Fortune Teller

Chapter 892: Moving forward with a heavy load


The Taoist talisman fell.

Before he could reach the ground, he was stopped by a giant claw that reached the sky.

Gu Xiuyun raised his head, a sneer flashed deep in his eyes. As expected, the red-eyed snapping turtle couldn't bear to see the younger members of his clan die, so he finally took action.

Intervening in the fight in the Douxiao Realm in full view of the public is unjustifiable both emotionally and rationally, so the Red-Eyed Snapping Turtle can only give up and call a truce!

"Junior human race, you are very good. I will remember this!"

The sky-supporting giant claw took the Chishui Demon King away, and the endless demon kings around him receded like a tide.

The disciples of the sect who were guarding the edge of Yuqiong Palace couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw this scene.

"The demon clan retreats, we win!" Some disciples cheered.

"I'm alive, I'm really alive!"

There were also disciples who burst into tears. Fear and despair had already completely broken through the defenses of their souls. In the face of death, there is actually not much difference between practitioners and ordinary people.

After all, they are not the powerful ones that have survived for tens of thousands of years like Zhenyijing. Their desire for life is extremely fierce, and at the same time, they are also afraid of death.

"Yu Qiong Palace... has been saved."

Elder He showed a cruel smile, and the last trace of his thoughts dissipated.

Hearing the cheers and shouts from all around, Xu Zhen slowly opened her eyes. Facing the Chishui Demon King's full blow, she not only closed her eyes, but she didn't even activate her soul thoughts.

Already determined to die.

"Miss Xu, you can't die now. Yuqiong Palace needs you, hundreds of thousands of disciples need you, and tens of billions of mortals in the palace need you even more." Gu Xiuyun looked coldly, "There are too many unsatisfactory things in the world. Instead of remembering the past, It’s better to let go of the shackles in your heart, people can’t always live for the past.”

"Fellow Daoist Gu..."

Xu Zhen looked at the young man in front of him, his heart filled with emotion, not admiration, but respect.

"These are fifteen regular Taoist talismans, which should be enough for Yuqiong Palace to protect itself," Gu Xiuyun continued, "After this battle, the major forces dare not stir up trouble anymore, but the most important thing is their own strength. Miss Xu is born with wisdom. , The Taoist heart is pure, it is expected to achieve true artistic conception, and one cannot live up to his blessings.”

With that said, Gu Xiuyun took out another crystal-clear pill bead and inserted it into Xu Zhen's body.

The pill came from the Red Turtle Demon King. After passing through the fifth level of the withered tree world, he exchanged for three original spiritual fruits and two longevity magic medicines, hoping to understand the origin of the five elements and step into a higher realm.

The longevity magic medicine has been refined, and one of the original spiritual fruits has been consumed, leaving only the fire and wood spiritual fruits.

Xu Zhen is good at the mysteries of the Wood Element, so taking the Wood Element Spirit Fruit is just right.

After the spiritual fruit entered her body, Xu Zhen closed her eyes tightly and her whole mind trembled. She vaguely felt that she had touched the origin of Mu Xing Avenue, and all the rules of Mu Xing Avenue were condensed in front of her eyes and clearly visible.

"What kind of spiritual fruit is this that allows me to directly touch the origin of Mu Xing?"

Xu Zhen was shocked.

A spiritual fruit made her mind close to the Tao, and her understanding of the Mu Xing Tao method improved by leaps and bounds. Even if she didn't comprehend it carefully, there were still countless spiritual lights in her heart.

"Fellow Daoist Gu——"

Xu Zhen opened his eyes suddenly, but there was no trace of Gu Xiuyun.

Deep in the secret realm of chaotic mountains.

A slightly weird-looking deer demon walked forward leisurely. The black pig lay on the deer demon's back, as if it was sleeping or practicing with its eyes closed.

"A piece of Mu Xing Origin Spirit Fruit can be regarded as repaying Miss Xu's kindness. With the magical effect of the spirit fruit, she will be able to enter the true state of mind for up to a hundred years."

The deer demon whispered.

Xu Zhen's help to him was minimal. Resisting the Demon King of Linhan Clan and a few reminders were nothing!

But that was for Gu Xiuyun, the ninth-grade ancestor. What if he was only in the early stage of the Douxiao Realm?

This cause and effect is no less than a life-saving grace.

What Gu Xiuyun wanted to repay was not his kindness, but the morality in his heart. Besides, Xu Zhen had the entire Yuqiong Palace and even tens of billions of mortals behind him.

One Origin Spirit Fruit is worth it in exchange for the happiness of tens of billions of mortals.

The deer demon walked steadily across the land fragments with steady steps. Wherever he looked, time and space were slightly distorted, vaguely revealing the atmosphere of millions of years ago.

"Not here, where are the remaining three imprints?"

The deer demon walked around the land fragments, jumped into the void, and headed towards the next fragment without any demon king or sect disciples blocking it.

The Chishui Demon King swept through the Chaotic Mountain Secret Realm. Not only did the twenty-nine forces suffer, but many demon kings and human practitioners who guarded the land fragments were also killed.

