Fortune Teller

Chapter 801: Ban Wuxiangtian

"The world of Tianjipan is so mysterious. Have you ever thought about the reason why the founder of Tianji has worked so hard for hundreds of thousands of years to arrange it?"

Gu Xiuyun asked a question and looked outside Jie Kong.

At this point, he couldn't care much anymore. Master Tiangu died two hours ago, and the secret technique of Tianji was sensed. But it was obvious that Tiangu said everything he could before he died.

It is no longer a secret that Gu Xiuyun possesses a Heavenly Secret Disk, is good at Heavenly Secrets and secret arts, and comes from the Gu family in Youning City.

If he hadn't sent the children of the Gu family, Yu family, Yan family and other families to the secret world in advance, they might have been poisoned by the four Changli sects by now.

"You mean... Patriarch Tianji is still in the world?" Venerable Lei Yun's voice was like thunder across the heaven and earth, causing the entire divine water array in all directions to tremble.

At the same time, two figures entered the sky one after another.

The former is Patriarch Qinglei of Leiyun Pavilion, and the latter is Patriarch Shuiyuan of Weak Water Sect.

It stands to reason that Patriarch Qinglei's footsteps are not much slower than Baozheng's, and they can reach Wuxiangtian within a hundred breaths at most. However, not everyone expects Patriarch Qinglei to arrive so quickly.

Both are at the ninth level, Qing Lei's strength ranks among the top twenty in the entire realm of heaven, and has reached the peak of the fourth realm. The origin of thunder is far more powerful than a single Five Elements, and even more powerful than the ancestor of Shui Yuan who has merged the origin of gold and water. Even better.

What's more, Patriarch Qinglei has completely mastered the origin of thunder and reached perfection.

If the Heavenly Secret Disk falls into his hands, even if seven or eight Patriarchs join forces, they may not be able to grab it. Therefore, the Venerables secretly obstructed it and waited until Patriarch Shuiyuan arrived before allowing Patriarch Qinglei to enter the world.

Shuiyuan and Baozheng joined forces and were barely able to compete with Patriarch Qinglei and maintain an undefeated situation. This is what the venerables outside the world want to see.


As soon as Patriarch Shuiyuan appeared, he came to Patriarch Baozheng. The whole body was filled with invisible water vapor. It seemed to be scattered, but there was an inexplicable sharp aura. The two origins of water and metal merged together. Let every water spike contain the power to destroy the world.

In the distance, there were bursts of thunder, and a Nine Heavens Thunder Spear crossed the void, spreading the fog in the sky.

Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but turn around and look.

The thunder and lightning were dazzling, and a hole seemed to have been opened in the entire world. Countless lightning lights turned into dragons, hovering near the thunder spear. Just one look at it made people fearful.

"Grandmaster Qinglei!"

Gu Xiuyun secretly breathed in.

The total number of ninth-grade patriarchs in the realm of the heavens is only two hundred. Ordinary ninth-grade and first-class forces dare not participate in this fight. Only the ninth-grade patriarchs under the venerable can compete for the heavenly secret disk. If they are full, there are only forty or fifty people. Naturally Easy to identify.

"Disciple has met Senior Brother Shuiyuan."

Master Ducheng quickly bowed and saluted.

The rest of the True Illusion Masters also saluted, "Greetings to Patriarch Shuiyuan."

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned to look into the distance and paid homage to Patriarch Qinglei.

"All of you, please retreat. This battle is no longer something you can participate in." Patriarch Baozheng waved his hand, and the void surged. Dozens of Ducheng, Chushan, Yu Heng, Lu Kunyang and others disappeared without a trace. When he reappeared, he was already outside the Formless Heaven.

The jade spirit bead guarding the dark abyss also drifted away and returned to the hands of Lord Jiyue.

After doing all this, Patriarch Baozheng looked at Gu Xiuyun and said coldly, "After talking so much, you still haven't said anything, why can't I kill you!"

"If you don't say anything else, I'll be rude!"

"This junior is waiting for the Patriarch to take action and send away these powerful men," Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly, "There are some things that may lead to death if you know too much."

