Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1400: 【1400】Discover secrets, rich rewards

"He...he usually plays at a nightclub he owns at this time..."

Niu Er Er had no choice but to tell all the information about Huo Tongguang, and even sent a photo to Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng got the information he wanted, he was about to leave.

Niu Lao Er hurriedly grabbed his clothes, "Mr. Ye, you... don't abandon me, or I will die. I will be yours from now on, no matter what you ask me to do, I will never say anything .”

When Ye Feng heard his expression of loyalty, he immediately got goosebumps all over his body.

If these words were spoken from a beautiful woman, it might be a little attractive to him.

An ugly, stinky man, it's still inappropriate to thank you.

But he also knew that if he just let it go, Niu Er Er would definitely not escape being wiped out by the Black Mountain League.

After pondering for a while, he took out his mobile phone and called Liu Wenlong, asking him to check the phone number of Sanhuang Hui Yu Fengsheng.

After a while, Liu Wenlong sent Yu Fengsheng's number.

Ye Feng dialed the phone directly.

The phone rang for the first time, but no one answered it, and it was picked up the second time. A slightly coquettish woman's voice came, "Who is there?"

The person who spoke was Yu Fengsheng.

When Ye Feng heard her coquettish voice, his body changed suddenly.

This woman is not doing some sports that are not suitable for children, is she?

"That... President Yu, we met today, my name is Ye Feng..." He first reported his family name.

Yu Fengsheng obviously had an impression of him, "It's you? You're looking for me... What's the matter?"

"Uh... Is it convenient for you to talk now? Or I'll call back later?" Ye Feng hesitated when he heard that her movements were still going on.

"'s okay, just tell me."

"It's like this, I accidentally caught an undercover agent from the Black Mountain League who was placed in your Three Phoenix Society..."

Ye Feng briefly described what happened.

After Yu Fengsheng finished listening, he was silent for a moment, "Okay, I... I'll send someone there now."

"Well, don't bother me, you...continue."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

When he thought of the brutal female boss he saw during the day, he was probably doing that kind of exercise at this time, and his heart beat faster.

At the same time, Yu Fengsheng, who was running on the treadmill, looked at the phone inexplicably.

Why do you feel that there is an indescribable obscenity in the sentence this guy said before he hung up the phone?

However, she was only slightly puzzled, and when she thought that the Black Mountain League had inserted its hand into the Sanhuanghui without anyone noticing, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

Dang even called Lai Zhiqiang and asked him to send someone to bring those two people back.

After the phone call, she steps off the treadmill and walks over to a mirror.

Facing the mirror, he touched a scar on his abdomen.

This scar was left when he was hunted down by the enemies.

About ten centimeters long, it looks as ugly as a centipede.

Although she is used to the life of fighting and killing, deep down in her heart, there is still a side of women who love beauty.

Afterwards, I tried various methods, but I couldn't get rid of the scar, and now I have basically given up.

She glanced at the scar again in disgust, then turned and walked to the bathroom.


"Thank you Mr. Ye."

Lai Zhiqiang quickly brought people over and took away Niu Laoer and the person sent by the Black Mountain League.

Niu Er Er was heartbroken.

He is well aware of the fate of being an undercover agent.

If it fell into the hands of the Sanhuang Society, he might not escape death.

Ye Feng glanced at him, then looked back at Lai Zhiqiang, "Keep him alive."

Lai Zhiqiang was stunned for a moment, but he didn't ask why, he just replied "yes" respectfully.

It can be seen that he now respects Ye Feng from the bottom of his heart.

Niu Er Er was also very grateful to Ye Feng. If he hadn't said that, his little life would have been lost.

After the group of people left, Mao San also walked over tremblingly, "Ye...Mr. Ye, can I go?"

Ye Feng glanced back at him, "Not yet."

Mao San shuddered suddenly, thinking he had repented.

"The Liu family will come to take away these antiques later, you wait here, I still have something to do first."

"Hey, okay, I'll wait, I'll wait..."

Mao San breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly agreed.

Ye Feng didn't stay any longer, and walked out of the yard with the Nine Dragon Cup.

At this time, the system rewards also arrived.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the system navigation, system reward: 100,000 square meters of land ownership, estimated value: 2 billion..."

He was stunned when he heard the system reward.

This time he was actually rewarded with a piece of land? And there are 100,000 square meters. Is this intended to make him a big landlord in Jiangzuo?

While feeling emotional, he called Kazama Dance.

Because he didn't drive when he came, she had to pick him up.

After waiting for less than ten minutes, I saw Wu Jian driving a Paramount Predator driving fast.

"Master." Kazama Dance jumped out of the car and ran towards him with a smile.

"Didn't I tell you to drive slowly? Are you disobedient?" Ye Feng glared at her angrily.

It took at least twenty minutes to come here from the hotel, and she arrived in ten minutes, obviously after receiving the call, she came here at high speed.

"Master calls, Kazama wants to teleport to Master's side." Kazama Dance smiled flatteringly.

"I really can't help you." Ye Feng smiled and flicked her smooth forehead, and then stepped into the cockpit first.

And Kazama Dance obediently got into the co-pilot, and then asked curiously: "Master, where are we going?"

"Go find someone."

Ye Feng didn't explain much, and started the car directly.

Ten minutes later, the two came to a bar called "Searchlight".

According to Niu Lao Er, this bar was opened by Huo Tongguang in partnership with others, and he would be here almost every night.

The gorgeous LED light sign at the door is shining with brilliant colors.

Before entering, I heard very impactful music coming from inside.

Kazama Dance seldom comes to this kind of night scene, just like a curious baby, she follows Ye Feng closely.

As soon as I walked into the bar, I saw a group of men and women dancing wildly on the dance floor under the dim lights.

The whole venue was filled with a manic atmosphere.

Ye Feng glanced around on the dance floor, but didn't find Huo Tongguang's figure, so he stopped wasting time and dragged Feng Jianwu to walk inside.

There is a narrow corridor inside. Under the dim light, several couples of men and women are embracing each other, touching and kissing each other.

Kazama Wu's pretty face suddenly turned red, holding Ye Feng's hand tightly, wishing to escape from here as soon as possible.

Ye Feng acted calmly, walked through the corridor, and behind him was the staff's rest area.

According to Niu Erer, Huo Tongguang's office is also here.

While Ye Feng was looking around, a man suddenly came out of a lounge, "What are you doing? This is the staff rest area, leave quickly."

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