Fortune Teller

Chapter 800 Please subscribe

"Master Tiangu did this just to kill someone with a borrowed knife."

While narrating, the true energy in Gu Xiuyun's body was circulating endlessly, and the essence, energy and spirit were constantly blending together, from the fourth level of innate state to the fifth level and sixth level...

The further you go, the slower the speed of the fusion of essence, energy and spirit. It takes a full thirty breaths to reach the seventh level of innate realm.

At this time, Patriarch Baozheng showed a look of impatience, and the Qingfeng Sword in front of him became increasingly colder.

"Before that, there is a secret that Pindao wants to tell you all."

Gu Xiuyun tilted his lips slightly and said with a smile, "Actually, the Heavenly Secret Disk is not only a supreme treasure, but also a portal. There is a large independent world hidden behind it. Those disappeared practitioners, the White-haired Ape King, and the Black Crocodile Demon King , all in the world of Tianji Pan.”

"The world of Tianjipan is complete and independent. Its internal rules of heaven and earth are completely different from those of the heavens. It doesn't even have cause and effect."


A cry of surprise came from outside the boundary.

The venerables in the heavenly realms all looked shocked.

What are the sages afraid of?

cause and effect.

The rules of heaven and earth are so strict that any slightest touch will contaminate cause and effect, so that the venerables do not even dare to absorb too much of the original power, and there are many restrictions in their actions.

According to Gu Xiuyun, there is an independent world hidden behind the Tianji Disk, an independent world without cause and effect.

For His Holiness, this temptation is too great!

An endless, distant and inexplicable place.

Deadly silence, darkness, and coldness, there was nothing but nothingness. Suddenly, a roar came from the void.

"How could he know?"

"How would he know? Could it be that he has already preliminary refined the Tianji Disk??"

"What went wrong!"

The inexplicable voice quickly subsided because the stone statue lingered nearby.

Deep in the starry sky, in front of a landscape hut.

Three figures suddenly appeared, namely Zhenzun Daozhen, Zhenxing Zhenzun and the master of the Time and Space Palace.

"This is really interesting. Old Ghost Tianji shot himself in the foot."

The Taoist Master teased, "The world of Tianji Disk is connected with the realm of the heavens. Apparently, the junior has already preliminary refined this treasure. With the style of Tianji Legacy, this time is at least ten years ahead of schedule."

"Old ghost Tianji always has a good plan. What happened to make him make a mistake?" Zhenzhen Tianxing looked suspicious.

"Perhaps that big world is not as simple as we thought," the Master of the Time and Space Palace pondered for a moment and said quietly, "Over the past hundreds of millions of years, many incomplete worlds have appeared on the edge of the endless void. Which one can remain independent and complete?"

"Almost all the rules have been obliterated and become part of the endless void."

"In the past, we thought that old ghost Tianji was lucky. With the help of Tianji's secret technique, he found an independent world from the edge of the void. But if you think about it carefully, before old ghost Tianji, there were two strong men who understood the rules of fate, such as... you The one under the door.”

Bai Ze glanced at Zhenzun and asked.

"Why didn't they find a complete and independent world?"

"Now that I think about it, it is a miracle that the world of Tianjipan can withstand the oppression of the endless void. I am afraid there is some kind of secret hidden deep in this world!!"

"What a coincidence, this secret was discovered by that junior!"

After Bai Ze finished speaking, the eyes of Wendao Zhenzun and Tianxing Zhenzun lit up at the same time.

"Junior, are what you said true or false?"

The voice outside the boundary was a little urgent, a little hesitant, and a little trembling.

"How dare I lie in front of His Majesty?"

Gu Xiuyun looked calm and his eyes were calm, "The world of Tianji Pan is extremely magical, and the practice method is completely different from the realm of the heavens."

"As we all know, the realm of the heavens follows the Immortal Way and a small number of body refining lineages. This road is extremely difficult. Not to mention the true realm, there are very few who can reach the Douxiao realm."

"But the practitioners in the world of Tianjipan follow the incense and fire divine way..."

Gu Xiuyun talked eloquently while secretly circulating his Qi to continuously improve his martial arts skills. As long as the venerable gods did not interrupt him, he could talk about the incense and fire divine way for three days and three nights.

