Fortune Teller

Chapter 914 Thousand Years

Stars followed one after another. After seven years, the Lord Tianzhen finally arrived at the main trunk of the starry sky, and then moved forward at high speed along an inexplicable trajectory.

The starry sky is so vast and complicated that even walking takes a lot of time.

It took Bai Kongze nearly two hundred years to reach the Black Star.

In comparison, Lord Tian Zhen is ten times faster, which shows that he has a more thorough understanding of the starry sky.

"A junior with the true artistic conception, who does not even have the divine power of the Lord, will definitely not be able to refine the stone platform in just ten years. Anyway, I will wait for you to successfully refine it, and then take the treasure away. My hope of becoming enlightened will be greater. point."

The Venerable Tian Zhen was undisguised at this moment, and all the fog around him dissipated, revealing a red robe and an almost weird makeup.

After a long time.

He finally arrived near the dark stars, and the rules of space surged, completely covering his body. Only a faint red light filled the starry sky, which looked particularly inconspicuous.

Star surface.

The bloody figure is working hard to refine the stone platform. After seventeen years, the surface of the stone platform still has a faint luster. It will still be a long time before it is completely refined.

"The refining speed is so slow?"

In the void mezzanine, Lord Tian Zhen narrowed his eyes, "This person is much weaker than I expected. Judging from the situation, it will be impossible to completely refine the stone platform for at least three hundred years."

He has absolute confidence in this.

Because one of the seven stone platforms in front was refined by him.

"Forget it, just wait here, so as not to miss the opportunity." The Venerable Tianzhen looked murderous, and the rules of space were running endlessly, perfectly covering his divine power and aura.

But he didn't notice that while exuding murderous intent, the bloody figure beside the stone platform trembled slightly.

"Where does the murderous intention come from? Someone wants to kill me?"

"This is the deepest part of the starry sky, where the inheritance lies. With the abilities of the four venerables, how could it be possible to find the correct path in just two hundred years?"

Bai Kongze was shocked and inexplicable. The starry sky was so complicated. It would take a long time just to determine the trajectory of each star, and it would also have to work out where the main trunk of the starry sky was.

The best way is to observe the starry sky first, understand the spatial rules contained in this world, and then work backwards based on this, so that you can advance faster.

Based on the wisdom of the venerables, if someone gives you some advice, thirty or forty thousand years should be enough!

But it has only been more than a thousand years now. Not to mention the Venerable, even the True Venerable will be trapped here and find it difficult to escape.

Outside the palace, the human race's true form's eyes were slightly focused, and the thoughts in his mind were changing.

"Based on the Taoist realm of the four venerables, they should not have set foot in the realm of time. One thousand six hundred years, the years it takes to comprehend the rules of the starry sky must only be that long. Not to mention they are just ordinary venerables, even if they are true venerables, they will not be involved in the realm of time. It’s possible to understand the rules of the starry sky in such a short time.”

"But Bai Kongze's induction will not be wrong. Those who practice the Way of Killing, no killing intention can be hidden from them, and the True Lord cannot do it. So, some of the four Lords are pretending, or the Black Stars There is another mysterious powerful person hidden.”

The human true form whispered to himself.

Killing intention is actually a special power that normal practitioners cannot perceive, but those who have understood the way of killing can clearly detect it and refine it to improve their own practice.

Just like the power of destiny, it comes from the fate line, but only those who practice the path of destiny can absorb and refine it.

The Venerable who was hiding in the secret would never have imagined that the murderous intention escaping from his body would expose himself.

"No matter who the other party is, since they haven't taken action, they must be waiting for the Bai Kongze refining stone platform, and then take the opportunity to take it away."

Gu Xiuyun thought of a countermeasure.

In this case, try to delay as much time as possible to understand the rules of the starry sky. With Bai Kongze's talent, as long as he understands the simplest rules of void escape, he can use the magical power of transforming the sky and merge with the starry sky.

It was then in an invincible position.

Thinking of this, the human race's true form and Bai Kongze immersed their minds in the depths of the infinite species, and from time to time they responded to the changes in the starry sky and understood the rules of space.

Facing the Venerable who was hiding in the secret, Bai Kongze and the true form of the human race had to join forces. After all, the Venerable had the means of cause and effect. Once he took action, not only Bai Kongze but also the true form of the human race would die.

