Fortune Teller

Chapter 908: Founding a sect

"Destroy these monsters first, and then gather the human race to teach Taoism and writing."

Ji Wenshan walked through the cities and killed all the monsters he saw.

The cities within the realm were all built by the human race.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the southern region had not yet been controlled by the demon clan. The Taoism of the human race was prosperous, many cities were built, and small sects were stationed in all realms.

However, with the migration of demon clan forces and the establishment of a sect in the south by two demon clan sages, a large number of demon kings gathered here, and the small space was gradually controlled by demon beasts and completely fell.

Today, all the civilization that the human race once had has disappeared, and they have returned to the most primitive period. They search for wild fruits every day, fight with wild beasts, and live in woods, burrows, and caves.

Even the words and language are almost forgotten!

The Ji brothers and sisters traveled around the world, and it took them half a month to finally wipe out all the monsters in the small space. Then they began to look for humans and teach them language and writing.

This was destined to be a long process. Fortunately, the two of them had profound cultivation and had practiced Qiansi Nian to separate souls. They used soul thoughts to guide mortals. In just three or four years, they trained a group of students and built six large cities. Scattered throughout the world.


The sword light streaked across the sky, and a huge demon king fell to the ground, with demon blood flowing into a river.

"Distribute all the demon blood to civilians, take one drop every day as before, and then practice martial arts diligently to improve your skills." Ji Wenshan ordered.

"Yes, Immortal Master."

A group of strong martial arts masters held up a large vat to collect all the demon blood. When several people saw the demon blood seeping into the depths of the soil, they looked a little reluctant and scraped several layers of soil before they were willing to give up.

"Unconsciously, twenty years have passed!"

Ji Wenshan stood in the sky, looking at the mortals at his feet, "In the past twenty years, the demon king has invaded this place from time to time, and they are all scattered demons. It can be seen that the top officials of Dingyin Mountain have not noticed this place, but I alone cannot save the area within hundreds of millions of miles." The boundary is empty.”

"What to do? What should I do?"

"By the way, find someone to help."

Ji Wenshan's eyes suddenly lit up. His strength alone was naturally far from enough. What would be the result if he could recruit a group of practitioners to guard the various realms? "

"No, it's not just cultivators. There are also many demon kings in the demon clan who have great aspirations. They practice hard every day and hope to go further. If I can take them under my sect, wouldn't it be easier to guard the world."

Whether they are monsters or humans, there are good and evil.

There are more bloodthirsty and cruel monsters among the monsters, but the human race also has no shortage of them. In the same way, both the monster tribe and the human race also have people who do good, such as the ninth-grade demon emperor who established Xuanjia City.

"If you want to recruit demon kings and practitioners, you can't stop in the small space. You must establish a force in the outer space."

"The demon emperors are running rampant in the southern region. No matter how strong my little sister is, she can't deal with so many demon emperors. It would be easier if they were only in the Douxiao realm."

Thinking of this, Ji Wenshan took out a jade talisman for communication from the storage treasure. The other end of the jade talisman was Lan Chonghe.

Before heading to the southern region, Lan Chonghe had given him a jade talisman to call for help.

With the strength of Ji Wenshan and Ji Wenting, ordinary demon kings can be killed with just a few moves, and even the peerless demon king can hardly stand in front of them. There is no need to ask for help, so they have not used them.

Now that I think about it, Lan Chonghe probably didn't leave the jade talisman behind to save them. The north and south regions were far apart, and the true artistic conception would take three to five years, so there was no time to support them.

The messenger charm should have another use.

Ji Wenshan pondered for a moment and conveyed his thoughts.

After half a stick of incense, the jade talisman lit up, and a word appeared - "Ke".

"Eldest Brother agreed," Ji Wenshan was pleasantly surprised. "With Eldest Brother's speed, we can get here in three to five years. In this case, we can start taking care of it now."

Within the Eight-Eyed God Sect.

Lan Chonghe glanced at the jade talisman and shook his head slightly.

