Fortune Teller

Chapter 623: Liangyi Water, Fire and Celestial Elephants Formation

Looking at the chessboard island below, Gu Xiuyun had many insights in his heart, but they were extremely weak, as if they were just his own illusions.

"There is no record of such a mysterious island in the Weishui Sect's books?"

Gu Xiuyun stretched out his hand and gently grabbed a few monster beasts from the distant sea. The majestic cloud-like spiritual power enveloped the monster beasts, making them unable to breathe.

"The little demon pays homage to the real man," the monsters trembled. Only the demon king who had entered the early stage of Douxiao realm managed to remain calm. "The real man summoned the little demon, but what are your instructions?"

"Who did this island belong to before?"

"Reporting to the Master, for nearly a thousand years, the surrounding areas of the island have been occupied by the Hidden Dragon Veins of the Traceless Sect. More than ten years ago, the Traceless Sect moved to the distant sea. The island here has been replaced by several demon kings, and was finally occupied by the Dragon Whale Demon King."

"It turns out to be the territory of the Traceless Sect."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

That's right, although the chessboard island is mysterious, it is based on space and cooperates with the Five Elements. Others who come here to gain insights will be affected by the island itself and cannot deduce the mystery of the Five Elements of the reef.

The Wuhen Sect is best at the way of space. Most of the real people in the sect have condensed countless species. The sect is located here to help them understand the way of the five elements.

Of course, no matter how magical the chessboard island is, it cannot compare with the original place.

Gu Xiuyun waved his hand and sent the monsters back to their place of origin. Although the human and monster races were incompatible with each other, he would not kill them as long as they were not the kind of big monsters that wantonly slaughtered human beings.

The seawater surges, forming tiny whirlpools on the sides of the reef. Sometimes the seawater suddenly recedes a large amount, revealing several reef tips.

Looking at this scene, he was thoughtful.

"The most mysterious thing about this island is not the rules of the Five Elements, but the mutual growth, integration and even perfect combination of the Five Elements."

Gu Xiuyun gradually saw the difference.

"In the Taoist Hall, a ninth-level master once said that among the nine original avenues in heaven and earth, time and space are the most complex and profound, and cannot be understood by anyone but the venerable;"

"Wind and thunder are the purest. If one day you can fully understand the origin of wind and thunder, and combine them perfectly to transform wind and thunder into yin and yang, you can achieve the realm of the Venerable."

"The five elements are the simplest and the most varied. It is not difficult to master the origin of the five elements. Throughout the ages, 90% of the nine-level powers who have entered the origin realm have entered the Tao based on the rules of the five elements. The real trouble is how to combine the five elements. Integrate into one!”

If you understand the five elements, wind and thunder, and space, you can become a venerable person.

The overall difficulty of the three is similar, but the differences are huge.

It is easy to get started with the Five Elements Avenue, and it is not difficult to master one of the original rules. The most difficult thing is how to integrate the Five Elements into one.

As for Feng Lei, there are only two origins, one yin and one yang, so it is much easier to combine them.

Not to mention space, as long as you understand the origin of space, it is only a matter of time before you step into the realm of the Venerable.

"It has been recorded in the sacred books that the rules of the five elements are like roads in five directions, starting at the same place. As the realm increases, they go farther and farther from each other, and finally stand at each end of the world."

"So every strong person who achieves the realm of the Venerable through the Five Elements begins to integrate the mysteries of the Five Elements at an early stage and gradually advances to the ninth level."

"Only in this way can there be a glimmer of hope for success."

Venerable Gengyang taught Jie Tian Seal in the hope that he would integrate the five elements of wind and thunder to pave the way for him to become a Venerable Master in the future.

The same is true for the Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword that Gu Yue cultivated. If he did not perfectly combine the wind and thunder with mysteries at the early stage of his cultivation, no matter how hard he practices in the future, he will not be able to integrate the original avenue.

At this point, Gu Yue was ahead of Gu Xiuyun. She had already understood the two rules of wind and thunder, and formed the wind and thunder sword energy. The two rules were perfectly combined. Even if there was only a trace of the power of the rules, it was no less than the peak of the eighth level.

Above the clouds, Gu Xiuyun quietly looked at the chessboard island.

Tens of thousands of miles away, on a dark island near An Ning City, the demon king's clone was sitting cross-legged.

Suddenly, a soul thought swept across the earth.

An instant later, Master Qi He descended from the sky, "I haven't seen you for many days. My Taoist friend Xi Ming is even more elegant than before. The four sects of Changli have suffered a big loss!"

"If the four sects hadn't pressed forward step by step, Pindao wouldn't have had to kill him like this." Gu Xiuyun stood up and responded in a deep voice.

Taoist Qi He smiled.

Since the Wuxiang Heaven Incident, nearly a hundred powerful people have fallen, and two percent of them have died in the hands of Gu Xiuyun, and this was an open fight.

The fight in the dark became even crazier. The old mirage dragon, the ice spirit beast, the dragon whale and others died quietly. Many people didn't even know that the three top masters had died!

Taoist Qi He looked around, and his thoughts swept across the thousand-mile radius, "The earth here is long, and there are many caves and heavens. In my opinion, it is suitable for setting up the two-dimensional water, fire, and celestial phenomena array."

"Pindao also has this intention." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

The Liangyi Water-Fire Celestial Elephant Formation uses water as its foundation. Water generates wood, and wood generates fire. It integrates the power of the three elements of water, wood, and fire.

Among them, the water element is responsible for the illusion formation, the wood element is for defense, and the fire element is for killing. The combination of each other is enough to withstand the attack and killing of Master Shangmiao.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, are you planning to set up the Thousand Miles Divine Array, or should you continue to expand the area and extend it to two or three thousand miles away?" Taoist Qi He then asked.

The three-attribute divine formation is much more stable than the ordinary fusion divine formation. It can connect to the formation base and continue to extend, up to five thousand miles.

However, the wider the scope, the more complicated the operation. At the same time, it requires extremely high levels of formation attainments by those who set up the formation. Master Qi He is good at formations and can be called a generation master, but he can only reach three thousand miles at most.

"Use the dark island as the core and cover a radius of three thousand miles," Gu Xiuyun said. "The human kingdom focuses on defense rather than killing. If the range is too wide, the power of the formation will be weakened, making it difficult to withstand the attack of a powerful enemy."


Master Qi He nodded in response.

With a wave of his long sleeve, dozens of Douxiao Realm disciples flew out from the storage spiritual treasure.

"Later, I will determine the formation base points within three thousand miles. You will use the formation base as the center to carve the formation patterns. This time, the two-dimensional water, fire and celestial elephant formation will be deployed!"

"I will obey the orders of the real person."

Everyone Douxiao bowed and saluted.

While speaking, the demon king's clone had already taken out five Xumi bags, which were filled with spiritual materials for arranging the formation. The Three Thousand Miles Divine Formation has an extremely wide range, and it is a complete three-attribute fusion divine formation. The materials alone are... Worth two hundred thousand Xuanjia coins.

The same three-attribute fusion divine formation covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles, which is naturally different from the one that covers an area of ​​thousands of miles.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, is there anything I need to pay attention to?" Master Qi He asked.

Gu Xiuyun shook his head, "Fellow Taoist, no matter how you arrange it, this formation is only to protect the human nation. Apart from being stable and durable, there are not many requirements."

"That'll be easy!"

Master Qi He waved his hand, and a large amount of formation materials were piled up on the island, including eight seventh-grade spiritual treasures and sixty-four sixth-grade spiritual treasures, which happened to have three attributes: water, wood, and fire.

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