Fortune Teller

Chapter 881: Comprehension of Taoism

A broken void land.

Gu Xiuyun strolled along, his eyes sweeping across the earth, and the mysterious destiny unfolded, and scenes from the past appeared before his eyes.

The Luanshan Secret Realm had experienced a battle at the level of venerables, and not just one or two venerables, but at least twenty venerables participated in it, and there were also traces of Taoism left by the true sages.

This is also one of the secret realms recorded by Zhenzun Baize.

The void is vast, and invisible power permeates the sky and the earth. Every land fragment has an inexplicable charm. With this invisible power, the Taoist imprints in the fragments can remain intact and have not dissipated after six million years.

After walking for a long time, Gu Xiuyun stopped and put his hands behind his back.

The black pig lay on the shoulder, with a body of only five inches, and its head hung listlessly, as if it was sleeping.

"Xiao Hei, if you feel bored, just eat another pistachio."

"If you don't want to eat it, don't eat it." The black pig shook his head, "That stuff is so painful, and after eating it, I feel dizzy and even lose consciousness!"

Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly.

After leaving the dead tree realm, they circled half a circle and entered the demon god realm from another direction. They walked on the road for nearly two years.

The major realms are tens of millions of miles apart from each other. When converted into the speed of light, it is about a few hundred light years. Such a long distance will take a lot of time even with the help of the Nirvana Space.

Fortunately, Gu Xiuyun had a deep understanding of the rules of space and was good at killing methods. He kept tearing open cracks in the void and moving along the void space, so that he could reach the Demon God Realm within two years.

It can be seen from this that the speed of the Venerable is much faster than the true artistic conception.

With the Venerable's power, it only takes a day or two to cross the two realms. It can even be faster if he travels with all his strength. From the chessboard realm to the Demon God Realm, Gu Xiuyun will take three years at the fastest, and the Venerable It only takes two days.

After staying for nearly three days, Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "No, where is the Taoist brand that contains the mystery of fate?"

He sighed softly and walked towards the other end of the land fragments.

It has been three months since I came to the secret realm of Luanshan.

In three months, Gu Xiuyun observed more than twenty pieces of land, and there were hundreds of traces of Taoism left by the Venerable, but he could not find the mystery of fate.

Fortunately, finding the mark doesn't take much effort.

Ninety percent of his mind was used to fight against karma, and the remaining 10% was also used to understand the immortal body of the void, leaving only a trace of mind to explore the surroundings.


The drooping head of the black-striped golden dolphin suddenly raised, and it sniffed twice with its broad nose, "I can smell the smell of a treasure being opened. Is there a treasure cave that has never been discovered in the secret land of the chaotic mountains?"

The black pig jumped down from his shoulder and said excitedly: "I'm going for a walk and I'll be back later."

"Be careful, don't be discovered by the powerful people in the Demon God Realm." Gu Xiuyun reminded.


The black piglet drilled into the depths of the void and disappeared.

Gu Xiuyun continued to observe the surrounding land, looking for the Taoist marks left by the Venerable. Ordinary practitioners observing the marks could only use the remaining breath of the marks to understand the Taoist marks.

But he is different.

He has understood the mystery of the sixth grade destiny. With this method, he can clearly deduce the scene when the venerable performs Taoism, and even simulate it.

Of course, what Gu Xiuyun saw was only the surface. The deepest changes in Taoism contained the origin of Taoism, which he could not explore.

"There are a total of 7,864 land fragments in the Luanshan Secret Realm. I have walked through all the 28 land fragments occupied by Yuqiong Palace and found nothing. It seems that I can only go to other land fragments to take a look. "

Gu Xiuyun walked to the edge of the land and looked up into the distance.

The Luanshan Secret Realm is inconspicuous in the entire Demon God Realm. The treasures here have long been collected. Even if there are some remnants, they are just gravel in the sea and not worth mentioning.

With the mentality of the demon clan, of course they won't pay too much attention to this, so Yu Qiong Palace and other human clan forces can occupy a corner and work hard to practice.

Compared with the chessboard realm, there is almost no space in the demon god realm. Most mortals live on the void land and use divine formations to resist the evil air flow. The number of human races is also extremely rare. The total number of the entire realm does not exceed five hundred. Trillions.

You must know that the number of human races in the Wuxiang Sky alone is as high as one million billion, and the total number of human races in the entire chessboard realm is millions of times greater.

As for the human race in the Demon God Realm, there are only five hundred billion, which is pitifully small.

