Fortune Teller

Chapter 622: Chessboard Island

"The villain left a secret formation in the dark cave of Qingquan Peak. A hundred years later..."

"The villain left a secret formation in Obsidian Mountain. A hundred years later..."

Almost the same words came from the mouths of the other three mountain masters. Each of the four mountain masters left behind a secret formation, and none of them knew about it.

"It's a good plan. Everyone has a backup plan. In this way, as long as all four of them are not caught, the secrets of the divine sect will be exposed sooner or later." Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with cold light, and he smiled angrily.

At the same time, he discovered a problem.

"Tell me, why a hundred years later?"

"In a hundred years, Ancestor Shenwu will run out of life." The four mountain masters said in unison.

"I see, no wonder Dark Moon Mountain is so anxious!"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly.

In this way, in addition to the four mountain masters, Old Mirage himself may have left a secret formation. A hundred years later, the Divine Cult General Altar will definitely be exposed.


Not only the Divine Religion General Altar, but also Youning City cannot stay here for long!

"Besides you, who else knows the secrets of the religion?"


The four mountain masters shook their heads.

Zhong Douxiao also shook his head.

The Eight-Eyed Sect is of great importance. Except for a few people with the highest status, ordinary disciples don’t know about it at all. Even if they do know, they all died in Chu County!

"I see!"

Gu Xiuyun looked murderous, and with a gentle squeeze of his right hand, the four mountain masters and all the Douxiao fell.

The next two days.

Gu Xiuyun destroyed all four secret formations. After doing all this, he did not feel relaxed, but his face became even more ugly.

The secret formations of the four mountain masters are easy to solve, but the secret formation of Old Mirage Dragon is a big trouble.

There is no other way except nine yuan calculation.

Calculating a ten-thousand-year-old demon who has understood the true meaning of the rules, you can imagine how much life span he will consume!

"This matter is not urgent. My level is too low now. It is estimated that the old mirage dragon will lose at least two to three thousand years of life due to his past. But if he can become an eighth-grade peak powerhouse, the consumption will be much smaller!"

"At least within a hundred years, the secret formation will not collapse. I still have time to plan."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and headed towards the East China Sea.

There are 100,000 miles east of Youning City, 30,000 miles of which are covered by the sea. The sea is majestic and has countless monsters hiding in it.

At the top of the clouds, the green figure stepped forward, and finally came to a hidden reef.

This was once the place where the old dragon whale practiced, but now it is empty.

Gu Xiuyun's eyes passed through the sea and fell into the depths of the reef. It was an island like a chessboard. The entire island was square and square, and it seemed that it was not formed naturally, but rather as if it was made by man.

Every piece of reef is a chess piece.

Looking at the dotted islands, Gu Xiuyun did not rush into the depths of the island, but instead observed each chess piece with interest.

"This island seems to be somewhat similar to the chessboard map recorded in the sacred books?"

In the side hall of Taoism, there is a volume of pictures, which records 129,600 kinds of chessboard pictures. Each kind of chessboard is somewhat similar, but different in subtle ways.

According to the classics, the chessboard diagram comes from the place where Taoism was discussed.

The place where Tao is discussed is the chessboard realm.

The realm where Wuxiangtian is located is called the realm of heavens by the world. In fact, in the mouths of strong people from foreign lands, this is a chessboard for discussing Tao, so it is also called the chessboard realm.

It is said that 70% of the realm of the heavens is a vast chessboard, where the Supreme Being once discussed the Tao and played chess, using the void as the board and the void as the chess pieces, and performed the Tao for countless years.

The methods of the Supreme Being were too terrifying, and the realms and spaces that passed through their hands underwent essential transformations. Most of the realms and spaces formed special secret realms, or became completely silent.

Others are reborn and are called the ‘heaven’ realm.

The major realms such as Wuxiangtian, Changlitian, and Juquetian are one of the "heaven" realms. However, the ordinary small realm of Qiankun has far less spiritual power than the heavenly realm, and special treasures such as true soul stones cannot be born. .

Even the most precious treasures of space origin, such as immeasurable species, can only be born in the heavenly realm. The ordinary small realm of the universe cannot breed such treasures. Therefore, for hundreds of millions of years, many sects have left traces in Wuxiangtian, including Tianji Pavilion, the Eight-Eyed Sect, and even the more ancient top sects.

"This island seems to be carved according to the shape of the chessboard realm." Gu Xiuyun observed carefully for a moment, with a flash of light in his eyes, "Those reefs seemed stable, but they were constantly shaking with the flow of sea water. In a short video At this moment, thirteen patterns appeared. "

"According to the classics, the Taoist chessboard contains infinite mysteries. Many practitioners have come here to gain enlightenment. Even the venerables often come here to comprehend the mysteries of the chessboard."

He thought of his master - Venerable Gengyang.

Venerable Gengyang happened to achieve enlightenment near the Wuxiangtian. Could it be that he was also inspired by the Taoist chessboard and had an epiphany?

"The 129,600 patterns in the sacred books almost explain all the variations of the Lundao chessboard, but after all, they are just pictures and cannot reflect the real special features of the Lundao chessboard."

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

Supreme beings play chess with each other, using the void as the board and the void as the chess pieces. It contains endless mysteries. How can a mere picture book express it?

If this were not the case, why would practitioners from other lands travel for thousands of years to come to the chessboard realm to comprehend the great path?

However, the chessboard island in front of me was a little different.

Each piece of reef seems ordinary, but it is covered with years of wind and frost. If you look carefully, you can vaguely feel some special mystery.

What's even more interesting is that the sea water here is also very unusual. Sometimes it moves south, sometimes north, sometimes it converges, sometimes it spreads out, and even forms many micro whirlpools.

"This chessboard island is probably the work of a certain powerful person," Gu Xiuyun silently performed the Six Deduction Techniques and realized the changes. After a moment, he realized, "The seemingly simple chessboard island actually contains the power of the five elements and space." Change, the person who unites this island is at least a ninth-grade expert."

Gu Xiuyun flew down and stood on the sea, his thoughts filling the area for hundreds of miles. However, the insights he just had disappeared without a trace.

"What's going on? You can't use your soul to sense it, you can only observe it with your eyes?"

Gu Xiuyun was surprised.

He climbed into the sky again and looked down. The sea water was chaotic and unstable, and the reefs were moving with the waves. Although the angle changed only slightly, they formed different patterns.

In his eyes, the island is like an endless space, and every rock is a chess piece in the void, revealing different mysteries.

There is a sharp sword rising into the sky, capable of unparalleled killing, which represents the mystery of the metal.

There are round and delicate black stones that stand still and represent the mysterious nature of earth.

There is a chaotic stone full of veins that changes all the time... representing the mystery of water.

The Five Elements reefs are chaotic and disorderly, but they fit together and blend in faintly, giving people a sense of aesthetics.

"What a weird chessboard island. I didn't expect that there is such a mysterious place in the East China Sea?" Gu Xiuyun was secretly surprised.

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