Fortune Teller

Chapter 913: The Wrath of the Heavenly Array

Starry sky.

The bloody mist dissipated and condensed again after a moment.

The collapse of the divine body would mean death for an ordinary cultivator, but Bai Kongze is different. It is itself a ray of light that gathers and disperses by the heart. Moreover, it is protected by the bloody mist, so a little damage is nothing.


An endless stream of space power poured into Bai Kongze's body.

The aura in the blood-red figure's body increased again, this time it only reached the early stage of ninth level, and then stopped abruptly.

"The eight rules of space are already the ultimate in maintaining a ninth-grade physical body. No matter how strong it is, it will become unstable." Bai Kongze took a deep breath. "It seems that if you want to be promoted to a venerable person, you must first understand the origin of space. Relying on external forces to make tricks is wishful thinking. "

Ahead, the power of the void surges endlessly.

While Bai Kongze recalled the regular branches of the infinite species, he compared it with the starry sky in front of him to find the correct path.

The regular branches are winding and twisting, extending from the edge of the starry sky to the core secret space. As long as you follow the correct path, you can find the inheritance.

After a while.

Bai Kongze stepped forward, walked three hundred and twenty feet, and suddenly turned to the left. After one hundred and seventeen feet, he changed direction and turned back.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, I finally came to a star that exuded a dark luster.

"This should be the inheritance star of the Pseudo Realm Lord."

Bai Kongze's eyes trembled slightly, with anticipation and excitement flashing in his eyes.

The blood-colored thoughts were of little help to it. Apart from guiding the path of killing, it did nothing else.

If you want to defeat the true form of the human race, you must obtain stronger power, such as understanding the origin of space, or mastering a stronger secret technique in space.

It is best to have a very high threshold and a secret technique that only Bai Kongze can perform.


Taking one step forward, the bloody figure fell deep into the stars.

The dark stars in front of them are similar in shape and size to other stars, except that there are some more stone platforms on the surface. At a rough glance, there are thirty-six in total.

Twenty-nine of the stone platforms are intact, while the other seven have been broken, and the spiritual treasures hidden in them have also disappeared.

"Later, if you can come here, it shows that you have a deep understanding of the Tao of space, or you have found countless ways to truly use it. No matter which one, you are qualified to get the treasure of this deity..."

"Thirty-six stone platforms, each stone platform represents an opportunity, and is also a treasure that I have accumulated for countless years. You can choose one of the stone platforms to refine it, but in exchange, you must make a great oath... "

A distant voice echoed in the void.

The bloody figure looked around and saw that seven of the thirty-six stone platforms had collapsed.

It can be seen that seven strong men once came here. Maybe the pseudo-realm master has been rescued from sinking and re-entered reincarnation. Maybe he is still sinking to this day.

"The oath of the avenue?"

Bai Kongze sneered, his expression full of disdain, "I have never believed in this thing. Only juniors of the human race will abide by their oaths. Since you want to stand, then let's stand!"

An oath came out and resounded through the void.

The light on the surface of the dark stars gradually dimmed, leaving only twenty-nine stone platforms, quietly waiting for the inheritors.

Each stone platform exudes simplicity and mystery. The largest is nearly ten thousand feet in diameter, and the smallest is only a hundred feet in diameter. From the appearance alone, you can't tell much difference, but the treasures inside each stone platform are almost the same.

The fake Realm Master divided the treasure into thirty-six parts and gave them to the people who came after him. He also gave himself thirty-six opportunities. As long as one of them became a Realm Master, he could escape from sinking.

Thinking in his mind, Bai Kongze randomly selected a stone platform, circulated the bloody mist, and began to refine it.

The moment the bloody mist touched the stone platform, hundreds of millions of miles away, the Lord Tianzhen suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked towards the dark stars.

"Who touched the inheritance? Qingshui? Fangcun? Or Black Ridge?"

"No, the three of them haven't even found the complete trajectory of the stars. How can they calculate the correct path? It will take at least 30,000 to 40,000 years to find the direction of inheritance."

