Fortune Teller

Chapter 709: The Thoughts of Master Tianji

The twenty-four life star beads separated from the soul body, and Gu Xiuyun's mind and even consciousness were relieved to varying degrees. This made him more and more certain that the changes in his mind came from the life star chart.

As long as the birth chart is completely stripped away, it can return to normal.

To do this, twenty-four pill beads alone are far from enough, and you need to use the Supreme Treasure of the Supreme Being.

"The Patriarch Tianji is in charge of the rules of destiny. I am afraid he has foreseen today's scene. What is this Patriarch planning?"

Gu Xiuyun thought in his mind.

Of course, he would not naively think that Patriarch Tianji had been planning for hundreds of thousands of years just to save him.

Master Tianji did all this, most likely because he wanted to get something from him, but he didn't dare to grab it openly.

The most taboo thing in the rules of heaven and earth is to take it without asking.

Gu Xiuyun has a deep understanding of this point.

For example, when repairing the Life Star Pearl, every rare treasure must be a willing gift from others. Gu Xiuyun cannot take the initiative to steal it, otherwise the rules of heaven and earth will immediately impose punishment.

This is especially true for the secret technique of the broken stele. The most perfect result is reflected in the black runes, but... you can't use the secret technique of heaven to fight for it, otherwise the monstrous cause and effect will come immediately. In severe cases, three disasters and nine disasters will directly send you to reincarnation.

This is the constraint imposed by the rules of heaven and earth on practitioners of heavenly secrets.

Being in charge of destiny means that the world's opportunities and even the future can be seen through. If it is not restrained and such people are allowed to compete for opportunities, the order of heaven and earth would have been disrupted long ago!

"Perhaps, Patriarch Tianji wants to get something from me, such as a life star chart." Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart, "The twenty-four pill beads are bait, and the other twelve pill beads guide the way to get rid of the life star chart. He wants to What you do is let me take the initiative to send out the horoscope."

At this moment, he vaguely felt that he had truly grasped the thoughts of Master Tianji.

"Girl, let's go to the secret space."

In the void, two figures crossed the sky and fled towards the southern area of ​​the divine formation.

In the special space, Master Tiangu sat cross-legged and stared down at the jade platform.

"The Heavenly Disk is throbbing. Could it be that the weapon spirit has awakened?"

"Grandmaster, Patriarch, you left behind a treasure but didn't tell future generations the refining method. Are you testing us?"

Master Tian Gu was filled with confusion.

Suddenly, a sharp light flashed in her eyes, and she looked at the bronze mirror.

In the mirror light.

Gu Yue struck several times with her sword, and her endless sharpness tore through the formation barrier, completely shattering the spiritual power nodes, leaving a looming crack.

"Let's go!"

Gu Xiuyun waved one hand, put Gu Yue into the Sumeru bag, and then flew towards the crack. As for the clones of the two, they still stayed in the space of the divine formation to prevent any conspiracy from the Tianji legacy.

The two clones working together are enough to deal with any powerful enemy.

"These two juniors can't bear it anymore?" Master Tiangu's eyes flashed coldly, "In front of the Four-pole Chaotic Sky Formation, no matter what means you have, you will not be able to reach the deepest part of the secret realm."

In the secret space.

As soon as Gu Xiuyun appeared, he fell into a chaotic space. The waves of void around him were turbulent, and the violent impact was enough to kill Douxiao realm practitioners.

The four-attribute fusion divine formation is extremely powerful. Even if it does not focus on killing, it far surpasses the three-attribute divine formation.

Standing deep in the wave, Gu Xiuyun silently sensed the changes in the Life Star Pearl.

The Four-pole Chaotic Sky Formation is complex and mysterious, and contains changes in the heavenly secrets. If you expect the enemy in front, no matter how you walk, you will be enveloped by the formation. If you want to break the formation, you must rely on Zangyuan to cover the sky.

But in fact, there is a simpler way - divide into two teams and go in opposite directions.

No matter how the Four-pole Chaotic Sky Formation changes, its coverage is always limited. If you want to trap Shenwu and the white-haired old ape, you can't trap Gu Xiuyun.

