Fortune Teller

Chapter 891: Comparing Net Worth (Small Chapter)

Inside Yuqiong Palace.

Xu Zhen was sitting in front of the main hall of the sect. The steps below were filled with practitioners, ranging from the Kaimai Realm to the early Douxiao Realm, including several older Masters of the Xuan Dynasty.

"The sect has reached the point of life and death."

Xu Zhen looked at the crowd, "By guarding the Divine Formation of Protecting the Sect, we still have hope of saving our lives. If the Divine Formation is destroyed, we will have no choice but to die."

"Senior Sister, I was born as a member of Yuqiong Palace, and when I die, I am a ghost of Yuqiong Palace!" A disciple in the early stage of Douxiao Realm roared.

There was determination and madness on his face.

If there is still hope of survival, many disciples may choose to escape from the sect, but Yuqiong Palace has long been surrounded by layers of layers. There are countless demon kings hiding in the dark, leaving the sect's headquarters... just looking for death!

Xu Zhen did not give the ordinary disciples in the sect many opportunities to choose. There must always be someone left to run the divine formation and resist powerful enemies. Only a handful of elites escaped.

The disciples in the sect understand this matter.

What Elder Zhen took away was the future fire of Yuqiong Palace. Each one of them was extremely talented and expected to achieve true artistic conception. However, ordinary disciples, no matter how hard they were trained, would hardly become masters of the mystic realm, let alone step into the true realm. artistic conception.

It's cruel, but it has to be.

"Xu Zhen, the Black Yue Demon King has arrived and is mobilizing the creatures in the void. He will launch an attack in half a day at most." A distant and old voice came from the void.

That was Elder He's message. After two months of fighting, Elder He's life span had been greatly depleted and he was on the verge of death.

This battle will be the last battle in his life.

"Go," Xu Zhen waved his hand and sighed, "bring your spiritual treasures, elixirs, and Taoist talismans with you. Use them for whatever you need. You don't have to keep them. You can use the Yinquan poisonous sand accumulated in the sect at will."


The disciples below the steps bowed, turned and left.

This battle was also the last fight for the more than 100,000 disciples of Yuqiong Palace. The demon king would never show mercy. Once the protective sect formation was breached, the human cultivators would only face the two possibilities of being devoured or committing suicide.

"The fighting in the demon god realm is much crazier than that in the chessboard realm!"

Gu Xiuyun looked into the distance and shook his head slightly.

The chessboard realm is dominated by strong humans, while the demon tribe is quite restrained in their actions, and the sects are all gathered in the realm. It is difficult to use regular Taoist talismans and eighth-grade spiritual treasures. Even if the sect is destroyed, ordinary disciples can still save their lives. .

But the Demon God Realm is different. There is almost no realm here. The human race can only survive in the void city. The collapse of the sect often means the death of a large number of human races.

The humans in the Demon God Realm don't want to go to other realms, but they can't travel through billions of miles of void, let alone there are countless dangerous places and alien groups in the void.

"Every realm has its rules. My current strength is enough to protect myself. If I want to change everything, it is not enough."

Gu Xiuyun whispered.

There are countless sects in the world like the gravel of the galaxy, hundreds of realms, and countless sects are destroyed every day. Even if he wants to save it, there is nothing he can do.

Just like the previous human sects, if he didn't intervene, at most a group of sect disciples would die, and the surviving human sects would always be protected by other sects and survive.

The true artistic conception of the demon god realm will not waste any effort on this.

This was the case in Yuqiong Palace. Xu Zhen and the ordinary disciples were destined to die. Elder Zhen took the elite juniors to join another human sect and continued to practice until the sect was revived.

But once he takes action, it will inevitably attract the attention of the powerful people of True Inspiration, and then involve more powerful people. In the end, things will become more and more complicated, and may even lead to the destruction of all human sects in the chaotic mountain secret realm.

If you break the rules, you must have the ability to re-make them.

Otherwise, if you show off your courage for a moment, you will make things worse and worse.

There were roars in the distance, and after a long time, Gu Xiuyun stood up.

"Human Loose Cultivator, this is Yuqiong Palace's own business, you'd better not interfere." Thousands of miles away, more than ten Miao Demon King shouted in a deep voice.

"Pindao once owed fellow Taoist Xu Zhen a debt of karma, and he should repay it today." Gu Xiuyun showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and walked towards Yuqiong Palace.

"Stop him!"

A Shangmiao Demon King of the red-eyed snapping turtle tribe passed down an order.

