Fortune Teller

Chapter 798 The scenery in your eyes

Above the boundary, figures came one after another.

There were more than forty powerful people who had entered the Wuxiang Heaven, and they were all over the place, looking for Gu Xiuyun's whereabouts. After receiving the message, they rushed back one by one.

"The one who is sealed inside that gable is the Taoist Ximing Ming?" A man of Zhenyijing stood in the air, overlooking the bottom.

"Yes, Chushan Taoist is in charge of the ninth-grade spiritual treasure and has trapped this person. We only need to wait for more than an hour before we can enter the Eight-Eyed Sect and divide the inheritance of the sect." Another person looked expectant.

The Eight-Eyed God Sect's reputation spread throughout the world. It was once the most powerful sect in the entire chessboard realm. It accumulated countless treasures. Even if it was destroyed, it still contained countless rare treasures.

Not to mention anything else, those skills and secret techniques alone made the true mood of those present excited.

In addition to one's own Taoist mind, it is also extremely important for a practitioner to practice external things. Lingbao, rare treasures, techniques, and secrets are all extremely precious. Perhaps the true sages may not look down on them, but there are certainly not too many of the powerful ones with true artistic conception.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

There were roars coming from the gable walls surrounded by sky pillars.

Everyone who listened secretly frowned. If Taoist Chushan hadn't looked calm and Demon Emperor Yu Heng was waiting by the side holding a ninth-grade Taoist talisman, they would have escaped to the jade spirit bead in the deepest part of the dark abyss!

"What's the use of struggling to the death?"

Taoist Chushan sneered, and the three-legged blue-patterned cup in his hand filled the air with a faint green and yellow airflow, maintaining the stability of the Tianzhu.

The biggest difference between the ninth-grade spiritual treasure and the ninth-grade Taoist talisman is that the power of the spiritual treasure is endless. As long as a practitioner injects energy behind it, it will never be exhausted.

Gu Xiuyun was able to break open the Black Mountain Cage, but he could never break open the three-legged Blue Pattern Cup. Unless he took his killing methods to a higher level and pierced the Tianzhu in one fell swoop, he would not even have a chance to repair it.

Inside the gable, Gu Xiuyun waved his hands uncertainly, sometimes activating the phantom hammer to bombard the surrounding void.

However, no matter how he used his methods, the wall would crack at most with a few small lines, and then return to normal after an instant.

"The Five Elements Heaven-shaking Technique alone cannot break this wall!!"

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and secretly experienced the artistic conception of dawn.

At this point, only with the help of Yuanxian Taoism can we break down the obstacles in front of us and escape to the divine religion.

"When Venerable Weiyang taught Taoism, he once said that the five-element circle melts life and death, and it can also evolve from day to night. The moment before the sun rises, it is the break of dawn."

"Breaking Dawn breaks through all the darkness in the world. It is a pure killing technique."

Gu Xiuyun waved his hands, performing the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand again and again, and at the same time felt the changes after the five elements were harmonized.

In addition to the real body of the human race, Bai Kongze is also comprehending the secrets of Taoism, especially the clone whose time and space has been accelerated to nearly ten thousand times. A breath of normal space corresponds to Bai Kongze's body for nearly one and a half hours.

Two sticks of incense have passed since Gu Xiuyun's epiphany, and more than a year has passed in Bai Kongze's time and space.

My understanding of Daybreak is becoming more and more profound.

But this is after all a Taoist technique at the Yuanxian level. Even though there are heavenly secrets to deduce the secret techniques, black runes to guide the direction, and sentient beings to infinitely communicate with each other to break through the fog in the heart, it is still difficult to understand.

Gu Xiuyun once read about Yuanxian Taoism in Zuo Daoxing's miscellaneous history. It is said that after entering the realm of the Venerable, one's Taoism transcends the level of the rules of heaven and earth. Such beings can already be called immortals and truly attain the Tao. Immortal.

The venerables evolved immortal Taoism based on their own Taoism. Its power is so terrifying that it far exceeds the limits of the rules of the world. Therefore, any rare treasure cannot record the Taoism and can only be taught by the venerables themselves.

