Fortune Teller

Chapter 880 The Secret Realm of Chaotic Mountains

"With this secret technique, I can go to more dangerous places, and it will be much easier for me to understand the mysteries of fate."

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

The Immortal Void's perception of the origin of space is not important to him. Bai Kongze can also do this. The magical power of transforming the void is a magical power similar to that of the Immortal Void, only more perfect.

What he cares about is the life-saving ability and escape method of the Void Immortal Body.

If you can enter the fourth layer of space, it will be much easier to travel through the major realms, and you can avoid many dangers. Most of the dangerous places in the endless void can only affect the void space and cannot affect the fourth layer.

Even the divine formation set up by the Venerable himself will be washed away by the original water flow of the fourth layer of space and will not last long.

"I can give you the Immortal Void Body, but I need a commitment," the green ant beast said solemnly, "If you become a Realm Master in the future, you must help Zhenshu Gushu escape from destruction."


Gu Xiuyun agreed without hesitation.

Become a Realm Master?

That is so far in the future, and when it gets to that point, it won’t be a big deal!

The green ant beast nodded slightly, and his expression became much gentler.

After a while, Gu Xiuyun rushed out of the nebula with the black-striped golden dolphin and sped away into the distance.

The two of them were extremely fast. Relying on the hidden magical power of the Qilin beast and Gu Xiuyun's space rules, each step they took was a thousand miles away.

This is still the distance of the dead space.

Compared to the surface space, it is thousands of miles away.

Five hours later.

A tall figure with a golden and silver luster all around appeared on the periphery of the nebula.

I saw him waving his long sleeves, covering a billion miles within his sensing range. His gaze even penetrated the void and faintly fell into the depths of the nebula.

"The lines of cause and effect are chaotic. This person has a heavenly disk in his hand, which blocks all sense of cause and effect."

Lord Jinyin shook his head slightly.

Except for the venerables of the same level, only a very few true soul treasures can block the magical power of cause and effect, and the Tianji Disk is one of them.

"Your Majesty, is Taoist Ximing still in the remnant world?" The man in white robe huddled at the corner of the tall figure's clothes, his face a little pale.

The second clone was destroyed, which caused extremely serious damage to Patriarch Changning. His mind was severely damaged, and he would not be able to recover for at least a hundred years.

"Should have left."

Lord Jinyin glanced around, and he clearly sensed the weak fluctuations left by the dead space, "Escaped for a long time, at least three hours ago."

As he spoke, the tall figure looked into the distance.

A majestic giant beast straddles the void. Its huge body is even larger than the nebula. It towers between the sky and the earth and can be seen clearly even if it is thousands of miles away.

"Xuanhan, you're here too."

Lord Jinyin's eyes were calm as usual, and the five elements around his body fluctuated, vaguely revealing the aura of Yuanxian Taoism.

The power of the Venerable's Taoism is far thousands of times more powerful than that of Gu Xiuyun. Gu Xiuyun only has a superficial understanding of Taoism, and it is not considered a real Taoism at all.

"The younger members of the clan have been killed, and I want to see who it is." The Million Mile Black Turtle strutted to the vicinity of the nebula, his eyes falling on the clothes of the tall figure, "Your disciple was also killed?"

"Junior Chang Ning, I have met Venerable Xuan Han." Patriarch Chang Ning quickly bowed and knelt down.

"As far as I know, the death of Junior Red Turtle was just a clone. How could it alarm fellow Daoist Xuanhan?" Lord Jinyin stared at the figure opposite him with a strange look in his eyes.

Patriarch Changning knew Gu Xiuyun's identity, so he dared to ask Lord Jinyin to take action. Now Gu Xiuyun has been ordered to kill Gu Xiuyun by the four sects of Changli, and all major sects have also responded. Needless to say, the reason is naturally for the sake of the Supreme Treasure of the Lord and the Tianjipan World. .

In this case, Venerable Gengyang could not protect him, so Venerable Jinyin would take action without hesitation.

But the Demon God Realm didn’t know Gu Xiuyun’s origin.

According to the rules, the Venerable is not allowed to interfere in the fight between Zhenyijing. Gu Xiuyun's strength is so terrifying, there is probably a Venerable or even a True Venerable behind it. Venerable Xuanhan actually came here in person, isn't he afraid of angering a certain True Venerable? ?

