Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1379: 【1379】Your kid is cheating, right?

Feng Shaokun and Ye Feng walked behind and gave him a brief introduction.

This Zhang Mingyuan is a fierce man in the Jiangzuo theater, close to the existence of a soldier king.

He has remained in the top three in several battle zone competitions.

The two had often fought against each other before, but he was basically beaten by the opponent, and he had never won.

In fact, without his introduction, Ye Feng could tell that Zhang Mingyuan was not weak.

At least it is equivalent to the strength of the early stage of the dark realm.

The boxing gym of the War Fan Club is very large, nearly a thousand square meters.

There is a boxing ring in the center. When they came, there were two people fighting on the ring, and you were fighting back and forth.

Seeing them coming, the two stopped hurriedly and jumped off the stage.

Feng Shaokun and Zhang Mingyuan took off their coats, revealing their strong muscles.

Then they each put on their gloves and jumped onto the ring.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Mingyuan is much stronger.

Nearly 1.9 meters tall, his muscles have been very muscular throughout his life.

Although Feng Shaokun's figure is also good, but overall he is one size smaller than the other party.

The two started bouncing around the ring, doing warm-up exercises.

Everyone in the audience began to discuss in low voices.

"Who do you think will win this duel?"

"Do you still need to ask? It must be Zhang Mingyuan. He is a soldier king."

"That's right, I heard that Shaokun never won against the two before."

"Didn't Shaokun say that he had received special training some time ago? He should have improved a bit, right?"

"He has made progress, and Zhang Mingyuan has not been idle. It may not be much worse than his training."

"Shh, it's time to start!"

While everyone was discussing, the two on the stage had already started to fight.

Because it is not a regular game, there is no referee for this duel.

Because Feng Shaokun was physically weaker than the opponent, he took the agile route and kept attacking around Zhang Mingyuan.

On the other hand, Zhang Mingyuan walked with strength, and every punch was powerful and heavy. Once hit by him, he might directly KO.

The two went back and forth like this for a few moves, but basically they didn't cause any harm to each other.

"You can't PK with me head-on? Why are you running around?" Zhang Mingyuan seemed to be irritated by the opponent's rogue style of play.

"You think I'm stupid? You are so powerful, a fool will confront you head-on." Feng Shaokun was not fooled at all, and continued to deal with him with agility and speed.

The two fought for a few more rounds. Zhang Mingyuan seemed to have lost his patience and started to attack wildly.

Feng Shaokun showed a tricky smile, this is what he wanted.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Mingyuan was in a state of rage, and an opening suddenly appeared behind him.

Feng Shaokun keenly caught this flaw, came behind him in a dodge, and kicked his thigh with a flying kick.

But a smile suddenly appeared on Zhang Mingyuan's face. He deliberately exposed the flaw just now, just to lure the other party into the bait.

This guy really fell for it.

At the same time Feng Shaokun kicked this kick, he hooked back with his right hand, grabbed the opponent's ankle directly, and lifted it upwards forcefully.

If it was Feng Shaokun from before, he might lose his center of gravity and fall to the ground.

But his reaction speed today was very fast. One foot was caught, and the other kicked directly to Zhang Mingyuan's cheek.

Zhang Mingyuan was startled, and hurriedly let go and stepped back.

After Feng Shaokun landed, without any pause, he took advantage of the opportunity to sweep his legs.

Zhang Mingyuan was suddenly tripped by him. Although he didn't fall, he staggered a few times and managed to stabilize himself.

"Okay, Kunzi, it seems that the special training your master arranged for you is indeed something." He looked at Feng Shaokun in surprise, and the opponent's strength had indeed improved a lot.

Feng Shaokun jumped proudly, "I saved face for you just now, and I didn't try my best. I advise you to admit defeat early, so as not to lose face."

Zhang Mingyuan chuckled immediately, "You said you were fat and you were panting? I was just careless just now, come again!"

After speaking, he continued to rush up.

Everyone in the audience stared blankly at Feng Shaokun.

"Shaokun's strength seems to have really improved a lot. If it was changed to before, he would probably have lost by now, right?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days, but my strength has improved so much? Isn't it incredible?"

"The special training that Mr. Ye arranged for him, is it really effective? I want to participate."

"Don't dream, Mr. Ye tailor-made this for his apprentice, and you are not his apprentice, why should he let you participate?"

"It's true..."

While everyone was chatting, the two on the stage went back and forth for a few moves, but still couldn't tell the winner.

The more Zhang Mingyuan fought, the more frightened he became. Feng Shaokun's progress was really too great.

It's only been a few days since I've seen each other, so it's really impressive.

Does that special training really have such a strong effect?

Although he was surprised, he didn't think he would lose.

The gap between the two of them is still very large, and this cannot be made up in a short time.

"Kunzi, I'm going to be serious, be careful."

He didn't forget to remind the other party, and then launched a new round of intensive attacks.

Sure enough, Feng Shaokun couldn't hold back, and was pushed into a corner by him step by step.

Zhang Mingyuan's face showed joy.

Feng Shaokun's greatest advantage is agility, as long as he traps the opponent in the corner, he will lose his greatest advantage.

At that time, why not let him be ravaged?

The situation on the field is being realized step by step according to his vision.

Feng Shaokun was finally cornered by him.

But what happened next was beyond his expectation.

Feng Shaokun dodged all the punches he swung in succession.

This kind of reaction speed is simply abnormal.

Zhang Mingyuan was taken aback immediately, and immediately accelerated his attack rhythm.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

He swung several heavy punches in succession, but they were still all dodged.

A smile appeared on Feng Shaokun's face, "A Yuan, it's time to end!"

As soon as the words fell, he keenly seized Zhang Mingyuan's opening and punched Zhang Mingyuan's armpit.

Zhang Mingyuan tilted his body and was about to stabilize his figure.

But Feng Shaokun didn't give him this chance, and directly launched a counterattack.

"Bang bang bang..."

Several consecutive heavy blows came over, immediately caught Zhang Mingyuan by surprise, and retreated in a hurry.

But Feng Shaokun had completely gained the upper hand and started chasing him.

And every time he can keenly capture his flaws, making him defenseless.


The last kick landed on his stomach.

Zhang Mingyuan fell all over the place, and before he could get up, Feng Shaokun had already ridden on top of him, and began to punch him in the face with his fists.

"Bang bang bang..."

After several punches in a row, Zhang Mingyuan was hit with gold stars in his eyes.

"Stop, stop, I admit defeat!"

Zhang Mingyuan tried several times to break free from the opponent's control, but all ended in failure.

He knew that he was powerless to turn the tables, and if he continued to hold on, he would at most receive a few more punches, so he directly surrendered.

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