Fortune Teller

Chapter 812 Flame and Scale Protectors

In the void, invisible tides rise and fall.

The tyrannosaurus monster was ten thousand feet tall, holding the Lingbao flying boat on its back, and rushed towards the depths of the Yin Sea. The aura of Yuanli from the true meaning of the realm filled the thousands of miles of sea and swept forward.

"This is where?"

Mrs. Yu had been practicing for a long time. She opened her eyes and was a little surprised to see the scene around her.

A circular light curtain formed on the back of the Tyrannosaurus monster, blocking the tide of the void. Outside the light curtain, liquid-like air flow filled the void, with almost no end in sight.

Gu Yue glanced at the cyan figure sitting cross-legged and saw that his brows were lowered and his expression was slightly sluggish. Knowing that Gu Xiuyun was concentrating on resisting the power of cause and effect, she explained:

"The Extreme Yin Sea is located 650 million miles southwest of the Wuxiang Heaven. It is also the place where the Yin Qi gathers on the Taoist Chessboard."

"Madam, I must have heard from the priests in the sect that the realm of the heavens is also called the chessboard realm. Nearly 30% of the entire realm is covered by the chessboard. The Yin Sea is the most mysterious and mysterious part of the chessboard. One of the secret places, it is said that many sages built their tombs here.”

"The treasures here can be said to be as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, and there are also many dangers. It is said that 20,000 years ago, a sage turned into a psychic inferi and was resurrected."

"The Venerable's psychic inferi?"

Mrs. Yu's face turned pale, "Isn't that very dangerous!"

"As long as we don't go too deep, there won't be much trouble." Gu Yue said quietly.

What about His Holiness?

A dead Venerable, no matter how capable he is, cannot threaten the ninth-grade Patriarch. As Venerable Weiyang said, after Gu Xiuyun enters the fifth realm, the world is so big that there is nowhere he cannot go.

"Xiao Hei never goes to a place without treasures." Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes, with a trace of fatigue in the corners of his eyebrows. "The Extreme Yin Sea is divided into three layers. The upper sea area is the most vast, with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and condenses the entire world. There are many Yin corpses here, and there are many strange and dangerous places here. Only those with true artistic conception dare to practice here."

"There is a very dark sea eye at the bottom of the sea. Passing through the sea eye is the second layer. If my guess is correct, Xiao Hei should be on the second layer."

"My lord, you have a clever plan. Wujin is indeed on the second floor," the Tyrannosaurus Monster said in a loud voice, "But it seems to be in some trouble. It has been hiding here and there, and it doesn't dare to join us at the Eye of the Sea."

"Did you dig up another venerable's grave and be hunted down?" Gu Xiuyun smiled faintly, "Now that we're here, let's take a walk around. There are many treasures in the Yin Sea. Maybe we can find something useful to us. "


The Tyrannosaurus monster roared loudly, and the dragon's roar resounded through the void, shattering a large sea of ​​Yin Qi. Its huge body walked in the depths of the sea, and its soul unscrupulously explored the area thousands of miles away without any scruples.

The Extreme Yin Sea is extremely dangerous. In addition to cultivators, there are also void creatures and visitors from outside the territory. With the strength of the Tyrannosaurus Monster's True Illusion, if he came here alone, he would definitely hide in the dark carefully and not dare to let out his soul thoughts.

But now that there are two powerful people who are no less powerful than the ninth-grade ancestors behind it, there are naturally fewer scruples in doing things.

The dragon's body swept across the sea and sped straight towards the eye of the sea.

Deep in the Yin Qi sea tide, a ferocious beast with a body of one hundred thousand feet was lying on the edge of the whirlpool. On top of the ferocious beast sat two strong human beings. One of them had a forehead covered with flame patterns, and between his eyes, there was a faint shadow. The bright stars are visible.

The other person looks like a human, but his body is covered with scales, and only his face is similar to that of a human.

The two of them sat opposite each other, the aura around them was extremely strange, and between their breaths, a faint flow of evil energy could be seen.

Suddenly, a gray figure hurried over from a distance.

"The Flame Protector, the Scale Protector, a powerful being appeared on the edge of the Extreme Yin Sea, and with just one move, he killed the villain's beast servant."

"One move?" The scale-armored man opened his eyes, "If I remember correctly, your beast servant's strength has reached the true realm, right?"

"Middle stage of true artistic conception." The gray figure said respectfully.

"Killing the beast servant in the middle stage of the True Inspiration Realm with one move. It seems that this person is not weak. He is at least at the Heavenly Stone Realm, and has even reached the Heavenly Fang Realm." The fire-marked man raised his eyebrows, "The Yulin Temple is about to open, and you cannot leave. If there is any accident, continue to search for that person’s traces. If he dares to approach Jiyin Haiyan, report him immediately.”

"As commanded."

The gray figure hurried away.

"He seems to be a strong person in the Tianfang Realm. There shouldn't be many in the chessboard realm. I hope he's not a spy from the Ghost Mansion."

