Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1393: 【1393】Did you find the wrong person?

"No, right?" Liu Wenlong showed a sneer on his face, and winked at Liu Wentian.

Without saying a word, Liu Wentian increased his strength in his hands, and immediately pinched Mao San's throat with a "quack" sound, as if it could be crushed at any time.

Mao San's face was already flushed, showing fear, "I...I said..."

Don't hesitate to tell the whole thing.

It turned out that he had heard that Yu Fengsheng, the president of the Sanhuang Society, was buying martial arts manuals with a lot of money.

After many inquiries, he learned that the Liu family had an ancestral boxing book, so he moved his mind.

After many days of scouting, he launched an operation the night before and stole the boxing book.

Now the truth finally came out.

All the senior executives of the Liu family looked at each other and smiled wryly. It seemed that they were really wrong to blame Sanhuanghui, and it was indeed not instigated by the other party.

Fortunately, they didn't rush to go shopping at the Sanhuang Club today, otherwise they would really provoke a big enemy for nothing.

Thinking of this, all the senior members of the Liu family looked at Ye Feng gratefully again.

Ye Feng and Xu Jingxin stood in the corner and did not interfere with the Liu family's affairs.

"Xiao Feng, thanks to you for this matter today, without you, we really don't know what to do." Liu Wenlong thanked Ye Feng with great emotion.

Ye Feng helped Ah Can find it, and Ye Feng helped find Mao San, and he contributed a lot to this matter.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. Before it's dark, let's go to the Sanhuang Club." Ye Feng didn't mean to take credit for it, and these were just effort.

The members of the Liu family didn't delay any longer, and immediately took Mao San to Sanhuanghui.

The headquarters of the Sanhuang Society is located in a small two-story building in the western suburbs of Jinling City. The sign at the door reads "Sanhuang Security Company".

The so-called security company is just a cover. After all, no one dares to openly say that they are a society.

A group of people marched into the headquarters of the Three Emperors Society in a mighty manner, and immediately alarmed the people of the Three Phoenixes Society.

"Huh la la" a group of men in black rushed out from the building, each of them held an iron rod in their hands, staring at the crowd covetously.

"What are you doing?"

A man stepped out from the crowd, looking at Ye Feng and the others warily.

"Don't get me wrong, we are here to find your president." Liu Wenlong stood up at this moment and explained to the man.

"What do you want to do with our president?" The man didn't relax at all.

"It's about the theft of our Liu family's boxing records. Now that this thief has been caught by us, we hope that President Yu will fulfill his promise and return the boxing records to us." Make yourself sound more kind.

"It's you again? You weren't beaten hard enough yesterday, so you don't have a long memory, right?" When the man heard that he was from the Liu family, a sneer appeared on his face.

"What the **** are you talking about? Do you really think we're afraid of you?" Liu Wentian had a bad temper, and immediately jumped out to confront him.

The two sides began to scold each other, full of gunpowder.

Now only one "match" is needed to detonate this explosive barrel immediately.

Just when the two sides were confronting each other, a woman's voice was suddenly heard from inside the building, "What's the noise outside? You can't even watch TV?"

The crowd on the side of the Three Phoenix Society immediately dispersed to both sides.

Immediately afterwards, a woman was seen coming out of it.

She was wearing a black suit, which was a bit baggy, but she could still see that she had a good figure.

This woman's facial features are very delicate, belonging to that kind of very delicate oval face.

But her make-up was intentionally heroic, and paired with that half-to-seven men's hairstyle, if you didn't look carefully, you might think he was a handsome young man.

The woman was holding a mobile phone in her hand, and a Korean idol drama was playing on the mobile phone.

Seeing the red circles around her eyes, she must have just cried.

"Who is looking for me?" The woman walked to the front, paused the video, and then turned her head to look over.

"You are Yu Fengsheng, president Yu, right? I am Liu Wenlong, the Patriarch of the Liu family." Liu Wenlong immediately stepped forward and announced his family name.

"It's me, what's the matter?" Yu Fengsheng lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

I have to say, she looks very handsome at this time.

Liu Wenlong didn't pay attention to these, but Dao Ming's intention, "It's like this, our Liu family lost a boxing book the night before, and it is said that President Yu got it. We sent people over to negotiate, maybe we didn't understand the matter. Make it clear, so that some misunderstandings were caused, and our people were also injured..."

"So you're here to find a place?" Yu Fengsheng said, raising his hand to take an iron rod from one of his subordinates, as if he was about to strike at any time.

Liu Wenlong waved his hands hastily, "President Yu, don't misunderstand, we are not here to find a place. Didn't you say before that as long as we can find evidence to prove that the boxing book in your hand is the one we lost. You will Can you return the boxing score to us?"

Yu Fengsheng nodded, "I said it."

Liu Wenlong immediately pulled Mao San out, "It was this thief who stole our boxing records, and now we have brought him here. If you don't believe me, you can interrogate yourself."

Yu Fengsheng turned his head to look at Mao San, "You really stole that boxing manual?"

Mao San didn't dare to play tricks anymore at this time, and hurriedly pulled out a flattering smile, "President Yu, I... I was also temporarily obsessed, I..."

"You just need to answer me, yes or no." Yu Fengsheng interrupted impatiently, not wanting to listen to his nonsense.

"Yes." Mao San admitted honestly.

Yu Fengsheng nodded, turned around and gave orders to the man just now, "Qiangzi, go to my drawer and get that book..."

She probably forgot the name, and turned to look at Liu Wenlong, "What's the name of that book?"

""Wing Chun Kung Fu Notes"." Liu Wenlong hurriedly replied.

"Yes, go and fetch that book." Yu Fengsheng continued to turn around and tell the man.

"President, we bought that boxing book with money, why should we give it back to them? If you dare to make trouble in our Sanhuang Society, first ask me if I will agree to the iron rod in Lai Zhiqiang's hand." The one called Qiangzi With a ferocious expression on his face, the man waved the iron rod towards Ye Feng and the others.

"Stop talking nonsense, go if you're told." Yu Fengsheng glared at him, not arrogant.

Although Lai Zhiqiang was very reluctant, he finally turned his head and walked in.

After a few minutes, he came out with a boxing book in his hand.

Yu Fengsheng took the boxing book and glanced at it, then threw it to Liu Wenlong casually, "Is it the one you want?"

Liu Wenlong opened the boxing manual and checked it. There was no problem, and he immediately nodded excitedly, "Thank you, President Yu."

The loss of the ancestral boxing manual was recovered, and everyone in the Liu family was also very excited.

They originally thought that they would go to war today, but they didn't expect that the chairman would actually keep his promise, which was completely beyond their expectations.

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