Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1396: 【1396】Do you have any other choice besides trusting me?

At first, Ye Feng wondered what the system meant by leading him to this unremarkable courtyard.

But when he turned on the scanning system and scanned the courtyard, he was stunned.

"Kowloon Cup?"

He couldn't believe it at first, and scanned it several times.

Finally got a surprising result.

In this yard, there is actually a Nine Dragon Cup?

He started his family by relying on the Nine Dragons Cup, so he is too familiar with this thing.

But it was still surprising to find a Nine Dragon Cup in Jiangzuo, thousands of miles away.

Moreover, in addition to the Nine Dragon Cup, there are many valuable antiques in this yard.

This can't help but make him very curious, what is the origin of the owner of this yard? How can there be so many antiques?

Leaving aside anything else, he is definitely going to get the Nine Dragons Cup.

But if you just rush to the door like this, I'm afraid it will arouse the other party's suspicion.

So there must be a good reason.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard a noise coming from the alley, there should be quite a few people.

He hurriedly pulled Xu Jingxin and hid behind a car parked nearby.

After a while, I heard footsteps getting closer, and at the same time there were two voices talking.

"This is the yard."

"Are you sure it's here? I warn you, don't play tricks on me, or I won't spare you."

"I didn't lie to you, Niu Er Er really told me."


When Ye Feng heard the conversation between the two, he was startled for a moment.

These two voices are very familiar, they sound like the voices of Liu Jie and Mao San.

Xu Jingxin obviously heard it too, and was also surprised, "Why did they come here?"

Ye Feng shook his head and walked out slowly.

At this time, I saw Liu Jie leading several members of the Liu family, escorting Mao San to the front of the small courtyard just now, and was about to knock on the door.

"Liu Jie, what are you doing here?" He asked in a low voice.

When Liu Jie heard his voice, he was obviously stunned for a moment. After seeing his appearance clearly through the street light, he was surprised, "Mr. Ye? Why are you here?"

"I...Miss Xu and I were walking around, and then... lost our way." Ye Feng found a lame reason.

Liu Jie looked at the two of them, then looked at the dark alley, and suddenly understood something, "Oh, so it is like this?"

"Haha, indeed, it's easy to get lost here."

His acting skills are really not flattering, and his wretched expression is undoubtedly revealed.

Xu Jingxin was originally open-minded, but when she saw his smile, she suddenly felt guilty for some reason, and a blush flashed across her pretty face.

Fortunately, the light here was a little dim, so no one noticed it.

"I'm asking you something, what are you doing here?" Ye Feng glanced at Mao San next to him, and continued to ask.

"According to this kid, it was a man named Niu Laoer who told him that the president of the Sanhuang Association likes to study various martial arts, and revealed to him that our Liu family has a boxing book..."

Liu Jie told the ins and outs of the matter.

After Ye Feng heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, "How could this second son know this?"

Liu Jie turned around and kicked Mao San, "Ask you, talk."

Because of Yu Fengsheng's beating just now, Mao San was extremely weak, so he kicked him lightly to the ground, and managed to get up.

"Niu Er Er is a member of the Sanhuang Society." He replied tremblingly.

"Then how did you know him?" Ye Feng continued to ask.

"We met when we were playing cards in an underground casino two days ago. I lost a lot of money at the time, and in the end I still owed the casino 10,000 yuan. He took the initiative to help me pay it off. That's why we met..."

"Why did he take the initiative to help you pay off the debt?"

"He said he thinks I'm a good match, and 10,000 yuan is not a lot of money to him..."

Listening to Mao San's description, Ye Feng frowned more and more.

For some reason, he always felt that this matter was too strange.

This Niu Er Er approached Mao San somehow, and provided him with information, asking him to steal the Liu family's boxing score and sell it to the Sanhuang Society.

what is this?

"Does Niu Er Er like to collect antiques?" He suppressed his doubts and continued to ask Mao San.

"How do you know?"

Mao San froze for a moment, but Liu Jie kicked up again, "You can answer whatever I ask you, and if you dare to talk nonsense, I will slap you hard."

Mao San shrank his neck, and hurriedly replied, "That's right, Niu Laoer usually likes to buy antiques, and asked me to introduce buyers to him, saying that he would give me a commission after the transaction..."

Ye Feng's eyes rolled immediately, and he already had a plan in mind, "Liu Jie, leave this matter to me, you can take your people back first."

"Okay." Liu Jie nodded without asking why.

"You go back with him first." Ye Feng then turned his head to give Xu Jingxin an order.

" pay attention to safety." Xu Jingxin was also very understanding, and did not get too entangled, so she left with the Liu family.

After they left, Ye Feng turned to look at Mao San again, with a malicious look in his eyes, especially in the night, it was even more creepy.

Mao San shivered suddenly, his voice trembling, "Ye...Mr. Ye, you...what are you going to do?"

He said, looking at the dark alley.

This Mr. Ye doesn't have any special hobbies and wants to do something heinous to him, right?

Ye Feng grabbed him and said, "If you don't want to die, just do as I say..."

Then, Fu whispered a few words in his ear, and then patted his shoulder, "As long as you do what I say, I'll let you go after it's done."

Mao Sanyi was worried at first, but after listening to his story, he gradually calmed down.

"What you said is true? Can you really let me go after this is over?" He obviously didn't quite believe Ye Feng's promise.

"Besides trusting me, do you have any other choice?" Ye Feng didn't hide his threat at all.

Mao San shivered again, not daring to talk nonsense, and hurriedly knocked on the door.

Mao San knocked on the door several times.

Soon, footsteps were heard inside, and at the same time a hoarse voice came, "Who is it? Knocking on the door in the middle of the night? Are you looking for death?"

There was a bit of drunkenness in the voice, and the words were a little awkward.

"Brother Niu, it's me, Mao San." Mao San replied hastily.


The old wooden door was opened, and a drunk-eyed man leaned out half of his body, first glanced at Mao San twice, and then looked at Ye Feng next to him.

"Mao San? What are you doing here in the middle of the night? Who is this?"

"Brother Niu, didn't you say before that let me have more time to introduce you to some antique buyers? I just got in touch with one today, and they want to take a look at the goods first." Mao San hurriedly told him what Ye Feng taught him. speak out.

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