Of course, in order to achieve this step, Gu Xiuyun's formation attainments must reach the fourth attribute level. If he just walks around randomly, he will be easily affected by psychedelic illusions and will not be able to get out of the divine formation at all, so two formation masters must join forces.

But now, the Life Star Pearl in Gu Xiuyun's body always senses the Supreme Treasure and points him in the direction, so it is possible to break the formation.

"Senior Shenwu, try your best to break the formation from now on. If Tiangu wants to stop you, he will definitely let me enter the deepest part of the secret realm." Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice.

Compared with the three powerful men who were at least Tianshu realm, Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue were naturally easier to deal with. Master Tiangu would never dare to let the ninth-grade Patriarch appear in front of him.

"Break the formation?!" Shenwu Demon King held the jade talisman for communication, his eyes flashing, "Could it be that the high priest has found the operating rules of the four-pole chaotic sky formation, and he can also break the four-attribute fusion formation?"

Although doubtful in his heart, the Divine Crow Demon King did not hesitate at all. The mirage filled the area for thousands of miles and shouted at the same time: "White-haired ape, black-skinned crocodile, bombard this formation with all your strength. I have found a way to break the formation!"

"real or fake?"

The Black Crocodile Demon King looked at Huan Guang, "It's been almost a month. We have tried several times and failed to get out. Can we succeed this time?"

"Success or failure is better than sitting around."

The body of the white-haired old ape expanded rapidly, reaching a height of ten thousand feet in the blink of an eye, and its arms covered with white hairs smashed into the void.

In an instant, the space of the divine formation collapsed.

"Go left for one hundred and fifty miles, and then go right for seven hundred miles." Shenwu Demon King said.

Three figures crossed the void at high speed.

Seeing this, Master Tiangu snorted coldly and activated the surrounding formations. Spiritual power surged like a tide, and the jade platform emitted bright light. This supreme treasure is the center of the Four-pole Chaotic Sky Formation and the maintenance of the divine formation. The core of operation.

Different from ordinary formations, the Four-pole Chaotic Sky Formation contains changes in the heavenly secrets. It must use the top secret treasures as the center in order to exert its true power.

"Stubborn, your route has long been controlled by the Tianji Pan. As long as you have enough spiritual power, you will never be able to break out even if it takes tens of thousands of years."

Master Tiangu had a sneer on his face, but at this moment, her expression suddenly changed.

Elsewhere, Gu Xiuyun was also moving forward at great speed, and his direction was pointing directly to the deepest part of the secret realm. No matter what illusions there were, they could not stop his steps.

"How is it possible that this junior's formation attainments are no less than those of Shenwu Old Ghost?"

Looking at Gu Xiuyun's unhesitating steps in the bronze mirror, Master Tiangu frowned.

The two teams were walking in different areas and in different directions. If they wanted to stop the Divine Crow Demon Emperor at the edge of the secret realm, they could only let Gu Xiuyun enter the special space.

When he thought of Gu Yue's Thunder Sword and the Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword Qi, Master Tian Gu's expression became more solemn.

"It seems that this battle is inevitable. Compared with the white-haired ape, Baifa and Gu Xiuyun are much easier to deal with." Master Tiangu took a deep breath, "As long as the void stagnation formation is deployed in advance, they will not be able to use it. Avoid attacks in the Nirvana Space.”

Thinking in his mind, formation patterns merged into the void, and at the same time, a large number of formations rose into the air.

In order to deal with powerful enemies, Tianji Legacy has made many preparations, one of which is the Void Stagnation Divine Formation.

This formation has no other effects, its only function is to seal the void.

Within the space of the divine array, no living being can freely enter and exit different spaces. Tiangu has not yet understood the rules of the void. This divine array has no effect on her, but it can suppress Gu Xiuyun's strength to the lowest level.

Half an hour later, thousands of formations merged into the void, and four eighth-grade spiritual treasures guarded the four directions, completely stabilizing the void.

Not long after, a cyan figure came to the edge of the space.

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