Fortune Teller

Chapter 641 Ji He takes action

"No wonder the girl didn't let me leave the real human body here. Even without the nine-color dragon-patterned nails, the Yin-Yang sword energy is enough to break through the eighth-grade spiritual treasure!"

Gu Xiuyun thought of the battle with the ice spirit beast.

Even the ice-sealing magical power couldn't break through the mountain-shaking hammer, so he could only rely on the nine-color dragon pattern nails, but Gu Yue destroyed the iceberg forcefully.

The Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword Qi is not only extremely powerful, but the method of turning all things into Yin and Yang is even more mysterious and extraordinary. Thousands of sword Qi form a hundred-mile forbidden area, and its power is no less than the true meaning of the rules. It also has the effect of restraining and suppressing.

The sword energy in the sky turns into a heavy rain, sealing off the area for hundreds of miles. No matter how many methods you use, you cannot break free. Unless you are a true eighth-level expert, you can directly use the power of endless rules to annihilate the sword energy before you can break out.

"The perfect combination of wind and thunder has such a miraculous effect. If the five elements are perfectly combined, will it also have such effects?"

Gu Xiuyun thought of the Taoist Talismans of the Seventh-Rank Venerables. These Taoist Talismans are almost all made up of the superposition of five mysteries. Most of the world's Venerables achieve Taoism through the Five Elements, so the talismans they refine are naturally dominated by the Mysterious Five Elements.

"The manuscripts left by the ancestors of the divine sect record many powerful secret techniques, among which there should be the Five Elements Technique. After this battle, go and take a look," Gu Xiuyun thought to himself, "those ninth-grade great masters left behind The level of the manuscript is too high. Even though I read it once, I have forgotten most of it."

With the help of the chessboard island and the secret technique of divine deduction, it is not impossible to integrate the five elements, but even if you understand it, it will be difficult to exert its power without the cooperation of the corresponding top secrets.

While Gu Xiuyun was sighing, the forces in all directions had already fallen into shock and panic.

"What kind of sword energy is this? It's obviously a seventh-grade mystical force that doesn't even damage the world, but it destroys the regular Taoist talismans, and even eighth-grade spiritual treasures can't resist it?"

Master Lei Shan was sweating coldly, "With the white-haired Taoist's strength, one person and one sword can conquer a cave. If she takes action, who can defend the blessed land of cave?"

"Incredible, incredible."

Fairy Jade repeatedly marveled, "The wind and thunder sword energy has reached this stage. Even if it is not as good as the true meaning of the rules, it is not far behind. I didn't expect that the white-haired Taoist has such a high attainment in the mysteries of wind and thunder."

"Fortunately, Taoist friend Xi Ming has a good relationship with us. If he joins forces with the white-haired Taoist, which cave of the All Heavens Sect can be defended?" Demon King Hu Guan took a deep breath, his expression full of shock.

In the first-class cave occupied by Daodao Pavilion.

"White-haired Taoist... Gu Yue, that junior, has actually reached this point." A middle-aged woman wrapped in a plain robe stared at the formation scene in the water curtain with serious eyes, "With her current strength , I am afraid that in the battle for the first place in the True Legend, we will be our fierce rivals.”

There have only been four people in the history of the Daodao Pavilion's true heir apparent, and they are usually held by disciples who have practiced for less than ten thousand years. Competitions are held every three thousand years. In addition to being strong enough, they must also have the support of a ninth-grade ancestor, so the competition is extremely fierce.

Ordinary true artistic conception, its status is far inferior to that of the first true legend, and the opportunities it obtains are also incomparable.

"The position of the top four leaders is something we have in our pocket. This junior, Gu Yue, is not a disciple of the Dao Pavilion at all. Why should he compete with us?" Another Shang Miao said disdainfully.

"Don't forget, she has already worshiped the Pavilion Master, but she has not yet cleared her name," the middle-aged woman frowned, "The Pavilion Master's personal disciple, who dares to say that she is not qualified?"

