Fortune Teller

Chapter 906 Where is the road to immortality?

"I'm fine."

Ji Wenshan shook his head with all his strength, trying to stay calm, but he could not hide the anxiety and fear in his heart.

Once upon a time, he was also the general of the Xian Kingdom, and he was decisive in killing. However, since he entered the Eight-Eyed Sect, the cultivation strength of everyone around him was far higher than his. Gradually, Ji Wenshan became cautious and cautious, and he became very friendly with his fellow sects. Little communication.

After practicing for three thousand years, he is still in the early stage of Douxiao Realm and has already become a joke to the Eight-Eyed God Sect.

"Junior brother, the talent and understanding of the immortal way are only secondary, the Tao heart is the foundation. Your Tao heart is not firm enough."

Lan Chonghe said in a deep voice, "For thousands of years, although my brother rarely leaves the Wuquan Secret Realm, he always pays attention to the situation in the sect. You feel that you are lacking in talent, and due to your status as a master, you dare not talk to your fellow disciples. Dharma and Taoism, but you don’t know that this approach will make your practice more difficult.”

Wealth, Dharma and Couple Land are all external objects of spiritual practice, and one of the four is indispensable.

Ji Wenshan, as Gu Xiuyun's personal disciple, has no shortage of wealth, elixirs, rare treasures, and jade crystals.

Dharma masters, Taoist secrets, and ancestors' notes are all available in the divine religion.

Couple, fellow student, teacher.

The land is a treasured land for cultivation and a secret realm of time and space.

Ji Wenshan does not lack any external possessions, but what he lacks is his Taoist heart. He is Gu Xiuyun's direct disciple and Lan Chonghe's junior brother. His status is much higher than that of ordinary priests, but his cultivation level is very low.

As time went by, I didn’t even dare to talk about the Dharma or the Tao, for fear of losing the face of my mentor.

His talent and understanding are not high, and his heart towards the Tao is not firm enough. He should have died two thousand years ago. It is only the power of his origin that he can live for three thousand years.

Lan Chonghe understood that if Ji Wenshan were allowed to continue like this, his life span would eventually be exhausted and disappear, and he would not be able to understand the secrets of the sixth level until he died, so he took the opportunity of his breakthrough to the true realm to bring Ji Wenshan to see the master and ask Gu Xiuyun to point out A clear path.

The escaping light passed through the void and came to the depths of the fairy realm.

On the top of Wuzong Mountain, the Shinto Dharma Body stands majestic and majestic. Hundreds of warriors sit cross-legged and practice under the statue with their eyes closed.

There were some warriors coming and going in the distance, but they didn't dare to make too much noise for fear of disturbing the Patriarch's Dharma Body.

call out!

Three figures landed on the platform on the top of the mountain. The warriors meditating around them heard the movement and opened their eyes one after another.


Xiao Fu and several of the most senior warriors walked forward quickly and knelt down.

"After more than two thousand years, Master finally returned to the sect."

"The last time Master came back, we were all practicing Taoism in the divine sect. We didn't have time to pick him up. Please forgive me, Master."

Hundreds of warriors sitting on the top of the mountain all knelt down and shouted: "Greetings to Master Lan!"

Among the crowd were the Lord Hanyou Mountain and her disciples Yuan Ke and Yuan Zhen.

Thousands of years have passed, and Wuzong has become more prosperous than before, giving birth to many Douxiao realm warriors. As for the disciples of Wuzong who failed to break through, they have all perished.

The lifespan of Douxiao warriors is ten times longer than that of innate ones. Their bodies are almost incorruptible, and as long as their souls are strong enough, they can live on forever. At this point, the practice has almost reached its end, so the disciples of Wuzong began to try to practice the immortal way.

Using the true energy of martial arts to cultivate immortality, there are almost no obstacles before opening the sixth heaven.

