Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1499: 【1499】Young lady, how can I be a thief?

"One person is missing." Ye Feng looked at his watch, it was around 6:20 in the afternoon, ten minutes before the agreed time, and Lan Xingyue hadn't arrived yet.

She couldn't have noticed something, so she didn't dare to come, did she?

But he was obviously wrong. When the time was close to 30 minutes, he saw a jeep speeding towards this side from a distance, and then stopped in front of several people.

Wearing blue outdoor gear, Lan Xingyue jumped out of the car, "I'm sorry, I have something to do at the last minute, so I've been delayed a little, are you late?"

"No, exactly six thirty." Ye Feng looked at her with a smile.

It has to be said that in terms of appearance alone, Lan Xingyue is not inferior to such beauties as Xu Jingxin and Kazama Wu.

Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, how can a beautiful woman be a thief?

"Let me introduce it to you."

Under Ye Feng's introduction, everyone greeted each other.

However, everyone is not familiar with each other, and the scene is somewhat awkward.

But when Kazama Wu was introduced, before he could speak, the girl reached out her hand familiarly, "Hi, my name is Zhuang Xiaoqiao, nice to meet you."

Lan Xingyue was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly stretched out her hand to hold it, "Hello, my name is Lan Xingyue."

"I know you. Ye Feng often mentions you in my ears, saying that you are a geologist, and you are beautiful. It is a combination of beauty and wisdom. When I saw you today, um... your appearance is a little worse than mine. "

Kazama Wu completely interpreted Zhuang Xiaoqiao's shameless essence.

If Zhuang Xiaoqiao's true self were here, she would probably have shouted "Fuck".

Lan Xingyue obviously couldn't stand her social overtness, so she hurriedly changed the subject, "What are you bringing?"

She pointed to Ye Feng's bulging backpack, feeling very curious.

Ye Feng opened the backpack and took out the tools one by one, "Whirlwind shovel, flying tiger claw, centipede hanging ladder, Luoyang shovel, gas mask, dragon-seeking ruler..."

"There are still two big cocks." Kazama Wu grabbed the two big **** thrown on the ground at this moment, and shook them in front of Lan Xingyue.

Lan Xingyue was greatly surprised, "What are you doing with these things?"

Kazama Wu immediately talked about her upper body, and began to show her the knowledge she had learned from Ye Feng, "This whirlwind shovel is used to dig holes for robbers, and this flying tiger claw is used to grab things from a distance. for climbing..."

The more Lan Xingyue listened, the more confused she became, "Are we going to rob a tomb?"

Only then did Ye Feng tell the purpose of this trip, "That's right, we're going to hunt for treasure, and it's Xiang Yu's treasure trove."

"Legendary, King Xiang's Secret Treasure."

Xu Jingxin, Kazama Wu, Ah Can and the Sirius team already knew the content of this mission.

And Lan Xingyue didn't know if she really didn't know, or if she pretended not to know, anyway, her expression was very surprised, "Xiang Yu's secret treasure? Are we really going to hunt for treasure?"

Ye Feng walked up to her slowly, "Yes, what's the problem?"

Lan Xingyue was a little embarrassed, "The main reason is that the news came too suddenly. I thought it was just an ordinary exploration mission, but I didn't expect..."

"It's okay, if you regret it, you can quit now, I won't force it."

Ye Feng spread his hands out in a casual posture.

"That's not what I meant," Lan Xingyue pondered for a moment, "It's just that I don't know anything about this kind of thing, so I'm afraid I can't help you much."

"Since I invited you, there is naturally a place for you. You just need to consider whether to join or not."

"Can I...can I think about it?"

"no problem."

Ye Feng was not in a hurry, leaning against the Land Rover and smoking a cigarette, secretly observing her every move.

Lan Xingyue frowned and thought for a while before giving her final answer, "Well, if you come, you'll be safe, and I have no choice but to force myself to do it."

Only then did Ye Feng smile with satisfaction, "That's right. This secret treasure of King Xiang has attracted the covetousness of many people. Don't you wonder what's inside?"

"I'm not interested in these." Lan Xingyue put on a look of indifference.

Ye Feng didn't care too much, and then told everyone a few words, probably to let everyone obey the command.

Then he waved his hand, "Let's go."

Everyone got into the car one after another and headed towards their destination.

When Lan Xingyue was returning to her car, a faint smile flashed across her mouth.

Although this smile was fleeting, it was caught by Ye Feng who had already got on the car first.

The corners of his mouth also raised slightly.

Didn't you say that you are not interested in King Xiang's secret treasure?

Why are you so happy now?

However, you seem to be happy too early.

The convoy drove all the way, and finally came to the land that Ye Feng bought before dark.

Everyone got out of the car one after another, and looked around curiously.

"Isn't this the land we explored before?" Lan Xingyue looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

They selected a total of three exploration sites last time, and this is one of them.

But in the end it was stopped by Ye Feng.

"That's right, it's here, didn't you expect that?" Ye Feng showed a smug smile.

"The secret treasure of King Xiang you mentioned is here?"


At such a time, Ye Feng no longer needed to hide anything, he just nodded and admitted.

Lan Xingyue stared blankly at him, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Xu Jingxin asked curiously, "This place is so big, how can we find the entrance? We can't dig up all this land, can we?"

Ye Feng silently opened the backpack and took out the dragon-finding ruler from it, "Then I have to use this tool to help."

"How does this work?" Xu Jingxin immediately turned to look at A Can, he was the most professional expert among the group.

Others also cast their eyes on Ah Can, waiting for an answer.

Ah Can laughed twice, "Don't look at me, I don't understand either."

"You are the king of thieves, why don't you understand?" Kazama Dance also asked curiously.

"It's true that I'm the king of thieves, but I steal from the living, not from the dead." Ah Can smiled helplessly.

"Is there any difference?" Lan Xingyue said with a trace of disdain.

"There's a big difference. Although they both use the word 'steal', we only need to step on the spot, and don't need to spend money to fix the acupuncture points." A Can patiently explained a few words.

"Then what do we do now?"

Everyone turned their attention to Ye Feng again. Since he organized this mission, he should have made all the preparations.

"Don't worry, he won't, I will."

Ye Feng showed an inscrutable smile, and he really had a bit of a superior taste.

As he said that, he brought the dragon-seeking ruler in front of everyone, "Look, everyone, this dragon-seeking ruler is still sleeping. The next thing we need to do is to wake it up."

Everyone was attracted by his words and looked over curiously.

Ye Feng put the dragon-seeking ruler on his forehead, "First of all, I need to use my mind to connect with the dragon-seeking ruler, infiltrate my spiritual power into it, and gently summon it, yes, that's it..."

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