Fortune Teller

Chapter 630: The Defects of Infinite Species

Time passed slowly, and Wuxiangtian fell into a brief calm.

During this period, strong men from sects and peerless demon kings continued to arrive, but no matter how strong they were, they could not break through any first-class cave.

After many years of fighting, many top sects have joined forces with each other to occupy a cave. There are several eighth-grade spiritual treasures alone. Coupled with the fusion divine formation, even three or four top sects cannot break through it.

The situation in the first-class caves was stable, and the various sects began to compete for the second-class caves and small caves, with the fighting between Yuxuan being the main one.

Almost every day, a large number of demon kings died.

There are too many demon clans in the Wuxiang Heaven. Except for the few human kingdoms occupied by Gu Xiuyun, all the lower caves are occupied by demon kings!

As the sects in the heavens compete for the blessed land of Cave Heaven, they will naturally attack the demon clan.

In the East China Sea, above the chessboard islands.

The second clone has been guarding here all year round, and this place has become a forbidden area. No demon clan or sect disciple dares to approach it within a thousand miles.

At the top of the Nine Heavens, Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged, looking down at the island below.

Unconsciously, seven years have passed.

He deduced the Six Techniques again and again, and repeatedly observed with the Divine Power of Destiny, gradually peeling away the fog behind the island. Finally, he saw the traces of the Techniques.

"It turns out that the magic formula that drives the chessboard island has nothing to do with the island itself, but is hidden in the sea water." Gu Xiuyun sighed quietly, "Although the secret technique of the broken stele pointed the direction, it was just a mirage. Seven years, a full seven years, Finally found it!"

As his thoughts flashed, the sea water surged, and magic spells fell down. The entire sea area of ​​​​thousand miles was controlled, and all the monsters in the opening and even the vein-cleansing realm were expelled!


The chessboard island roared, and the rocks changed, taking on a shape with almost every breath.

Looking at the scene in front of him, countless inspirations flashed through Gu Xiuyun's heart, and his understanding of the harmony of the five elements continued to increase.

The entire chessboard island is an endless void, and the rocks represent every five-element rule. No matter how the rocks change, the entire space is a perfect whole.

"It took the great master back then 32,764 years to successfully carve the island. When the chessboard island was completed, he also perfectly combined the five elements' original avenues to form the only original avenue. Entering the realm of the venerable.”

"There are many people in the realm of the heavens who know about this island, but none of the ninth-grade masters come here to practice, because everyone's path is different. The masters from millions of years ago can use this to become a venerable person. It doesn’t mean that people who come after you can do it.”

"But I'm different, my level is too low!"

"Even a little bit of the mystery contained in the chessboard islands will be of great benefit to me."

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

The four sects of Changli all know the mystery of the chessboard island, and the Wuhen Sect even uses it as the sect’s base. But in the tens of thousands of years, who has achieved the Great Way?


The deeper you go into the origin of the Five Elements, the more difficult it is to comprehend it, especially the ninth-grade power. Everyone has a different understanding, and you must go your own way in order to achieve something.

Gu Xiuyun understood that the chessboard island could only help him integrate the rules of the eighth level. If he wanted to go further and integrate the origin of the ninth level, he still had to rely on himself.

But, that's enough!

Within the left star.

Bai Kongze put down the jade slip in front of him and sighed softly, "Still not found. Ten times the speed of time. After searching for seventy years, I still haven't found any classics related to the horoscope."

"Does the horoscope have nothing to do with Tianji Pavilion?"

"No, it's impossible. The destiny star chart contains the magical power of destiny and can increase life span. It is definitely the treasure of the powerful Tianji. Who can refine the destiny star chart except the founder of Tianji?"

Bai Kongze fell into deep thought.

On the desolate earth, apart from the illusory white space of the body, there are only books everywhere.

The gold bug has long since disappeared.

"The fate of the astrolabe is so weird that even the secret technique of the broken monument seems to be unable to do anything about it..."

Gu Xiuyun whispered that he had immersed his consciousness in black runes many times, and countless scenes flashed in the runes, including rare treasures to repair the Life Star Pearl, methods to enhance the level of the physical body, and even opportunities to understand the original avenue.

But there is no way to deal with the horoscope.

The horoscope...has no solution!

Gu Xiuyun sighed, picked up a jade slip again, and read it carefully.

In the endless void, the true form of the human race is still suppressed here.

Compared with seven years ago, the golden veins were much lighter. It seemed that the yellow-faced old man and his companions had left long ago. But every time Gu Xiuyun tried to break free, the power of rules would come and suppress him.

“Unknowingly, seven years have passed!”

Gu Xiuyun raised his head and looked into the distance, "The immortal path has been long and long. It took seven years to finally understand the secret behind the chessboard island. Compared with other scenes in the black runes, the chessboard island is right in front of you and should be the simplest one. "

"Next, which one should I comprehend?"

"Array? Or is it a secret technique?"

Gu Xiuyun pondered secretly in his heart.

The black runes pointed out many flaws, whether it was the formation path, the Tianguan Seed Forbidden, or even the Infinite Seeds and Baixiang Shen. At the same time, they also pointed out the right direction.

Compared with practicing without any direction, following the guidance of the black runes to make up for one's own shortcomings is undoubtedly the most efficient.

"It takes a long time to practice the formation path. It is best to wait until Bai Kongze has read the Tianji Pavilion manual before slowly comprehending it."

"Baixiangshen and Tianguan Formation Forbidden both involve formations. It is not a day's work. I'm afraid you have to understand the point formation method to make a breakthrough."

"Then only the Infinite Seeds are left!"

Gu Xiuyun lowered his head and looked at his natal heavenly gate. The depths of the heavenly gate were covered with lines, and every line revealed an inexplicable mystery. In the past, he only knew that the lines condensed by the Infinite Seeds were similar to the Void Monument, but he did not know that the lines could be changed.

There was a scene in the black runes, in which the immeasurable species and the natal heavenly gate were perfectly integrated, and the condensed veins were exactly the same as the Void Monument, even more exquisite.

Gu Xiuyun understood that that was the most perfect immeasurable species and the most perfect destiny.

"According to the classics, the Infinite Technique is a secret technique left by the Supreme Being. The venerable behind the Traceless Sect only received the introductory chapter, and used it to condense the Infinite Seed."

"Over hundreds of thousands of years, many powerful people have condensed the Infinite Seed, but they don't know that allowing the Infinite Seed to grow naturally is a complete waste of this original treasure."

"The more complex and exquisite the patterns of the Infinite Seeds, the more stable the inner world will be. When you step into a higher realm in the future, even if you are at the same realm, your Taoist foundation will be much better than others."

In the eyes of the world, the Infinite Seeds are quite miraculous, but they are only miraculous, and their value is not much higher than the Bodhicitta Fruit and the Scarlet Blood Stone.

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