Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1392: 【1392】This is a big shot!

Because he was not sure about his apprentice, Ye Feng did not tell Liu Wenlong and others about it.

However, just over twenty minutes later, his cell phone rang.

"Master, I've found him. That kid's name is Mao San, he's a local gangster, and he's gambling in an underground casino now..."

Feng Shaokun explained the information about the thief in detail.

After Ye Feng hung up the phone, he got up and walked to Liu Wenyuan, "Master, the man has been found."

Liu Wenyuan was discussing new countermeasures with Liu Wenlong and others at this time, when they heard his words, everyone was stunned.

"What did you say? Who found it?" Liu Wenyuan thought he had misheard, so he asked again.

"The thief has been found. His name is Mao San, and he is currently in an underground casino..." Ye Feng repeated the information Feng Shaokun told him.

Then I saw everyone in the Liu family looking at him in surprise.

"Xiaofeng, is your news reliable?" Liu Wenlong asked tentatively.

It's not that he doesn't believe Ye Feng, it's mainly because the news is too sudden.

Their Liu family has been operating in Jiangzuo for so many years, and finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And when Ye Feng just arrived in Jiangzuo, he was able to do what their Liu family couldn't?

This is somewhat unbelievable.

"The news was obtained by Ye Feng's apprentice, so there should be no problem." Xu Jingxin stood up to speak for Ye Feng.

"Xiaofeng's apprentice?" Liu Wenlong was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Liu Wenyuan.

Liu Wenyuan also had a wry smile on his face, "Xiaofeng has indeed taken in an apprentice. I met him at the station yesterday, but I don't know the details yet."

Xu Jingxin continued to explain at this time, "Ye Feng's apprentice is named Feng, and it is said that his father is from the Jiangzuo War Zone."

As soon as she said this, all the senior members of the Liu family broke into a cold sweat and looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

As an established local family in Jiangzuo, the Liu family still knows Jiangzuo's senior management very well.

There is indeed a big man surnamed Feng in the Jiangzuo war zone, and it is the kind of person who coughs, and the whole Jiangzuo has to follow the level of the earthquake.

"Xiaofeng, this... is this true?" Liu Wenlong swallowed, looking a little nervous.

"It seems...isn't it." Ye Feng curled his lips helplessly, he really didn't want to take advantage of his apprentice.

After getting his accurate answer, the senior members of the Liu family could no longer remain calm.

They were all sitting safely on the chairs, but they all stood up with a "crash", as if they were being inspected by the leader.

If Ye Feng was just Liu Wenyuan's apprentice, it wouldn't be enough to attract anyone's attention.

Even if you know his strength in Nanyue, you will be surprised at most. No matter how powerful you are in Nanyue, you will not have any influence in Jiangzuo.

But if it is the master of the son of a big brother in the Jiangzuo war zone, his status will be very different.

This is "Xiao Feng", this **** is "Master Feng"!

This is the big man!

"Xiao Feng...ah, no, Ye Feng...Mr. Ye, I..."

Liu Wenlong stuttered and didn't know what to call Ye Feng anymore.

"Third Uncle, didn't I tell you everything before? You can call me Xiaofeng." Ye Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

"But..." Liu Wenlong always felt that it was a bit disrespectful to call someone that way.

He is someone who can discuss friendship with the big bosses in the Jiangzuo war zone, so it would be too inappropriate to call him "Xiaofeng".

"Third Master, no matter how I am outside, I will always be a junior in front of my master's family. Otherwise, my master will definitely not let me go." Ye Feng had no choice but to continue to do psychological counseling.

Liu Wenyuan also stood up with a smile at this time, "Third brother, just listen to Xiaofeng."

"No matter how beautiful he is outside, at home, he is a junior. If he dares to be disobedient, you should beat him, scold him, and don't give me face."

"Master, face should be given. After all, I am also a master." Ye Feng took the opportunity to joke.

"Hmph, don't say that you are a master, even if you are a master, you are still my apprentice. If you dare to **** your tail in front of me, I will see if I don't punish you." Liu Wenyuan snorted and raised the airs of a master .

The gag between the two made the atmosphere in the meeting room a little more harmonious.

"Okay, stop joking, let's hurry up and catch that thief, don't let him run away again." Xu Jingxin reminded at this time.

Only then did everyone react, and quickly organized their staff to rush to the underground casino.

"Shit, I'm too unlucky today."

In the underground casino, Mao San slammed the gaming table hard, and let him export all the money he earned yesterday.

"Mao San, do you still want to play?" the gamblers at the gaming table asked while rolling the dice.

"Whatever you play, you've won all. I suspect that you will join forces to make a fool out of me." Mao San was so angry that he couldn't help but complain.

"Mao San, you bastard, don't talk nonsense, if you talk nonsense without evidence, watch your tongue." The man who rolled the dice gave him a vicious look with a cigarette in his mouth.

Mao San shrank his neck in fright, and quickly apologized, "I was talking nonsense just now, you guys continue to play, I'll go back and get some money, and come back tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he was about to limp and leave the casino.

His leg was interrupted by someone else's casino when he lost money in gambling.

This can be regarded as giving him a little memory, as long as he loses all his money, he will never play again.

Just when he walked to the door, he bumped into a person head-on, and his heart became angry again, "Are you **** blind? You don't look at people when you walk..."

Before he could finish speaking, someone grabbed his throat, and he couldn't speak the following words.

Mao San squinted his eyes and looked carefully, and saw that this person had a beard, just like a fierce Zhang Fei, but he didn't recognize him.

Behind him, followed by a large group of people.

"Brother...Brother, did you find the wrong person? I don't know you." He is well versed in the way of survival, and he never hesitates when it's time to confess.

When the people in the casino saw someone coming to smash the place, they stood up one after another.

"Hehe, you dare to come to Brother Long's place to make trouble? I'm impatient... bored..."

Before he could finish speaking, another group of people rushed in from the outside, each of them carrying a strong aura.

The people in the casino are also good people, and they immediately saw that this group of people were not easy to mess with, so they hurriedly retreated.

"You are Mao San?" Liu Wenlong walked in slowly, looked at Mao San several times, especially staring at his lame leg for a moment.

"I'm Mao San, which way is the eldest brother? I don't know where the younger brother offended you?" Mao San looked at Liu Wenlong tremblingly, and there were bursts of urination from his crotch.

"Did you go to the Liu family's ancestral hall the night before yesterday?" Liu Wenlong didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and asked straight to the point.

"The Ancestral Hall of the Liu Family? I...I don't have one..." Mao San's face changed, and then he denied it.

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