Fortune Teller

Chapter 610: Sending Wuxiang Tian

"Could it be that the true artistic conceptions of the four Changli sects came to kill us? How could they be so fast?"

The old mirage dragon was puzzled. In just one hour, he came from the distant void to the vicinity of Wuxiangtian, and he was also an eighth-level peak person. What a coincidence!

The great masters of true artistic conception also need to practice. Who would keep staring at the phaseless heaven? ?

Before it could figure it out, another sword light struck.

This time, the old mirage dragon saw clearly that the sword light came from the crack in space, and the other end was cold and dead, completely beyond its range of perception. It was the breath of the third layer of space.

"A terrifying existence that masters the rules of space!"

The old mirage dragon took a breath of cold air and quickly activated the power of rules to explode its speed to the extreme.

In the face of a life-and-death crisis, what does it mean to be tainted with cause and effect?

In the eighth-grade true artistic conception, few people can understand the rules of space, almost all of them are ninth-grade. When he thinks that there is a ninth-grade powerful person outside the Wuxiangtian, the old mirage dragon is filled with fear and rage.

"One month, just one month, I can succeed. I have endured it for too long. No one can stop me!"


The light disappeared in a flash, and the power of the rules left a black trail deep in the earth and rocks.

"The old demon king is cautious enough. A Taoist talisman allows him to exert the power of rules." Gu Yue shook his head, "Brother Xi Ming, you are right, this demon doesn't care about cause and effect at all. If you want to kill it, you must first Force him out of the Invisible Heaven.”

Those sword gleams just now all came from Gu Yue.

But it is not a simple wind and thunder sword energy, but a special sword energy that uses the Taoist Talisman of the Seventh Grade Venerable. Only in this way can the old mirage be frightened and unable to distinguish the true strength of the visitor.

"Fortunately, girl, you have understood the two rules of wind and thunder, and integrated them perfectly to form the wind and thunder sword energy. Otherwise, you may not be able to defeat the old demon of Dark Moon Mountain," Gu Xiuyun praised repeatedly, "When this demon enters the void outside the world, everything will be left to you. !”

This time, Gu Yue was the main force in dealing with the old mirage dragon.

The power of the Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword is extremely powerful. In the Wuxiang Heaven, it is affected by the boundary void, and nothing can be seen. In the Endless Void, the two rules are not restricted. After perfect fusion, it condenses into the Wind and Thunder Sword Qi, which is no less powerful than the experienced one. Eighth grade strong man.

You must know that Gu Yue is still in the late stage of Douxiao Realm. Whether it is cultivation or spiritual power, there is a fundamental gap with the true artistic conception. However, he can rely on the wind and thunder sword energy to fight against the eighth-level master who has practiced for tens of thousands of years. How terrifying!

The fourth form of the Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword is definitely the pinnacle method of the eighth level.

Deep underground.

The old mirage dragon was incredibly fast, and arrived at Dark Moon Mountain in just a few breaths. The sword behind him was dazzling, and it kept making thunderous sounds.

call out!

The old mirage dragon rushed directly to the cave without any hesitation. At the same time, a ray of light flashed, and it seemed that the passage to the secret world was opened.

"No, there's something wrong with this light!"

The old mirage dragon's eyes widened, fear flashing deep in his eyes.

However, just as it was about to stop, a huge force came from behind, pushing it directly into the depths of the light.

In the cave, a small space teleportation array gradually lost its light. The array was a bit rough, and I don't know when it was set up.

Gu Xiuyun, transformed by Bai Kongze, stood on the side of the formation, with a seventh-grade Taoist talisman that was about to burn out in his hand.

"Old monster, you would never have thought that I would actually set up a space teleportation array outside my lair!"

Bai Kongze's eyes were cold.

He did not set up a space teleportation array in Youning City, because it would have no effect and would instead arouse the other party's vigilance. The Space God Formation and the nine Daxuan clones in Chu County are all designed to alleviate the other party's doubts.

The act of the tyrannosaurus monster self-destructing the divine formation is the real highlight.

Only by doing this will Old Mirage mistakenly believe that the real person Xi Ming is unable to resist, and finally choose to lose both sides and pass the news of Dark Moon Mountain's attack on Chu County to the four sects of Changli.

Facing the coming four great powers, Old Mirage Dragon could only temporarily retreat to the secret space.

"Old Demon King, you can control the Five Elements Earth Veins and reverse the space teleportation array. Your understanding of the Tao is definitely not inferior to mine. How could Ni Ao's little moves be hidden from you?"

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

Everything he did was to make the old mirage relax its vigilance.

The closer people get to success, the more they will get carried away. At that time, with the slightest threat, it is easy to expose flaws.

Millions of miles away.

The depths of endless void.

"In just over two hours, a space teleportation array was quietly deployed in Dark Moon Mountain. Who is it? Who did it??" Old Mirage looked around with fear in his eyes.

From the time they set off until the old mirage dragon returned to Dark Moon Mountain, it only took more than two hours.

In such a short time, he sneaked into Dark Moon Mountain and set up a space teleportation array. He also had to calculate the time when the old mirage dragon entered the cave and activate the space teleportation array.

If there is a mistake in any of them, the success will be ruined.

This plan does not lie in elaboration, but in precise timing.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through the old mirage dragon's mind. It thought of all Gu Xiuyun's actions and how the tyrannosaurus monster destroyed the divine formation, and it became increasingly frightened.

"No wonder I always feel that something is wrong. The few times Master Xi Ming took action, he always acted with planning and hindsight. This time, he was easily suppressed without any back-ups. It's so weird!"

"His purpose is to send me out of the Wuxiang Heaven."

Old Mirage was almost in despair.

When attacking Chu County, the old mirage dragon was cautious and did not dare to touch any formations. However, despite all the calculations, it did not expect that a space teleportation formation was arranged outside its home lair.

not far away.

A figure with white hair and plain clothes appeared.

Almost at the same moment, the sword light came from the sky.

The Yin-Yang Wind and Thunder Sword combines the two rules of wind and thunder. It is also a top secret technique and is incredibly powerful.

"It's you!!"

The old mirage dragon roared, "If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability. I come from the Eight-Eyed God Cult and have practiced hard for tens of thousands of years. There are many people in the world who want to kill me, and so far no one has One can succeed."

The words have not yet finished.

The sword light came from the sky.

The old mirage was torn into pieces, but——

It did not fall, but instead turned into mist that filled the sky, covering thousands of miles in radius, and rushed to the Wuxiang Sky at an extremely fast speed.

Time was so short that Gu Xiuyun could only arrange a small space teleportation array and send it millions of miles away. This was already the ultimate!

"The mirage clan's natal magical power!"

Gu Yue's eyes flashed with cold light, and she swung her sword again.


A large area of ​​mist was annihilated, but only for a moment, it was restored again.

Looking at this scene, Gu Yue frowned slightly.

If the opponent is a monster like a dragon whale, it will be easier to deal with. The mirage spreads for thousands of miles. No matter how powerful the sword light is, it can only destroy a very small part and cannot damage the opponent's foundation.

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