Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1399: 【1399】My boss sent me to kill you

The man glanced around the room, and then turned to look at Niu Laoer, "Drinking alone at night?"

Niu Er Er squeezed out a wry smile, "I can't help it, I want to find a woman to drink with, but it's a pity that I'm single."

The man didn't continue to entangle in this matter, but instead asked, "Did you tell others about that?"

Although he didn't say anything clearly, Niu Er Er immediately understood and waved his hands hastily, "Don't worry, Brother Xiao, I will keep everything you have explained to me and will never tell anyone."

"That's good." There was a smile on the man's face, "Find me a cup too, and I'll have a few drinks with you."

"Brother Xiao is willing to reward me, so I'm really flattered."

Niu Er Er said with a smile, and was about to turn around and look for the cup.

But the moment he turned around, the man behind him immediately showed his fangs, shook out a dagger from his sleeve, and stabbed Niu Erer's neck with his hand.


At this moment, a piercing sound suddenly hit.

Immediately afterwards, with a "clang", the dagger in the man's hand fell to the ground.

And on his wrist, stuck a disposable chopsticks.


The man let out a scream and hurriedly covered his wrist.

Niu Er Er only reacted at this time, and felt a chill down his back.

He didn't know why this man suddenly killed him.

The man looked back, just in time to see the closet door being pushed open, and Ye Feng and Mao San were jumping out from inside.

The man gritted his teeth, picked up the dagger from the ground again, and continued to stab Niu Erer.

Niu Er Er hurriedly dodged back, but because his legs were weak, before he could move, the opponent's dagger was already close in front of him.

Damn, I'm doomed now!

Just when he was desperate, a hand suddenly stretched out beside him, grabbed his shoulder and pulled it violently.


The dagger almost brushed past his arm.

Looking back, it was Ye Feng who saved his life.

Before he could say thank you, Ye Feng had already turned around and rushed towards the man.

"Go to hell!"

The man was spoiled by Ye Feng, and he became furious immediately, brandishing a dagger and stabbing at him.

It can be seen that he still has a certain strength.

This knife is fast and ruthless, most people can only choose to avoid it.

But in Ye Feng's eyes, his moves were too childish.

The right hand stretched out like lightning, grabbed the man's wrist, and twisted it lightly.


The dagger fell to the ground again.

But Ye Feng's movements did not falter in the slightest, and with a single twist, he directly subdued the man.


The man struggled a few times, but how could he escape Ye Feng's control? Under the interweaving of shock and anger, he let out a beast-like roar.

Niu Laoer waited for Ye Feng to completely subdue the man before he completely relaxed.

"Brother Xiao, why did you kill me?" He walked over quickly and glared at the man angrily.

With a sneer on his face, the man turned his head aside, not wanting to speak.

Stirred by his contemptuous smile, Niu Er Er grabbed the dagger on the ground and stabbed it into his thigh with a "poof".

"I asked you something, answer me!"

His eyes were wide open, bloodshot in his eyes, and he looked a little hideous.

The man was already trembling with pain, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to let go.

"answer me."

"answer me."

"answer me…"

Every time Niu Er asked a question, the dagger in his hand stabbed the man in the leg.

"Stop...stop, I said...I said..."

The man was stubborn and refused to say anything at first, but after a few consecutive cuts, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he let go.

"Say!" Niu Er Er squeezed out a word from between his teeth.

"Yes... It's our boss... My boss sent me to kill you to silence you." The man was so painful that his lips turned white, and he confessed tremblingly.

"Your boss?"

Niu Er Er seemed to hear something terrible, his hand shook, and the dagger fell to the ground again.

"Who is his boss?"

Seeing Niu Er'er's fright, Ye Feng was immediately curious.

"His boss..." Niu Er Er's eyes dodged a little.

"You'd better tell the truth, otherwise, you will fend for yourself." Ye Feng saw that Niu Er Er was hiding something, and immediately threatened.

Niu Er Er suddenly panicked.

The only person who can save him now is Ye Feng. If the other party lets go, he will definitely not survive tonight.

"His boss is...a leader of the Black Mountain League." Niu Erer said a name that surprised Ye Feng.

"Montenegro League?"

This is the second time Ye Feng has heard this name. Before that, Kazama Wu told him that this Black Mountain League is the largest evil force in Jiangzuo.

The man who was captured by him immediately laughed wildly, "Haha, boy, are you scared? If you dare to meddle in the affairs of our Montenegro League, I think you are impatient. If you are sensible, let me go immediately, otherwise ..."

Ye Feng didn't give him a chance to finish, so he patted the back of his neck with his palm.

The man fell to the ground without saying a word.

Niu Er Er suddenly turned pale with fright, and began to shrink back.

"Don't worry, I just passed out." Ye Feng comforted with a smile, and then found a seat to sit down, "Go on, why did the people from the Black Mountain League want to kill you?"

Niu Er Er glanced at the man on the ground, hesitated for a long time, and then told the truth, "Because I... am the undercover agent of the Black Mountain League who was placed in the Sanhuang Society."

A playful smile appeared on Ye Feng's face, "Interesting, let's continue."

Niu Er should just tell the story exactly.

Due to the rapid rise of the Three Phoenix Society in recent years, it has caused dissatisfaction among the top leaders of the Black Mountain League.

So he was placed in the Three Phoenix Society, and he collected the movements of the top leaders of the Three Phoenix Society on weekdays, and secretly reported to the Black Mountain League.

Two days ago, he suddenly received an order from a leader of the Black Mountain League named Huo Tongguang.

Let him go to the underground casino to find a thief named Mao San, try to get close to him, and leak the Liu family's boxing book to him.

Ye Feng already knew what happened next.

"Why did he choose the Liu family?"

Ye Feng couldn't figure it out a little bit, if the Black Mountain League just wanted to weaken the strength of the Sanhuang Society, and deliberately played such a borrowed knife to kill people, why did they choose the Liu family?

There are many families and forces in Jiangzuo that are stronger than the Liu family, and the Liu family is obviously not the most suitable option.

"I'm just a young man who follows orders. How do I know these high-level decisions?" Niu Er Er looked at him cautiously, for fear of offending him.

But Ye Feng thought about it and felt that what he said made sense.

The decision of the top level of the Montenegro League will definitely not be disclosed to an undercover agent.

If you want to know what tricks the Montenegro League is playing, you have to find the person who gave the order.

"Where is the Huo Tongguang you mentioned just now?"

"You...are you going to find Huo Tongguang? Don't go, that Huo Tongguang is very powerful and very cruel..." Niu Laoer trembled with fright when he heard Ye Feng's tone.

"You don't need to worry about that, you just need to tell me where he is."

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