Both are prosperous and prosperous, and both suffer losses.

Deep in the starry sky, the three Venerables Qingshui, Heiling and Fangcun came to the same place at some point. The three of them worked together to carefully calculate the changes in the surrounding void.

They didn't know where the main trunk of the starry sky was, but when Lord Tianzhen left earlier, Lord Black Ridge observed part of the trajectory.

It can be deduced from this that most of the useless stars can be eliminated. As long as all the remaining star trajectories are explored, several most likely routes can be deduced.

After all, it is impossible for the Lord Tianzhen to take a long way around, he must take the shortest route.

I don’t know how long it took.

Venerable Qingshui's eyes lit up, and he pointed to the stars on the right, "Follow this trajectory and pass through twenty-seven points, and you will reach an area that we have never passed before."

"Let's go and try."

The three venerables immediately sat on the stars and moved forward.

The stars move very slowly, taking nearly six years to reach twenty-seven points.

As soon as the three people settled down, the inexplicable power of space surrounded them, covering them and suppressing them.

"It must be here. The power of such a heavy space is a hundred times more terrifying than the fourth layer of water space." Venerable Fang Cun struggled hard and barely straightened his body. "Qingshui, Heiling, you two are good at space. Can you find the space left by the sky formation?" Traces of it?”

"found it!"

Venerable Qingshui's eyes flashed sharply, "A hundred feet ahead, the space fluctuations are more chaotic than other areas. Someone must have walked through here to activate the power of space."

"It's the Heavenly Formation," Lord Black Ridge said coldly. "The power of space here is so heavy that it cannot be endured by the true artistic conception. Only the Lord can move forward in the void."

The three of them looked at each other with fear and solemnity in their expressions.

For two hundred years, they had not found any trace of Gu Xiuyun. They thought it was just a coincidence and did not take it to heart. Now that they think about it, I am afraid that Fellow Daoist Gu had been killed by the Heavenly Formation long ago!

This person knows the secrets deep in the starry sky, but he keeps pretending. He must be hiding a conspiracy.

Standing in the void, the three venerables worked together to calculate, relying on the slight traces left by the sky formation to find the correct path.

Three months...half a year...ten years...

Hundreds of years passed by in a blink of an eye.

In the eyes of the Venerable, a mere hundred years is just a blink of an eye. Every time the Venerable survives a disaster, the years of his existence will be extended by 129,600 years. A Venerable Two Difficulties can stay in the world for nearly a year. Four hundred thousand years.

This is still the normal time flow rate.

Most of the sages will stay in areas with slower flow speed to prolong their lifespan and wait for the opportunity to come.

When the two are superimposed, the existence time can generally reach millions of years.

In comparison, the period from the time when the True Illusion Power was broken to its demise lasted only 20,000 to 30,000 years, which was too short.

The three venerables moved forward step by step, getting closer and closer to the dark stars.

Next to the stone platform.

Bai Kongze devoted all his attention to understanding the rules of void escape, leaving only a trace of his mind to refine the stone platform, and the blood-colored mist that circulated was maintained at about half a percent.

As a result, the refining speed is much slower.

"After seven hundred years, it was only 20% refined. Did he discover it?"

The Venerable Tian Zhen who was hiding in the depths of the void frowned slightly, "It shouldn't be. No matter how mysterious the fate of the sixth grade is, it is impossible to observe the destiny line of the Venerable. What's more, I have entered the three difficult situations and my physical body is perfect. There is no leakage, how could it be discovered by him? "

After thinking for a moment, Lord Tianzhen sneered.

So what if it's discovered?

With Gu Xiuyun's Taoist realm, no matter how hard he practiced, he could not rise to the Supreme Realm in one fell swoop. Even if he did break through, he would only be a small newly promoted venerable. He was far away from the Three Difficulties Realm.

Besides, he still has the treasure behind him.

"In the face of absolute strength, any tricks are meaningless. I will wait here until you completely refine the stone platform. I can afford to wait for only a few thousand years."

Lord Tianzhen closed his eyes.

Beside the stone platform, the corner of Bai Kongze's eye fell on the void a million miles away to the left.

"There is murderous intent coming out again, can he not be able to bear it any longer?"

"I didn't take action. It seems I was holding back."