"Could it be a junior from Zhenyijing who has just entered the starry sky?"

Lord Tian Zhen quickly swept through the void, searching for nearly half an hour, and finally determined that Gu Xiuyun was no longer in the starry sky. The only possibility was that he had gone to the inheritance and was refining the stone platform.

"Damn junior, how did he do it?"

The Venerable Tianzhen gnashed his teeth in hatred, "We cannot let him refine the stone platform. If the fluctuations are too violent and Qingshui and others notice it and find the correct path, how can I collect the souls?"

The strong murderous intention caused most of the fog around him to dissipate, revealing the body of a seven-foot-long man. But the strange thing is that this person has a red face and white lips. He is actually wearing female makeup, and his pupils show two layers of wheel seals, as if there is something inside him. Another shadow.

"I worked hard and planned for a long time to trick Qingshui and the others here and plant soul marks in their bodies. I can't let my success fall short just because of a junior."

The Lord of Tianzhen took a few steps, passing through the void like a phantom, and came to the top of one of the stars.


The stars move very quickly, moving along a fixed trajectory.

After a long time, Lord Tianzhen left the stars and waited for the arrival of the second star. He had already figured out the rules of the starry sky and even understood the changes of each star.

If not, it would be impossible to deduce the main trunk of the starry sky and enter the dark stars.


When the second star arrived, Lord Tian Zhen rode away.

The moment he passed through the void, a purple-gray figure passed by in the distance. The sky array had its back to the purple-gray figure. In addition, the rules of heaven and earth were isolated in the starry sky, and even soul thoughts could not be used. He did not notice this.

But the purple-grey figure discovered the former.

"Huh? Ride on the stars?"

"Has the Heavenly Formation already found a way to leave the starry sky?"

The purple-grey figure stopped and looked ahead from a distance. Just when the stars were about to disappear from sight, Lord Tian Zhen walked out of the stars and stayed in the air, looking motionless into the distance.

At this moment, Venerable Tianzhen's heart was burning with anxiety. After hundreds of thousands of years of planning, it was finally time to reap the rewards, but a junior from True Illusion was allowed to disrupt the situation. You can imagine his anger.

With his mind lost, he even forgot to be vigilant about his surroundings and be on guard against other venerables!

Not long after, another star arrived.

Lord Tianzhen stepped onto the stars and left along a new trajectory.

"I see……"

The purple-gray figure's eyes lit up.

Wisdom is like the Venerable. The reason why I didn't think of it before was just because I didn't calm down and observe the trajectory of every star.

Moreover, in the endless void, the trajectories of the stars do not overlap, so I have not paid attention to them.

Now that he saw the Lord Tian Zhen moving forward using the trajectory of the stars, the purple-gray figure suddenly understood the trick of traveling through the void.

"No, even if the sky array finds a way, it is impossible to determine the intersection position of the star trajectories so quickly. I clearly remember that I met him in another area half a month ago."

The purple-grey figure frowned slightly, "The stars don't move very fast. It takes at least two or three years to make a circle. How could he determine the specific trajectory in just half a month?"

"Unless he's pretending!"

Thinking of this possibility, the purple-grey figure's heart skipped a beat, and his body trembled slightly.

The other three venerables had long suspected that Tianzhen had other motives for gifting them with such a great opportunity. They also discussed it secretly, but did not find anything unusual.

Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, Tianzhen has led the three venerables into the Starry Sky Remnant Realm six times, but each time they returned without success. The suspicion in the hearts of the three of them has long since dissipated, thinking that the venerable Tianzhen came to the world because they could not find the inheritance palace. Invite several other sages to join forces.

In addition, before the four of them entered the Starry Sky Remnant Realm, they all made a great oath and would not break it easily, so they never doubted him. But what if the Heavenly Formation doesn't care about the oath?

"Tian Zhen left in a hurry. Something must have happened. Use this time to discuss with Qing Shui and Fang Cun how to deal with it."

The purple-gray figure left across the sky.

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