Fortune Teller

Chapter 648: Patriarch Ning, the Chief of the Gold and Silver Palace

In the far west, there is a canyon.

There are continuous palaces on both sides of the canyon, and there is a cloud island above. This is the sect's residence of Li Kongmen, occupying a second-class cave.

On the island, Master Lei Shan looked at Jun Ru, Ji Qiu and others with cold and deep eyes.

"Don't you think it's ridiculous?" Master Lei Shan said coldly, "You have lost the Cave Heaven Blessed Land, but you want the Likong Sect to give away a quota. It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world."

"Master Lei Shan, we just want to borrow a hundred years temporarily. Master Xu Ling has reached the seventh level and can break through at any time. As soon as she breaks through, not only will the cave sky be returned to you immediately, but she will also use the true soul stone to condense a clone. , guard here at all times," Master Junru said.

"It's ridiculous. Who can say exactly how long it will take to go from seventh grade to eighth grade? What if she doesn't break through in two to three hundred years?"

"Master Lei Shan, this matter not only affects our enlightenment, but also affects the future situation of Wuxiangtian," Master Ji Qiu said solemnly, "You know the strength of Master Xi Ming very well. If the nine top master clones do not have the same level, If the strong ones fight against it, the human family will grow rapidly, which will probably cause even more trouble in the future.”

"As far as I know, there are only three real people in Ziteng Cave who are close to the threshold of the eighth-level rules, and two others have not yet reached the extreme. Even if they practice in the first-class cave, they can't break through. Why not lend a place to the virtual master in the future? Once you become enlightened, the Wuhen Sect will pay you back tenfold," Master Junru said.

Master Lei Shan frowned slightly.

The human family is the sworn enemy of Li Kongmen. His Holiness has personally given an order that the human descendants of the Eight-Eyed God Sect... must be completely eliminated.

Now watching Gu Xiuyun establish a human nation in a majestic manner and strengthen the momentum of the human race, Li Kongmen felt extremely angry, but he had no choice but to do anything.

"I will report this matter to the sect and ask Master to make the decision." Master Lei Shan thought for a long time before finally saying.

Master Jun Ru's eyes were filled with joy. The great master behind Li Kong Sect would definitely agree to this matter. For the sect, having one more true artistic conception was of no use. Whether or not he could fulfill the venerable's order was a big deal.

The first-class cave heaven is naturally for the cultivation of real people with a higher realm of Taoism. When a few extreme Douxiao are born in the sect, and then the true soul stone is refined, the situation in the Wuxiang Heaven can be reversed.

As for Zhenren Ji He, his cultivation level has broken through. Even if he condenses his second true soul, the clone he forms will still be in the true state of mind and cannot enter the realm.

Chu County.

An old man came outside the human country, waved his sleeves, and stepped forward.

There is a main entrance on the east and west sides of the human kingdom, which is usually guarded by puppet beasts. Human cultivators and major aristocratic families enter and exit from here.

"Please tell me that I am here to visit Master Xi Ming." The old man said.

"Taoist Master of Sancai?"

The Kaimai Realm guards on both sides looked at the old man with doubts on their faces, "May I ask what your cultivation level is?"

Since the establishment of the human kingdom, a large number of practitioners have visited Master Xi Ming every day. Some of them come to be disciples, some want to seek opportunities, and there are also people who are seriously injured or dying. The reasons are different, but they all want to see Master Xi Ming. .

Almost all of these practitioners were kept out by guards.

According to the words of the ancestor of the family, no one is allowed to disturb the seniors except Master Shangmiao.

"The poor Taoist has poor qualifications and is still in the late Douxiao realm." The old man smiled and waved his sleeves, and the invisible aura filled the earth.

The next moment, the huge puppet beast rushed out of the divine formation and looked at the old man with a wary face, a trace of fear in his eyes.

"I am a poor Taoist who wants to loose my wealth and come here to visit my fellow Taoist who cherishes his life." The old man said in a deep voice.

The puppet beast narrowed its eyes and took two steps back, but did not leave.

A moment later, a soul thought came from a distance, and then, the demon king's body, which was dozens of feet tall, suddenly fell to the ground, causing the earth to tremble twice.

"Friend Sancai, long time no see." A smile appeared on the demon king's face.

"Your the soul clone of Master Xi Ming?" Taoist Sancai discovered that the demon king's soul aura was very similar to Gu Xiuyun.

"Yes, I have to stay in various places, and I can only leave one soul clone here."

"So that's it," Taoist Sancai nodded suddenly, and then exclaimed, "I just came to Wuxiangtian, and I heard about the deeds of fellow Taoist Ximing. Some people said that fellow Taoist has condensed the true soul golden elixir, and today I saw that it is true. . Only a strong person who has condensed the true soul golden elixir can make the split soul's thousands of thoughts cover a thousand miles."

"It's just a coincidence," Gu Xiuyun said with a smile, "Since fellow Daoist Sancai is here, you might as well come with me and sit inside. Although there are no rare treasures in Chu County, the dim sum is really good and worth a try."

"I have exactly what I mean." Master Sancai nodded.

Half an hour.

The demon king's clone transformed into a human form and walked on a tree-lined path with Taoist Sancai.

"Friend Sancai is here today not just for those two disciples, right?"

"To be honest, Pindao came here under the order of the Patriarch," Master Sancai's face straightened, "Before that, I would like to ask my friend, have you reached the end of the Golden Tower Trial?"

"What do you mean by this?" Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

Only he and Gu Yue know the secret hidden in the last stage of the Jinque trial. This matter is of great importance, but they must enter the true state of mind before they can try to go there. When Master San Cai asked this, could he know something?

"Fellow Taoists may not know that since Feng Leiyuan came to this world, only one person has successfully passed the Golden Que trial, and that is Patriarch Chang Ning of Jinyin Palace."

Taoist Sancai activated a talisman, sealed the surrounding space, and then transmitted the message, "The Patriarch informed me that Venerable Jinque can accept up to five direct disciples. Each of them has different opportunities, but they are related to each other. If your Excellency, If you really pass the trial, the Patriarch would like to ask you to help him get a treasure."

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly.

On the surface, the Jinque Trial is for Venerable Jinque to accept his disciples and pass down the Taoism to himself. In fact, after passing the last level, you can get a special mark.

That is the biggest reward of the Golden Tower Trial.

In addition, direct disciples can enter the Siji Hall at any time, read the Kung Fu books, practice secret techniques, and even choose spiritual treasures that suit themselves.

And the premise of all this is that mark.

According to Venerable Jinque, the mark points to a mysterious space with countless dangers. As long as you complete the trial, you will get an opportunity. Venerable Jinque is just a casual cultivator and can go all the way to the three difficult realms. The mysterious space occupies A big part of the reason.

"Fellow Taoist, I also want to pass the Golden Que trial, but it's a pity that I don't have nine stars," Gu Xiuyun shook his head and said, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Chu Weijun and others. As for condensing the true soul golden elixir and trying it with the Golden Que It doesn’t matter if you practice.”

"It's actually like this..."

Master San Cai frowned, "It seems that the Patriarch has thought too much!"

"After hearing what Taoist Fellow Sancai said, I'm a little curious as to what mysteries hidden by Venerable Jinque's direct disciples are, so much so that even the Ninth Grade Patriarch would be tempted." Gu Xiuyun took the opportunity to ask.

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