"I am now the high priest of the divine religion. How can I dare to walk outside openly? Once discovered by the venerable Changli Sect, I will definitely die."

"Unless you upgrade your martial arts to the sixth level of Douxiao, you can use the Tianji Disk to resist the causal attack. However, it is too difficult to reach the sixth level from the fifth level to the sixth level. At this dangerous step, you must sharpen your mind and will to be strong enough before you can hope to break through. "

"Since my teacher gave the instructions in advance, he must have already planned it, so there should be no need for me to take action."

After muttering a few words to himself, Lan Chonghe closed his eyes and continued practicing.

Three years passed in a flash.

Outside the small boundary, a mountain-shaped island appeared. The Ji brothers and sisters sat on the top of the mountain and looked around.

"Brother, the three-attribute divine formation has been deployed, but it can only be used to deal with Douxiao Realm. If you encounter the Demon King, I'm afraid it won't be able to block even one move."


Ji Wenshan smiled slightly, "We are just fighting in the front line. If the True Intention Demon King takes action, senior brother will naturally take action. Not long ago, senior brother sent a message that he has arrived nearby and can take action at any time."

"That's good."

Ji Wenting breathed a sigh of relief.

A few months later, a piece of news spread in Dingyin Mountain.

Two humans of unknown origin, Douxiao, established a sect and recruited humans and monsters. As long as they have good intentions, they can join the sect.

"You are so brave. You dare to start a sect right under the nose of Dingyin Mountain. You simply don't take Dingyin Mountain seriously."

After learning the news, a peerless demon king rushed towards the island with great momentum.

But in just half a day, another news came out. The peerless demon king of Dingyin Mountain had fallen, and the human race's Douxiao realm was unfathomable. It was suspected that it was already the best, or even a half-step true meaning that understood the rules.

"The top Miaokai sect established? As long as you have good intentions and are willing to protect mortals, you can join the sect??"

"Let's go and have a look."

The two demon kings who were in the early stage of Douxiao Realm fled away excitedly.

Demon kings in the early stage of Douxiao Realm are everywhere in the vast void. Even the second-rate sects established by the eighth-level true artistic conception are not willing to accept them. The minimum threshold is to enter the Xuan Dynasty.

There is no way, there are too many monsters!

In the vast realm, only one ten thousandth is occupied by the void. The rest of the space is a chaotic space filled with evil air currents. The vast fertile soil gives birth to countless strange beasts and void creatures.

For example, the dragon clan has dragon blood flowing in their bodies, and they are naturally fond of promiscuity. They have sex with monsters everywhere, and strange beasts and creatures can be seen everywhere.

Groups of demon kings flocked to the island like a tide.

These demon kings are eager for Taoist secrets and want to be inherited by sects, but no sect is willing to spread the truly profound secrets. The only ones scattered outside are mid-level secrets.

For example, Spirit Armor Technique and Light Refining Finger are sufficient for practitioners in the Pulse Opening Realm, but in the eyes of the Demon King, those mid-level secret techniques are not as good as his own body.

What they want is a truly profound inheritance, which points to the profound, wonderful and even true artistic conception.

Dingyin Mountain.

The eighth-level demon emperor was lying on the mountainside, breathing out black turbidity from his mouth and nose, making a thunderous sound every time he inhaled and inhaled.

"Master, the third senior brother has died!"

A python monster rushed to the mountainside and let out a shrill cry, waking the Demon King from his slumber.

"What? Youyan is dead?" The eighth-level demon emperor stared at the python at his feet with his huge eyes like hills, "How did he die??"

"Not long ago, two human Douxiao appeared in the sect's territory, threatening to establish a sect here and preach to the surrounding human practitioners and the demon king."

"Third Senior Brother came to the door, but was suppressed and killed by the opponent. Not even his true soul escaped."

"Establishing a sect in our Dingyin Mountain?" The Eighth-Rank Demon Emperor's eyes suddenly turned cold. "You are so courageous. Two human race Douxiao dare to provoke Dingyin Mountain. It seems they are impatient."