After coughing twice, he continued, "The Patriarch of Tianji has always tried his best and is not afraid to tell you that the reason why I can refine the Tianji Disk was deliberately arranged by the Patriarch of Tianji, because there is another thing in my body that is no less powerful than the Tianji Disk. The most precious thing.”


The breaths of the three Patriarchs condensed slightly, and the venerables outside the world also showed shocked expressions. At this moment, dozens of thoughts passed through the void and fell into Gu Xiuyun's body. After lingering in a circle, they all dived into the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, Venerable Gengyang had already set up a restriction in Gu Xiuyun's sea of ​​consciousness to prevent others from exploring, especially the Venerable. Dozens of thoughts hit the wall and were withdrawn one after another.

"Venerable Gengyang has placed a restriction on him. Only when I come in person can I break the seal."

"No need, this kid won't live long. When he dies, the treasure inside his body will still be hidden."

The venerables looked at the void below their feet indifferently.

They were already aware of Gu Xiuyun's intention to delay time, but so what? Three Patriarchs have arrived, including Patriarch Qinglei. Not to mention that Gu Xiuyun is only in the Douxiao realm. Even if he breaks through the True Intention Realm and understands the original rules, he still cannot withstand a thunderous strike.

Moreover, the secret revealed by Gu Xiuyun really aroused the curiosity of the Venerable.

In the sky, thunder flashed, and the spear faintly revealed its edge, pointing directly at Patriarch Baozheng and Patriarch Shuiyuan.

Gu Xiuyun's whole body was shrouded in water vapor, and there were layers of voids. He didn't know how many changes were hidden.

The three Patriarchs faced each other secretly and listened quietly to Gu Xiuyun's words.

"The Tianji disk is not complete, and the world is also somewhat incomplete. Therefore, the founder of Tianji wants to use the treasure in my body to complete the world. This game started when I was born in the Wuxiang Heaven!"

Gu Xiuyun talked eloquently, "You may not know the name of this treasure, but your venerables may not know it. Its name is: Fate Astrolabe..."

"The horoscope also has the effect of moving the heavens and extending life..."

"I can't be sure about the life or death of the Tianji Patriarch, but I know that before refining the Tianji Disk, the Tianji Patriarch helped me every step of the way, such as teaching the Nine Elements Calculation... But after taking the Tianji Disk, everything changed. Killing every step of the way, Patriarch Tianji wants me to die, Master Tiangu also wants me to die!"

"Do you think there is any connection between them, your venerable lords?"

Gu Xiuyun looked at the sky.

Outside the boundary, dozens of venerables looked at each other with gloomy expressions.

"Li Kong, you have followed Bamu Zhenzun for many years and know a lot about Wuxiang Tian. What do you think?" Venerable Lei Yun looked at the giant.

"One thing is for sure, this junior is not lying. Grandmaster Tianji really wants him to die, and the purpose should be for the treasure deep in the sea of ​​knowledge," the giant said in a deep voice, "In that case, let's peel off the horoscope first. Then kill this person and everything will be solved."

"How to peel off?"

Venerable Jiyue snorted coldly, "There are restrictions set by Venerable Gengyang in his sea of ​​consciousness, which are based on the Five Elements Dao. Unless the Venerable takes action personally, no one can solve it. However, the True Venerable has personally ordered that Venerable Gengyang is not allowed to do so. Participate in the war."

"Or...force him to hand over the secret disk first?"

"How to hand it over? Are you still waiting for him to completely refine the Tianji Disk and then come out of the big world?"

The venerables looked bitter.

In the realm, Patriarch Qinglei spoke in a deep voice: "Fellow Taoist Baozheng, I came late. I wonder what happened before that made the venerables so distressed?"

"This junior has said a lot, and it probably means that if he dies, the Tianji Disk will fall into the hands of the Tianji Patriarch, and the venerables will end up in vain!"


Patriarch Qinglei hummed, "Even if Patriarch Tianji has tremendous power, he can't take away the Tianji Disk in front of dozens of venerables, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the venerables outside the world woke up from a dream. They found that they had been tricked by Gu Xiuyun.