"That's enough. The Incense Divine Way is indeed miraculous, but it may not be allowed by the rules of heaven and earth. No matter how much you say, it is just empty talk." Lord Li Kong interrupted Gu Xiuyun's Dragon Gate Formation rudely.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you," Gu Xiuyun seemed to suddenly remember, "There is no lifespan limit in the Tianjipan world. You can live in the Douxiao realm forever and you will not die for hundreds of millions of years."


Patriarch Baozheng's eyes widened, and the True Illusion Masters took a breath.

The Venerable Jie Kongwai was also shocked.

Compared with the so-called incense divine way, the infinite lifespan is what is really exciting and desirable. The immortal way in the heavens realm is prosperous, but its lifespan is limited. The Douxiao realm can only exist for thousands of years, and the true artistic conception can only last forty or fifty thousand years. longevity.

The Venerable Master is said to have unlimited lifespan, but every 129,600 years, a disaster will come. Three disasters and nine disasters, a total of twelve disasters, can be truly transcended only after surviving them all.

But in the world of Tianji Pan... you can live forever. Just thinking about it makes people excited.

‘This is the effect we want. ’

Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows proudly and continued to talk.

Outside the Shanshui Thatched House, the three True Masters laughed out loud in unison.

"Is this junior deliberately delaying time?"

"It is true to enjoy eternal life, but he only told half of it. Moreover, the three disasters and nine disasters of the Venerable are not coming from the endless void. No matter where you escape, you cannot escape. This is a disaster that must be experienced on the road to enlightenment. Isn't it Can this be avoided by a mere independent world?”

"Just because we know it, doesn't mean those venerables know it."

Tianxing Zhenzhen's eyes are blazing, and the smile in the corners of his eyes is a bit curious, "I really want to know how he can resist the ninth-grade ancestor and activate the Tianji Disk?" To use this treasure in front of the venerable, it is better to give it to the other party directly. "

"Just watch."

Bai Ze also showed a hint of curiosity.

Among the three true masters in the chessboard realm, only Bai Ze is the most mysterious. He is in charge of the avenue of time and space, and he was once the divine beast of Bai Ze. He possesses the great supernatural power to know the past and the future.

Although he has been reincarnated countless times and most of his magical powers have dissipated, he can still vaguely predict the future.

At least 30% of the source of the secret technique of Tianji deduction comes from Bai Ze.

However, he couldn't see clearly Gu Xiuyun's future, as if there was a layer of fog covering him. He was sure that Gu Xiuyun was stalling for time, but he didn't understand what the other party was relying on!

In the world, Gu Xiuyun was still talking nonsense.

From Incense and Fire Shinto to Shou Yuan, and from Shou Yuan to the Great God Lord, the Peak Demon Lord, and the various arrangements left by the Tianji Patriarch in the world of Tianji Pan.

Apart from martial arts, he has almost nothing to hide.

Time passed slowly, and the true energy in Gu Xiuyun's body became more and more powerful, finally approaching the limit of the innate realm.

puff! !

With a muffled sound, the cultivation level suddenly took a big step, and he stepped into the Douxiao realm. From this moment on, the essence, energy, and spirit truly began to merge.

After reaching Douxiao Realm, every time you break through a level, the changes in your energy and spirit will become greater, and the power of your true energy will also increase rapidly.

Even at the first level of Douxiao, the power of true energy is far more powerful than the true spiritual power. Warriors do not practice the rules of heaven and earth, but only practice the physical body, true energy, and soul. The blend of the three is martial arts.

The strength of warriors in the first level of Douxiao Realm will never be inferior to that of practitioners in the early stage of Douxiao Realm. However, the immortal cultivators have spiritual treasures, Taoist talismans, and Taoist secrets in their hands. The warriors can fight against them with the physical energy alone. , one can imagine how terrifying the power of true energy is.

Far beyond the level of true mysterious spiritual power!

"Using true energy to run the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand should increase its strength by about 30%." Gu Xiuyun muttered in his heart.

"Continue to practice, if you can enter the sixth level of Douxiao, the particle structure is reorganized, the essence, energy and spirit are perfectly blended, and the power of true energy is no less than the power of heaven and earth, then you can compete with Tianshu realm!"

The spiritual power level of Douxiao sixth-level warriors is no less than that of a true eighth-level master.

In the ninth level of Douxiao, the power of true energy has exceeded the power of heaven and earth, and has begun to climb towards the divine power of the venerable.

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