Fortune Teller

Chapter 907 Dingyin Mountain

Years pass.

The priests of the Eight-Eyed Sect are approaching the end of their lifespan one by one, and 99% of them choose to go to the world of Tianjipan.

It is better to live than to die, not to mention that life in the world of Tianjipan is not bad. I really wait until I get tired of living and return to the endless void.

Only a very small number of reincarnations are able to return to the Eight-Eyed Sect because of the support of Yaoritai priests.

In the starry sky remnant world, Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged, immersed in understanding the rules of the five elements.

He has found the direction of cultivating his destiny. The void chessboard is like a guiding light, pointing out the end of his destiny.

As for the accumulation of Taoism, sufficient strength is needed as the foundation. If the strength is not strong enough, why go to the secret realm and understand the mysterious destiny left by the true masters?

While practicing, he also separated part of his mind to understand the immortal body of void.

As a secret art at the venerable level, it is extremely difficult to practice. After thousands of years, it has still not been achieved.

Time passed bit by bit, and after an unknown amount of time, the ancient palace suddenly began to tremble, and a violent roar came from the depths of the palace, as if a noble man was fighting.

"It's been two hundred years, and the four venerables haven't found out yet?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes moved slightly, "It seems that there are many secrets hidden in the palace. Forget it, what does it have to do with me? Hurry up and understand the Five Elements Scroll."

The cyan figure sat cross-legged and continued to observe the lotus picture.

The fusion of the five elements can be called the top Taoist method in the world. Since ancient times, there have been many ninth-level ancestors who have understood the five origins, but among a hundred people, not even one has entered the realm of venerables.

None of them, such as Yan Su Shi, Shen Wu Yao Huang, Qing Lei Patriarch, Chang Ning Patriarch, could become a venerable person.

Its limit is the ninth level.

Transcendence is so difficult. Even if a venerable person is reincarnated, he will have to wait millions or tens of millions of years before he can hope to take advantage of the opportunity to become enlightened again, let alone an ordinary practitioner.

In the entire Eight-Eyed Sect, the only ones with hope are Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue.

"Compared with the Wind and Thunder Lotus, the Five Elements Lotus is ten times and a hundred times more valuable. Unfortunately, we cannot take this thing out of the starry sky, otherwise the divine religion will have another enlightenment treasure, and it is far more precious than the original stars."

The cyan figure closed his eyes and practiced.

Deep in the void, blood-colored mist filled the air. He tried his best to search for the crack passage in the remaining world of the starry sky, but still found nothing.

"Where? Where exactly?"

"I am unwilling to give in. The human race's true body has found the end of its destiny. If he really succeeds, I can only continue to be silent." Bai Kongze's eyes were cold, "After searching for so long, I finally found a suitable body. How can you give up your body so easily?"

"The will of those true masters is extremely powerful and cannot be controlled by me at all. It is rare to have a body with low cultivation level but strong enough strength. As long as I completely control this person, I can walk freely in the holy world. With this world The living being cultivates the immeasurable path.”

Bai Kongze looked into the distance.

There are hundreds of realms, with endless creatures residing in them, which are billions of times larger than the world opened by the World Master. More importantly, there is no second World Master here.

As long as it succeeds, all living things in the world will turn into dead souls and merge into the killing path, pushing its way to a perfect level.

But now, the human race's true body is hiding in the starry sky to practice, and the five elements of Taoism are increasing day by day.

But its space perception has never been able to go any further.

If this continues, the gap between them will become wider and wider. When Gu Xiuyun truly integrates the origin of the five elements and understands the rules of fate, the bloody idea will only die.

"Keep looking. With my space talent, I don't believe that I can't find a crack. Who is the Lord of Tianzhen? He can succeed. Why can't I?"

Bloody mist fills millions of miles of void, everywhere from the surface space to the fourth level.

The southern part of the chessboard realm.

The Ji brothers and sisters escaped through the air.

"That's it!"

Ji Wenshan said, "Little sister, you have practiced for many years before you finally entered the realm of excellence. You cannot waste your precious time on me."

"Without eldest brother, Wen Ting would have died when she was six years old. A few years is nothing!"

