Fortune Teller

Chapter 642: Suppressed?

Countless silver scales formed a large formation covering a hundred miles in radius, pressing towards Gu Xiuyun.

Seeing this, Gu Xiuyun swung his giant hammer continuously, and dozens of black cloud hammers were smashed down in the air. However, he could only force the silver scales back temporarily and was unable to break the scale formation.

"My king's silver scale sword armor formation is the most powerful magical power of the sword's true body. Unless you use the true meaning of the rules, there is no way you can resist the scale armor formation," the Silver Fish King said with a sarcastic face, "The top three strongest ones in the Wuxiang Heaven. , nothing more than that.”

"Do you really think that the poor can't be broken?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed, the nine-color dragon-patterned nails flew out of his palm, and the giant hammer crashed down.


The dragon-marked nails turned into electric rays and tore open the scale array. The violent destructive power instantly destroyed hundreds of scales. The Silver Fish King bared his teeth in pain and kept roaring.

The real body of the sword body is completely different from the physical body of the ordinary demon king.

This is formed by the condensation of external forces, and each piece of silver scale is extremely tough, so that it can exert the ultimate power of the Douxiao Realm.

Ordinary demon kings, even if their physical bodies are perfect, are only ordinary and superb. However, the Silver Fish King can use his true sword body to exert top-level killing sword energy. At the same time, his physical defense has also reached the top level, and he even has a large scale array. This method, which is not inferior to that of the eighth-level sealing spirit treasure, shows how extraordinary it is.

Because of this, hundreds of scales were destroyed, and the damage to the Silver Fish King was far greater than that of the ordinary Demon King.

call out!

The nine-color dragon-patterned nail was about to return when suddenly a talisman fell down.

The spiritual light of the Taoist talisman entangled with the dragon-patterned nails. Almost instantly, it cut off Gu Xiuyun's induction and flew into the hands of Master Ji He.

"Master Ximing, you have used this treasure over and over again, do you really think that the poor Taoist will not take precautions?" Master Jihe looked proud, "The nine-color dragon-patterned nail is indeed a rare treasure. In order to suppress this thing, the sect specially gave it Now that you have lost the dragon pattern nail, I want to see how you can resist the Silver Fish King's scale formation."


Gu Xiuyun turned around to leave, but found that the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

The blue waves are rippling, the smoke and clouds are shrouded, and the thousands of miles of sky seem to have turned into a puddle of water.

If viewed from the height of Jiutian, the place where the three of them were was wrapped in green leaves. Gu Xiuyun was standing in the center of the leaves. No matter which direction he fled, the leaves would move accordingly.

"Silverbait, how are your scales recovering?" Master Ji He asked via voice transmission.

"Only thirty-five have been refined, please wait a moment."

The Silver Fish King clenched his sharp teeth, and tender silver scales gradually grew from the depths of his flesh and blood. Each scale seemed to be condensed from the essence of the Silver Fish King's flesh and blood, emitting a strange luster.

"Hurry up, this person is so powerful that Qingluoye won't be able to hold on for long!" Master Ji He said repeatedly.

Gu Xiuyun's strength has reached the extreme level of Douxiao Realm, and ordinary methods of suppressing him are useless. Even the eighth-grade spiritual treasure can only exert 30% of its power under the suppression of Jie Kong, which is far from being able to suppress this person.

The original Snow Dragon Baji Monument could not suppress Gu Xiuyun, let alone Qingluoye.

Only the Silver Fish King's scale formation could completely suppress Gu Xiuyun and force him out of the realm.

Deep in the blue waves, roaring sounds continued to be heard.

While Gu Xiuyun was escaping, he was also constantly using the secret technique of the Black Cloud Hammer. The Baizhang real body contained boundless power, coupled with the mystery of the seventh-level space. Every time the hammer was struck, it could cause the distortion of the void, doubling the power.

"Second Class Eighth Grade Spiritual Treasure? Let's see how long you can hold on!"