Even the core of the Eight-Eyed Sect has no Taoism.

"Calm down, you must calm down."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, put away his spiritual power, sat cross-legged, and slowly wiped away the anxiety and uneasiness in his heart. At this moment, he missed himself very much when his mood changed. He was absolutely calm and almost cut off all emotions.

Plop! Plop!

The heart is beating, clearly audible.

Except for Gu Xiuyun, there was no other person inside the mountain wall. After the bombardment stopped, the whole world seemed to be silent, darkness enveloped the void, and loneliness hindered the mind.

In addition to the origin of earth, the three-legged blue pattern cup also has the origin of space. After Gu Xiuyun withdrew his spiritual power, the pressure of the void gradually recovered, and the invisible suppressive power enveloped the whole body, fighting against the blue sky armor.

At this moment, the scene in front of Gu Xiuyun was like a dark night. His body was trapped in endless oppression. Dead silence and darkness intertwined into a complete world, with no trace of light in sight.

"breaking Dawn!"

Gu Xiuyun murmured in his heart.

The whole person seemed to have returned to the time when Venerable Weiyang was preaching, with panic, uneasiness, fear and all kinds of emotions suppressed in his heart, longing for light and freedom.

His body gradually merged with his mind. In the dark, a surge of energy surged into his heart. It was very weak, but extremely pure. It was the source of Taoism.

Above the snowfield, the masters of true artistic conception stood suspended in the air, chatting from time to time, with a contented look on their faces.

The roaring in the mountain wall gradually disappeared, which showed that Master Ximing had given up, and the arrival of the ninth-grade Patriarch was not far away!

In the eyes of everyone, this battle has been settled.

“It’s been a lot of twists and turns,” Demon Emperor Yu Heng sighed. “We waited for a long time and finally gathered sixteen Dou Xiao who understood the true meaning of the rules. We also found a large number of rare treasures. I thought I would be able to suppress Master Xi Ming. Unexpectedly, most of them were killed by him, and a lot of rare items were also lost.”

"If I had known this, it would be better to wait for the opportunity outside the boundary."

Demon Emperor Yu Heng felt a little sorry for his treasure, so he invited a Half-Step True Artistic Realm, plus eighth-grade spiritual treasures, regular Taoist talismans and seventh-grade Venerable Taoist talismans. The cost would be no less than five million Xuanjia coins. It was just a waste of money.

"What you said, fellow Taoist Yu Heng, is wrong." Master Du Cheng shook his head.

"Before Wuxiangtian is unsealed, who can know the extent of Zhenren Ximing's strength??"

"Who knows that there is a four-attribute fusion divine formation in the sky that can be used by us to fight?"

"If Master Ximing hadn't sought his own death, taken away the treasure of Tianji's legacy, and provoked Master Tiangu to join forces with His Holiness, he wouldn't have been in such a dangerous situation."

"In the final analysis, he is seeking his own death. The venerables may not necessarily fight for the inheritance of the divine religion, but they will definitely fight for the venerable treasure."

The true artistic conception present could not help but nod.

Indeed, the Supreme Treasure of the Venerable is so precious. Except for a few in the heavens, most of the Venerables do not have such treasures at all. Gu Xiuyun, a junior, dares to participate in the fight for the Supreme Treasure. What is the difference between seeking death?

Little did they know that Gu Xiuyun had no intention of seizing the treasure. He just wanted to refine the Heavenly Disk and resolve the crisis of mental changes before the Wuxiang Heaven was unsealed.

Who would have thought that the Tianji Disk was left with a trap by the Master Tianji!

As soon as it was refined, the second clone and the strong men in the Four Elephants Divine Fire Formation all disappeared, and it evolved to what it is today.

"Calculating the time, it's not far from two hours ago. Why haven't the Patriarchs arrived yet?" Taoist Master Chushan looked at the sky.

"What's the rush? Master Xi Ming is now a turtle in a urn, can he still escape?" Master Du Cheng looked indifferent.