In an instant, the surrounding void was enveloped by the divine formation, and the three-attribute fusion divine formation formed an endless mist. The interior was filled with yellow sand, and every gravel was like a meteorite, crashing towards the cyan figure.

In addition, there are four wonderful demon kings who have entered the formation, and their whole bodies are engraved with living spirit formation patterns. With the blessing of the formation, their strength is close to the top.

The three-attribute divine array combined with the living spirit array is almost the most powerful attack method in the Douxiao Realm. After all, not every master can reach the top level.

"Try your best to intercept. If possible, it's best to kill them directly."

The demon king of the red-eyed snapping turtle tribe ordered.

The four superior demon kings roared and rushed towards Gu Xiuyun along different formation routes.

As soon as it touched the range of a hundred feet, an incredibly powerful twisting force pressed down in the air. The yellow light was like a billion-ton mountain, gathering in every tiny space, and instantly severely injured the four demon kings and vomited blood.

In addition, the Muddy Water Formation evolved countless psychedelic illusions, covering the hearts of demon kings and confusing their minds.

"It should be enough to deal with these demon kings with the seventh-grade and five-element array!"

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward without activating the true meaning of the rules. He only used the Five Elements Formation to fight against the enemy. The combat power he displayed was something that a Douxiao realm could achieve.

Top Shangmiao is also divided into three, six and nine levels. His strength at this moment has reached the ultimate level of Douxiao, but no matter what, he is still Douxiao.

Deep in the void, several eyes fell on Gu Xiuyun.

"What a powerful secret technique of the Forbidden Spirit Realm. The five rays of light represent the five secret techniques. They have all reached the seventh level of mystery. With this ability alone, it is superior to Douxiao."

A slightly cold voice filled the void, revealing murderous intent.

If it were in other realms, the demon king would definitely activate the true meaning of the rules and kill Gu Xiuyun. However, this is the secret realm of Chaos Mountain. Many powerful experts from the human clan are paying attention to the scene below. There are also many powerful experts from the demonic beast clan secretly observe.

Even the eighth-grade Demon Emperor would not dare to do anything blatantly.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The cyan figure stepped forward and directly destroyed the barrier of the divine formation. The four wonderful demon kings on the four heads vomited blood and fell into a coma. They did not even have the strength to resist, and were torn to pieces by countless sword energies.

"The three-attribute fusion divine formation couldn't stop him at all?"

The Demon King of the Red-Eyed Snapping Turtle Tribe had a look of horror on his face. He backed away quickly and looked at the sky. He was waiting for the powerful masters of True Illusion to take action. But at this time, how could any Demon King dare to risk the disapproval of the world?

If Gu Xiuyun relies on an eighth-grade spiritual treasure that contains a weapon spirit, or even a stronger rare treasure, and even the true artistic conception is greedy, there may be many demon kings who can't help but take action. After the incident, they can also use the spiritual treasure Strange objects as an excuse.

After all, a common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of possessing a jade, and it is reasonable to kill someone for the sake of a spiritual treasure.

But what Gu Xiuyun was performing was the secret technique of the Forbidden Formation, and by forcing the True Inspiration to take action, he was clearly breaking the rules.

The demon kings may not care about the powerful human beings in the chaotic mountain secret realm, but they cannot care about the rules of the practice world.

Because the rules are set by the true sages.

Breaking the rules will slap Zhenzun in the face.


There was a loud bang.

The outermost barrier of the divine formation was pierced, and the green figure walked towards Yuqiong Palace. The speed seemed not to be fast, but every step was a hundred miles away.

"Five kinds of forbidden spirit realms, plus the mystery of space, what is the origin of this person?" The true meaning master in the void frowned.

No one thought that he was Gu Xiuyun. There are too many Douxiao realms in the world. It is not surprising that a few geniuses appear. The life-loving master in the chessboard realm is famous in many realms. He has countless dead souls under his hands, and the practitioner in front of him has not yet condensed the five elements. Pulse is just in the early stage of Douxiao Realm.

The powerful people in the Demon God Realm didn't even know that Gu Xiuyun's strongest method in his early years was the Five Elements Formation Restriction.

"Activate the rule talisman and be sure to stop him!"

The powerful red-eyed snapping turtle clan delivers orders.

The next moment, the three superior demon kings activated the regular talismans at the same time, two killing talismans and one sealing talisman. They rolled up the vast power and pressed towards the cyan figure.

"Compete with me for Taoist charms?"

Gu Xiuyun glanced at the Miao Demon King, and three regular talismans, two defensive talismans, and a killing talisman appeared in his palm.