"No need to be polite," Lan Chonghe waved with one hand, and his pure and majestic martial arts energy lifted everyone up, "When I come back this time, I mainly want to meet my teacher. I will leave in half a day at most. You can continue your practice. "


Xiao Fu showed hesitation and was silent for a moment before he said, "My disciple also wants to go to the Immortal Realm with Master. Thousands of years have been wasted, but I still can't make any progress. I heard that the Immortal Realm is vast and boundless, and there are great beings like the Patriarch. Disciples don’t want to stay in the early stage of Douxiao Realm forever.”

"Master, this disciple also wants to go to the fairy world with you."



Each warrior knelt down and begged Lan Chonghe to take them to the fairy world.

Looking at the crowd, Lan Chonghe hesitated. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but the endless void has a lifespan limit. The practitioners stationed on the top of the mountain have lived for at least fifteen hundred years. If they dare to leave the world of Tianji Pan, they will immediately die. Will be obliterated by the rules of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth became bright.

Everyone looked up at the sky. The Shinto Dharma Body was emitting bright light, like a scorching sun shining on the heaven and earth. The dazzling light immediately attracted the attention of the disciples of the Qianli Wuzong in the surrounding area, including the practitioners and human superpowers stationed in the Blood Mountain.

"The Patriarch has arrived!"

"Meet the Patriarch!"

The Wuzong disciples knelt down one after another, including Lan Chonghe and the Ji brothers and sisters.

"Lan Chonghe, since the Wuzong disciples all want to go to the immortal world, you should tell them the pros and cons," the Shinto Dharmakaya heard the rumble of thunder, "it has been thousands of years, and it's time to let them know what the world outside is like."

"Yes, Master!"

Lan Chonghe looked at everyone, "You all want to go to the fairy world, but you know, there is only a dead end if you go there."

"The rules of the Endless Void are completely different from those of the Three Realms. There are strict lifespan restrictions there. In the early stage of the Douxiao Realm, you can only survive for a thousand years. You have all lived for more than two thousand years. Once you step into the Immortal Realm, you will immediately be wiped out and die. remove."

"Destroyed into ashes..."

The eyes of everyone on the top of the mountain trembled.

They only accidentally learned about the appearance of the fairy world from the priests of the divine religion. The specific situation was not clear. Regarding the endless void, the priests of the divine religion were very secretive and did not dare to tell too many secrets to the sentient beings in the three realms.

"Of course, although the endless void has great restrictions on longevity, reincarnation is allowed. As long as you dare to give up your cultivation and reincarnate again, I can take your reincarnation back to the sect and reincarnate."

Everyone on the top of the mountain looked hesitant.

Entering the fairy world means death, but there is also a chance to start over, and in the Tianjipan world, you can live forever and save your life.

How to choose between the two depends on themselves.

While everyone was hesitating, Lan Chonghe and the Ji brothers and sisters had disappeared.

An empty mountain ridge.

The human avatar put his hands behind his back and glanced at Lan Chonghe and the Ji brothers and sisters.

"It has taken six thousand years to step into the true realm, but it doesn't mean you have let down the Wuquan Secret Realm and the Twin Stones," Gu Xiuyun said, "The path to immortality is lofty and you still have a long way to go. The power of water is only part of the rules of water. If you want To truly step into the pinnacle of immortality, you must understand at least one origin.”

"Disciples will keep this in mind."

Lan Chonghe bowed.

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Lan Chonghe's heart towards the Tao is quite firm, and he doesn't need to say anything more. Besides, after entering the true realm, he will explore more alone. No one can tell how far he can go!

Even the disciples of the Venerable cannot achieve enlightenment in one lifetime, let alone Lan Chonghe?

Gu Xiuyun turned to look at the Ji brothers and sisters, frowning slightly.

Three thousand years have passed, Ji Wenshan is still in the early stage of Douxiao Realm, but Ji Wenting is very talented and has reached the late stage of Douxiao Realm. She is a real master of Shangmiao, and her martial arts cultivation is not weak, and she has reached the third level of Douxiao Realm.

The two are superimposed, and Ji Wenting's strength is comparable to that of the best, capable of crossing small boundaries.

"Ji Wenshan, how many kinds of Taoist charms have you comprehended?" Gu Xiuyun asked in a deep voice.

