Fortune Teller

Chapter 629: Current Situation

The three bodies of Wuxiangtian, Zuodaoxing, and Endless Void are all silently calculating.

Gu Xiuyun did not use the Nine Elements Calculation, but simply deduced the Six Techniques in conjunction with the Divine Power of Destiny. Calculating again and again, the fog behind the chessboard island seemed to gradually dissipate, and then seemed to become increasingly dense.

Can't see anything clearly!

"It has been two months, but there is no progress at all," Gu Xiuyun looked calm as usual, "No wonder the disciples of Tianji Pavilion couldn't help but activate the secret technique of the broken tablet. They clearly saw the direction, but couldn't find the right path. Time and time again After the setback, my patience has been exhausted!”

Compared with those people, Gu Xiuyun's heart is obviously much calmer. The chessboard island is an opportunity for him to understand the way of harmony of the five elements in advance. Since it is an opportunity -

if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate!

No matter what the outcome is, he will not use the secret technique of the broken tablet.

In a cave.

Master Lei Shan stepped out, and the disciples waiting outside the cave quickly bowed and saluted.

"Is there any news from Darkmoon Mountain?"

"Reporting to the Master, all the disciples of Dark Moon Mountain were captured by the four sects, but none of them knew the secrets of the divine sect. They didn't even know that there was an old mirage dragon hidden in the secret space behind the mountain." The disciple replied.

"Where are the four mountain masters and the Douxiao Realm elders?"

"There is no harvest for the time being. The disciples of the sect have traveled all over the northern snowfields, the extreme west and the southern mountains, but have not found any trace of the four mountain masters."

Master Lei Shan frowned slightly, but then revealed that the secrets of Dark Moon Mountain were unknown to all sects except the four Changli sects. They had enough time to investigate.

Among the four sects of Changli, Venerable Li Kong is the absolute master. The disciples of the other three sects may dare to oppose Li Kong sect, but the sages are of the same mind. As long as the sects of the heavens do not come to compete, the inheritance of the divine religion will fall sooner or later. From the hands of the empty door.

"By the way, what's going on with Master Ximing?" Master Leishan asked again.

The death of Old Mirage Dragon was probably related to Gu Xiuyun, so the four sects of Changli had been paying close attention to him secretly.

"As in the past, the real body is staying on the chessboard island in the East China Sea, and the other clones are stationed in the human country. If he enters the main altar of the divine religion, the split soul will not be able to maintain it, and he will never be able to escape the supervision of the sect."

"That's good."

Master Lei Shan nodded slightly, "Continue to monitor Master Xi Ming and his clones. The human kingdom is just a trivial matter. The inheritance of the Eight-Eyed God Sect is the key. We must find the four mountain masters as soon as possible."

Over the Hengjiang River.

Master Qi He looked around with a smile on his face, "With the thirty-six black stone islands as the foundation, and the Qianshan Dragon Locking Formation, all within three thousand miles is human territory. Coupled with the suppression of Lingbao, even the peerless demon king can , and don’t dare to trespass.”

"If fellow Taoists were not proficient in formations, they would not be able to set up such an exquisite divine formation." Gu Xiuyun's demon king clone stood in the air, standing beside Zhenren Qi He, "Nanshan County has many human races, and elite descendants emerge in endlessly. In addition, the Cave Heaven Paradise has nurtured , within a hundred years, a large number of geniuses will be born.”

"Since Taoist friends have stepped into Shangmiao, they have the qualifications to form their own lineage. Why not leave the Taoist lineage here and establish a branch sect?"

"Establish a branch?" Master Qi He looked at the Demon King's clone in surprise, "What do you mean by this, fellow Taoist Xi Ming?"

"There are numerous elites in the human race. If they were all brought under Pindao's sect, not to mention that the talents would be buried, there would be no sect behind Pindao, and there would not be enough classics and secrets to guide them. Yaohua Sect is a first-rate sect with Taoist friends. With guidance, their achievements will be greater in the future," Gu Xiuyun explained.