After the end of the expedition, the fighting in the secret realm of Luanshan did not stop. Instead, it became more and more intense. Twenty-eight sects and ethnic groups died, leaving a large number of cultivation treasures. All forces are trying their best to fight for it. How can anyone care about the fragments of the void land? ?

The deer demon stepped forward.

Walking through one place after another...

A full six years.

He finally found all three Taoist imprints. Not only that, he also found the fifth Taoist imprint left by the true master of the Tiankun tribe in the Yukun treasure house, which was an unexpected surprise.

The years that followed.

Gu Xiuyun wandered among the five imprints, closing his eyes and practicing hard every day.

The True Master of the Tiankun Clan has a profound understanding of destiny and has reached the seventh level of mystery. However, only the Taoist brand in the Yukun Treasure House has reached the seventh level. The rest are at the sixth level. This shows that the True Master of the Tiankun Clan has reached the seventh level. It also took a lot of time to understand the mystery of seventh-grade destiny.

There are five types of imprints, each with its own differences.

The first brand is ruthless and crazy;

The second brand is full of sadness and sadness;

The third brand is high above, like a god looking down on the world;

The fourth brand is compassionate, just like a saint who wants to feed all living beings with himself;

The fifth brand, which is the seventh-grade brand in Yukun's treasure house, is extremely mellow. There is no murderous intent, no pain and sadness, and it is not like a god looking down on the world. It is like a pot of turbid wine with mixed flavors. Chen, when he tasted it carefully, he couldn't tell the truth.

"The destiny of the seventh grade is mysterious, how to break through it?"

The more Gu Xiuyun understood, the more confused he felt.

The True Lord of the Tiankun Clan took a completely different direction from him. The True Lord seemed to understand many mysteries based on the joys and sorrows of living beings.

But Gu Xiuyun is different. His mystery doesn't have much emotion, but only his unyielding attitude toward fate, an obsession that man can conquer nature and control his own destiny.

"Lianshan's record is correct. The path of life is not the material path. The ways of practice are all kinds of strange. Every path is theoretically feasible. A single path of destiny has countless directions."

"Master Tianji changes the future time and time again, but in the final analysis, what he really understands is to control destiny and regard himself as a god, and all living beings in the world are controlled by him."

As Gu Xiuyun gained a deeper understanding of destiny, he also gradually understood the teachings of Patriarch Tianji.

He is somewhat similar to Patriarch Tianji, but completely different.

Gu Xiuyun's path was to control his own destiny, but he only controlled his own destiny. He never paid attention to the fate of others. Even if he once used mortals in the Realm of Living Beings to understand the mysteries, he only guided them in the direction of science and technology without interfering too much.

The founder of Tianji is different. The path of destiny he cultivates is to control the destiny of the world and regard all living beings as stupid dogs.

All the blessings you have are given by me, and all the disasters you have are caused by me.

All living beings are just dolls in the hands of Master Tianji, so he established Tianji Pavilion and preached to hundreds of thousands of disciples. The fate of those disciples was actually controlled by him.

And the practitioners who were guided by the disciples of Tianji Pavilion were also manipulated in disguise! !

With the power of one person, he succeeded in playing with the world in the palm of his hand. Therefore, he understood the rules of fate.

"Using heavenly means to manipulate the destiny of the world is equivalent to overriding the power of the rules of heaven and earth. No wonder he is hated by the endless void, and is even hunted down by hundreds of pseudo-realm masters such as Kushu!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and sneered.

Rewards and punishments from heaven are so overbearing. If you don't have enough strength, taking this path is courting death.

This shows how ambitious Tianji Patriarch is.

The source of the Tao of Creatures is the practitioner's own Tao Heart. Once he succeeds, the endless void will become a marionette in the hands of the Patriarch Tianji. Gu Xiuyun cannot imagine that kind of situation.

"Unknowingly, I have spent six hundred years here, and the Immortal Void Body has finally entered. It's time to leave!"

Gu Xiuyun returned to his human form and stood up.

Six hundred years is too short for a practitioner!

In the past ten years, Bai Kongze went on a killing spree.

In the next five hundred and ninety years, the seven realms in the south were on guard. Bai Kongze tried several times to no avail, and even almost fell into the trap of the Venerable. It finally fell silent and concentrated on refining the killing power brought by the dead souls of the true realm. Strength, and gradually improve the understanding of Taoism.

The true form of the human race will definitely not understand Taoism. If you want to improve the realm of immortality, you can only rely on Bai Kongze himself.

After all, the human race's true form relies most heavily on martial arts energy. As long as the energy is strong enough, it can always overwhelm Bai Kongze.

Bai Kongze cannot practice martial arts. If he wants to catch up with the real human race, he can only try his best to understand the secrets of Taoism, especially the rules of space.

The power of the fourth level of space allowed Bai Kongze to successfully enter the true realm.

If you can go one step further and understand the origin of space, with Bai Kongze's talent for time and space, you may be able to become a special being in the Venerable Realm.

By then, it’s hard to say who is strong and who is weak!

Main square of Yuqiong Palace.

