Fortune Teller

Chapter 797 Three-legged Blue Pattern Cup

Deep in the snowfield, seven Zhenyijing sat cross-legged.

Four of them have reached the peak of the eighth level, especially Chushan Taoist, who has the most profound Taoist realm. He not only masters all the rules of earth walking, but also comprehends part of the rules of void escape.

In addition, I also have some understanding of several other five element rules.

This kind of existence is only half a step away from the ninth-grade ancestor.

Chushan Taoist holds a three-legged blue-patterned cup, his eyes are solemn, and there is a touch of calmness and expectation in the corners of his eyebrows. With his Taoist realm, ordinary eighth-level people no longer take it seriously, even Cangzu, who is in the early stage of the Sky Stone Realm. In his eyes, the Demon Emperor was just a reckless man who relied on his body.

"Integrating the rules of the five elements, Pindao has never encountered such an opponent since he started practicing. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Although the power of the rules is strong, you are still a junior in the Dou Xiao Realm. How far can the Five Elements Heaven-turning Sword driven by the true mysterious spiritual power reach?"

"In the hands of this poor Taoist, there is a ninth-grade spiritual treasure that can suppress the seal."

Looking at the three-legged blue-patterned cup in front of him, Chushan Taoist's heart was full of longing. The ninth-grade spiritual treasure that contains the spirit of the weapon is so precious. There are only a few in the entire realm of heaven, and they all fall into the hands of the venerable. .

The power of this treasure is immeasurable. Just the dispersion of its breath makes the bodies of the surrounding True Intention Powers sink, as if they were bearing down on a huge mountain.

It's hard to imagine what it would be like if the power of the three-legged blue-patterned cup were brought into full play.


A wisp of space fluctuation came.

Taoist Chushan's eyes lit up, "We're finally here. Everyone, guard this place. I'll go meet him for a while!"

"Fellow Taoist Chushan, I will go with you!"

Demon King Yu Heng stood up and said, "I am not good at the rules of wood. If I stay here, I can't activate the Jade Spirit Pearl. I might as well go with you so that I can provide support."

Taoist Chushan raised his brows, seeming a little dissatisfied. Then he saw the ninth-grade Taoist talisman in Yu Heng's hand, thought about it in his heart, and nodded.

The Taoist talismans given by the ancestors were all of the sealing type and defensive type. There were no killing talismans. It was not because they were afraid of killing Gu Xiuyun, but because they were worried that they would be self-defeating and the power would exceed the range of the formation and affect Wuxiangtian.

After all, Tao Fu Lingbao is not a practitioner and cannot perfectly control its power. If he is not careful, most of the world will be destroyed, causing countless casualties to mortals.

"That's fine."

Taoist Chushan waved his hand and led Demon Emperor Yu Heng into the sky, passed through the dark abyss passage, and came to the sky above the snowy field.

In the distance, a hundred-foot-tall ape and strange beast stepped closer. The ape's hair was golden, wearing armor and holding a giant hammer. Every step he took caused the heaven and earth to roar.

"Nine transformations of true form!"

Chushan Taoist narrowed his eyes, and the energy of heaven and earth poured into the three-legged blue-patterned cup. In an instant, the world became dark, and the endless power of void suddenly pressed down, as if the whole world was following apes and strange beasts. confrontation.

In addition to the origin of space, there is also the origin of earth elements.

Venerable Wuhen achieved the Venerable Realm through the Great Way of Space, and his starting point was very high. In his early years of practice, he was best at the rules of space and the rules of earth, and he had fully understood both origins.

In the hands of the Chushan Taoist, the green pattern cup, the power of the earth element is many times stronger than the space. The complete rules of the earth element pour into the depths of the spiritual treasure, as if one box after another is opened, and the great power pours into the void, forming Three sky pillars.


Pressed by the void, the pressure on Gu Xiuyun's whole body suddenly increased a thousand times. Seventy percent of the majestic force was removed by the blue sky armor, and 30% still fell on the skin and flesh of the body, so that the energy of the nine true forms was rapidly consumed.

"Nine-grade spiritual treasure."

A cold light flashed in Gu Xiuyun's eyes. The scene in front of him had long been expected. The venerables could see everything in the world in one thought. How could they not make arrangements?

But as long as the Ninth Grade Patriarch has not yet arrived, there is room for change.

I saw him taking a deep breath, and the rules of wood in his body were running endlessly, cooperating with the wood source code to form an endless supply of flesh and blood vitality, supplying the nine transformations of the true form.

Immediately afterwards, the black and white light in his left hand flashed, and he waved out a palm.


The void that was so compressed that it was almost completely dense was shattered in an instant. The Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand cooperated with the Nine Transformations of True Form, and its power has reached the peak of Tianfang Realm.