In the Nirvana Space, Patriarch Baozheng escaped at great speed. One step was a hundred miles away, and he was getting closer and closer to the Formless Heaven. At most, he would be able to enter the depths of the realm in more than a hundred breaths.

At this moment, he had received the message from Venerable Wuhen, and after knowing the situation in Jie Kong, he looked quite relaxed.

"Except for the core of the Eight-Eyed Sect, ordinary treasures are of no use to me. Those secret techniques can only fill up the sect's heritage. The only thing of value is the inheritance of the Space Avenue."

"There are thirteen kinds of space rules, and I have only understood nine of them so far. I am still far away from the origin of space, let alone understanding the entire complete avenue of space. It seems that there is no hope of enlightenment in this life."

The power of the void around Patriarch Baozheng is surging endlessly. There are nine spatial rules, only three more than Gu Xiuyun's. But you must know that none of Gu Xiuyun's six rules are advanced rules. The further you go, the more difficult it is to practice.

Asking the Pavilion, Venerable Weiyang glanced into the distance and shook his head slightly.

"It seems this junior is doomed!"

"Although Bai Kongze is magical, he has no fighting power at all. He is destined to stop at the ninth level in his life."

The edge of the dark cave.

Venerable Dongchen opened his eyes, and his gaze fell into the depths of the Wuxiang Heaven. "Everyone wants to compete for the Venerable's treasure. The Patriarch of Tianji has been planning for hundreds of thousands of years. How can he get it so easily?"

"Weiyang entered the Eight-Eyed Sect and didn't even stay for a moment before returning to the Taoist Pavilion. It seems that the core place also has secrets."

"Master is right, the water in the Wuxiang Heaven is too muddy, it's better to be less contaminated."

Venerable Dongchen closed his eyes again.

Unlike Wei Yang, Zhenzhen Tianxing attaches great importance to him. Although he will not express many things explicitly, he will secretly mention them.

Zhenzun once said that if the treasure of the Patriarch Tianji cannot be obtained before the world is unsealed, there is no need to fight for it.

Venerable Dongchen kept these words in mind.

An endless, distant, dead and inexplicable place.

A gleam of light came out, and his eyes followed the light and landed on the chessboard area. This ray of light was extremely cautious, as if he was guarding against something.

“We’re finally in the game after all!”

"In a few moments, I will be able to get out of this predicament. Without the constraints of heaven and earth's cause and effect, I have at least a 70% chance of overcoming the tribulation."

At this moment, the void suddenly solidified and the light quickly dissipated.

Silently, a desolate stone statue appeared in the place where the light passed. The time and space around the stone statue almost stagnated. The strange thing is that the time flow speed, which is thousands of times different, did not form a time and space barrier.

The stone statue is cold and indifferent, its face is similar to that of a human race, but it has no emotion left at all. Its whole body is filled with the rules of heaven and earth, or in other words... the rules of heaven and earth are completely controlled by it! !

This stone statue is like the incarnation of heaven and earth.

The light disappeared and the stone statue left with it.

Within the chessboard realm, the three True Masters raised their heads in unison, fear and doubt flashing deep in their eyes.

"Old ghost Tianji actually spies on Wuxiangtian at this time?"

"Is the Heavenly Secret Disk about to be completed?"

"This old ghost has deeper thoughts than anyone else. No one knows what he is thinking. He controls the rules of fate and hopes for enlightenment. He is much higher than Zhu Yan and Ba Mu. Unfortunately, too many causes and effects are involved. "

"We will wait and see what happens. If an enlightened person really emerges, it will be a good thing for us. At least it will prove that the path is right."

From the true state of mind to the venerable one, and even the true venerable one, everyone has their own thoughts and worries.

The scenery in the eyes of the three true sages cannot be seen by ordinary sages.

But the scene in Gu Xiuyun's eyes was something that even the Patriarch of Tianji didn't know anything about.

At this moment, his mind was trembling.

Just a moment ago, the second avatar initially refined the Tianji Disk, and the two consciousnesses were reconnected.

"Martial arts?"

Gu Xiuyun murmured to himself.

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