"Reporting to Master, this disciple has mastered eighty-seven kinds of Taoist charms, but for some reason, he has never been able to reach the sixth level." Ji Wenshan bowed and answered.

"Eighty-seven kinds of Tao rhymes?"

Lan Chonghe looked surprised, "Six kinds of Taoist rhymes can be condensed into mystery. How come Junior Brother hasn't made a breakthrough yet?"

Ji Wenshan lowered his head, looking ashamed.

For three thousand years, his place has always been reserved in Yuquan Cave. With the help of the cultivation treasure land, he was able to master so many Taoist rhymes.

But no matter how he tried, he could never break through the bottleneck and step into the sixth level.

"My disciple's qualifications are poor. Please allow me to be expelled from the court." Ji Wenshan knelt down and begged.

"Brother, no!"

Ji Wenting looked anxious as she worshiped under the high priest. What an opportunity, how could she let it go so easily?

"That's fine."

Gu Xiuyun pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "You are contaminated with a lot of karma, so you are less talented, and it is much more difficult to break through the bottleneck of Taoism than others."

"My master will show you a clear path. After leaving the Three Realms, go to the southern region. There are many small and barren realms there. The human race is miserable and has not even spread the word, let alone the immortal method."

"As long as you can teach the Tao to the world and help them get out of trouble, the karma on your body will be reduced, and the hope of enlightenment will naturally be much greater."

"Thank you, Master, for your advice."

Ji Wenshan's voice was trembling. He had been unable to break through the bottleneck for three thousand years, but now he finally saw hope.

It turns out that what is holding you back is not your qualifications and understanding, but your karma.

"Ji Wenting, you are very talented, but you also need enough experience, so just go with your brother!" Gu Xiuyun continued.

"As commanded."

Ji Wenting bowed and knelt down.

Half a day later, the Ji brothers and sisters followed Lan Chonghe back to the endless void. The void passage was specially set up on Wuzong Mountain.

No Wuzong disciple dared to take that step.

Going to the endless void represents a dead end. Although you can be reincarnated, will you still be yourself after reincarnation?

After all, the disciples of Wuzong have a short life span, and they dare not gamble their lives on the slim chance.

Before leaving, Lan Chonghe reminded:

"If you really want to go further, you can try to cooperate with the human race in the sentient realm and delve into the avenue of science and technology together. The mental power of Douxiao realm warriors is far more powerful than mortals countless times, and they can last forever. If you develop a higher level With technological means, we may be able to step out of the Three Realms.”

Gu Xiuyun asked him to convey these words.

When the old sect leader spoke, everyone in the door nodded naturally. In an instant, all the Douxiao realm warriors went to the Realm of Living Beings.

At the same time, the priests of the divine religion also went to the realm of living beings to study the avenue of science and technology together.

The warriors and the immortal cultivators joined forces, like a shot of cardiotonic shot into the depths of the realm of living beings. The fluctuations in the fate line became more and more violent. Gu Xiuyun even vaguely saw that tens of thousands of years later, the human race's technological means had reached an incredible level.

The entire human race will exist in the world forever.

"If we really get to that point, every mortal can be like the highland barley tribe and be born with a thousand years of life. If we send technological means into the endless void, what impact will it have?" Gu Xiuyun secretly expected in his heart.

The true master of the Tiankun clan and the founder of Tianji have minimal influence on living beings.

Only by truly changing the fate of all mortals and making them like void creatures, born with the strength of Douxiao Realm, can we truly change the world and reverse our destiny.

At that time, he will use this to fulfill the rules of destiny.

"Now I don't have enough strength to fight against the rules of heaven and earth. Don't worry, continue to understand the five elements and destiny. That day... will come sooner or later."

PS: I guess some friends have thought of it. Changing the future of the realm of sentient beings, affecting the entire endless void, and allowing mortals to be Dou Xiao realm creatures from birth is the greatest achievement of the technological road. The impact is great enough to make Gu Xiuyun the strongest. Destiny.

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