Fortune Teller

Chapter 691 Pupils deep in the cemetery

"I don't know either," Taoist Jingde shook his head and said, "Ever since Gu Xiuyun became a disciple of Master Xi Ming, he has rarely appeared in front of people. The last time he appeared was three years ago. At that time, when he was discussing Taoism on Beishan Mountain, he used Douxiao Realm to In the middle stage of his cultivation, he fought against all the heavenly sects and defeated more than a dozen of them, and finally lost to a master from Tianxing Palace."

"In half a month's time, there will be a discussion on Taoism on Beishan Mountain. Douxiao Realm disciples from Zhutian Sect will participate, and there will also be quite a few Daoist Masters in the Xuan Dynasty. The two ancestors might as well go and take a look."

Taoist Jingde's eyes were bright and there was a hint of expectation in his expression.

The purpose of discussing Taoism in Beishan Mountain is to offer sacrifices to Beishan Mountain. However, there are constant disputes in the Wuxiang Heaven. Except for the first-class caves, which are occupied by the superiors, it is difficult to snatch them. The ordinary caves are changing owners every day. For this reason, the sects of the heavens ask Master Ximing Come forward and agree on countermeasures.

It was finally decided that a Dao discussion on the Beishan Mountain would be held every three years, and all disciples of the younger generations of the All Heaven Sects could participate, and the ownership of the caves would be decided one after another through the Dao discussion.

From this, we can also see the status of Master Ximing in Wuxiang Tian. He integrates the five elements of mystery and condenses the true soul golden elixir. Although he is only one person, he is no less than ten eighth-level people. What he says, no one in Wuxiang Tian dares to say. refute.

The three people were surrounded by escape light. In just a short moment, they crossed thousands of miles and arrived outside a city.

"This is Gu City, where the main line of the Gu family lies. Now the second elder is responsible for all affairs in the clan," Taoist Jingde said with a smile, "After the first elder and Yu Qianhu became Taoist couples, they no longer interfere with Gu Yu. We went on a long trip together for family matters and haven’t returned for three or four years.”

"Have Han Feng and Qian Hu finally taken that step?" Ancestor Gu Zhen was a little surprised, and then nodded happily, "The two of them have worked hard for the family for most of their lives, it's time to put down their burdens!"

With that said, the three of them came to the city. The streets were bustling with people, almost all practitioners, many of whom had reached the state of opening pulses, and there was a faint aura of Taoism around them.

"There are actually so many descendants of the Kaimai Realm who have understood the secret technique of Daoyun. Are they all elites in the clan?" Ancestor Gu Zhen looked surprised.

The ancestor of the Yan family couldn't help but be amazed.

Integrating the fifth-level Dao Yun means reaching at least the fourth level, or even the fifth level. Back then, the Gu Yu family only had three or four fifth-level heaven clan elders, and the street in front of them was surrounded by the aura of the Dao Yun. There are hundreds of people.

Almost all of these practitioners are below the fourth level of heaven, and they are quite young in appearance. Forty years ago, they were definitely the top geniuses.

"The two ancestors don't know something. About forty years ago, something happened in the Wuxiang Heaven, and a massive amount of original power appeared in the depths of the world."

"Since then, the Cave Heaven Blessed Land has always been filled with the power of the original source. The human cultivators absorb the power of the original source every day, and their talents and understanding are far better than before. Coupled with the various cultivation treasure places established by Master Ximing, elites of the next generation emerge in endlessly.

"These practitioners are all guests of the Gu family. Compared to other families, the Gu family has seven cities at its disposal. Each city is equivalent to a low-level cave. It will naturally attract a large number of practitioners to seek refuge."

Taoist Jingde introduced the scene in the city to the two ancestors. Everywhere they went, practitioners would bow and salute. On the contrary, no one paid attention to Gu Zhen and Yan Lie. Taoist Jingde wanted to tell everyone the identities of the two ancestors. , but were stopped by them!

"The family no longer needs support from me. Han Feng has left with Qianhu Xiaoyao. I also want to take a walk with Yan Lie to take a look and appreciate the scenery of the world of monsters." Ancestor Gu Zhen shook his head.

On the side, the wrinkled face of the ancestor of the Yan family showed a slight smile.

The prisoner-like life in Chi Jinshan made them suffer a lot, but also made them completely look away!

"Disciple understands!"

Taoist Jingde nodded slightly, "The two ancestors have very little life left. You might as well follow the disciples to see Master Ximing. The master has always been kind to the Gu family. He should allow the two ancestors to go to the second-class cave to absorb the original power and increase their lifespan." Yuan."

"The real person who cherishes his life..."

The two ancestors looked hesitant.

Along the way, they heard many rumors about the real person who cherished his life. Apart from their admiration, the fear in their hearts also became stronger. Thinking that they were going to see the real person soon, both Gu Zhen and Yan Lie were a little flustered.

In the cemetery space, Gu Xiuyun stared at the flame cemetery while analyzing the red ore. Countless spiritual powers swirled around him, faintly condensing into the form of the inner heaven and earth.