Ji Wenting shook her head.

"Brother still hopes that you will step into the true realm and lead me back to the divine religion in the future. Without my little sister, I am afraid that I will completely sink in all my lifetimes!"

Ji Wenshan said with a smile.

Ever since he was expelled from the court by Gu Xiuyun, the burden in his heart had completely disappeared, and he felt much more relaxed.

"Brother, my little sister will accompany you for a while," Ji Wenting insisted. "I heard that demon kings are rampant in the southern region. Seeing that there is no hope for cultivation, many peerless demon kings occupy small realms and cause misfortune to all living beings. Brother preaches, and little sister hides. Demon, they complement each other perfectly.”

"All right!"

The Ji brothers and sisters flew through the void and entered a small space.

As soon as he passed through the void barrier, he was greeted by a stream of turbid air.

"What smells so bad?"

Ji Wenting covered her nose and frowned.

"It seems like something is being burned?"

Ji Wenshan pointed to the distance. The fire was soaring into the sky, covering dozens of miles in radius. The thick turbid gas was steaming up, forming a huge dark cloud.

Faintly, you can still see the figure of the Demon King.

"Sure enough, it's a monster causing trouble. Let's go and have a look!"

The two brothers and sisters transformed into escaping light and rushed near the sea of ​​fire.

I saw corpses piled deep in the sea of ​​fire. Their bodies were curled up and their faces were distorted. They were obviously burned to death!


Ji Wenshan's face showed a fierce look, and when he turned his hands, a long sword of spiritual treasure appeared in the palm of his hand, "You evil beast, get out of here. You are a practitioner, but you are killing living beings. Aren't you afraid of karma and retribution?"

"Where are you Taoist priests from? Don't you know that hundreds of millions of miles around are the territory of Dingyin Mountain?" A sharp sneer came out, "The 24,000 realms under Dingyin Mountain are all owned by the demon clan. I slaughter all the people under my command. What does it have to do with you, slave?”

"Okay, then I will clean up the door for Dingyinshan!"

Ji Wenshan's eyes flashed with cold light, his whole body's true energy surged, Dao Yun Ban merged into the Lingbao sword, and he slashed towards the source of the sound.


There was a tearing sound.

Green blood spilled onto the ground, and a monster covered in scales and similar to a beetle rushed out of the flames. It spread its wings and crashed towards Ji Wenshan.

"Ordinary Demon King!"

Ji Wenshan's eyes flashed with disdain. After three thousand years of hard training, although he was still at the early stage of the Douxiao realm, he had comprehended too many Taoist secrets. When combined with each other, his strength was close to that of the real person Ruxuan.

This is just an immortal method. His martial arts cultivation has reached the early stage of Douxiao Realm. With the combination of true energy and restraint, his strength is no less than that of top-notch Yuxuan.


The sword flashed, tearing open the beetle's body.

The Demon King was in so much pain that he didn't dare to stay any longer and quickly ran away into the distance.

"Want to leave??"

Ji Wenting was about to take action, but was stopped by her brother.

"Don't worry, let him call for more reinforcements so that we can catch them all in one fell swoop." Ji Wenshan's eyes were calm and steady, as if he had returned to the old days of commanding the three armies and fighting on all sides.

For three thousand years, he had lived a miserable life in the Eight-Eyed Sect.

Now that he thinks about it, walking in the sky and fighting monsters may be the life he really wants.

The two of them followed the Demon King, neither far nor near.

Not long after, two demon kings flew over from a distance.

"Human cultivator, you are so brave, don't you know this is the territory of Dingyin Mountain?"

"What are you talking about with him? If you dare to enter the realm of Dingyin Mountain, I will kill him directly!"

"We have Patriarch Dingyin backing us, so what do we have to be afraid of?"

The two demon kings looked proud.

Dingyin Demon Emperor, even in the entire chessboard realm, is at the pinnacle of the Immortal Dao. It is said that he has reached the peak of the Tianlun Realm, and is as different from the Qinglei Patriarch, ranking among the top twenty among the ninth-grade Patriarchs.

