Fortune Teller

Chapter 692: Sweeping the East China Sea

In Youning City.

The blue palace is suspended in mid-air. In the square outside the palace, Taoist Jingde and two ancestors are waiting aside.

Not long after, a blur of light fell from the sky. There were two figures in the light. One of them had an upright figure and a vague breath. The other had a smile on his lips and a sharp look on his face. He looked like he was only in his twenties. .

The light dispersed.

The blurry figure disappeared, leaving only the young man in the same place.

"My descendant, Gu Xiuyun, has met ancestor Gu Zhen, ancestor Yan, and great uncle." The young man bowed and saluted.

"No need to be polite, you are now Zhenren's disciple, just call me senior brother." Taoist Jingde said repeatedly.

Gu Zhen and Yan Lie looked at the young man in front of them, with a hint of anxiety and embarrassment in their expressions.

According to Taoist Jingde, Gu Xiuyun defeated more than a dozen Daoists in the Beishan Mountain three years ago. His strength was so tyrannical that he could be counted among the entire human kingdom.

It's really unreasonable to call such people respectfully as ancestors.

"Two ancestors, Master already knows your purpose of coming and ordered me to take you to a cave," Gu Xiuyun said, "Master doesn't want to see outsiders, so let's not go in and disturb them!"

"That's fine!"

The two ancestors nodded quickly.

East China Sea.

The sound of the wind swept across a thousand miles, and Gu Xiuyun's second clone stood in the sky, with a peerless demon king standing beside him.

The Demon King's face was a little blurry, and there was a faint illusory aura.

At this moment, this peerless demon king has been occupied by the soul of the Shencrow Demon Emperor. The demon emperor's true body remains in the storm space, but his soul has spread to the surface space.

"High Priest, the entire East China Sea has been swept away by us, and all the creatures in the Douxiao Realm have been suppressed," Shenwu Demon Emperor said. "With my emperor's method, ordinary Douxiao Realm can be sealed with the help of the secret technique of soul thoughts, but those condensed true The Demon King of Soul and Master Shangmiao can suppress us for a while at most, but once we enter the Four Elephants Divine Fire Formation, they may break through and wake up at any time.”

"It doesn't matter, Pindao has already decided where to send them."

Gu Xiuyun looked into the distance, his eyes twinkling, "Decades have passed before I knew it. If the old priest knew the current situation of the divine religion, he would also be happy!"

"Senior, let me take you to meet an old friend."

"Old friend?"

The Divine Crow Demon King was a little curious.


The void was torn open, and two figures got into the storm space. After half a stick of incense, they returned to the boundary space. Thunderclouds rolled in front of them, completely covering the void.

Gu Xiuyun took the soul clone of the Divine Crow Demon Emperor through the clouds and entered the Sumeru space.

On the altar in the distance, the figure of the remnant soul condensed into shape. Seeing Gu Xiuyun and the vague-faced Shenwu Demon King, the old priest had a strange look on his face, "Are you... Shenwu?"

"Yuan Yi, I didn't expect that you are not dead yet," Shenwu Demon Emperor stared at the remnant soul for several times and praised, "I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, but your aura is much stronger than in previous years. The soul nourishing platform left by the true master Really good.”

The old priest's face darkened, "I finally made you succeed, Shenwu, how does it feel to be in charge of the Eight-Eyed Sect? I am not your opponent, but there is no need for you to come here to laugh at me."

"The taste is very good," Shenwu Demon King raised his eyebrows, "All the human races in the sect have fallen, and those so-called high priests have all become my food."


The old priest's eyes were extremely gloomy.

"Senior Shenwu, stop joking," Gu Xiuyun waved one hand, and an inexplicable golden symbol appeared on his forehead, which was the mark of the person in charge of the throne. "Senior Yuan Yi, I have worshiped the Eight-Eyed Sect and become the current high priest. , As for Senior Shenwu, I was the one who released him.”

"Now that the divine religion is weak, we must work together to tide over the difficulties."

As he spoke, Gu Xiuyun waved one hand and fished out a dozen figures from the Sumeru bag and threw them into the Sumeru space. "These demon kings and practitioners have all condensed their true souls and have a large background. We would like to ask seniors to guard them." Wait, but don’t hurt their lives, these people will be useful in the future.”

"The person in charge of the throne?"

The old priest stared at Gu Xiuyun, his eyes full of shock, anger and dissatisfaction, "Since you have taken control of the divine religion, you should know the threat of the demon clan and release the Shenwu. Do you think you can suppress it?"

The Divine Crow Demon King hummed, not bothering to explain.

When the divine sect was strong, there were many conflicts between the human race and the demon race, but they were forcibly suppressed by the Eight-Eyed True Master.

The Demon King Shenwu and the High Priest Yuan Yi belong to two major factions, and their relationship is naturally not good.