"Ghost Mansion has always coveted our sect's holy land. In order to avoid detection, Zhenzhen Yulin had to cross the endless void and come to the chessboard realm, leaving the tomb under the extremely dark sea. It can only be opened once every 100,000 years. , this time to open the temple, you must gather the three-color fruits, otherwise it will be difficult for the sect master to survive the next disaster. "

"There are three great masters sitting in the chessboard realm. The ghost mansion's hand can't reach this far, but the pig demon of unknown origin must be dealt with as soon as possible to prevent the news from spreading and ruining the matter."

Speaking of the pig demon, the two guardians looked a bit ugly. After all, they were also at the top of the Tianshu Realm. They were well-known figures in the eighth grade. However, they lost their way and were stolen by a pig demon in the early eighth grade. The temple talisman was stolen.

It's nothing more than embarrassing. The temple's talisman is so important. Without the talisman, it's impossible to enter the Yulin Temple. Thinking of the deputy sect master's furious appearance after learning about this, the two guardians couldn't help but shrink their necks and show fear.

"While the deputy sect master hasn't arrived yet, quickly find the pig demon and get the letter talisman back."

While the two were talking, the gray figure appeared again, "Master Protector, that person is riding a big demon mount and is heading towards the Eye of the Extreme Yin Sea. According to the observation of the monitoring formation, he will arrive in three days at most."

"In addition, according to the information sent back by the beast servant, he is not hiding at all, and he does not look like a visitor from the ghost mansion."

The Ghost Mansion and the sects behind the Flame and Scale Protectors are all outside forces, and they all come for the Yulin Temple. They will never dare to walk blatantly in the chessboard realm.

After all, the Yulin Temple is also the tomb of the True Lord. Once the news spreads, not to mention the three True Lords, those Lords will definitely appear one after another. On their territory, the ghosts will have to bow their heads, let alone the Flame and Scale Protectors. The sect behind the scenes

After hearing this, the coldness on Protector Yan's face became a little lighter, but murderous intent was still permeated, "The temple is about to open, and there must be no mistakes. When this person arrives, I will try a few of his moves."

Deep in the extremely dark sea.

The turbid currents of yin energy surged endlessly, and even though they were separated by the Yuanli barrier, Mrs. Yu and Gu Xiushu could still feel an inexplicable pressure.

"The chessboard realm is vast and boundless. Even if the ninth-grade Patriarch escapes at the fastest speed, it would still take three or four days." Gu Yue said.

"Compared to realms, the endless void is vaster. It has been 400 million years since the beginning of the world. Nearly a hundred realms have been born in the void. The chessboard realm is not the most powerful, but it must be the most powerful. The ancient, even the legendary Langhuan realm, may not be as old as the Taoist chessboard."

Just as he was talking, a giant mountain thousands of miles away flew towards him from the depths of the sea.


The Tyrannosaurus monster penetrated directly through the mountain, and its powerful body was not damaged at all.

"There are mountains in the sea??" Gu Xiushu's eyes widened with curiosity on her face.

"Those are star fragments," Gu Yue explained. "The Extreme Yin Sea is where the Yin Qi of heaven and earth gathers. The sea area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles is like a huge magnet. It not only pulls the flow of void air, but also attracts the sun, moon and stars."

"A true master once said that the Taoist chessboard contains all the changes in heaven and earth, including the five elements, wind and thunder, and time and space. If not, it would not be able to form a complete realm. It is said that the origin of the chessboard realm is the void chessboard."

Gu Xiushu nodded in understanding.

The world is moving, so far away from her!

Both Madam Yu and Gu Xiushu have very low talent and understanding. Even if they have absorbed enough source power, they are only at the early stage of Douxiao Realm and have not even mastered the sixth-grade mysteries.

I've only been gone for two days.

The tyrannosaurus monster suddenly stopped and shook its huge head, "Sir, there are fluctuations in energy tens of thousands of miles away on the left. It seems that the true artistic conception is fighting. Are we going to take a look?"

The true artistic conception of powerful fighting often means that a treasure will be born.

There is no benefit, the true artistic conception rarely fights to the death, at most they attack secretly, just like the true artistic conception hidden deep in the void when they first entered the extremely Yin Sea.

Gu Xiuyun lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, but did not speak.

"Go take a look!" Gu Yue said.


The Tyrannosaurus Monster quickly changed direction and ran towards the left.

The sea tide was turbulent, and its long body was particularly eye-catching. The tyrannosaurus monster swung its huge tail, tearing open the sea water over and over again, and moved forward at great speed.

It didn't take long for everyone to feel the violent fluctuations coming from the distance.

The two true artistic conception masters each appeared in the bodies of monster beasts. The whole body was filled with regular fluctuations, and their Yuan Power was vast. Seeing the tyrannosaurus monster approaching, one of the monster beasts shouted: "This emperor is crossing the Yuan, but I am a weak water sect." Elder Protector, if you can give me a helping hand, the Weak Water Sect will definitely be rewarded in the future."