It is precisely because of this that Dingyin Mountain can control a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and tens of thousands of realms are enveloped in it.

"According to your opinion, the slaughter of living beings was what Patriarch Dingyin asked you to do?" Ji Wenshan looked disdainful.

How could a ninth-grade Patriarch wantonly kill mortals? Aren't you afraid of karma?

It must be these low-level demon kings who have made their own decisions and used the tiger skin as a banner.

"Pindao will kill you all today, let's see how Ding Yinshan will react!!"

Ji Wenshan stepped forward, the sword in his hand passing through the void like lightning.


With three consecutive sword qi blasts, the three-headed demon king was seriously injured and retreated.

"No, this person's strength has reached the peak of the Xuan Dynasty. We are no match for him, retreat quickly!!"

The only demon king among the three-headed demon beasts said anxiously.

"I want to leave now, but it's too late!"

Ji Wenshan waved his sword again, and his soul thoughts covered a hundred miles in radius, and the sword light also covered a hundred miles, completely killing the two demon kings in the early stage of the Douxiao Realm.

Immediately afterwards, the true energy surged, and the sword energy traveled across the void, landing on the Demon King of the Mysterious Realm again and again.

After half a stick of incense.

The evil demon king finally turned into blood and fell completely.

"The vitality of the demon clan is really tenacious," Ji Wenshan said softly, "A mere Nascent Demon King can withstand hundreds of sword energy. If it is a Shangmiao Demon King, I may not even be able to break its flesh."

"Brother, if the Miao Demon King really takes action, my little sister will deal with it for you."

Ji Wenting said.

With her Qi from the third level of Douxiao realm, combined with the seventh-level mystery, no one can fight her unless the Half-Step True Intention Realm intervenes.

How could a half-step true meaning appear in Dingyin Mountain?

Even if there is really a demon king who understands the power of the rules, he has already broken through the realm. How can he stay in the Douxiao realm?

After solving the demon king, Ji Wenshan came to a dilapidated town.

The city is desolate all over, and monster beasts in Kai Pulse Realm are walking around. Occasionally, they pick up a human being and chew it.

There have been no humans living here for a long time, and the mortals trapped in the city were all captured by monsters.

The human race is hiding in the barren mountains and rivers everywhere.

"No wonder my mentor asked me to go to the south of the chessboard realm." Ji Wenshan waved his sword light, killing monsters continuously, and shook his head and sighed, "This void has been controlled by monsters. Countless creatures are struggling to death, but they still can't see the way to survive. hope."

"There are too many demon emperors gathered in the southern realm, as well as two demon clan sages. They are too powerful, and the various sects are not willing to intervene easily." Ji Wenting said.

Before heading to Dingyin Mountain, the two of them had consulted many classics from the Void City.

The most chaotic part of the chessboard realm is the southern area, where a large number of demon emperors, many demon clan forces, and even two demon clan venerables have gathered.

Those two venerables were not the fox demon venerables from Qianbao Mountain. They had no predecessors in the venerable realm. They only achieved greatness by chance, so they focused entirely on the demon race and did not care about the life and death of the human race.

Such ordinary venerables account for the vast majority of Endless Void.

In fact, there are very few sages who can become enlightened again after reincarnation, because the reincarnation of venerables is different from that of ordinary living beings.

Practitioners such as Elder Fusong and Shenwu Demon Emperor were born in the chessboard realm, and they would also be drawn by the origin of the realm. The true spirits would reincarnate in the chessboard realm again and again.

The Venerables are different. They are half-detached and are not affected by the origin of the realm. Reincarnation will randomly appear in any realm, even in the void outside the realm.

This is the case with the Venerable Fox Demon of Qianbao Mountain. His previous life was in the Langhuan Realm, but this time he is in the Chessboard Realm.

The same is true for Venerable Gengyang. He became enlightened in two lifetimes and was born in completely different realms.

Therefore, even the venerables have difficulty arranging their life after reincarnation. They can only ask other venerables for help and guide them back again and again. However, the life span of mortals is too short, and no venerable one would be able to do it after five or six years. If you pick someone up once every ten years, you will eventually sink after a long time.

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