"There are more than 7,000 land fragments, half of which are controlled by the demon clan. The demon king stationed there is not very strong. The sixth-grade five-element formation ban combined with the black cloud hammer should be enough!"

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his mouth and flew towards a fragment of land in the distance.

That fragment of land, Xu Zhen had mentioned to him once, belonged to the Linhan Clan, which was also an inconspicuous small clan. The strongest member of the clan was only eighth grade.


The cyan light fell on the edge of the land fragments. The land in front was desolate, but the spiritual energy was extremely strong, and a faint flame luster could be seen vaguely.

If you study the Tao of Fire here, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

The land fragments are thousands of miles in diameter. In addition to the demon king guarding this place, there are dozens of demon beasts. Most of them are only in the early stage of Douxiao Realm. The demon beasts' abdomens are rising and falling, and the flame aura continues to flow into the whole body, nourishing the blood of the physical body.

Seeing Gu Xiuyun falling from the sky, the demon kings guarding the land fragments gathered one after another. The leader among them had reached the peak of the Xuanxuan. His body was seven hundred feet tall. He stood on the void land like a tall hill.


The hill fell to the ground, his eyebrows and eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at Gu Xiuyun.

"Human cultivators, this is the important land of Linhan Clan. If you leave the land fragment within ten breaths, you will be killed without mercy." The mountain demon king said coldly.

There was a certain dignity and caution in his words.

The secret realm of Luanshan is not stable. A large number of human sects and monster beast groups gather here, and fighting occurs almost every day. Maybe this piece of land belongs to the Linhan tribe today, but will fall into the hands of another ethnic group tomorrow.

The appearance of Gu Xiuyun made the Hill Demon King think that there was a human sect attacking here, so he seemed a little cautious.

"Sir, he is a wandering cultivator. He just arrived in the secret realm of Luanshan Mountain not long ago and has been stationed in the territory of Yuqiong Palace." A demon king said in a low voice.

"Wandering as a casual cultivator?"

The face of the Mountain Demon King relaxed, "A mere human cultivator dared to break into the Linhan Clan's camp. He is really impatient. Lin Zhan, Lin Skull, capture this person for me. I will take it today." He made elixirs."

"As you command!"

Two huge monsters rushed towards Gu Xiuyun. They were hundreds of feet away, waving their giant tails and attacking from both directions at the same time.


Before he could get close to Gu Xiuyun, he was stopped by five-color rays of light. The Five Elements Formation covered a hundred feet in radius. Although it was only the sixth level, the five spiritual realms were integrated into one, and its power was no less than that of the top secrets, which was enough to rival Miao Zhenren.

In the violent collision, yellow light flowed, and the two demonic beasts were knocked away. Gu Xiuyun remained motionless, looking unconcerned.

"Seventh level secret technique?"

The hill demon king's pupils shrank sharply.

Linzhan and Linshu are both Nascent-level demon kings. They jointly attacked, but were actually blown away by a defensive light curtain. This showed that the opponent's strength had reached the seventh level, and they were the top existences in the entire Luanshan Secret Realm.

"I want to borrow the treasure land to practice cultivation for a few days, please give me a convenience," Gu Xiuyun said softly, "Of course, you don't have to agree, but the next time the demon king takes action, he will not just be injured!"

With that said, Gu Xiuyun stepped forward and walked straight towards a gap in the land fragments.

"Lord Linzhe, what should I do??"

The Linhan clan monsters on both sides showed hesitation, wanting to drive Gu Xiuyun away, but they did not dare to take action.

Although it was just a simple collision, it can be seen from the fluctuations in the Forbidden Spirit Realm that this person's strength is definitely no less than that of Shangmiao Zhenren. Even if the Mountain Demon King takes action in person, he may not be able to defeat the opponent.

"It is unforgivable for a human cultivator to dare to act recklessly in our Linhan tribe," the Mountain Demon King pondered for a moment and then said through a message, "I will immediately invite the Linfang Demon King to come here, and you should be prepared to receive him."

"Lord Linfang!"

The eyes of the monsters on both sides lit up.

Although the Linhan clan is only a small clan, there are also many superior demon kings. After all, the demon clan has a long lifespan. As long as enough blood is refined, they can enter the late stage of Douxiao realm.

The Demon King of Linfang is well-known throughout the Linhan clan. Not only is he physically powerful, but he also masters a seventh-level mysticism, and his strength is much stronger than ordinary Shangmiao.