"Master, one of the two human race Douxiao is no less than a master of the Xuan Dynasty, and the other is as good as the top master. I'm afraid there is a lot of background behind it." The Python Demon King reminded, "This matter is a bit weird, why not ask the Patriarch Dingyin? Take action personally.”


The eighth-level demon emperor shook his head, "Master Dingyin has not been born for thousands of years after retreating into seclusion. Now he is in the critical period of cultivation. How can he disturb the master for such a trivial matter?"

"I personally went there and killed those two Douxiao Realm juniors."


The Demon King's figure expanded several times, transformed into a giant demon, and rushed out of Dingyin Mountain.

Looking at the retreating figure, the python demon king's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked a little worried. His wisdom was the highest among many of his fellow sects, and his thoughts were also far-reaching.

How could the Ji brothers and sisters dare to establish a sect at the foot of Dingyin Mountain without any support?

The eighth-grade Demon Emperor alone may not be able to get enough.

"It's better to tell Patriarch Dingyin the news!"

The python demon king thought for a moment and climbed towards the top of the mountain.

After a while.

In front of a palace, the Python Demon King carefully knocked on the palace door. After a long time, two puppet beasts appeared.

"What's up?"

"Invite two envoys to report to the Patriarch. It is said that two human Douxiao realms appeared at the foot of Yinshan Mountain and threatened to establish a sect here. Senior Brother Youyan went to stop him, but was killed by one of the Douxiaos. This person was very powerful. It may have reached the pinnacle of excellence, or even half-step true meaning.”

"Master Chu Qian Demon Emperor has already gone there. This disciple is worried that there is someone strong behind the human race Douxiao, so he came here to report to the ancestor."

The python demon king said respectfully.


The puppet beast closed the palace door and returned to the depths of the palace.

One hundred thousand miles away from the small world.

The island hangs above the Gangsha air current, the three-attribute divine array is in constant motion, and there are many demon kings secretly spying on it.

Some of those demon kings came from Dingyin Mountain, and others wanted to join the Ji brothers and sisters, but they were afraid of being implicated and did not dare to show their prowess.

"What are the origins of these two human race Douxiaos? How dare they start a sect under the nose of Dingyin Mountain and kill a peerless demon king of Dingyin Mountain!"

"Who knows, it depends on their background. If they can block the attack of the Dingyin Mountain Demon Emperor, they can survive for at least a few hundred years. If they can't even block the eighth-grade Demon Emperor, let's leave early!!"

"In my opinion, this matter is not that simple."

The demon kings were whispering, each one hiding thousands of miles away, watching the island from a distance.

After a long time, the sound of wind howling came from the end of the void, and the demon kings looked up.

I saw a giant beast that was ten thousand feet high flying into the sky. The air flow around it surged, almost tearing the void apart, and it made a violent howling sound.

"It's the Demon Emperor Chuqian of Dingyin Mountain!"

The demon kings hiding in the distance looked at each other with either excitement or fear, and some demon kings looked sad.

Demon Emperor Chu Qian is an eighth-level veteran. Although his physical body is at the peak of the Douxiao realm, his Taoist cultivation is extremely powerful. It has been 40,000 years since he entered the true realm!

"Sure enough, it was Demon Emperor Chu Qian who took action."

Ji Wenting looked into the distance, her eyes as calm as water.

The affairs of Dingyin Mountain are usually controlled by the Demon Emperor Chu Qian. This Demon Emperor was the first to know about the founding of the sect, not to mention the fallen peerless Demon King You Yan, who was also Chu Qian's third disciple.

It's not surprising that the other party appears here.

"Hmph, the Demon King of Dingyin Mountain is wreaking havoc on mortals, and this demon is the culprit. If it hadn't deliberately condoned it, how could so many realms have been harmed?"

Ji Wenshan's face was cold.

In the past twenty years, they have not only walked in one realm, but also visited hundreds of nearby realms.

Every realm is deeply harmed by the demon king.

The worst ones, the human race has been completely extinct.

If not, Ji Wenshan would not have thought of establishing a sect and recruiting a demon king to protect Jie Kong.

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