Gu Xiuyun waved his hands one after another, and at the same time secretly activated the spirit turtle black armor sign to predict the next moves of Master Ji He and the Silver Fish King.

He did not use the Nine Elements Calculation, but only used the Six Jue to deduce the secrets of heaven.

Every time the Jiu Yuan Suan is used, it will affect longevity, but there is no such concern in the Deduction of the Six Jue. Although the power and range are greatly limited, in a fight, the effect is much better than the Jiu Yuan Suan.

"Spirit-Sealing Talisman... Storm Space is indeed a good plan. If I really only have one true body, I have no choice but to retreat in this battle."

Gu Xiuyun's eyes were as deep as a cold pool.

Until this moment in the war, his human true form has never appeared, because compared to others, suppressing the real person Ji He is the most important. A Douxiao realm who understands the true meaning of the rules is too great a threat to the human country.

Time passed slowly, and the roar in the depths of Qingluo Ye became more and more intense. Ji He's face was a little pale. Qingluo Ye was just an ordinary spiritual treasure and did not contain any weapon spirit. Therefore, only the true artistic conception of the power of rules can be understood. urge.

With every breath, Qingluoye was frantically consuming spiritual power, and Master Ji He gradually became unable to hold on.

"Hurry up, the green leaves are going to collapse!" Master Ji He shouted.

The scales around the Silver Fish King had almost recovered. Upon hearing this, it gritted its teeth suddenly and the scales around its body peeled off again, forming a large formation and pressing towards Gu Xiuyun.


It was as if a huge mountain had fallen, and this time there was no obstacle. The second clone was completely suppressed by the Silver Scale Sword Armor Formation. There were roars from the depths of the scale armor, like muffled thunder, resounding throughout the world, but it was still unable to break free from the restraints.

"Finally, this person was successfully trapped."

Master Ji He breathed a sigh of relief, reached into his Sumeru bag, and took out a five-color talisman.

Once the seventh-grade spirit-sealing talisman refined by the Venerable is inserted into Gu Xiuyun's body, it can temporarily seal his spiritual veins. Without the support of spiritual power, Baixiang Shen alone could not withstand the thrust of the scale armor formation and Qingluo Ye, so he could only let Master Ji He send him into the storm space.

call out!

The five-color talisman was activated, passed through the scale array, and merged into the second part of the body.

After doing all this, Master Ji He smiled and waved one hand, tearing open a crack half a foot wide, "Silver Fish King, if you don't do it now, when will you wait?"


The sword-shaped beast with its scales peeled off looked up to the sky and roared, its scale array trembling violently, pulling Gu Xiuyun towards the cracked space.

The scale armor formation's sealing method is extremely powerful, but it does not mean that it can send Gu Xiuyun into the storm space.

The superior physical body contains countless micro formations. It is equivalent to an ancient giant mountain. It is difficult to move a giant mountain. It is especially difficult when the opponent tries to resist.

The scale array moved slowly, and it took a full hundred breaths before it finally squeezed into the depths of the crack. The Silver Fish King lay on the scale array and entered the storm space with it.

Those scales are part of its body and must be in the same space to maintain operation.

"A mere Douxiao dares to fight against the four sects of Changli. Today is your day of death!"

Master Ji He sneered and was about to walk into the crack space.

But at this moment, a majestic force came from the body, and the terrifying power that was close to the true meaning of the rules filled every part of the body in an instant.

"Seventh Grade Venerable Taoist Talisman? Where did the Taoist Talisman come from, and why is it in my body?"

Master Ji He couldn't believe the sight before him. Faced with the violent bombardment, his body instantly turned into a weak water form, and he could barely block the attack of the seventh-level killing Taoist talisman.

At the same time, two big hands stretched out from the Sumeru bag, which was a hundred feet wide. Like two-sided millstones, they kneaded the weak water into countless drops and scattered them in the space of a hundred feet.

Every drop of weak water struggled hard, but was suppressed by the Forbidden Spirit Realm of the Five Elements Formation.

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