Fortune Teller

Chapter 710 Twelve clones

"Master Tiangu?" Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows slightly.

This contemporary strong man from the Tianji legacy is also the only true power of artistic conception. Since forty years ago, the two have been fighting openly or covertly.

But they didn't really meet until today.

"Gu Xiuyun."

The old woman narrowed her eyes and said, "I am very curious about you. At such a young age, you are favored by the Venerable Gengyang and the Eight-Eyed True Venerable, and even sit on the throne of the Protector of the Dharma. If it weren't for the great cause and effect behind you, I would I can’t deduce it with all my strength, I have to watch you carefully.”

"I don't understand why the Tianji Legacy is against me," Gu Xiuyun asked quietly, "When Chu County was established, the four great sects should have ignored it, but they took action. Later I found out that it was The legacy of Tianji is behind this, and you are even willing to use up the life span of a great master in order to deal with me."

"Because the inheritance of the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect is destined to fall into my hands," Master Tiangu's eyes were as dark as ink, "You must have discovered that I have set up a void stagnation formation here, and there are no void escape rules. You How much strength is left?

"As for your companion, the Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword Qi is indeed powerful, but she has no means to save her life. In front of me, she will not survive for more than a moment."

Master Tiangu looked confident.

Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue's training years were too short, and they could easily be targeted just by relying on the Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword Qi and the Void Escape Rules.

And Master Tiangu happens to be famous for his complicated methods.

Looking at the old woman in front of him, Gu Xiuyun raised the corner of his mouth slightly. From the beginning to the end, he did not activate the Blue Sky Armor or the Fantasy Sky Hammer. He even risked exposing his identity and asked Gu Yue to use the Thunder Sword to suppress Li Du. Just for this moment.

What he really wants to deal with is Master Tiangu.

"Girl, do it!" Gu Xiuyun said through his soul.


The Sumeru bag collapsed, and the white-haired figure stepped out. In an instant, a violent wave of wind and thunder filled the void.

The Mixed Wind Thunder Bead was embedded deep into Gu Yue's forehead, completely covering the ten-mile area. This eighth-grade pinnacle spiritual treasure reached the limit of the eighth-grade, whether it was for sealing or protecting the body.

"Eighth-grade peak spiritual treasure?? Impossible!"

Master Tiangu looked shocked.

She has calculated several times. Gu Yue has no means of saving his life except the Thunder Sword. What happened to the treasure in front of him?

At the same time, cyan light emitted from Gu Xiuyun's body, and a sledgehammer appeared out of thin air in his hand. The psychedelic illusions were layered one after another, covering an area of ​​a hundred miles in radius.

"Two space spiritual treasures, one for defense and one for killing!"

Master Tiangu couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. The other party actually had three more eighth-grade spiritual treasures. How did they avoid the Nine Yuan Suan's detection?

boom! !

The mysterious sound enveloped the void, and in conjunction with Gu Xiuyun's true soul elixir and space rules, endless illusions penetrated into Master Tiangu's body.

At the same time, the Phantom Sky Hammer crashed down.

The three spatial rules are integrated into one, and its power has reached an astonishing level. This treasure can be called the ultimate eighth-grade space type.

Space enchantment, mirror light illusion, and even the power of void distortion, no living thing can escape from the Phantom Sky Hammer, because it rolls the entire void. As long as the creatures stay in the space, they can only resist the bombardment of the Phantom Sky Hammer. .


The shadow of the hammer penetrated Master Tiangu, and the old woman's withered body was torn into pieces, and her breath weakened rapidly.

Immediately afterwards.

The void was torn apart, and the wind and thunder sword light drew a beautiful arc and slashed towards Master Tiangu, seeming to split the world into two halves.

Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue struck with all their strength without any reservation.

With one hammer and one sword, even if he is a powerful person in the Heavenly Stone Realm, he will lose his life, not to mention that Master Tiangu is not good at killing. He has practiced for tens of thousands of years and has never reached the peak of the eighth level. His strength is even slightly inferior to Lidu.


The sword light arrives.

Master Tiangu didn't have time to think, and quickly activated his secret skills to resist. However, the Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword Qi combined with the Thunder Sword, coupled with the increase of the Mixed Wind and Thunder Beads, had already reached the level of Tianfang Realm.

Where can Master Tiangu resist?

Without any surprise, the defensive aura was torn apart. Facing the desperate situation, Master Tiangu no longer held back any more. She spat out a mouthful of golden blood and slammed her whole body into the jade platform.


In an instant, the jade platform emitted a dazzling light, completely illuminating the entire space, and twelve Master Tiangu appeared in the void.

The wind and thunder sword light struck a figure, and Master Tiangu collapsed like a bubble, but only for a moment, he returned to wholeness.

"Illusion?" Gu Xiuyun looked around and immediately realized something was wrong.

The twelve Tiangu Masters are all filled with the aura of rules, and their bodies and soul thoughts are as real as if they are their true bodies.

In such a weird situation, not even the Phantom Sky Hammer can identify where the real body is, let alone the Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword Qi.

"Gu Xiuyun, Baifa, I underestimate you. You can actually avoid the calculations of heaven. If I hadn't already refined part of the Supreme Treasure of the Supreme Being, I would have lost this battle today," the twelve Tiangu Masters laughed loudly. He said, "Unfortunately, no matter how you plan, you are no match for Grandmaster Tianji."

As soon as he finished speaking, twelve Master Tiangu took action at the same time, surrounding and killing Gu Yue.

The yin and yang wind and thunder sword energy is extremely dangerous, and its killing power is completely beyond the endurance limit of Master Tiangu. As long as Gu Yue is alive, Master Tiangu may fall.

"Girl, be careful."

Gu Xiuyun's expression changed drastically, and the Fantasy Sky Hammer suddenly fell. The psychedelic illusion enveloped a hundred miles in radius, impacting Master Tiangu's mind.

In addition, the mixed wind and thunder beads on Gu Yue's forehead condensed into a layer of wind and thunder armor, covering the whole body, and the regular fluctuations turned into rolling waves, sealing off the entire ten-mile area.

when! when! ! when!

Twelve silver needles pierced into the wind and thunder waves, only passing a hundred feet before they completely collapsed.

"What a powerful spiritual treasure. It also contains wind and thunder waves, which is perfect for the white-haired junior." Master Tian Gu was secretly shocked. "Such a treasure is rare in the world. How did they get it? Could it be... that they have already worshiped it?" Eight Eyes Divine Sect, become a priest of Yaoritai?"

Thinking of this, Master Tiangu activated the Nine Elements Calculation and carefully observed the fate of the two people.

However, only a short section could be seen, and the rest was obscured by thick fog, which was caused by the power of the Eight-Eyed God. Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue's experiences in the Divine Cult General Forum cannot be probed by anyone. If they pry into it forcefully, they will be counterattacked by the true power of the Lord.

Master Tiangu turned to observe the Magic Sky Hammer and other spiritual treasures. She didn't understand why Jiuyuan Calculation failed to sense the existence of the three spiritual treasures after many deductions.

If not, he wouldn't be in such a passive situation.

The blurred phase of the past evolved, and Master Tiangu's expression suddenly changed. The three spiritual treasures were actually obscured by the mist. She could not deduce the spiritual treasures that were right in front of her. This scene was too weird.

"Concealing the secret of heaven... Hidden essence covers the aspect of heaven?"

Master Tiangu was completely shocked!

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