The atmosphere in the cave was condensed, and the faces of all the real people were a little gloomy.

In Nanshan County, the expression of Silver Fish King, who was fighting fiercely with Gu Xiuyun, changed slightly. Just now, someone sent him a message and informed him of the situation in Youning City.

"Ji He, why didn't you tell me that the white-haired Taoist is so powerful?" the Silver Fish King said angrily.

The top level is the ultimate in Douxiao realm, and he is invincible within the realm. Only the Silver Fish King dares to go against Gu Xiuyun. But now there is a white-haired Taoist who has surpassed Douxiao realm, and he is also an ally of Master Xi Ming. How come Can you keep the Silver Fish King from getting angry?

"I didn't expect that the white-haired Taoist has reached such a level," Master Ji He's words came from the Sumeru bag, his voice vaguely showing a bit of anxiety and urgency, "Silver King, fight quickly. If it drags on any longer, the white-haired Taoist priest is likely to come here to support us.”

"Do you think I don't want to?" The Silver Fish King snorted, "Master Xi Ming seems to have noticed our intentions, and has been avoiding me from afar, using the secret skills of immortality to prevent me from approaching. We are hundreds of miles apart, how can we do something?"

The fighting for half an hour seemed thrilling, but in fact it was calm and peaceful.

The two sides were always separated by hundreds of miles. The Silver Fish King kept trying to get closer, but was always blocked by secret techniques such as Taiyue's True Form, Muddy Water's Phantom Sound, etc., and was unable to get even half a step closer to Gu Xiuyun.

Gu Xiuyun has long understood the true meaning of the rules, and with the power of the rules, each seventh-level mystery can exert power close to the top secrets. However, the Silver Fish King only relied on the sword's true body, so his methods were limited, and his strength was naturally inferior.

"Damn it, I just have to try my best!"

Master Ji He finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out of the Xumi bag.

In an instant, the glazed sword emitted bright light, spanning hundreds of miles, like an aurora of heaven and earth, striking at Gu Xiuyun.

Master Ji He, who has understood the true meaning of the rules, is far better at killing and swordsmanship than before. Coupled with the Tianshui Jiyuan Shen, he has almost no weaknesses.


The sword light streaked through the void, tearing apart the forbidden spirit realm of the Five Elements Formation, leaving a sword mark half a foot deep on Gu Xiuyun's body.

"The top defense methods are really troublesome." Master Ji He frowned, turned his hands, and slashed out the glazed sword again. At the same time, he stepped forward and approached Gu Xiuyun.

"Master Ji He, it is indeed you!"

Gu Xiuyun held the giant hammer in his hand, and a hint of horror flashed in the corner of his eyes, "The four sects of Changli attacked the three major kingdoms at the same time, and even sent the top master to stop the white-haired fellow Taoist. I guessed that a top master appeared in the four sects. "

"So what if you guessed it, you will definitely die today!" Master Ji He flipped his hands and shot out a series of secret techniques, covering a thousand miles.

In just a short moment, most of the true forms of Lian Tiansuo and Taiyue deployed by Gu Xiuyun were suppressed.

He also understood the true meaning of the rules. What Gu Xiuyun understood was the rules of void escape, and the increase in Taoist secrets was limited.

However, what Master Ji He understood was the rules of water movement. He did not dare to mention other secret techniques. The mysterious secret technique of water movement was no less than the real top secret technique.

The gap between the two sides is very small, but it is particularly obvious at this moment of stalemate.

"The rules of Void Escape are slightly inferior to the increase in the Five Elements Secret Technique." Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

Thousands of miles of void gradually came under the control of Master Ji He. The Silver Fish King lost his restraints and quickly approached, with a pair of ferocious eyeballs densely covered with gold threads.

Finally, the two sides were only fifty miles away.

"Master Xi Ming, today is the day of your death!"

The Silver Fish King let out a cruel shrill laugh, and the scales all over his body suddenly stood up and peeled off from the body surface.

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