Immediately afterwards, three sky pillars fell, and the pillars criss-crossed and turned into three high walls, blocking Gu Xiuyun.

"Master Ximing, don't resist. I am not good at the rules of the void and cannot exert the power of the three-legged blue pattern cup space method. However, I have a deep understanding of the rules of the earth element, and I am only half a step away from the origin of the earth element. This If you block the gable, you can’t get over it.”

Chushan Taoist stood in the sky and spoke proudly.


Gu Xiuyun hummed, his palms filled with black and white light, and his rough ape hands slammed towards the mountain wall.


A crack appeared on the surface of the mountain, and a moment later, it was repaired by the energy of heaven and earth.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xiuyun's heart sank slightly.

Taoist Chushan and Demon Emperor Yu Heng smiled, and in the deepest part of the dark abyss, the five Zhenyijing guarding the space teleportation array showed relaxed expressions.

"I thought the fusion of the Five Elements Rules was so powerful, but it turns out that it is vulnerable to a ninth-grade spiritual treasure."

"Fellow Daoist Chushan only activated the origin of the earth element, and his power was less than 20% of the ninth-grade spiritual treasure, so he completely suppressed this person. It seems that he is just mediocre."

"Don't underestimate this person. After all, his training years are too short. He is still in the early stage of Douxiao realm. The power of Zhenxuan spiritual power is limited. If he borrows the power of heaven and earth, the ninth-grade spiritual treasure may not be able to stop him."

"From the early stage of the Douxiao Realm to the True Artistic Realm, it cannot be crossed in just seventy years."

Everyone smiled, and their words were a little more relaxed.

That's right, after all, Gu Xiuyun is just a small eighth-grade person. Facing the venerable sects of the heavens, it is not easy to get to this point. If even the ninth-grade spiritual treasure containing the weapon spirit can be forcibly broken, these Zhenyijing has no shame in practicing!

In the void outside the boundary, the venerable gods remained calm and expressionless, showing no signs of joy or anger, but the corner of their eyes revealed a certain calmness.

"It seems that my arrangement is just superfluous," the giant nodded secretly, "It's better to be less tainted with cause and effect."

Standing still on Qianbao Mountain, Venerable Gengyang's eyes narrowed slightly and he remained silent.

The twelve-tailed fox demon shook its huge head, and looked into the distance with a pair of dark eyes with a hint of blood. He shook his head and sighed, "It seems that your disciple really has no way out, and only a white body is left." Ze Zhenshen’s path to cultivation is difficult, and he doesn’t even have the slightest bit of fighting power. I’m afraid he won’t be able to achieve enlightenment until he dies.”

"Everyone has his or her own destiny, Pindao did his best!"

Venerable Gengyang closed his eyes and meditated attentively, as if he didn't want to see the scene of Gu Xiuyun being killed by the ninth-grade Patriarch.

In the Pavilion of Questions, in front of an endless stone staircase that stretched to the end of the starry sky, Venerable Weiyang's true body fell, and his majestic brilliance seemed dim in front of the real scorching sun in the sky.

"Master, I went to the Eight-Eyed Sect and made some discoveries."

Venerable Weiyang bowed and saw the scorching sun in the sky silent, and then continued, "The Eight-Eyed True Venerable disappeared without a trace, but he left a true soul in the world to guard the core place and serve as the power to guide the great road. Beacon. It can be seen that the Eight-Eyed True Master has not yet fallen, and maybe he will return when the next three disasters come. "

"You just need to know this yourself, don't tell others."

A voice came from the scorching sun at the end of the starry sky.

"Disciple understands."

Venerable Weiyang bowed, and countless frenzy surged in his heart. It seems that the relationship between the True Venerables is not as intrigue as outsiders thought. From the words of the True Venerable Asking questions, it can be seen that the three True Venerables know very well where the Eight-Eyed True Venerable has gone. place, it is even possible to protect the road in secret.

Thinking of this, Venerable Weiyang felt a chill in his heart. The True Venerable is already the most powerful being in the world. It is impossible for them to join forces with each other without a certain reason. Are they facing any threats?

From this point of view, whether the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect survives or not, the core place cannot be touched by ordinary venerables. The Zhutian Sect has been planning for a long time, but it is just a farce!

"Have your two Taoist skills been passed down to Master Ximing?" Another voice fell from the end of the starry sky.

"This person is quite mysterious, and he is a cultivator of heavenly secrets," Venerable Weiyang said respectfully, "The disciple formed a good relationship with him on the grounds of cause and effect."

"No wonder, he can integrate the rules of the five elements in just a moment. With his understanding, if he can understand Taoism, he may be able to survive this disaster."

The sky faded away its light, and the void around the steps gradually became dark.

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