Fortune Teller

Chapter 628: The true purpose of the black runes

The black runes were full of endless temptation. The moment he touched them, Gu Xiuyun saw countless flaws in himself. He also saw the five elements, wind and thunder, and even the end of the avenue of time and space, and even saw the ray of light that led to complete transcendence.

"This secret technique is crazier and more dangerous than the infinite phase of sentient beings," Gu Xiuyun murmured in a low voice, "It will infinitely magnify the desires in the heart. What I want in my life is immortality, so what I see is cultivation. The ultimate road.”

"If you are seeking wealth and profit in the world, you will see mountains of gold and silver seas. If you are craving for power, you will see being crowned emperor. And all of this is not an illusory dream, as long as you follow its guidance Do it and you will succeed.”

The black runes are Pandora's box.

No one can ever waver in the face of temptation, and it is the temptation that one desires most in his heart. As long as he takes the first step, he will fall deeper and deeper into the abyss of death.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun regretted it!

Because even he himself doesn’t know if one day he will be unable to bear the temptation and take the first step...

It should be noted that the disciples of Tianji Pavilion who can cultivate the Wujixiang of all living beings are all peerless figures with a firm mind and a will that is far superior to that of their peers. The same is true for Ju Chen, but in the end——

They all died in the hands of the Wujixiang of all sentient beings and the secret technique of the broken monument.

"Calm down, you must calm down."

"The horoscope has changed my mood drastically. My emotions and desires have almost disappeared. Others cannot face the temptation of black runes, but I may not be able to."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress the impulses and desires in his heart. His extremely calm mind allowed him to calm down quickly.

"Have you gained enlightenment?" Jin Chong came up behind Bai Kongze and asked.

"Senior, this technique is not just about modifying the secret technique," Gu Xiuyun said with a bitter smile, "its power is far more terrifying than you imagine."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Jin Chong was a little curious.

"Senior, it's better not to know."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head. He could suppress his own desires, but he could not suppress the desires of others. If the world knew that he possessed the secret technique of the Broken Tablet, he could guide others to practice the great path, and even allow others to ascend to the sky in one step, directly reaching the realm of the Venerable.

The consequences...are unimaginable.

"You, a junior, have only read a few Tianji Pavilion manuals, but you are like an old ghost from Tianji, hiding everything."

Jin Chong whispered, just about to ask a few more questions.

Suddenly, a "peng" sound was heard, and the remaining monument collapsed completely, turning into smoke and dust all over the sky. Even the gravel no longer existed, and seemed to be broken down into the tiniest particles.

"how so?"

Gold Bug's eyes widened.

Gu Xiuyun frowned, looking at the smoke and dust in front of him, silently activating his magical power of destiny.

What shocked him was that the fateful trajectories of those particles completely disappeared, and there was only the future, not the past.

"Junior Xi Ming, what have you done?" Jin Chong asked repeatedly.

"Junior didn't do anything!"

Gu Xiuyun stared at the smoke and dust in front of him, pondered for a moment, condensed a trace of space power on his fingertips, and tried to re-write the secret technique of the broken stele, but no matter how he tried, the secret pattern was wrong, as if there was a force in the dark, Stop him from teaching this technique.

The secret technique of the broken monument has completely disappeared from the world!

Endless abyss, endless darkness, endless mist.

As if leaving the void, an unknown place of nothingness, a pair of eyes opened, traveled through time and space, landed on Zuodao Star, and stared at Bai Kongze.

"Another cause and effect has been solved..."

The gaze is distant and mysterious.

In the void, the true form of the human race sat cross-legged, surrounded by golden patterns, and all kinds of inexplicable lights flashed in its eyes.

He could never use the secret technique of the broken stele. He could be sure of this. The moment he understood the black runes, the real body of the human race used the infinite form of sentient beings to predict his fortune.

In the future scene that he could clearly see, everything related to the secret technique of the broken monument was death.

"The collapse of the secret technique of the broken stele must have something to do with Patriarch Tianji. Perhaps this black rune is the last one in the world. Why did Patriarch Tianji pass it on to me?"

A great being who controls the rules of destiny and is known as the first person in the past to calculate heavenly secrets. Every step he makes must have his intention.

Gu Xiuyun even suspected that the horoscope was also refined by Master Tianji.

"Forget it, in front of those existences, I don't even have a chance to resist. It's useless no matter how much I think about it. I might as well practice with peace of mind." Gu Xiuyun's thoughts changed and he began to think about how to use the black runes without involving them. cause and effect.

As the thoughts flashed, his consciousness merged into the depths of the runes.

At that moment, endless temptations flooded into his mind, including the Bai Xiang Shen, the Five Elements Forbidden Formation, the Infinite Seeds, the Black Cloud Hammer, the Space Rules... There were flaws everywhere. The runes allowed him to see the light in the distance, but they never told him how to go. past.

If you want to find the right path, you must activate the secret technique of the broken tablet and cast the runes.

"I see!"

Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes wide, "The black runes are the beacon of the great road and the most correct direction of practice. Those temptations will definitely come true, but it does not mean that I must use the secret technique of the broken tablet!"

A sudden realization dawned on him.

In the past, facing the chessboard island, Gu Xiuyun had no choice but to lower his head and observe, silently comprehending the mystery of the Five Elements.

But now, he already knows that there is a special magic secret hidden behind the chessboard island. As long as it is activated, the island can change rapidly and evolve into various mysterious scenes.

"The secret technique of the broken stele is not allowed by the rules of heaven and earth. Using this technique to find the magic formula behind the chessboard island will inevitably lead to karma and disaster. But what is to deduce the six techniques or ordinary means?"

As allowed by the rules of heaven and earth, any opportunity is a matter of course.

Just like Bai Kongze entering the Void Monument, what a great opportunity, is there any disaster coming? No.

Because it's allowed.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun immediately activated his divine power and carefully observed the past scene of the chessboard island, thousands of years... ten thousand years... one hundred thousand years... millions of years.

Keep looking back into the past to find traces of the secrets.

Finally, his gaze stopped at 2.4 million years ago.

At that time, the chessboard island had just appeared in the world, and was being polished and carved by invisible forces. Gu Xiuyun could not sense the breath of the sculptor, nor could he see the sculptor's fate line, but he understood that it was a ninth-grade power.

He did not use the past blurring phase to explore the past of the ninth-grade powerful, but was silently observing the movement of every grain of sand.

"If there really is a magic formula in the world that can move the chessboard island, then it must have left traces on every rock and gravel. What I want to do is to use the rocks and gravel to infer the magic formula. "

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

There are countless gravels in the chessboard island. It is difficult or even impossible to succeed.

But it is a direction after all.

(With the arrival of super cheats, Gu Xiuyun finally exchanged his shotgun for a cannon. He jumped up the ranks and pretended to be awesome without being struck by lightning!)

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