Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1380: 【1380】This... is it over?

Only then did Feng Shaokun jump away from him, took off his gloves, and pulled him up.

"How is it, A Yuan? Have you taken it?" He asked with a look of embarrassment.

Zhang Mingyuan rubbed his sore cheeks from the beating, and looked at him with a look of surprise, "Could it be that you cheated, kid? Why did you become so strong all of a sudden?"

Feng Shaokun turned his head to look at Ye Feng in the audience, his eyes were full of gratitude, "Didn't I tell you everything? My master arranged a special training for me some time ago, and this is the training effect."

Zhang Mingyuan had scoffed at his statement before, but after personally experiencing the effect of the opponent's training, he was shocked and looked at Ye Feng blankly.

What exactly is training? How can it cause such a huge transformation in people?

At this time, everyone watching the battle under the stage also showed shock.

Before the game started, few people were optimistic about Feng Shaokun.

Because he had never won against Zhang Mingyuan before.

But who would have thought that after only a few days of absence, he would have made such a huge improvement.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

I am more and more curious about the secret training, what exactly is it?

"Master, how was my performance just now?" Feng Shaokun jumped off the stage and ran to Ye Feng to ask for praise.

"It's okay." Ye Feng nodded perfunctorily.

When everyone around heard this, they all felt that Ye Feng was being too harsh?

Feng Shaokun has made such a huge improvement in a short period of time, even Zhang Mingyuan is no longer his opponent.

This is okay?

This TM is too good, right?

Although Feng Shaokun didn't hear the compliment he wanted, he didn't show dissatisfaction either. He just bowed his hands to Ye Feng very respectfully, "Master, I want to ask you a few tricks."

Everyone thought that the duel was over, but they didn't expect that there would be another match between master and apprentice, and they all became excited.

Ye Feng glanced at him, "Are you sure you want to challenge me?"

Feng Shaokun nodded firmly, "I want to see how far there is from Master."

Ye Feng shook his head immediately, "Xiao Kun, I think you are drifting away."

Feng Shaokun was unmoved, and continued to challenge, "Please teach me, master."

Ye Feng saw that he insisted again and again, so he had no choice but to nod, "Okay, then I will teach you a trick."

Feng Shaokun immediately became excited, "Master, please come to the boxing ring."

But Ye Feng stood still, "No need, just stay here."

Feng Shaokun couldn't say anything more, so he got up his boxing gloves again, ready for Master to put them on.

But it was also rejected by Ye Feng.

Everyone thought he was too arrogant.

Even if it's a duel with an apprentice, you can't take it lightly.

How many masters died of arrogance?

But Feng Shaokun didn't say anything, so they naturally didn't want to say much, and they scattered around to give way to the two of them.

Feng Shaokun retreated to a distance of three meters from Ye Feng, then cupped his hands, "Master, I offended you."

Ye Feng stood there with his hands behind his back, "Let's start."

Feng Shaokun immediately approached with a butterfly step.

But Ye Feng still stood there without moving, just looking at the ground, as if in a trance.

"Why doesn't it look like I'm in a duel? Mr. Ye underestimates his opponent, right?"

"As we have seen just now, Shaokun's strength is not weak. If you underestimate him, the consequences may be very serious."

"I'm afraid that Mr. Ye pretended too much and would be slapped in the face later, but it would be too funny."

"Hush, keep your voice down, as long as you understand it in your heart, don't let Mr. Ye hear it..."

While everyone was discussing, Feng Shaokun had already come to Ye Feng and tried several feints.

But Ye Feng didn't respond at all, and stood there as motionless as a mountain.

Feng Shaokun was already a little angry.

Even if there is a gap in strength between the two of them, Master's attitude doesn't take him seriously.

That being the case, then he will show all his strength and force him to make a move.

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately kicked Ye Feng in the chest.

Ye Feng finally moved.

But one left hand is still behind the back, while the right hand sticks out like lightning.

In fact, Feng Shaokun's kick was still a feint, just to attract Ye Feng's shot, so he had to withdraw it quickly the moment he kicked it.

But he still underestimated Ye Feng's speed.

Before he could take his foot back, his ankle had already been grabbed by the opponent.

Then a terrifying force swept over.


Before Feng Shaokun could react, he lost control of his body completely, was thrown into the air, and then hit the ground suddenly.

He was instantly horrified.

If he hit the ground with such terrifying force, even if he didn't die, he might be seriously injured.

But just when his body touched the ground, the momentum of sinking suddenly stagnated, and then he was gently placed on the ground.

Until the moment he lay on the ground, his mind was still blank.

He didn't even realize what happened.

It all happened so fast.

With one move, the master knocked him out with just one move.

If Master hadn't been merciful in the end, if the fall had been solid, he would have been seriously injured by now, right?

While feeling deeply frustrated, he was also completely conquered by Ye Feng's terrifying power.

Not only him, but everyone watching the battle around them also watched this scene with dull eyes.

Like Feng Shaokun, they didn't react.

Just now I saw Feng Shaokun launching an attack, and then he was picked up by Ye Feng and smashed to the ground.

The whole process takes less than a second.

Feng Shaokun, who had just defeated the soldier king Zhang Mingyuan, was defeated.

"This... is it over?"

"Why do I feel that the game is over before it starts?"

"Isn't this too exaggerated? Feng Shaokun's strength is obvious to all, and he was defeated by one move?"

"One move, really only one move. This is simply crushing!"

"Isn't the gap in strength too big? Shaokun is like a chicken in front of others."

"Thanks to Mr. Ye's mercy in the end, otherwise Shaokun must have been seriously injured."

"My god, I still can't believe my eyes, how did he do it?"

"It's so scary..."

Compared with these people, Zhang Mingyuan saw it more clearly.

At that time, Feng Shaokun kicked it out, just trying to lure the snake out of the hole.

But he never expected that the speed of that "snake" was unimaginably fast.

Then, he was defeated by one move.

Although Ye Feng only performed one move, he vividly expressed it as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as plundering as fire, and as immobile as a mountain.

If you don't move, if you want to move, it will be fatal.

He asked himself, if it was him just now, he might end up in the same fate as Feng Shaokun.

The strength of this young man is too terrifying.

They are not on the same level at all.

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