"The inner heaven and earth revealed in the black runes are completely condensed with flames. The five elements of wind and thunder have disappeared, leaving only the pure power of fire. It can be seen that the five elements of wind and thunder are not necessary to build the inner heaven and earth."

"The combination of fire and space can also form the inner heaven and earth."

"I know a lot about space. Although I have only understood the rules of void escape, the other twelve changes have reached the sixth level of mystery, but the way of fire is still at the seventh level. Do I really want to understand it?" Only by penetrating the rules of the fire element can we condense the inner world of the fire element?"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly. It is not easy to understand the rules of the Five Elements, and as his realm gets higher, the changes in his state of mind will become more serious. He may not have enough time to understand the rules of the Fire Element.

As he was thinking in his mind, his fingertips were changing. Suddenly, the illusory inner world around him froze for an instant, and after only half a breath, it suddenly collapsed.

However, at this moment, Gu Xiuyun looked shocked.

"What did I just do?"

"There are actually signs of condensation and solidification in the inner world of the spiritual power structure?"

Gu Xiuyun quickly recalled carefully.

At that moment, he not only constructed the illusory inner world, but also absorbed a trace of the invisible aura of the cemetery space. The flame cemetery burned the Red Origin Stone all year round, and the invisible aura was also filled with the power of the Red Origin Stone.

The two merged together, causing the inner heaven and earth to condense into reality and freeze for an instant.

"That's right, it's the power of the Red Origin Stone. I understand, I understand!" Gu Xiuyun was ecstatic in his heart.

The inner world of fire is completely different from the inner world of normal practitioners.

The inner heaven and earth of the same line of rules, based on the natal gate of heaven, are integrated into the five elements of the original veins to form a stable five elements of wind and thunder. This is the right way. But the inner heaven and earth of the fire element are different. It does not require any heavenly gates. It is completely based on the red source stone to condense the heaven and earth of the formation. This is a pure method of condensing the void and turning the inner heaven and earth into reality.

Gu Xiuyun has been trying to integrate the power of the Red Origin Stone into his destiny, but he has been wrong from the starting point!

Ordinary inner heaven and earth, there are natal heaven gates and five elemental veins. The only thing that needs to be opened is the virtual gate. The threshold is extremely low. Master Shangmiao can condense the complete inner heaven and earth.

As for the world within the fire element, the level is much higher!

First, we must collect red source stones as the origin of the fire world, and then understand the five-attribute fusion divine array. Only a divine array of that level can form a stable fire world. Finally, we must understand the origin of the fire world.

Three requirements are indispensable.

In this world, except Zhu Yan, probably no one can do it!

"It must be like this, with the Red Origin Stone as the foundation, the divine formation as the structure of the world, and the complete Fire Path," Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself, "The Fire Path within the Heaven and Earth is another kind of cultivation path that does not require the construction of a complete path. In the inner world of fire, as long as it remains a semi-finished product, the four demon kings can condense their true mysterious spiritual power, and their strength will skyrocket. "

The four demon kings have all practiced for tens of thousands of years and must have understood the rules of fire. As long as they are told the method, it will only be a matter of time before the inner world is recast.

Just as he was thinking about it, a smile appeared on Gu Xiuyun's lips, "The ancestors of Gu Yan's family are back? It's good, now that you have figured out the method of condensing the inner world, let's go back and see them."

Gu Xiuyun waved one hand, and hundreds of Red Origin Stones hung in front of him. Ordinary spiritual power could not carry the Red Origin Stones, but space rules could. This kind of ore originally came from the Nirvana Space.


The escape light disappeared and the cemetery space was empty. At this moment, a black pupil was revealed deep in the flame cemetery.

"The heaven and earth within the fire element...the heaven and earth within the fire element..."

"The pure way of fire can actually form the inner heaven and earth. No wonder the Tianjian Stele will guide me to find the Red Origin Stone. This object is not used to evolve the miniature divine formation, but to condense the inner world of fire!"

The pupils deep in the cemetery were bloodshot, and the depths of his eyes were filled with surprise and excitement.

It has never thought that in addition to the Five Elements, Wind, Thunder, Heaven and Earth, a single avenue in the world can also be condensed into the Inner Heaven and Earth. This idea is so crazy that it is completely beyond the cognition of the world.

"I have been reincarnated nine times, and I have pushed the micro-array to the point where five formations are superimposed, but I still can't take that crucial step," Pupil murmured in a low voice, "I originally thought that the micro-array must be upgraded to a divine array. Levels can lead to transcendence, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t condense the miniature divine formation.”

"Perhaps, it just lacks the core of Fire Element Inner World."

The flame pupils let out a low roar.

It has always believed that the way of body refining is completely different from the way of rules. Body refining is internal and rules are external. As long as the micro formation deep in the flesh and blood is upgraded to the peak of high-grade, or even the level of divine formation, one can completely transcend.

But now, it has discovered that the body refining process also needs to condense the inner world, but it is not the ordinary inner world, but the divine array world that completely corresponds to the micro-formation.

"The road is right in front of you!"

"At most thirty thousand years, I will be able to completely transcend!"

The flame pupils roared wildly, and the heart was filled with joy and excitement. Born from the endless void, for 400 million years, Zhu Yan was probably the first powerful person to transcend.

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