Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1397: 【1397】How much will it cost to buy all your antiques?

"What are you looking for in the middle of the night? Let's talk about it tomorrow." Niu Er Er said, and was about to close the door.

"Brother Niu, we're all here, let's save face." Mao San hurriedly stepped forward and leaned against the door, while smiling, "Brother, I just lost all my money, and I want to earn some extra money quickly."

Niu Er Er stared at him drunkenly, "Aren't you? Didn't you just earn a lot of money from Yu Fengsheng yesterday? You lost it all?"

Mao San couldn't help but let out a long sigh, "Oh, I'm so unlucky today, I lost all my shit."

Niu Er Er swept Ye Feng's face again, seeing that he was handsome and well-dressed, and looked like a rich man, so he opened the door.

"come in."

Ye Feng then entered the yard with Mao San.

The yard is not that big, and it is filled with all kinds of old objects, but they are basically fakes.

"Look, these are all." Niu Er Er pointed to the garbage in the yard.

"Brother Niu, I really want to buy it. It's no fun for you to joke with me like this." Ye Feng first pretended to glance at the garbage, and then turned to look at Niu Er Er.

"Ah, you really know how to do it?" Niu Er Er was a little surprised.

He thought that most of the people introduced by Mao San were the kind of people who were stupid and had a lot of money, so they could be easily fooled.

Unexpectedly, the other party could see the fineness of these objects at a glance, and it looked very difficult to fool.

"Brother Niu, this Mr. Ye is not short of money. If you have something good, don't hide it." At this moment, Mao San also began to speak for Ye Feng.

Niu Er Er staggered towards the main room, "Come in."

Only then did Ye Feng and Mao San follow into the main room.

The scene inside the house is completely different from the outside.

The room is full of antique old furniture, and there are various porcelain, gold and jade ornaments on the tables and cabinets.

It's like entering a small museum.

Niu Er Er showed off to the two of them, "Look, how about these things?"

Mao San didn't know much about these things, so he turned to look at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng walked in front of a grand teacher's chair calmly, pretending to be surprised and admiring, "Tsk tsk tsk, what a good thing, I didn't expect to see such a good thing here..."

As he said so, his eyes had already passed these things and looked around for the Nine Dragon Cup.

Soon, he found the priceless Nine Dragon Cup, and he almost scolded his mother.

The Jiulong Cup, worth tens of millions, was turned into a wine glass, and it was put together with a pile of cooked food such as chicken feet and duck necks, with greasy fingerprints on it.

This can't be called reckless, it's simply brain-dead behavior.

Although he scolded his mother in his heart, he remained calm on the face and continued to look at the antiques for a while.

"Boss Ye, how do you look? Is there anyone you like?" Niu Er Er was already a little sleepy and started to yawn.

"After reading it, please make a price." Ye Feng turned to look at him.

"Hehe, you haven't said which one you fancy, how can I offer you a price?" Niu Laoer sat down on the chair, threw two peanuts into his mouth, and took a sip of the wine from the Jiulong Cup .

"How much will it cost to buy all your antiques?" Ye Feng asked a jaw-dropping question.

Niu Er Er was also obviously taken aback. He let go of his hand, and the Nine Dragon Cup fell towards the ground.

Surprised, Ye Feng rushed forward with big strides, and before the Nine Dragon Cup fell to the ground, he gently picked it up with his toe, and quickly grabbed it in his hand.

Niu Er Er suddenly became dumbfounded.

Ye Feng was standing two meters away just now, and he felt that the other party appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye.

This speed is staggering.

Ye Feng also knew that he had accidentally exposed his strength.

But in the situation just now, he couldn't care less.

"Boss Ye, what kind of business do you do?" Niu Er Er had come to his senses and looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

"I... am in the mining industry." Ye Feng replied with a smile. He just bought Yuanyuan Mining, which is not a lie.

"Mining? Which mining company?" Niu Er continued to ask.

"Brother Niu, you don't seem to understand the rules." Ye Feng said in a bad tone. He is a buyer now, so there is no need to get too used to him.

Niu Er Er suddenly smiled awkwardly.

According to the rules of the industry, you can't go to the bottom of the buyer or seller's information.

His questioning just now was actually a violation of the rules.

"Boss Ye, forgive me, I'm too careful." He hurriedly smiled to ease the atmosphere, "By the way, you said just now that you want to buy all these antiques? Did I hear you right?"

"You heard me right. These antiques of yours are of good quality. If the price is right, I'll consider buying them all at once." Ye Feng put on an upstart attitude.

"Mr. Ye, please sit down." Niu Er Er hurriedly got up and gave up his seat, "Wait a moment, I will do the math first."

After finishing speaking, he quickly ran to a writing desk, opened the drawer, and took out an old notebook from it.

Then I dug out a calculator from nowhere and started calculating stroke by stroke.

Ye Feng was not in a hurry, but took the Nine Dragon Cup and rubbed it carefully.

A feeling of blood connection arises spontaneously.

After a few minutes.

"Boss Ye, I'm done with the calculations. The total of my items is 6.52 million. If you can buy them all at once, I can erase the 20,000 yuan for you."

Holding a calculator in one hand and a ledger in the other, Niu Lao Er walked up to Ye Feng to report.

"Can I have a look?" Ye Feng pointed to the notebook in his hand.

"Yes." Niu Er Er didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly handed over the notebook.

Ye Feng took the notebook and began to look it up carefully.

In fact, he was just pretending. In fact, he had already calculated the value of these objects through the scanning system.

Niu Laoer is quite disciplined in this regard, and the price he offered is not outrageous.

The estimated price given by the system was not too different from the price he offered.

"Brother Niu, your price is too dishonest. Since you want to wipe off the change, then just wipe off the five hundred and twenty thousand." He closed the notebook and looked up at Niu Er Er.

"Boss Ye, you are making a big joke. How can you wipe more than half a million pieces? These items of mine are all fine products..."

Niu Er Er suddenly refused to agree, and began to bargain with him.

After the two of them fought back and forth, they finally settled on a price of 6.2 million, and all the antiques in the house were packed and taken at one time.

Ye Feng first called the Liu family and asked them to send a car over to take these antiques to the Liu family for the time being.

After hanging up the phone, he pretended to pick up the Nine Dragon Cup unintentionally.

"Brother Niu, this little cup is pretty good. I like it very much. Just give it to me as a gift." After speaking, he put it in his pocket without waiting for Niu Er'er's consent.

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