Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1401: 【1401】Three minutes, a quick decision!

Ye Feng had already seen Huo Tongguang's resting area, which was in a room not far behind the man.

"Hello, I have something to do with you, Manager Huo." He greeted the man with a smile, and was about to walk past him.

"Stop, who the **** told you to break in?" The man shouted angrily, reaching out his hand to block the way of the two of them.

"Get out of the way." Ye Feng didn't bother to talk nonsense, and pushed him away directly.

"Fuck, are you making trouble?" The man was immediately enraged by his action, and punched him.

Ye Feng turned sideways, grabbed his wrist, twisted his arm behind him like twisting a twist, and then kicked his **** violently.

"Come on, someone is making trouble..."

The man got up from the ground and started yelling at the top of his voice.


The door of the lounge was pushed open, and seven or eight men with tattoos in black rushed out, each holding a stick in his hand.

"Dare to come to our place to make trouble, are you tired of living?"

A group of men bluffed and rushed towards Ye Feng and the other two.

"Three minutes, a quick decision!"

Ye Feng and Kazama Wu looked at each other, and then went up to meet them together.

The force value of these gangsters is considered strong among ordinary people, but in front of the two of them, they are vulnerable.

"Bang bang bang..."

As soon as the two sides fought against each other, they formed a one-sided crushing situation.

The group of thugs were forced to retreat again and again, and the couples who were kissing in the corridor suddenly scattered in fright.

The two sides chased all the way to the outside, frightening a group of customers who were dancing with demons.

Everyone watched the chasing scene in panic.

Neither Ye Feng nor Kazama Wu looked strong.

It's hard to believe that these seven or eight strong men in black were chased and beaten by two people, how embarrassing it would be.


Ye Feng kicked the last strong man who was still standing to the ground, and without looking at the panicked expressions of the people around him, he waved to Kazama Dance and walked towards the rest area again.

The whole process took less than three minutes.

I have traveled a long way, and I can still hear many people's surprised comments.


The two quickly came to the manager's office, and Wu Kazama kicked the door open.

The office is very spacious. In addition to some office items, there is also a canopy bed inside, which is probably used by Huo Tongguang for rest.

But at this time, it was not Huo Tongguang who was lying on the bed.

but a woman.

"Who let you in? Get out!"

The woman's body was wrapped in the quilt, with only a section of fragrant shoulders exposed, and a lady's cigarette was still in her hand.

When she saw Ye Feng and Kazama Wu, there was no panic on her face, only anger.

And Ye Feng could tell that her anger was also faking.

There were two empty wine glasses on the table next to it, and the room still smelled of alcohol.

In a wastebasket beside the bed lay a used condom.

Anyone with a bit of experience in men and women knows what happened here just now.

Kazama Wu's pretty face flushed slightly, and she hurriedly shifted her gaze to the wall.

Ye Feng walked slowly to the bed and stared at the woman, "Where's Huo Tongguang?"

"What Huo Tongguang? I don't know him." The woman denied it flatly, but her eyes were a little dodged.

"My patience is limited. You'd better answer honestly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Ye Feng's tone became severe.

"Are you scaring me? Do you really think I'm scared too much? You have the guts to touch a finger of my mother." The woman threw the cigarette **** on the ground, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, her body was not covered with a single strand.

Ye Feng didn't expect this woman to be so wild and unrestrained, and immediately looked away, "Please respect yourself."

The woman was not only shameless, but continued to push forward, "I am self-respecting? You broke into my room. Who is not self-respecting? Tell me."

Seeing this scene, Kazama Wu couldn't help cursing "Shameless".

Ye Feng was forced to retreat by this woman, "As long as you tell the truth about Huo Tongguang's whereabouts, we will leave immediately."

"Want to know the whereabouts of Huo Tongguang? All right, let me tell you..."

The woman approached Ye Feng slowly, making a gesture of telling each other in a low voice.

However, just when her body was about to get close to Ye Feng, she suddenly grabbed a fruit knife from the fruit plate on the table and stabbed at Ye Feng fiercely.

Although Ye Feng didn't have any defenses, his reaction speed was still extremely fast.

When the fruit knife was still ten centimeters away from his throat, he grabbed the woman's wrist.

Then he flew up and kicked her lower abdomen.

The woman flew upside down and hit the wall heavily.

Before she could get up, Kazama Wu had rushed up, punched her hard twice in the face, and then pressed firmly against the wall.

Seeing that her plan failed, the woman immediately shouted at the top of her voice, "Come on, someone raped me, come on quickly..."

Ye Feng walked over slowly and picked up the fruit knife from the ground, "Don't shout, your people have been dealt with, and no one will come to rescue you. Let me ask you one last time, where is Huo Tongguang?"

The woman stared at him stubbornly, but didn't intend to speak.

Ye Feng squatted down, raised his hand lightly, and the fruit knife stabbed into the woman's thigh with a "poof".


The woman let out a shrill scream, and looked at Ye Feng with fear in her eyes.

Relying on the fact that she is a woman, she thought that the other party would be more sympathetic.

I didn't expect this man to be so cruel.

Ye Feng pulled out the fruit knife, causing the woman to scream again.

"I have already said that my patience is limited. Don't think you are a woman, I will show mercy."

"I...I said..."

The woman's face was ashen, and she no longer dared to challenge the other party's patience, "Huo Tongguang... made a call just now, but no one answered, and then...then he hurriedly put on his clothes and left..."

"Who is he calling?" Ye Feng asked.

"I don't know, he...he left in a hurry and didn't explain to me..."

"When did you leave?"

"Just... ten minutes before you guys came..."

The woman's voice trembled, and she didn't know whether it was pain or fright.

Ye Feng saw that she didn't seem to be lying, so he let her go.

Standing up and pondering for a moment, he picked up the phone again and called Yu Fengsheng.

The other person connected the phone readily this time, "What's the matter?"

"I'm in Huo Tongguang's bar now..." Ye Feng briefly described the matter, "I need your cooperation now."

"Why should I cooperate with you?" Yu Fengsheng's voice was very calm, like an emotionless machine.

"That Niu Er Er was inserted into your Sanhuang Society by Huo Tongguang. The killer sent to kill him was also sent by Huo Tongguang. Help me, you are helping yourself." Ye Feng analyzed the pros and cons of it.

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