The power of rules surges.

The eighth-grade Taoist talisman and the eighth-grade Taoist talisman collided in the void, annihilating each other and dissipating. The remaining fluctuations barely tore apart the ten-foot-long formation, and could no longer penetrate even half an inch.

"Continue to activate the Taoist talismans."

Another True Artistic Realm expert growled.

There are twelve groups of monsters and beasts behind them, twelve powerful masters of true artistic conception, and the number of regular Taoist talismans is naturally not a small number. They don’t believe that a wandering casual cultivator can compare the regular Taoist talismans in his hand with those of major forces?


The wind surged.

Three more talismans appeared in the void, and as spiritual power was poured into them, the rules fluctuated more and more violently.

The power of killing filled the void, turning into a long sword, a spear, and a giant ax. These were the three killing talismans.

Gu Xiuyun flicked his fingertips, and three talismans also flew out, forming a round shield and blocking them in front of him.


Tao symbols annihilate each other, and the rules fluctuate like a tide, shaking the void.


The Black Lynx Clan’s powerful eyes looked cold.

There were three more regular talismans. Gu Xiuyun raised the corner of his mouth slightly and took out the same three...

"Eighteen talismans!"

The surrounding demon kings were stunned, including the Chishui Demon King and the Black Yue Demon King who were attacking Yuqiong Palace. They couldn't help but marvel in their hearts after receiving the news.

In just a short moment, eighteen Taoist talismans were used.

A total of 1.8 million Xuanjia coins. The origin coins of each major realm have different names and are of equal value. Of course, many realms do not recognize the coins of other realms. Only Xuanling Crystal is the realm. A common currency between domains.

The reason is that the Origin Coin is simple to refine, and the ninth-grade Patriarch can easily refine many. It is actually a means for top forces to gather wealth. The Xuanling Crystal must rely on the divine formation to condense it, and each one is quite precious.

Transactions between the powerful people of true artistic conception are generally based on Xuan Ling Crystal.

(In fact, it is similar to banknotes and gold. Banknotes are likely to be inflated, while gold maintains its value.)


The six talismans collided with each other and were annihilated.

In the depths of the void, several powerful masters of true artistic conception looked at each other, their faces turning a little blue.


The powerful black lynx looked at the red-eyed snapping turtle.

They don't care about the mere nine Dao talismans, but if this continues, the money spent will be several times more than the plunder of Yuqiong Palace. It's just not worth it!

"Keep using it," the red-eyed snapping turtle took a deep breath, "I don't believe it. How many regular talismans can one Douxiao have in his hand? Nine should be the limit!"

The order is passed down.

Another demon king urged the rule talisman.

Twelve monster clans have joined forces and have accumulated a lot of Tao talismans in their hands, and every Shangmiao has at least one.

Regular fluctuations fill the void.

Gu Xiuyun's expression was slightly condensed, and a trace of unnoticeable panic flashed deep in his eyes, as if the Taoist talisman in his hand had been exhausted.

"Hmph, as I expected, this generation really has no Taoist talisman in hand!"

The red-eyed snapping turtle sneered, "The expression just now was completely fake. He calculated clearly that the wealth of Yuqiong Palace is limited and it is not worthy for us to use too many talismans. But he made a mistake in his calculation. This emperor came from Xuan The Turtle Clan is rich, so what do a few Taoist talismans mean?"

The words just fell.

Gu Xiuyun turned his palm over, and three more Taoist talismans appeared out of thin air.

The pride on the red-eyed snapping turtle's face suddenly solidified.

The other demon kings looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"The last three, there must be no more," said the red-eyed snapping turtle with a cold look in his eyes, looking crazy like a gambler, "continue to activate the Taoist talisman and kill this junior human race."

At the edge of the chaotic mountain secret realm, the army of monsters and beasts retreated far away, watching the cyan figure in front of them continue to advance.

Every few steps he takes, there is a demon king urging him to activate the rules and talismans.

Three and three.

Unknowingly, twenty-four regular talismans have been used.

"Add the two sides together, which is 4.8 million Lingyuan coins."

Shangmiao Demon King swallowed his saliva, and the huge wealth disappeared in front of him. Who would not be shocked to see this scene?

4.8 million original coins, just setting off fireworks, it's scary to think about it.

"Continue, his Taoist talismans must have been exhausted!"

The red-eyed snapping turtle roared angrily.

The true artistic conception around them did not dare to speak.