Xu Zhen was sitting in the air, with four rows of disciples standing in front of him. Elder Zhen was sitting beside him, looking much older than he had been six hundred years ago.

Elder Zhen is about the same age as Elder He, and the deadline is not far away. With their talents, it is already the limit to enter the superior level, so they still borrow the power of the source to extend their life.

In contrast, Xu Zhen entered the realm of excellence in three thousand years, and his qualifications and understanding are indeed much better.

Of course, talent and understanding are only one aspect, Taoist heart is the key. Without a tough heart that can endure loneliness and practice hard day and night, the early stage of Douxiao realm is almost the ultimate.

Xu Zhen was able to step into Shangmiao, and the death of his master and senior brother had an indelible impact.

After the death of his relatives and fellow Taoists, Xu Zhen was almost dead, with no distracting thoughts in his heart. How could his cultivation not improve by leaps and bounds in such a state of mind? ?

Similar to this is Yansu poetry.

This woman can become a powerful person at the pinnacle of the Immortal Dao. Chance is one thing, but her Taoist heart is the real key.

Yan Sushi suffered a lot of torture in her early years. Since the day she was born, she has endured the pain of the flame spiritual veins. She has been fighting death every day. Her heart has been tempered to be extremely tough.

The desire for power is far beyond ordinary people.

Otherwise, Gu Xiuyun would not have devoted all his resources to cultivating Yansu poetry.

In contrast, although Yan Suqing possesses heavenly secrets and has good aptitude and understanding, her desire for the pinnacle of immortality is not strong, and she has a knot in her heart that prevents her from even comprehending the mysteries of the sixth level.

On the path of spiritual practice, only those who help themselves can be helped by God.

"...The change of Taoism lies in its constancy, its clarity, its roundness and softness..."

Xu Zhen talked eloquently for half a day before finally leaving.


The disciples of Yuqiong Palace knelt down and kowtowed.

Six hundred years have passed, and Xu Zhen has long been a master of true artistic conception, and she is not an ordinary true artistic conception. She has understood the four rules of wood and has since worshiped under the disciple of a human ancestor.

His meritorious deeds are increasing day by day, and he is now close to the peak of the eighth rank.

After six hundred years of practice, he has reached this point, which shows how amazing the effect of the original spiritual fruit is.

For a thousand years, his mind has always been connected to the source, and has been isolated from the other eight sources. The efficiency of his practice has been increased by at least a thousand times, which is in line with Xu Zhen's dust-free state of mind, as well as his extraordinary talent and understanding.

Create an eighth-grade peak person every life.


Xu Zhen returned to the dojo deep in the void, and was about to close his eyes and meditate when a voice came, "We haven't seen each other for many years. Miss Xu's style is even better than before. That Origin Spirit Fruit was indeed given to the right person!"

"Fellow Daoist Gu?"

Xu Zhen opened his eyes suddenly and looked around.

The next moment, her eyes paused and fell on the jade pillar in front of her.

A green figure condensed into shape, still looking like a young man, no different from six hundred years ago. The difference was that Xu Zhen was at the peak of the eighth level at this moment, and she still couldn't see Gu Xiuyun's true cultivation level, but she was sure that the other party would definitely Not in the early stage of Douxiao Realm.

Appearing silently in the depths of the dojo, without even the slightest perception of the true artistic conception power, it is definitely not something that ordinary Douxiao can do, at least he is a ninth-grade power.

"Thank you to Fellow Daoist Gu for saving me. Elder Zhen escaped from death, and it must have been Fellow Daoist who took action!"

Xu Zhen bowed.

After she became an eighth-grade powerful person, she learned the details of that year from other Zhenyijing's mouths.

The red-eyed snapping turtle tribe separated from the other eleven tribes, not because of the regular Taoist talismans, but because of the ninth-grade ancestor who was hiding in the dark.

Killing the eighth-level demon emperor with one move was simply unbelievable.

"Miss Xu, there is no need to be polite," Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled, "I just did it casually. Besides, the girl has done me two favors, so it is appropriate to repay her in this way."

"How can my meager actions compare to the life of the original spirit fruit and the eighth-grade demon emperor?" Xu Zhen shook his head.

After becoming a disciple of the Ninth Grade Patriarch, she finally understood what Gu Xiuyun had given her! !

Any one of the Five Elements Origin Spirit Fruits is enough to drive the Patriarch crazy, but he actually gave it to Douxiao like this?

Xu Zhen still can't understand why Gu Xiuyun gave her such a precious treasure? ?

"In Miss Xu's eyes, it's just an insignificant move, but in Pindao's eyes, this is much more precious than the Origin Spirit Fruit!"

Gu Xiuyun chuckled, "I'm here because I want to say goodbye to the girl. The realm of demons and gods is no longer helpful to me, and I won't see you again in the future, so I came here to say goodbye."

"Fellow Daoist Gu..."

Xu Zhen's red lips parted slightly, and she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to speak.

After a long time, she finally asked, "I don't know your friend's name, but I can always remember it."

"Didn't the girl already know this?"

Gu Xiuyun smiled, turned and left.

"known long time ago?"

Xu Zhen's face was full of shock.

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