"Please ask the Miao Demon King to take action?"

Gu Xiuyun heard the voice transmission between the demon kings through his martial arts magical power, shook his head and smiled, "No wonder the demon god realm is in such chaos. The temper of the demon clan is really much hotter than that of the human race. If you only stay for a few days, you have to ask for help. "

If it were a chessboard realm, nine times out of ten the situation would be settled.

Human cultivators have always done nothing to gain. The most powerful ones don't even have enough time to understand the true meaning of the rules. How can they have the time to care about the land fragments?

At most, only the Demon King of Xuanxuan can participate in this kind of fighting.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just put in some effort."

Gu Xiuyun secretly activated his martial arts magical powers, covering thousands of miles in radius, waiting for the arrival of the Linfang Demon King.

A few days later.

A giant beast with a height of a thousand feet came across the sky, attracting the attention of many forces in the Chaotic Mountain Secret Realm.

"That's...Linfang Demon King?"

"Why did it come here??"

"The Demon King of Linfang has arrived in person. Is there someone you want to deal with?"

Deep in the Void Continent, Xu Zhen, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, received a message from his fellow disciples and frowned, "The Linhan Clan and the Yuqiong Palace are adjacent to each other. There has always been friction between them. Could it be that they are here because of me?"

"Probably not. There is an eighth-grade peak powerful person behind our sect. Even though the Linhan clan is ferocious, they don't dare to go against the eighth-grade peak."

Thinking in his heart, a long golden shuttle appeared in Xu Zhen's palm. The seventh-level mystery was rising and falling, ready to deal with the attack of the Linhan tribe at any time.


The strong wind roared, and the Linfang Demon King made no attempt to hide himself. His body of thousands of feet flew across the void, speeding towards the fragments of land.

When he was still eight thousand miles away from Gu Xiuyun, the void suddenly twisted and a crack appeared in front of him.


Linfang Demon King was extremely fast. Faced with the sudden crack, he ran into it without any preparation.

After an instant, the cracks returned to their original state, and the Linfang Demon King disappeared.

"The Demon King of Linfang... strayed into the void crack? Am I right?"

"You read that right, it's such a big crack that the peerless demon king can be directly placed inside it. Although there are many cracks in the Luanshan Secret Realm, this is the first time I have seen such a big crack. Lingfang's luck is bad enough."

"With the strength of Linfang Demon King, if you enter the storm space, even if you can save your life, you will not be able to break through the space barrier. It seems that you will not be able to get out in a short time!!"

Seeing this scene, the strong men of the human and demon tribes sighed, and at the same time they were secretly afraid.

Fortunately, they were not the ones imprisoned in the storm space. With the power of the fragmented storm, there was only a dead end if they did not reach the superior level.

Deep in the debris of the land, Xu Zhen looked shocked when he received the message from his fellow disciples.

"Linfang Demon King... crashed into a void crack? Although there are many void cracks in the Luanshan Secret Realm, it is still the first one to be so unlucky, right??"

Xu Zhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He put the golden shuttle into his body and at the same time dispersed the mysterious fluctuations around his body.

He has always maintained the seventh-level mystery, which has a great influence on the mind. After all, not everyone can have means such as the Five Elements Formation.

The fragment of land where the Linhan Clan is located.

Gu Xiuyun walked forward and carefully examined the Taoist marks.

The incident involving the Linfang Demon King was just a wisp of dust in his eyes, and he turned around and forgot about it!

"Where is the mark that contains the destiny and the law?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly, "The master of the Time and Space Palace has given a total of 924 secret realms, but with my current strength, I can only go to 37 of them. The other places are extremely dangerous. I don't have the strength of the sixth realm to go to those places. Just looking for death."

The strong ones who master the way of life are usually true masters.

The place where the True Master resides is naturally very unusual. It would take a lot of time just to pass through various dangerous places in the void. There are also some secret places hidden in the Underworld Abyss that he cannot go to at all.

The master of the Time and Space Palace left behind those secret realms not for Gu Xiuyun to comprehend now, but to wait until he has improved his martial arts cultivation to above the ninth level of true meaning and mastered the origin of the five elements before exploring those secret realms of the void.

At that time, Gu Xiuyun's martial arts and immortality had both reached the peak of the fifth realm. Combining the two, his strength was comparable to that of an ordinary venerable, and no secret realm could stop him.

Of course, by then, what Gu Xiuyun is pursuing is not the mystery of seventh-grade destiny, but the rules of destiny!

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