Fortune Teller

Chapter 611 Killing the Mirage Dragon

"The old demon king comes from the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect and has practiced the art of communicating with gods. He is not that easy to deal with."

Bai Kongze walked out of the Nirvana Space and came to Gu Yue's side, "It was originally a mirage beast. It refined the blood of the true dragon and turned into a mirage dragon. Its strength is superior to that of its kin, and its life-saving methods are extremely powerful. If it weren't for this. , and it is impossible to survive for so long under the covetousness of the four Changli Sects."

"This demon seems to understand the rules of illusion as well!"

Gu Yue's eyes were a little solemn, "The mirage clan is good at illusions, and it has the blood of a true dragon. Its flesh and blood are extremely vital. It is difficult to kill this beast in a short time with the Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword alone."

The strength of the old mirage dragon is no less than that of the eighth-grade early stage power.

Although he still has the body of Douxiao, his life-saving methods are particularly powerful.

"It doesn't matter, since I tricked it out of Wuxiangtian, I naturally have a way to deal with it." Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly, and a dark blue ice bead appeared in his hand.

"Jie Kongzhu?"

Gu Yue's eyes lit up.

This ice bead is also one of the treasures of the Siji Temple. Once crushed, the prototype of the world will be formed within a radius of 100,000 miles. It is most suitable for understanding the rules of space.

A Jie Kong Pearl is worth millions of Xuanjia coins.

Such treasures can only be refined by venerable masters who have mastered the original rules of space, and are quite precious to the true artistic conception.


The Jie Kong Bead was crushed, and the invisible force spread over a hundred thousand miles. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding void was shrouded in a thin film. If there is a True Illusion Power who is good at space rules and injects the original power to personally guide the evolution of the Jie Kong, most of them will In a thousand years, it can evolve into a real small world of Qiankun.

The embryonic form of the void enveloped Gu Yue, trapping the old mirage dragon in it.

As for Bai Kongze, he has already refined the Jie Kong Pearl, and the hundred thousand miles of void is under his control.

"Girl, even if you take action, the prototype of this world is illusory. No matter how much you destroy it, it will not be contaminated by cause and effect." Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice.


The wind and thunder sword light tore through the void and pointed directly at the old mirage dragon.


In the blink of an eye, a large area of ​​fog was annihilated.

Bai Kongze silently activated the rules of space to maintain the stability of the prototype of the world and trapped the old mirage dragon in it.

It is also the power of rules. The rules of the illusion that Old Mirage understood are mainly about change, and the rules of the void that Gu Xiuyun understood are mainly about escape. Both are good at killing. They come and go, and neither can suppress the other.

And Gu Yue's wind and thunder sword energy is much more domineering!

Wherever the sword light went, everything was annihilated, and even the turbulent flow of the void was completely destroyed, turning into Yin and Yang.

"Of the nine original avenues, the power of the five elements is the weakest, followed by wind and thunder, and time and space are the strongest. However, there are also strong and weak differences in the rules of space. The void escape rules I have understood are only the basis, and they are far from comparable to the girl's wind and thunder sword energy. "

Gu Xiuyun could see that Gu Yue's wind and thunder rules were one yin and one yang, one hard and one soft. They were the weakest rules among the two original avenues of wind and thunder. They were combined with each other to form the yin and yang wind and thunder sword energy, which was ridiculously powerful.

With Gu Yue's own understanding, even if he cooperates with Tianji to deduce the secret technique, he cannot do this.

But she also has the real body of Feng Lei Roar. The real master behind the Taoist Pavilion is no weaker than the master of the palace. He can easily take out a twin stone.

Compared with twin stones, Feng Lei Roar is rarer and more precious.

It is said that the Wind and Thunder Roar possesses the aura of heaven and earth and takes shape through the transformation of wind and thunder. It is much more powerful than ordinary wind and thunder attribute beasts. It is naturally capable of controlling the power of wind and thunder and is good at fighting across levels.

In addition to Feng Leihou, Gu Yue also had Daodao Pavilion's efforts to train him, so he naturally made rapid progress.

"Although the space rules are powerful, they are extremely difficult to understand. Moreover, the simplest rules are not good at killing, and there are no suitable top secret techniques in the divine religion." Gu Xiuyun looked at the sword light in the sky and whispered in his heart, "If If you want to improve your strength, you still have to understand the rules of the Five Elements.”

His strongest method is the Five Elements Formation Forbidden Spirit Realm.

This secret technique has endless potential. Once it reaches the eighth level and the corresponding formation bans are deduced, not only the inner world will transform rapidly, but the strength will also skyrocket.

"But before that, we must first find the source of the change in mood. Even if it is nine yuan, it cannot be left behind."

In the embryonic form of the world, Gu Yue moved his fingers together, and every time he waved his hand, a sword light appeared out of thin air.

The old mirage dragon had no choice but to evade.

Thousands of miles of mirage energy fills the void, sometimes condensing into a ball, sometimes spreading out, but they are unable to withstand the power of the sword light. The wind and thunder sword energy is definitely one of the most terrifying means of killing.

"It takes at most two days to kill the old demon king."

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes, and except for activating the rules of the void to stabilize the prototype of the world, he no longer paid attention to the fighting below.

Chu County.

The dragon whale and the ice spirit beast had serious expressions on their faces. They looked at each other but did not speak.

Not long ago, the soul thought left by the old mirage dragon suddenly collapsed. There are only two possibilities for this situation.

First, the old mirage dragon entered the secret space and completely sealed the entrance passage. Blocked by the space barrier, the soul-splitting Thousand Thousand Threads of Thought lost its effect.

Second, it leaves the formless heaven.

"Only the old demon can arrange the reversal space teleportation array. If it's not here, how can we arrange the array?" Dragon Whale frowned.

It stands to reason that after the old mirage dragon returns to Dark Moon Mountain, it will stay at the entrance of the cave and will not easily return to the secret space unless a strong man from the Four Changli Sects appears. However, in just an hour, the old mirage dragon's soul clone had already collapsed, and the speed of Changli Four Sects was too fast.

"Let's be careful and don't make any moves for the time being to prevent the four powerful powers from spying outside the Wuxiang Heaven." The ice spirit giant beast said in a message.

The two of them are the only ones besides Old Mirage Dragon who know the secrets of the Eight-Eyed Cult.

For this reason, the three-headed demon king specially made a blood contract oath. He used a high-grade blood contract jade slip. Even the ninth-grade powerful could not break the oath and backlash.

The old mirage dragon spent a lot of money to invite the two demon kings to take action.

Deep inside the iceberg.

Gu Xiuyun's second clone looked at this scene, his eyes as deep as a cold pool.

The dragon whale and the ice spirit behemoth are also on his must-kill list. The other ordinary demon kings may not know the secrets deep in Youning City, but the dragon whale and the ice spirit behemoth most likely know. of.

With their two strengths, how can they dare to cooperate with Dark Moon Mountain if there are not enough benefits?

"The giant ice spirit beast...I wanted to spare your life for the time being, but you showed up instead!"

The second clone clenched his fist, and there was a nine-color ancient nail in the palm of his hand.

This ancient nail was taken back by Bai Kongze from the true body of the human race. Now that the true body of the human race is trapped in the endless void, the nine-color dragon pattern nail cannot be of any use, so it is better to hand it to the second clone.

Viewed from above.

Youning City was shrouded in fog, and the scene inside was completely unclear. Outside the city, human cultivators were still practicing and living as before.

Those worldly mortals have no idea that the demon king in Youning City is no longer the black bear king, the black-striped golden dolphin and the tyrannosaurus monster, but the demon king of Dark Moon Mountain.

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