Fortune Teller

Chapter 647 Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand

Gu Xiuyun has used the Nine Elements Calculation to deduce carefully, and the end point of the change in mood is the ninth level.

By that time, he had completely lost his feelings for life, and he was no different from a puppet. The puppet beast seemed to have its own joys, sorrows, and joys, but in fact they were all evolved from the core of the formation. It was still essentially a dead thing.

If not, it would be impossible for the puppet beasts to survive for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. They are not living beings and naturally do not need to follow the rules of living beings.

"The Fate Star Chart seems to be gradually changing me," Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart, "Maybe when the Fate Star Bead merges with me, in a sense... it makes me a puppet-like creature."

This was his guess.

The perfect combination of a spiritual treasure and the soul is really weird. You must know that Peng Zu had destroyed the horoscope with his own hands. If the horoscope had spirituality, he would definitely want to kill him. How could he increase his lifespan? Also help him condense his true soul and even his true soul golden elixir?

There must be a reason for all the benefits.

Gu Xiuyun firmly believes that there is no free lunch in this world. The consequences of today will be the consequences tomorrow, and one day you will have to pay the price for it.

Deep inside the Daofa Palace.

Gu Yue was still refining the Lei Shang Sword, and at the same time, she turned her hands over and created a series of strange magic formulas, as if she was studying the secret technique of Nine Yuan Arithmetic.

Compared to Gu Xiuyun, Gu Yue was much less qualified in the secret arts of heaven and earth. After three months of hard training, he barely understood the hidden element covering the sky.

Behind the eight-eyed statue, the second avatar is holding a jade slip, and his soul is immersed in it. Following the footsteps of the ancestors of the sect, he walks through secret places and feels the wonders of the world.

"This place is called the Moonlight Pool. The void changes endlessly. The power of the twisted space gathers all the rays of the lunar star here, forming a moonlit lake."

The Ninth Grade Patriarch in the handbook was walking and talking.

Gu Xiuyun's gaze also fell on the Moon Pool below. The void was extremely distorted, and even time changed. The twisted space passage was like a transparent iron cable, completely covering the entire Moon Pool.

"This place was once the residence of Venerable Qianyue."

"It is said that Venerable Qianyue comes from the Langhuan Territory. Compared with the Chessboard Territory, the Langhuan Territory is the origin of the endless void. The world's Taoism and even various inheritances all come from the Langhuan Territory, where powerful people are everywhere. Jie Kong is extremely vast, many are no less than Wuxiang Tian, ​​and even Jie Zun has been born!”

Speaking of this, yearning flashed in the eyes of the Patriarch, "There are three disasters and nine disasters. After every three disasters, there will be another disaster. Hard disasters are easy to overcome, but natural disasters block it. The first disaster, Yin and Yang, blocked the way forward for many venerable people. "

"Only by surviving the tribulations of Yin and Yang can one be called a True Master, but this is already the pinnacle of the path of cultivation."

"The second calamity is said to be called the calamity of cause and effect. If one can survive the calamity of cause and effect, one can be called a Realm Master. However, as a worldly practitioner climbs all the way to the realm of the Venerable, the cause and effect of contamination is unimaginable. When the calamity comes, who can escape? Gotta drop it?”

"Therefore, no one in the world has ever seen the World Master."

Gu Xiuyun listened silently to the ninth-grade patriarch's story and thought to himself: "It turns out that the realm of the heavens is not the center of the endless void, but the Langhuan realm. Since that is the origin of Taoism in the world, will there be any records about the horoscope?"

After a long time, he read the entire letter.

As soon as the jade slip left his palm, many memories began to disappear, especially the scene about the true meaning of the rules, which was beyond his cognition and could not be forcibly remembered.

"Most of the ancestors of the divine sect practiced both body training and rules, and they have a lot of insights into the formation of battles. Unfortunately, they still haven't found the Five Elements Dharma."

Gu Xiuyun put down the jade slip and picked up another piece.

Half a month later, there was a note left by an eighth-grade true artist.

The old man walked forward leisurely and came to a cliff.

A giant palm print is clearly imprinted on the cliff, which is ten feet deep. The palm print exudes an inexplicable aura and seems to contain the perfect mystery of the Five Elements.

Below the cliff, there are several practitioners, all of them are surrounded by the power of rules, and they are all powerful in true artistic conception.

"This place is called Yushou Cliff," the old man's voice rang in Gu Xiuyun's ears. "There are more than 700,000 wonders in the Five Elements Holy Land, which were all left by the Venerable when he became enlightened. Although the essence of the Five Elements Tao remains unchanged, Everyone's path to enlightenment is different. When a venerable becomes enlightened, he will leave a mark in the holy place to demonstrate his power and leave opportunities for future generations. "

As he said that, the old man's eyes fell on the Yushou Cliff, and at the same time his soul thoughts surged, silently feeling the Qi of the palm print.

Gu Xiuyun, who was reading the note, also felt this energy.

In an instant, a flash of light flashed through my mind, and many insights came to my mind at the same time.

At the same time, Gu Xiuyun activated the spirit turtle black armor sign and calculated carefully, the mysterious insights turned into characters and appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

‘The Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand uses the palm as the space, the fingers as the five elements, and the five fingers are unified, that is, the five elements are integrated. After practicing this technique, you can turn the world over with just one hand. ’

"Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand...that's what I'm looking for!"

Gu Xiuyun's heart was full of excitement. The magic formula on Yushou Cliff was really suitable for him. Being based on space meant that he had to understand the most basic rules of space.

Only by mastering the mysteries of the five elements at the same time and combining them perfectly can it be transformed into a heaven-shaking palm seal.

This secret technique is by no means inferior to Gu Yue's Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword, but it has never been passed down to the world, and it has not even formed a complete formula.

The Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand has no specific secrets of cultivation and no space secrets. It only has the Heaven-shaking Palm Seal formed by combining the mysteries of the Five Elements.

Therefore, it cannot be called a top secret technique. It is a complete secret technique that allows practitioners to practice gradually from low to high. When the venerable left his fingerprints, he had no intention of teaching secret techniques, he just wanted to show off his immense power.

Above the chessboard island, the Soul Mind clone's eyes narrowed slightly, and two rays of light shot out from the depths of the pupils.

"It turns out that the five elements of mystery can be combined in this way."

The scene on the chessboard island and the Five Elements Overturning Hand blended into each other, colliding with countless spiritual lights. In an instant, Gu Xiuyun seemed to understand many changes.

Integrating the mystery of the Five Elements, he had already begun to comprehend it unconsciously a long time ago.

From the secret technique of Tao Yun to the mystery of the seventh grade, every time the Five Elements Formation Forbidden Spirit Realm is used, it is a mysterious blend.

Now, all these insights have turned into seeds and are rooted deep in my heart.

A dark light appeared in Gu Xiuyun's palm. It was very weak. The color was as dark as ink, but it looked particularly turbid.

Looking carefully, there is a faint white light in the ink, making it difficult to tell whether this is a black light or a white light.

"Integrating the mysteries of the Five Elements, I'm finally getting started!"

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

Integrating the five elements is the most difficult to get started. Once he succeeds, the rest will be much easier. When he perfectly combines the five kinds of seventh-grade mysteries, the power of the Heaven-turning Hand will be no less than that of the Yin-Yang Wind and Thunder Sword Qi, or even more powerful.

The further the wind and thunder rules go, the more difficult and powerful they become.

At the seventh stage, the Five Elements Mystery is not much weaker than the Wind and Thunder Mystery. The combination of the five Mysteries is naturally a bit stronger than the Wind and Thunder Transformation.

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