"Du Yuan, you are just a guest of the foreign sect, how dare you make decisions for the weak water sect??" Another monster shouted repeatedly, "Fellow Taoist, don't listen to him, a painstaking lotus has been born in the gap in the void here, as long as you say If you don’t interfere in this battle, I promise to give you a painstaking lotus petal afterwards.”

The two true artistic conceptions promised.

The tyrannosaurus monster looked at the mountain-like figure with an interesting look on its face, "Sir, the painstaking lotus is quite rare, and it is also a rare water treasure. Should we..."

"No need."

Gu Yue shook her head. A lotus plant was not worth their efforts, "Let's go and continue on our way."

The tyrannosaurus monster nodded and was about to leave when a strong wave of Yin Qi suddenly erupted from the depths of the gap in the void, and even filled with an origin wave.

"Original elixir?"

Gu Yue's eyes flashed.

Gu Xiuyun also woke up from his sleep, "I'm really lucky. As soon as I entered the extremely Yin Sea, I encountered an original elixir. Girl, you don't have the secret of heaven in your hand, so it is quite inconvenient to draw spiritual power. With this elixir, It gives me a little more confidence when fighting.”

Gu Yue nodded slightly and stepped out of the flying boat with a long sword in hand.

She looked down upon Ku Xinhe, but Ku Xinhe, who gave birth to the origin, was different.

The battle between the true artistic conception powers depends first on strength and secondly on the amount of Yuanli. The Yuanli of the inner world is limited. Once the depletion is too great, it will not recover for three to five months unless the original power is absorbed.

At this time, you need to use the original elixir!

"The origin was born in the painstaking lotus?" The two monster beasts looked shocked and rushed towards the gap in the void.


The two of them staggered due to each other's Taoist secrets, and neither could get close to the gap.

At this time, they saw a human woman with a vague face stepping out.

"The painstaking lotus is mine. Anyone who dares to touch it will be killed without mercy!" Duyuan Demon Emperor roared.

"Exit this place, otherwise I will blame you for being rude." Another monster also spoke.

However, the woman only slashed with her sword, seriously injuring the two demonic beasts with a simple blow, and then took away the painstaking load in the gap in the void.


The tyrannosaurus monster flew away.

The two eighth-level monsters looked at each other with anger and fear on their faces.

"Du Yuan, if you hadn't been so arrogant and insisted on monopolizing the painstaking lot, would we have lost an original elixir?"

"Blame me?" Duyuan Demon Emperor snorted, "I have already said that the bitter lotus is of great benefit to the blood in my body, so of course this thing must be mine."

"If it's good for you, I should give it to you. What's the point?" The other monster showed annoyance.

"Now is not the time to argue about this. The origin of a lotus plant is worth hundreds of millions and must not be lost in vain." Duyuan Demon Emperor looked fierce, "When the woman activated her sword energy just now, her whole body was filled with wind and waves. There are not many people of the Fenglei lineage in the Heaven Realm, so I want to see where this person comes from."

"The Yin Sea is vast and boundless. Even if you find it, what can you do?"

The other monster showed disdain, "Besides, this person's strength is unfathomable. At least she is a Skystone Realm existence. She has spared both of our lives. If you want to die, you can go alone. I won't accompany you!"

After the words fell, the mountain-like monster turned and left.

"You are quite shrewd," Du Yuan Demon Emperor sneered, "I wanted to use you to explore the way, but it seems that I am the only one who takes action myself!"

As he said that, a flame mark appeared on Du Yuan Demon Emperor's shoulder, and a transparent shadow was hidden deep in the mark.

"Master, the one who takes action this time is that woman. The sword energy is quite powerful. She should be in the middle stage of the Sky Stone Realm. However, it cannot be ruled out that this person is hiding her strength."

"When that person activated his Yuan Power, I had already used the sect's secret technique to explore it. The inner world was still weak, and the cultivation time would not be too long. No matter how strong the eighth-level cultivation was, it could not be stronger than the Tianshu realm. "

After hearing this, Du Yuan Demon King showed a relaxed look on his face.

Among the eighth-grade people, the Tianshu realm is the end. The two guardians, Yan and Lin, are both strong men at the peak of the Tianshu realm. As long as the ninth-grade ancestor does not come in person, there is only one way to die in front of the two guardians.

"You continue to patrol all sides and be wary of practitioners with unfamiliar origins. The ghost government has many methods, and our actions may not be able to avoid their eyes and ears." Flame Brand warned.

"Watatsumoto understands."

The monster's ears and eyes were lowered, with a respectful expression on its face.

No one could have imagined that the Du Yuan Demon Emperor, the guest elder of the Weak Water Sect, would actually become the slave of a visitor from a foreign land. No one knew what methods the other party used to control a middle-level eighth-grade demon beast.

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