"I am very restless and just want to walk around. A young man with true artistic conception is naturally not worthy of being captured by me personally." Million Miles Xuangui said quietly.

"So that's it."

Lord Jinyin smiled, turned and left.

The black turtle narrowed his eyes and looked deep into the nebula. After a long time, he finally left.

"Master, how come Venerable Xuanhan is here?" Patriarch Changning asked suspiciously.

"Do you remember how you were killed?"

Lord Jinyin sneered, "The mind and consciousness are completely separated from the body, cultivation and even the soul. This is not something that can be achieved by normal Taoism. The Black Turtle clan follows the same Taoism, so naturally they attach great importance to it."

"The same way?"

Patriarch Changning became more and more confused.

"With your current level of cultivation in Taoism, you are a little far away from these considerations. Even if you are a teacher, you have not been able to step into it so far," Lord Jinyin said in a deep voice, "Remember, you cannot tell anyone what happened today, including Your classmates."

"Disciple understands."

Deep in the realm of demon gods.

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward, and the black-patterned golden dolphin turned into a size of about a foot, lying on his shoulder, his whole body was wrapped in true energy, and he was sleeping soundly.

The rich zhenqi turned into a barrier, blocking the devouring power of the three drops of blood.

"With the Qilin beast by my side, my luck is indeed much better."

Gu Xiuyun looked far ahead. There was a fierce wind and broken void land hanging in the air. The big one was nearly ten thousand miles away, and the small one was only three or four hundred miles away.

The Void Continent is filled with the aura of the Five Elements. From time to time, you can see the sharp edge of the Golden Sword Qi, piercing out from the depths of the volcano, traversing the void, drawing beautiful arcs, like silver hooks hanging upside down.

Practitioners can often be seen on the fragments of land, most of them are demons, and there are a few humans. Almost all of them are in the Douxiao realm, and the strongest ones are no better than Shan Miao.


The black-striped golden dolphin opened its eyes and looked forward.

"This is the secret realm of the Chaos Mountains," Gu Xiuyun pointed to the scattered void land, "Don't underestimate those land fragments. Each fragment is from the hands of the True Lord, and has been refined into spiritual materials that are comparable to the Supreme Treasure. "

"There are many traces of the fighting between the sages and even the true sages in the chaotic mountain secret realm. There are also four Taoist methods related to the secrets of heaven and earth."

The black-striped golden dolphin shook his head with disdain on his face.

It only cares about rare treasures, traces of fighting, and imprints of Taoism. In its eyes, they are no different from weeds on the roadside.

Gu Xiuyun took a step forward and landed on the edge of the void land. His eyes were desolate, the earth's veins collapsed, and the land cracked into pieces, spreading like fish scales for hundreds of miles.

"The Shenkun Island back then turned into this."

Looking ahead, Gu Xiuyun sighed secretly.

The secret realm of Luanshan belonged to a super power six million years ago: the Tiankun Clan.

The Tiankun Divine Clan is also a branch of the mythical beast race. In its heyday, there were two True Masters, seven Masters, and a large number of True Inspiration Realm Demon Emperors. It is said that there were forty-three ninth-grade ancestors. Compared with the Eight-Eyed Masters in their heyday, Theistic religions are even better.

But no matter how glorious a force is, it will eventually fall.

The two true masters fell one after another, and all forces in the demon god realm joined forces to besiege, and finally the Shenkun Island was looted. The masters died and fled, and all the juniors of the true artistic conception were killed and injured.

Stand on land.

Gu Xiuyun waved his true energy and tried to capture the fragments of land. An invisible wave suddenly appeared in the depths of the void, shattering his true energy.

Immediately afterwards, fluctuations ten times the power of the true energy struck Gu Xiuyun.

puff! !

The violent impact caused him to retreat several feet, his body nearly cracked, and blood overflowed from his mouth and nose.

"What a terrifying power. No wonder countless powerful people have been here over the past six million years, but no one has been able to take away even half of the fragment." Gu Xiuyun marveled secretly.

The treasures of Shenkun Island have long been plundered, leaving only fragments of the void land. It’s not that these fragments are worthless, but that they contain great power. Even the venerable ones dare not take them easily. Only true venerable-level beings can Forcibly break through the invisible power deep in the void and take away the fragments.