In the entire Luanshan Secret Realm, the Red-Eyed Snapping Turtle Clan is the most powerful force. First, because the Red-Eyed Snapping Turtle comes from the Black Turtle Clan and has the Ninth Grade Patriarch as its backer. Second, its own strength is strong enough, even better than Taoist Yuqiong. He still needs to win a little more and reach the peak of the Sky Stone Realm.

"Compare your net worth with me?"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head secretly.

He has the savings of six ninth-grade ancestors in his hands. Any one of them can easily crush the Luanshan Secret Realm, let alone six?

"The red-eyed snapping turtle is angry!"

"What is the origin of this junior human race? The number of regular Dao talismans in his hand is simply ridiculous. Fifteen Dao talismans can be exchanged for an eighth-grade spiritual treasure!"

The demon emperors of the True Artistic Realm communicated privately.

On the other side, several powerful human beings were also paying attention to the scene in the Chaotic Mountain Secret Realm. The Chishui Demon King's conquest was part of a battle in the Douxiao Realm. They could not intervene and could only watch the battle.

Seeing the thirty rule talismans colliding and annihilating, the hearts of the true artistic conception masters trembled slightly. Millions of wealth is not a small number!


Three more Taoist symbols were annihilated.

"If I continue, I won't believe that a junior will have more Taoist talismans than me!"

The red-eyed snapping turtle was extremely angry, and its eyes were almost red.

"Brother Red Eyes, let's forget it!"

The powerful leader of the Black Lynx clan persuaded in a deep voice, "If we continue to fight like this, even if we destroy the Yuqiong Palace, we will not be able to make up for the losses."

"It's just a sect's residence. Even if there are many spiritual treasures and treasures hidden, it will not exceed tens of millions of spiritual source coins, not to mention that some of them have been taken away!"

"Brother Red Eyes, why bother getting angry over a junior."

The demon kings persuaded each other one after another.

The red-eyed snapping turtle panted violently, and it took a moment to suppress the anger in his heart.

"You fellow Taoists are right. This person is only in the Douxiao realm. There is no way he has so many rules and Taoist talismans in his hands. In all likelihood, he was ordered by others."

When the red-eyed snapping turtle woke up, it already understood that it was not competing for wealth with the juniors in the Douxiao Realm, but the mysterious power behind it.

When he thought of the powerful man who could kill the eighth-level demon emperor from a long distance away with one move, the red-eyed snapping turtle felt chills in his heart, and the violent energy surging in his body disappeared.

In a moment, Gu Xiuyun had reached the edge of the divine formation.

There was desolation in front of him, the jade platform collapsed, the formation flag was half damaged, a large number of demon kings rushed into the depths of the divine formation, the sound of fighting continued, accompanied by loud rumbling noises.

Seeing the cyan figure approaching, the void creatures bravely rushed forward without fear of death. Before they could reach the range of a hundred feet, they fell one after another.

The Five Elements Formation Forbidden Area is not limited to the Baizhang area.

In fact, both the Thousand Sword Spiritual Realm and the Fire Spiritual Realm can spread thousands of miles along with the soul thoughts. Although their power has been weakened, they are still an irresistible terrifying force for those in the early stage of Douxiao Realm.

call out! ! call out! call out!

The light of the sword was like a torrential rain that filled the sky, turning thousands of miles of void into a river of red blood.

The void creatures suffered heavy casualties, but they still couldn't stop the cyan figure from taking half a step.

"Wutai, Yuchi, Jikun, you lead a group of people to control the eighth-grade spiritual treasures to stop them and try to delay them as much as possible," Chishui Demon King stood in the divine formation, looking at the scene in the distance, and said in a deep voice, " I and the Black Yue Demon King will attack Yuqiong Palace with all their strength, and use the regular Taoist talismans to open the way. With at most a hundred breaths, we will be able to defeat the Protecting Sect Divine Formation."


The three superior demon kings each held a spiritual treasure and headed towards the outside of the formation to kill.

"Want to delay?"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

He didn't want to be too cruel. Whether it was a human race or a demon race, he was still a junior in the Douxiao Realm. There was no need to interfere too much in the fight between Douxiao Realms.

But the demon clan refused to give up and had no intention of calming down the war. It was clearly a slap in his face.

"The clay figurine still has a bad temper. Does he really look like a poor man and easy to talk to??"

Gu Xiuyun hummed, five colors of light flowed around him, and five kinds of seventh-grade mysteries blended with each other. The speed of change doubled, and the power suddenly increased a lot.


A thump.

