical power of poisonous mist, it is similar to Xuan Gang. It can corrode flesh and blood and eliminate vitality. It is also the strongest method of the Ice Toad Demon King.

However, this magical power has the biggest must touch flesh and blood.

In terms of power, the poisonous mist magical power is almost as good as the nine-petal golden moon, and its corrosive power is even higher than that of Xuangang. However, Gu Xiuyun is always surrounded by the sixth-grade Taiyue Spiritual Domain. Under the blending of the five elements, the defensive power is incredibly strong. No matter how powerful the poisonous mist is, it is impossible to destroy the Forbidden Spirit Realm and touch Gu Xiuyun in a short period of time.

"Junior, do you really think that this king can't do anything to you?" The Ice Toad Demon King took out a seventh-grade Taoist talisman without hesitation, "I want to see if you can bear it."


The Taoist talisman turned into a blazing sword light, tore open Taiyue's spiritual realm, and fell on Gu Xiuyun.

It was as strong as a seventh-grade Taoist talisman, but its power was weakened by most of the attacks from the Forbidden Spirit Realm. After it penetrated Gu Xiuyun's body, there were only two thunderous explosions, and then there was no sound again.

"How is that possible??" The Ice Toad Demon King was completely shocked.

That is a seventh-level killing Taoist talisman. Even if it only has 30% of its power, it shouldn't be something that an early Douxiao Realm practitioner can withstand!

The Ice Toad Demon King didn't know that more than two years had passed since Gu Xiuyun realized the Hundred Phase Body.

In the past two years, his body has not improved at all. In fact, every day, a large number of particles are integrated into the micro-formation deep in the flesh and blood, making the formation more complex and sophisticated.

The body refining line follows the particle route, and the requirements for formation are far higher than those of the rules line.

It just so happened that Gu Xiuyun had the most solid attainments in formations. Whether it was low-grade formations, mid-grade formations or high-grade formations, he had deduced them to the end. What he lacked... was just the artistic conception.

With such a profound knowledge of formations as the foundation, the cultivation of the Baixiang Body is naturally a matter of course. Today, Gu Xiuyun's physical strength is almost as strong as the Tyrannosaurus monster.

It is not difficult for a Xuan-level physical body, combined with Taiyue's true form and Muyuan Qi, to withstand 30% of the power of a seventh-grade Taoist talisman.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! !

In a moment, Gu Xiuyun swung the mountain-shaking hammer more than a dozen times, tearing apart the restraints of the void, rushing towards the edge, and finally escaped from the mirror space.

"Damn the human junior!" The Ice Toad Demon King snorted angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

As a peerless demon king, it has many methods. Not only is it good at poisons and phantom sounds, but its soul secret techniques are also extremely terrifying. Coupled with the body of a wonderful demon king, an ordinary Taoist master can survive even ten breaths in front of it. No.

However, Gu Xiuyun was like a hedgehog, covered with carapace and without any weaknesses at all.

Even the peerless demon king couldn't find a way to deal with it for a while.

"How can this junior from the human race be good at so many mysterious arts?" The Ice Toad Demon King was filled with doubts.

In just a moment of fighting, the Ice Toad Demon King had already seen six or seven secret techniques from Gu Xiuyun.

Whether it was the body or the soul, or even the means of attack, defense, life-saving, and escape techniques, Gu Xiuyun was extremely good at them all, and was almost as difficult to deal with as the weaker Shangmiao Zhenren.

Gu Xiuyun is actually good at even extremely rare domain-like secret arts, and has reached a level close to the seventh level of mystery. If not for this, the Ice Toad Demon King would not have suffered repeated setbacks.

"We must find a way to crack the yellow light secret technique, otherwise no method can be used to deal with this person."

The Ice Toad Demon King was thinking in his heart as he stepped forward to catch up.

In the previous fight, the Ice Toad Demon King had never been close to the fight. It was not that it was not good at close combat, but it was suppressed by the Forbidden Spirit Realm of the Five Elements Formation. The yellow light was like a huge mountain pressing on its body, making it difficult to break free. It was stronger than the Miao Demon King. He couldn't even get close to Gu Xiuyun, who was ten feet away.


Dunguang rushed out of the mirror space and followed closely behind Gu Xiuyun.

Both the person and the demon were extremely fast. In just a short moment, they passed through dozens of mirror spaces...

within a certain space.

The colorful tiger demon with black hair all over his body and an exceptionally strong body took a proud step and looked not far away. In front of him, there was an early Douxiao Realm practitioner holding a blue jade piece with a look full of fear.

"Put down the Qing Lei Jade, hand over the Lingbao and Xumi Bag, and I will not kill you."

A practitioner in the early stage of Douxiao Realm glanced around. The entire mirror space had been sealed by a black cage. It was almost impossible to escape.

tread! tread! tread! !

The colorful tiger demon's steps are extremely heavy. As a demon king at the Xuanxuan level, its strength is far superior to that of practitioners. Even if it stands still, the other party cannot hurt it.

The immortal body of the Naixuan level demon king is indeed an insurmountable mountain for ordinary Douxiao realm.

Looking at the demon king getting closer and closer, the practitioner took a deep breath, took off the Xumi bag from his waist, put the green thunder jade into the bag, held it respectfully with both hands, and presented it in front of the tiger demon.

Faced with death, he chose to surrender.

However, after the colorful tiger demon took the Sumeru bag, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Very good, as a reward, I will swallow you in one bite!"

"You don't keep your word!!" The practitioner in the early stage of Douxiao Realm quickly retreated.

"Breaking your word?" The colorful tiger demon chuckled, "I only said I won't kill you, but I never said I won't eat you!"

Before he finished speaking, a figure rushed out from the edge of the space.

As soon as the figure appeared, yellow light enveloped the entire mirror space, and the invisible force instantly destroyed the black cage.

The forbidden magical power of the colorful tiger demon appears extremely fragile in front of the Taiyue Spiritual Domain.

It is also a method of entering the mysterious level. Taiyue Spirit Realm can be regarded as the top secret technique of the sixth grade, while the magical power of the colorful tiger demon is just an ordinary secret technique. The gap is as big as the distance between the fifth grade Daoyun and the sixth grade mystery. .


The figure ignored the cultivator and the colorful tiger demon and rushed directly to the other side.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared again at the edge of the space, followed by extremely chaotic phantom sounds and a rich green poisonous mist.

Two figures rushed out of the mirror space one after another. In just a short moment, the colorful tiger demon and the Douxiao realm practitioner were stunned by the magical power of the phantom sound.

The green poisonous mist filled the entire space, and after a long time it merged into the gaps in the space and disappeared.

As for the beautiful tiger demon and the Douxiao Realm practitioners... their bodies have long since disappeared.

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