Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1395: 【1395】When did the Liu family produce such a genius?

"If you don't want to die, don't talk."

Ye Feng said something coldly, stretched out his hand and rubbed Lai Zhiqiang's chest a few times.

Lai Zhiqiang immediately felt that his chest, which was originally constricted, gradually became more comfortable.

He knew that Ye Feng was saving him, otherwise he would definitely suffer serious internal injuries this time, and complex emotions suddenly surged in his heart.

After Ye Feng finished massaging him, he hurriedly stood up and bowed deeply.

"I'm sorry, I overestimated myself..."

Lai Zhiqiang knew very well that Ye Feng had shown mercy just now, otherwise with the speed and strength of that elbow just now, he might have been killed on the spot.

Thinking of this possibility, he was startled and terrified.

He always thought that the Liu family could only be regarded as a second-rate family in Jiangzuo, but he didn't expect there to be such a genius in the family?

No wonder it is an old family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. This kind of background is really not comparable to a new force like the Sanhuang Society.

Ye Feng didn't care what he thought, turned around and walked to Liu Wenyuan, "Master, you go back to Liu's house first, Jingxin and I will go out for a stroll."

Liu Wenyuan nodded, his face full of relief, "Xiaofeng, I really want to thank you today."

The other Liu family also showed gratitude to Tang Feng.

"Master, why do you and I say thank you?" Ye Feng immediately waved his hands, and then changed the topic, "Don't just talk, you have to take some practical actions."

As he spoke, he rubbed his **** together.

"Stinky boy, do you still want to ask your master for money? See if I won't beat you up." Liu Wenyuan laughed and scolded, while rolling up his sleeves to settle accounts with him.

"Let's go." Ye Feng hurriedly pulled Xu Jingxin up, and fled in a panic.


Everyone in the Liu family laughed out loud.

Ye Feng's appearance at this time is exactly what a young man in his twenties should look like.

At the same time, in the general manager's office of the Sanhuang Club's headquarters, Yu Fengsheng was staring at the surveillance video at the gate in astonishment.

Lai Zhiqiang is one of the most powerful double-flower red sticks under her command, but she didn't expect to be instantly killed by Ye Feng.

"When did the Liu family produce such a genius?"

She couldn't help mumbling to herself.

If he can recruit such a genius to his command, then the strength of the Three Phoenix Society will be even more powerful.

The more she thought about it, the more likely it was.

The Liu family can only be regarded as a second-rate family in Jiangzuo, and due to lack of support, the younger generation is withered, and there are even signs of declining to a third-rate family.

If Sanhuang offered them an olive branch at this time, they had no reason to refuse.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that the possibility was very high, so she began to think about how to recruit Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't know that someone had set his mind on him and wanted to recruit him to be a pony.

He and Xu Jingxin wandered aimlessly in the street.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and there were many young couples shopping on the street, and the two of them mingled among them without feeling awkward.

"You stole the limelight today." Xu Jingxin followed by his right hand, looking at his profile with a smile on her face.

"I can't help it. With my strength here, I can't keep a low profile." Ye Feng sighed helplessly.

"Cut, you're still out of breath when you say you're fat." Xu Jingxin's voice carried a trace of coquettish anger.

Although she said so, she was still surprised by Ye Feng's influence in Jiangzuo.

Even the Liu family, which has been in Jiangzuo for hundreds of years, couldn't do it, but he did it with ease.

Even she adores him a little.

Ye Feng didn't continue to entangle in this matter, got up and ran to a stall on the side of the road, bought a bunch of candied haws, and walked back to give it to Xu Jingxin.

"I'm not a child, what candied haws should I eat?" Xu Jingxin gave him a shy look.

"If you don't eat, I will."

Ye Feng was about to put the candied haws into her mouth, but Xu Jingxin changed her mind, snatched the candied haws away, opened her cherry mouth, and bit off the top hawthorn.

"Well, it's delicious." She praised vaguely with puffy cheeks.

"Oh, women just say what they say and what they mean." Ye Feng couldn't help complaining.

Xu Jingxin let out a "humph", deliberately annoyed him, chewed the candied haws in big mouthfuls, and made a "clack clack" sound.

Ye Feng stared at her for a while, and when she was about to bite off another hawthorn, he suddenly moved his head over and bit the hawthorn first.

Xu Jing was caught off guard, her red lips pressed against his, and her beautiful eyes widened.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds.

In the end, Xu Jingxin reacted first and hurriedly moved her head away, but before she moved away, she still bit off half of the hawthorn.

Ye Feng successfully bit off the other half of the hawthorn and chewed it, "Well, it's really delicious."

Xu Jingxin's pretty face was already blushing, and she glared at him angrily, "Ye Feng, you did it on purpose."

Ye Feng nodded, "I did it on purpose, what's wrong?"

He acted like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, Xu Jingxin really can't do anything about him.

When a person is shameless and powerful, he is really invincible.

"Hmph, I'm ignoring you." She pouted and strode forward.

In fact, she was not angry, but mainly because she was too ashamed and didn't know how to face him.

Ye Feng followed behind her unhurriedly, admiring the night view of Jiangzuo leisurely.

"Ding, the system has detected a new treasure navigation, please the host go straight along the current road for 50 meters and turn right..."

While the two were wandering around, a system notification suddenly sounded in Ye Feng's ear.

He was stunned for a moment, this system is really good at playing, it actually triggers the treasure navigation in the middle of the night.

But if you talk about it, you can't make a joke about the hidden treasure navigation. This is a serious matter.

"Jingxin, wait a minute." He hurriedly called Xu Jingxin to a stop.

"Why?" There was still a trace of anger on Xu Jingxin's pretty face, the kind that couldn't be coaxed well.

"I... will take you somewhere."

"Where to go…"

Ye Feng didn't give her a chance to ask further questions, just took her little hand and walked forward quickly.

The two quickly bypassed the bustling avenue and came to a low-rise residential area.

The street lights here are dim, in stark contrast to the bustling scene just now.

Xu Jingxin was dragged by Ye Feng into a dark alley, and her heart began to "thump, bang, bang" wildly.

This guy can't be a beast, trying to do something nasty to her, right?

Thinking of this possibility, she was suddenly disturbed.

He wanted to turn around and run away, but he held a small hand tightly, so it was obviously not that easy to escape.

Just as she was thinking wildly, Ye Feng suddenly stopped in front of a yard and began to look around.

Seeing his sneaky look, Xu Jingxin couldn't help feeling worried.

Could this guy be spoiled by Ah Can and want to change his career to become a thief?

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