The eighth-grade spiritual treasure in the Wutai Demon King's hand collapsed and flew out, and the demon body was pierced by the silver sword light.

Immediately afterwards, another ray of light swept down, and the Yuzhi Demon King also vomited blood and fell back. The aura of the treasure in his hand was dim, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

The Demon King Jikun was the only one left, who dared to stop Gu Xiuyun, and escaped dozens of miles away in a flash of light.

The clouds and mist surged, and the green figure finally entered the range of the Protector's Divine Formation.

"Fellow Daoist Gu!"

In the core area of ​​the divine formation, Xu Zhen saw the figure thousands of miles away through the formation flag, excitement and joy flashed in the corners of his eyes.

But just for a moment, her face suddenly turned pale.

The Black Yue Demon King, the Chishui Demon King and many other superiors took action at the same time, either bombarding them with eighth-grade spiritual treasures or activating regular talismans, destroying most of the formation in an instant, and protecting the sect's divine formation collapsed in an instant.

Elder He, who was sitting in the core formation, spat out a mouthful of blood. His whole body was filled with the aura of death, his eyes were pale, and he was only a hair away from death.

"Yuqiong Palace..."

Elder He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't even have the strength to speak.


Chishui Demon King's huge giant turtle demon body rushed over like a mountain, "Jade Qiong Palace disciples, hand over the sect's treasures, and I will spare your life!"


Xu Zhen held a fly whisk and went to fight.

At this moment, her condition was already very bad. In just a few moments, dozens of Miao Demon Kings joined forces to attack the Protecting Sect Divine Formation. If she had not used the formation to resist, Yuqiong Palace would have been completely destroyed before half a stick of incense. !

Facing the Chishui Demon King, Xu Zhen looked sad, with despair and relief mixed deep in his eyes.

"Brother, I'm here to see you."

Xu Zhen murmured.

Not everyone pursues immortality when practicing immortality, at least not Xu Zhen.

She just wants to follow her mentor, listen to the teachings, study secret techniques, and talk about scriptures with the senior brother she admires in her heart.

But things always go as planned.

Thousands of years ago, there was a disaster. Master, senior brother...all relatives died, leaving only Xu Zhen.

From then on, she left everything behind and immersed herself in cultivation. Unknowingly, she stepped into the realm of excellence and even became the senior sister of Yuqiong Palace.

But no matter where Taofa goes, her senior brother's death will always be an indelible thorn in her heart.

Xu Zhen insisted on staying in Yuqiong Palace. To some extent, he wanted to find a reason to relieve himself and put down the heavy burden on his shoulders.

call! !

The Chishui Demon King's eyes were ferocious, and his huge body waved his sharp claws. The seventh-level mystery and bloodline magical power blended together, and he instantly burst out with amazing power.

A top-notch and wonderful move, unstoppable by anyone in the Douxiao Realm.

But there are always exceptions.

Five-colored rays of light fell, forming a barrier in front of Xu Zhen.


The sharp claws cut across the light, making a harsh sound, the fire flashed, the two tops collided mysteriously, and the violent power tore the void into countless pieces.

"Human Loose Cultivator!!"

Chishui Demon King's pupils shrank sharply and he quickly stepped back.

It has already seen Gu Xiuyun's strength. The demon kings in the sky joined forces, but they couldn't hurt each other at all. Three superior demon kings joined forces with hundreds of disciples to activate the eighth-grade spiritual treasures, but they were repelled by the opponent ten times in a row. I couldn't even hold my breath.

Facing such powerful men, the Chishui Demon King couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, and retreated hastily, and used his soul to send messages to urge the Black Yue Demon King to come for support.

"Want to leave?"

Gu Xiuyun sneered, and the five-color light instantly expanded a hundred times. The forbidden spiritual domain was not limited to a hundred feet. It could also be used to evolve the forbidden formation with soul thoughts, but it would consume a lot of soul power, and the power was slightly inferior.

The light flowed, leaving the Chishui Demon King in place.

Immediately afterwards, three rule talismans rose into the air, and the rule fluctuations surged violently, giving people a suffocating feeling.

"Eighth-grade rule talisman!"

The Chishui Demon King's face turned pale. The Dao Talisman in his hand had long been used up in the previous fight between the red-eyed snapping turtle and Gu Xiuyun. How could there be any Dao Talisman to save his life now?

Facing the three regular blades hanging in the air, Chishui Demon King felt despair.

No matter how wonderful it is, facing three regular talismans at the same time, there is still only one way to fall.

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