Master Qi He looked thoughtful, and after a moment he shook his head, "I came here to practice, originally to understand the rules and enter the true artistic conception, but I'm afraid I won't have much spare time to teach the younger generations. And if we establish a branch sect, we will definitely follow the elders There was a conflict between the four sects.”

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry. Pindao can set aside an area in the human kingdom and give it to fellow Taoist," Gu Xiuyun said with a smile, "In this way, there is no need for sects to station themselves, and there is no need to conflict with the four sects of Changli. After a thousand years, wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing for fellow Taoist to return to Yaohua Sect with his disciples?”

"Is this true?"

Qi He's eyes lit up.

The Wuxiang Heaven is filled with cave heavens and blessed lands, and coupled with the nurture of the original power, a large number of human elites are bound to be born. How can the sects in the heavens not be covetous? It's just that due to the majesty of the four Changli sects, and the fact that establishing a sect station is extremely expensive and requires strong men to take charge, no one is willing to do it.

But if there were no such troubles, Master Qi He would be able to train a large number of elite juniors as long as he sends three or four in the early stage of Douxiao Realm.

Thousands of years later, the talented disciples who have absorbed a large amount of original power will at least become the real master of the Xuan Dynasty. Qi He's lineage is full of talents, and it will naturally occupy a pivotal position in the sect.

There is no need to pay anything, and there is no need to establish a sect station. You only need to give a few skills and secrets to get a large number of elite disciples. What is the difference between it and free prostitution?

Master Qi He is moved!

"With a radius of three thousand miles, there are one hundred and seventy-six low-level caves and paradises. Among them, there are fifteen places with the strongest spiritual power." Gu Xiuyun waved his hand, "Fellow Taoist, just tell me which one you like."

"Then you're welcome, poor Taoist!"

Master Qi He glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on a black stone island. "This island condenses a huge amount of spiritual energy. It is also the dragon's eye of the Thousand Mountains Dragon Locking Formation. It is most suitable for practice..."

"From today on, it will be the residence of Yaohua Sect." Gu Xiuyun said loudly.

Near Youning City, there is a second-class cave.

Tu Mang, Zhenhuang, Gu Hanfeng, Yu Qianhu, Madam Yu, Gu Xiushu and others all practiced in it.

The cave was filled with rich source power, and Gu Xiuyun set up a divine formation to gather spiritual energy from all directions, forming a pure spiritual liquid that drowned everyone.

After practicing for a long time, Mrs. Yu opened her eyes and said, "I never expected that Master Ximing would be my Yun'er. In just over ten years, he became Master Shangmiao..."

Mrs. Yu whispered to herself, with a bit of excitement and pride deep in her eyes.

"Mother, the two demon kings Wu Jin and Pian Ao once warned that this matter must not be leaked. You can say here that you must never mention it again after leaving the cave." Gu Xiushu said solemnly.


Mrs. Yu nodded repeatedly, the excitement on her face lingering for a long time.

Ever since Poison Crow Peak, Madam Yu and Gu Xiushu had guessed that Gu Xiuyun was not as simple as opening the sixth level of pulse.

It is absolutely impossible for a practitioner of the Pulse Opening Realm to condense the spiritual energy all over the sky with his hand, form a pool of spiritual liquid, and make the Pulse Opening Realm practitioner fall into a state of enlightenment.

But they never expected that Gu Xiuyun was actually the real person who cherished his life!

If he hadn't taken the Enlightenment Pill and the Immortal Fate Pill and entered the Douxiao Realm, the Black Pattern Golden Dolphin would not have told the two of them this secret.

Madam Yu and Gu Xiu Shu are weak in cultivation and know too much, so they are easily spied on by others using secret techniques. Only by entering the Douxiao Realm can they resist many means.

"Senior Zhenhuang, please tell me more about the story of the secret world," Mrs. Yu's eyes flashed with anticipation, "How did my child resist the Weak Water Sect and the Li Kong Sect?"

"Mrs. Yu, just call me Taoist friend," High Priest Zhenhuang opened his eyes, "This matter is a long story, and it must start from more than ten years ago..."

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