But how could the true being exist, so how could he lower himself and forcibly collect these fragments?

What's more, the true master behind Shenkun Island is only temporarily silent. Millions of years later, he may return again. No one wants to have a grudge against the true master of the Tiankun tribe for a few pieces of land.

As Gu Xiuyun coughed up blood and retreated, several demon kings fell from the sky. When he saw the cyan figure, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Human cultivators, don't you know that this is the center of the demon clan?"

One of the demon kings waved his long whip and swung it over hundreds of miles away.


Before the Demon King's whip could reach his body, a burst of spiritual power turned into an invisible shield, blocking the whip.

Gu Xiuyun turned around and looked.

Two human women wearing beige robes and golden ornaments on their foreheads came quickly. One of them had reached the late stage of Douxiao Realm, and her whole body was filled with mysterious fluctuations. The other one was only in the early stage of Douxiao Realm.

"Fellow Taoist, are you okay?" the older woman nodded slightly, "Xu Zhen, a poor Taoist, is a disciple of Yuqiong Palace of the human race. There are many demon kings here. If you encounter trouble, you can report the name of Yuqiong Palace. What if the Demon King doesn’t dare to do anything to you?”

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!" Gu Xiuyun clasped his fists.

"We are all from the human race, so there is no need to be polite," Xu Zhen said with a smile, "The human race is connected to the same spirit. Although the demon god realm is the world of the demon king, the human race always occupies a part of the territory. It is only through unity that we can resist all major forces. Ethnic group.”

As he said that, Xu Zhen turned to look at the Demon King in the distance and said sternly: "Demon King of Linhan Clan, you are not staying in your own territory. What are you doing here? Don't you know that as early as half a month ago? , has this void land fallen into the hands of Yuqiong Palace?"

"It's a joke. Every part of the Demon God Realm is not the realm of the Demon Clan. Yuqiong Palace is nothing. It's just an inferior force established by the true artistic conception." The Demon King of Linhan Clan looked disdainful.


Xu Zhen's face suddenly turned cold, and he waved his plain hand forward. The seventh-level mystery activated the power of the void and pressed towards the demon kings in the distance.


The seventh-grade mysterious power was extremely powerful, and the demon kings on the opposite side joined forces to resist it. They were still seriously injured and vomited blood, and they took out pieces of land one after another.

"Senior Sister, you are very clever. These demon kings have never known what the world is like. If you don't teach them a lesson for a few days, they will start making trouble again!!" The young woman on the side clapped her hands and applauded.

"Aling, please restrain yourself in front of others." Xu Zhen coughed twice.

The two of them turned to look at Gu Xiuyun. Even though they were tens of feet apart, they could still feel an inexplicable wave that permeated his body all the time, as if it was swallowing up the spiritual power in the void.

"I wonder where your friend is from?" Xu Zhen asked, cupping his fists.

"A poor Taoist cherishes his life and wanders around." Gu Xiuyun said while stimulating the Taoist magic in his body to form a sixth-level mystery.

The Luanshan Secret Realm is not conspicuous in the Demon God Realm. Most of the practitioners gathered here are not strong. The highest ones are only in the late stage of Douxiao Realm, and the weaker ones have just entered Douxiao Realm.

Gu Xiuyun didn't want to be too conspicuous, so he used his true energy to block the power of the spherical spiritual treasure, and enveloped his whole body with the Five Elements Formation, releasing only the true mysterious spiritual power.

In this way, in the eyes of others, he is just a junior in the early stage of Douxiao Realm.

As for the Black Patterned Golden Dolphin, as a Qilin beast, its hidden magical powers are the most terrifying, and it can easily change whether it is in the Dou Xiao realm or the Kai Pulse realm.

"Sixth Grade Mysterious Master, Entering the Mysterious Realm!" Xu Zhen's face moved slightly, and then he said happily, "Since Gu Daoyou is a wandering individual, you might as well stay here temporarily. The Void Land under the command of Yuqiong Palace has many Taoist records left by powerful immortals. If you can understand the traces of the Dharma, it will definitely be of great benefit to your practice."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist. If this is the case, Gu will be disrespectful!"

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

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