Bai Kongze and the human real body breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

After seven hundred years, the rules of void escape have not yet been understood. The rules of the starry sky are a hundred times more complicated than those of normal space. With Gu Xiuyun's current Taoist realm, it is difficult to comprehend even with the ninth-grade Bai Kong Ze.

And it was with the cooperation of Wuliangzhong.

If there is nothing, even if he is given a hundred thousand years, he will not be able to understand the simplest rules of the starry sky.

Seize the time to understand the rules of the starry sky. As long as you understand a little bit, you can transform Bai Kongze's body into a starry sky creature. If it fits with this space, there will be no obstacles to the use of the magical power of transforming the sky.

Before I knew it, another two thousand years had passed.

It has been four thousand years since Gu Xiuyun and the four sages entered the remaining world of the starry sky.

Over the long years, his mind and will have increased day by day, and his understanding of the Five Elements and Taoism has gradually improved.

At the same time, the southern part of the chessboard realm.

A large number of priests of the divine religion walk in the depths of the world, and hundreds of millions of mortals gather in every small world. The appearance of today's mortals has long changed.

Technology has allowed mortals to get rid of farming civilization. Many technological weapons have appeared in the world, and even nuclear energy shock waves, neutron weapons, and anti-matter weapons have come out one after another.

The combination of immortal methods and scientific and technological means allows mortals to further advance their scientific and technological power.

"Amazing, really amazing."

Chu Weijun sat on the island, looking at the sky below his feet, and marveled again and again.

"A mere mortal can actually create nuclear energy shocks, neutron weapons, and even more terrifying anti-matter weapons that are comparable to Daoyun's secret art. This is clearly the Gangsha secret art!"

"Mortals can actually rely on some ordinary spiritual materials to forcibly control evil spirits and condense them into Zhen Gang Sword Qi. If this continues, sooner or later, they will be able to create the Five Elements Xuan Gang and even the Nine Refining Xuan Gang."

Thinking of that day, Chu Weijun was not only amazed, but also felt a touch of fear.

The Nine Refining Xuangang can be called the strongest killing power in the Douxiao Realm. It is much stronger than the Zhenxuan spiritual power. Its pure material power is no less than the full blow of Zhenxuan Zhenren.

If combined with the sixth-grade mysterious and seventh-grade mysterious, the power is simply shocking.

This substance can be produced in batches, which is scary to think about.

"Fortunately, mortals themselves are fragile and cannot go out of the realm of space. Moreover, those material weapons operate too slowly and cannot threaten Douxiao Realm."

Chu Weijun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The Douxiao Realm is not only a power level, but also a very high level of Taoism. You can hide on the surface of the void or escape. No matter how powerful the material weapons are, it is useless if you can't find the opponent's trace.

As for the true state of mind, you can enter the storm space and travel through the void at any time. The power of your magical powers far exceeds the material level and cannot be hurt by mortal weapons at all.

The scene that Chu Weijun could see was also the scene in the eyes of the All-Heaven Sect, and the Three Great True Venerables and All-Heaven Venerables did not agree with it.

What impact can mere mortal technology have?

At most, the standard of living is better than before. Any Douxiao Realm Demon King can easily destroy the Jie Kong Civilization.

After all, no matter how powerful the anti-matter weapon is, it is made of ordinary materials and cannot withstand a casual blow from the Demon King.

Little did they know that what Gu Xiuyun really cared about was not technological weapons, but nuclear energy bases. Each nuclear energy base was a large energy supply point.

Transforming mortals requires a massive amount of energy, which can only be carried by nuclear energy bases. Under the leadership of the priests of the divine religion, human races from all walks of life have established nuclear energy bases in large quantities.

And meditate on the special method of sharpening your will every day.

Only when the human race comes to the realm of living beings one day can the transformation plan of the human race really begin.

At that time, using countless nuclear energy bases as the foundation to transform mortals in large quantities, even if the All Heavens Sect wanted to stop it, they would not be able to fight against the millions of Douxiao Realm humans.

After all, it is not easy to kill someone in the Douxiao realm without using rules and means in the realm.

PS: As a small person, I actually hope that I can live until the day when the human race is transformed. If humans want to go to the stars, they must be transformed. At least they can withstand various radiation and hypoxia problems.

It's a pity that we can't wait for that day!

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