From the beginning, Gu Xiuyun deliberately led all the sages astray, making them feel that everything in Wuxiang Tian was a conspiracy of the Patriarch Tianji, and that the sages were just making wedding clothes for others.

that's the truth.

Master Tiangu borrowed a knife to kill people, and the life and death of Master Tianji is unknown. He is probably manipulating everything behind the scenes, but there is one thing wrong. Master Tianji is good at planning, but not good at fighting. Can he take away the Tianji Disk in front of more than thirty venerables? ?

If one is in the dark and the other is in the light, it may be possible to succeed, but now that the Lords of the Heavens are prepared, will they let the Patriarch of Tianji succeed easily?

From the beginning, Gu Xiuyun's conclusion was just a hypothesis. From then on, he revealed the secret step by step, affecting everyone's minds, in order to delay time.

"What a junior, with such a deep scheming mind, he is as good as the old ghost Tianji!" Venerable Jiyue couldn't help but sigh.

"No wonder he was able to snatch the Supreme Treasure from Tian Gu."

"It seems that this junior is really stalling for time," Lord Li Kong snorted, "Without further delay, we will first ban Wuxiangtian, one person at a time. Even if the founder of Tianji comes in person, it will take a lot of effort. Only with strength can all restrictions be broken."

"What a good idea. Let's learn from the old ghost Tianji. He has banned Wuxiangtian for seventy years. Let's follow suit and see what he does!!"

More than thirty venerables took action one after another.

The roar suddenly started, and the waves surged in the void.

The giant took a deep breath, looked at the starry sky above his head, stepped on the turbid current with his feet, and rolled up the clear and turbid air from the end of the sky and the depths of the earth with his two palms, condensing into a sky curtain, covering the edge of the sky.

From this moment on, no one can enter or leave the Wuxiang Heaven, including the ninth-grade Patriarch and His Holiness.

And this is just one of the bans.

In addition to Venerable Li Kong, Venerable Dilemma such as Venerable Leiyun, Venerable Jiyue, and Venerable Ruoshui all took action one after another to use their Taoist skills to refine the supreme seal.

More than thirty venerables took action together. It was so spectacular that it almost shook the void for hundreds of millions of miles around. Even Xuanjia City was almost collapsed by the aftermath.

Outside the Shanshui Thatched House, the three True Masters looked at this scene with calm expressions on their faces.

The venerables only banned Wuxiangtian and did not interfere in the fighting in the world. It was not considered a violation of the true lord's order. Naturally, the three true lords could not say anything.

In the realm, Gu Xiuyun opened his mouth and was about to continue talking nonsense. Suddenly, a voice came from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, "Disciple, don't waste your efforts. Those venerables have discovered that something is wrong and are sealing the Wuxiang Heaven and blocking the secrets of heaven. Patriarch, they will attack you within a few moments at most.”

"So fast?!"

Gu Xiuyun's face darkened.

Although he had known that this moment would come, when it actually came, Gu Xiuyun still felt a sense of unwillingness in his heart.

Until now, his martial arts cultivation had barely broken through to the fourth level of Douxiao. The power of his true energy was limited, and his immortal body had not yet been formed. With the combination of the fourth level's true energy and the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand, his strength was more than doubled than before. But he still couldn't fight against the ninth-grade ancestor.

"No, I have to delay it as long as possible."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and changed his mind. After a moment, he had an idea, "Before he died, Pindao still had a few words to say. The Patriarch Tianji didn't know these things, nor did the three True Masters. Even the venerable ones don’t know, I’m the only one in the world who knows it.”

"If I die, this secret will be completely buried."

"What's the use of struggling to the death??" Patriarch Baozheng sneered.

"Oh? You really don't want to hear it?" Gu Xiuyun smiled, "That is a truly transcendent and supreme avenue, and it is an absolutely correct avenue."

“What does it mean to be truly detached?”

The three patriarchs were a little confused.

In the void, the expressions of dozens of venerables all changed.

Outside the Shanshui thatched hut, the three true masters' eyes were focused, and their breaths were somewhat short.

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