"Senior, I don't know. I'm good at the secret art of divination, so I made a contract with the Shenwu Demon Emperor. When the Shenwu Demon Emperor dies, I will reintroduce his reincarnated body into the divine religion..." Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice. explained.

After a long time, the old priest's face softened slightly, "I see. After careful calculation, Shenwu Old Demon's life span is more than 90,000 years. The end is not far away. Instead of fighting for this life, it is better to plan for the future."

"You don't need to teach me this truth." Shenwu Demon King curled his lips and sneered.

The old priest's face darkened again.

Seeing that the two people were incompatible with each other, Gu Xiuyun coughed quickly and said, "Senior, please help guard these Douxiaos. I, the junior, will leave first with the Shenwu Demon King."


A crack was torn open in the Sumeru space, and Gu Xiuyun pulled the Shenwu Demon Emperor away.

Looking at the departing figure, a smile appeared in the eyes of the old priest, "I am not wrong about the person. The junior back then has now become the holder of the throne. In just a few decades, he has understood the rules of space. He may not be able to take further steps in the future. Entering the realm of the venerable.”

Hearty laughter came from the Sumeru space.

After the East China Sea was occupied, the Eight-Eyed God Sect sent out a large number of disciples to occupy all the cave heavens. Even the priests of Jintai were able to monopolize a low-level cave heaven.

The demon king in the depths of the sea disappeared without a trace, and all the demon beasts in the Kaimai Realm were killed. The entire East China Sea became the territory of the Eight-Eyed God Sect.

At the same time, under the guidance of Gu Xiuyun, the three demon kings began to try to unite the world within the fire element.

When it comes to the realm of Taoism, the three eighth-level peak demon emperors are far above Gu Xiuyun. They have also practiced the point formation method, and their formation methods have already reached astonishing levels.

Day by day, the inner world of fire they condensed became more and more perfect, and could even last for more than half an hour.

As for the Shenwu Demon Emperor, as the ninth-grade patriarch, his inner world is much more stable than others. There are still some remnants of it, and he can continue to exert his true mysterious spiritual power without having to practice this method.

Three years passed in a flash.

On this day, the world suddenly shook violently, tens of thousands of cracks appeared in the sky, and endless divine fire spewed out from each crack. It stands to reason that wherever the divine fire reaches, all practitioners will perish.

But the strange thing is that the power of the flame is not even as good as ordinary fire. Except for a few unlucky mortals who were burned by the sparks, the practitioners did not even break their skin.

"Has the power of the Four Elephants God Fire Formation been lost?"

After hearing the news, Gu Xiuyun's eyes shot out three feet of light, "It seems that the Supreme Treasure of the Venerable has been formed, it's time to go there!"


The true form of the human race came to the inner level of the Holy Land.

The four Demon Emperors were sitting cross-legged. Except for the Shenwu Demon Emperor who was absorbing the original power to maintain the stability of the inner world, the other three Demon Emperors were surrounded by a strange aura of fire.

"Seniors, the time has come." Gu Xiuyun said.

"finally come?"

The four demon kings opened their eyes at the same time.

"I have been enlightened for more than two years and have finally stabilized the inner world of the Fire Element. Although it is a defective product, it is enough to condense the true mysterious spiritual power." The Ice Rhino Demon Emperor laughed loudly, "Compared to two years ago, I The strength has nearly doubled, reaching 70% of its peak.”

The Ice Rhino Demon King possesses both the physical and legal systems. At his peak state, the secret techniques of immortality combined with the magical power of the bloodline are far more powerful than those of ordinary eighth-level warriors.

"With my current strength, I can barely step into the Tianfang realm," the Ice Rhino Demon King said to himself, "It's not that far away from back then."

"You rhinoceros has indeed made great progress in recent years," King Ray said solemnly, "I think back then, I was only half a step away from the Tianshu realm. If I hadn't been trapped in the Shenkong Palace, I would have already become the Tianshu realm. Great power, even in the entire realm of heaven, is the top existence."

"Tianfang realm? Tianshu realm?" Gu Xiuyun blinked, a little confused.

"This is a mysterious illusion," Shenwu Demon King explained. "The first level is called the Heavenly Stone Realm. Only the powerful senior eighth-level people can break into it. The second level is called the Tianfang Realm. The eighth-level peak is inaccessible, and the third level is called Tianshu Realm. An eighth-level expert who can break into that level can be said to be invincible. Only the ninth-level masters can hope to enter."

"Why have I never seen it in the classics?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"Of course it will not be recorded in the sacred books. This illusion is very far away from the chessboard realm. It is in the Langya realm, the place where Taoism originated. Many eighth-level experts have never left the chessboard realm in their lives, and they know that there is no place there. significance."

The Shenwu Demon King said, "It is said that the illusion was created by a Realm Master. It was originally intended to sharpen practitioners and select disciples. Later, it gradually fell into disuse. Instead, it became a benchmark for the true realm masters to judge their own strength."

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