Fortune Teller

Chapter 811 The Extreme Yin Sea

Deep in the space of silence.

Four figures suddenly appeared, and the invisible repulsive force seemed to drive them out of the third space. At this moment, a force of rules filled the void, covering the four people of Shenwu Demon Emperor and Ice Rhino Demon Emperor. At the same time, It was also accompanied by an inexplicable aura.

"Four seniors, welcome back."

"High Priest!"

The Divine Crow Demon King nodded slightly.

Different from practitioners of various sects, before Gu Xiuyun sent the four demon emperors, he had already sent a message through the Tianji Pan, and the four demon emperors were prepared.

"Congratulations to the high priest for refining the Supreme Treasure and taking charge of a big world. From today on, the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect will be truly stable." The Ice Rhinoceros Demon King smiled.

"Leave this place first, lest the Lord notices it."

Gu Xiuyun waved his sleeves and led the four demon emperors through the void and entered the secret realm of the divine religion.

Not long after, violent divine soul thoughts swept through the entire Wuxiang Heaven, searching for the whereabouts of the four demon emperors and Gu Xiuyun, but no trace could be found.

The search with soul thoughts yielded no results, and finally fell into the depths of the Wuxiang Heaven, spreading toward Yu Fairy and others.

All the venerable gods are very curious about the experience of Fairy Yu and others in the world of Tianjipan.

Of course, they were destined to gain nothing. What they should know, Gu Xiuyun had already said, and what they shouldn't know, practitioners from various sects also knew nothing about it.

While refining the Tianji Disk.

From an inexplicable place outside the void, a low roar came, "A bunch of trash, hundreds of thousands of years of planning, just ruined!"

"How can that big world withstand my true body without the support of the True Lord's weapon spirit?"

"time is limited!"

The anger turned into a sigh and finally dissipated.

The secret realm of divine religion.

A feast is taking place.

The four demon emperors returned, the high priest who cherished his life awakened, and two happy events came together, and the whole religious sect fell into a carnival.

Of course, this is only one aspect.

What's more important is that Gu Xiuyun has refined the Tianji Pan and can send the main altar holy land of the Eight-Eyed God Sect to the world of Tianji Pan. Even the Venerable can't find the location of the God's Cult through the barrier of the big world.

"From today on, the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect will no longer be in crisis," Zhenhuang knelt down and knelt down, bowing to the statue of the True God again and again. "With the blessing of the True Lord, the Divine Religion will prosper forever."

"With a big world as its foundation, the future of the divine religion will definitely be a hundred times more powerful than it is now."

Quan Ming looked into the distance with a look of anticipation.

Thousands of miles away.

Several divine priests held cave spiritual treasures and continued to collect mortals. After a long time, all the mortals on the ground were gone, and they were all sent to the world of Tianjipan.

In addition, the spiritual treasure books are also sent to the world of Tianjipan.

As for the treasured land of cultivation, they have all been left behind. It makes no difference whether secular mortals live in the world of heaven and earth or in the realm of heavens. However, practitioners must stay in this world. Different rules of heaven and earth prevent them from understanding and practicing.

Without the treasured land for cultivation, the cultivation speed of the priests of the divine religion would plummet.

After doing all this, Gu Xiuyun went to the core place and discussed with Jin Chong about transferring the thirteen stars.

The core place is the most critical inheritance of the entire divine religion, and it is also the most coveted treasure by the venerable gods.

But after Jin Chong thought about it again and again, he did not agree.

Gu Xiuyun did not insist on this. Now he could not protect himself. He only had 30,000 years left to live. He would spend the next few years trying to decipher the power of cause and effect and would not devote much thought to divine religion.

The religious celebration lasted for half a month.

After everything was ready, Gu Xiuyun finally set off with Mrs. Yu and others.

Deep in the void.

A ray of aurora filled the sky and the earth. Gu Xiuyun's face was slightly pale. He was wearing green clothes and sitting in a giant whale-shaped flying boat. Five figures were sitting next to him.

In addition to Mrs. Yu and Gu Xiushu, there are also Gu Yue, Yan Suqing, and the Tyrannosaurus Monster.

Yan Su Shi did not accompany them.

As the high priest of the divine sect, Yan Sushi needs to handle various affairs within the sect. In addition, her causal involvement with the divine sect is too great. Once discovered by the venerable, she will immediately die.

But Gu Yue is different. After practicing martial arts, he only needs to leave a part of his body in the world of Tianjipan. Even if he encounters the Venerable, he can save his life.

"Miss Yan, the martial arts is quite strange, and you have the secrets of heaven and earth. You will achieve success by practicing this method. Moreover, this avenue will not affect your state of mind, so you can rest assured to understand it." Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu."

Yan Suqing closed her eyes and thought carefully.

As a Douxiao realm practitioner, the first two levels of martial arts were easy for her, and she reached the early stage of the Xiantian realm in just a few days.

"Mother, eldest sister, you also try to practice this method. I will help you deduce the method after Douxiao Realm."


Mrs. Yu and Gu Xiu Shu also began to practice martial arts.

A few days later, the giant whale flying boat stopped.

"Sir, Wujin is in the ruins below."

The Tyrannosaurus Monster pointed in the distance. At the end of the aurora, there seemed to be a layer of sea water. The sea tide was turbulent and contained endless power. Occasionally, transparent shadows could be seen on the sea surface, all of which were void creatures in the Douxiao Realm.

"The Extreme Yin Sea is one of the largest secret realms within billions of miles. Xiao Hei has really found a good place. Let's go!"

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Since you are going to travel, the black-striped golden dolphin is essential. With this treasure-hunting pig by your side, many things will be much easier.

Especially in some dangerous secret areas, the effect of the black-patterned golden dolphin is much stronger than the secret technique of heaven.


The flying boat passed through the aurora and rushed towards the bottom of the sea.

Suddenly, a big wave rolled up thousands of feet high and crashed down on the face like a mountain. The waves were filled with regular fluctuations. It was obvious that there was a true artistic conception behind it that was secretly controlling it.

"It's really not a peaceful place."

Gu Xiuyun glanced into the distance, flicked his fingertips, and his true energy condensed into black and white light, which penetrated the void and landed very far away. In front of the rules of space, no one can hide, not even Patriarch Baozheng, let alone an ordinary eighth-grade person.

A muffled sound came from the depths of the void, and the breath disappeared in an instant. The waves in front of them also lost their spiritual support and collapsed.

The tyrannosaurus monster looked into the distance, took a deep breath, and then held its head high, with an air that no one could do anything about.

At this moment, there are two strong men sitting behind it. Gu Yue has practiced martial arts and has entered the twelfth level of Douxiao. He also possesses Yin and Yang sword energy, and his strength is no less than that of the fourth level.

Gu Xiuyun is even better. With the twelve levels of martial arts, coupled with the Five Elements Heaven-turning Spell and Yuanxian Taoism, he is not inferior to the powerful in the fifth realm.

If the venerable ones don’t leave the entire chessboard realm, who can fight against them?

The Extreme Yin Sea, one of the most famous dangerous places in the realm, is nothing compared to the fifth realm.

"Sir, the flying boat spirit treasure is of a slightly lower grade, so I'm afraid it won't be able to travel through the sea."

The tyrannosaurus monster stood up, transformed into the size of ten thousand feet, and directly tore open the sea surface with its two sharp claws, holding the flying boat towards the depths of the Yin Sea.

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