Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1500: [1500] I really didn't see it, but you really know how to touch gold?

Ye Feng's voice was very gentle, especially when it was dark at this time, it sounded quite permeable.

Everyone else was stupefied by him, only Ah Can smiled and said nothing.

Although he is not good at robbing tombs, he also knows that Ye Feng is pretending to be a ghost now, and he even pulled out some ideas, spiritual power, and summoning, which is really funny.

However, the next scene surprised him.

I saw that the dragon-seeking ruler turned around, and finally, the pointer suddenly pointed to a northwest direction.

Everyone was horrified, but it was really useful?

Ah Can was also a little dumbfounded, staring at the pointer tightly, not daring to take a breath.

Ye Feng grabbed the Xunlong ruler and started to move forward, while he kept muttering, "Xunlong divides gold to look at the winding mountain. One level of winding is one level of pass. If there is eight points of danger in closing the door, there will be no yin and yang gossip..."

Everyone hurriedly picked up tools and followed his footsteps.

In fact, when Ye Feng stepped into this land, he turned on the scanning system, and he already knew the situation underground.

How could he really use an outdated tool like the dragon-seeking ruler to find the tomb? It was just to deceive people.

But his operation really bluffed everyone present, even Ah Can exclaimed amazingly.

Soon, everyone came to an open space in the center.

A house was built here before, but Ye Feng had people demolish it later, but there were still many bricks and tiles left.

"Is the entrance right here?" Lan Xingyue looked at Ye Feng in amazement, feeling that at this moment, he looked like a magic stick.

Ye Feng put away the dragon-finding ruler and nodded, "That's right, this is the entrance."

Then he distributed a Luoyang shovel to each of the four members of the Sirius team, "You dig down according to the area I drew."

Then, he circled a range on the ground.

Without saying a word, the four members of the Sirius team began to dig down with the Luoyang shovel.

Xu Jingxin, Lan Xingyue and Kazama Wu were all very curious about this.

By digging down like this, can you find Xiang Yu's secret treasure of King Xiang?

Why do you feel like it's a bit of a joke?

Even Ah Can was dubious about this.

He knew that Mr. Ye was an all-rounder, proficient in martial arts, gambling, appraising treasures, and medicine.

But never knew he would also rob graves.

If he can even do this, isn't he really omnipotent?

Ye Feng didn't explain, just squatted aside and smoked silently.

After about half an hour, the big pit had been dug for more than one meter.

At this time, the Luoyang shovel in the hands of a member of the Sirius team suddenly made a "clang", obviously hitting something hard.

Everyone who had been waiting impatiently lifted their spirits and stared at the big pit.

"Did you really find the entrance?"

Ah Can's jaw almost dropped, and he couldn't care less, and jumped directly into the pit.

Because the night was too dark and the soil below was very soft, he sprained his foot and fell somersaults.

But he ignored it and began to scrape the soil with his hands.

As the soil layer was pulled away, the stone slabs below were quickly exposed.

"I'll go, there's really something there." Ah Can hurriedly turned around and exclaimed.

"Wow, did you really find Xiang Yu's King Xiang's Secret Treasure?" Kazama Dance also cheered, enlivening the otherwise lifeless atmosphere.

Although Xu Jingxin didn't jump out like her, she still had a rare smile on her face.

As for Lan Xingyue, she took a deep look at Ye Feng with a complicated expression, "I really didn't realize that you really know how to touch gold?"

Her words also spoke out the feelings of others.

When Ye Feng was fiddling with the dragon-seeking ruler just now, they all felt a little unreliable.

Who would have thought that he would actually find the entrance to King Xiang's secret treasure.

What else can he not?

Seeing how excited everyone was, Ye Feng couldn't help pouring cold water on it, "Don't get too excited, it's just that you found the entrance, you may not be able to get in."

Everyone who was in a state of excitement looked at him in puzzlement.

Ah Can hastily put away her smile and continued to clean up the soil on the stone slab.

But the more it was cleaned, the more frightened it became. The stone slab was about three meters square and could not be lifted by manpower.

Ah Can and the four members of the Sirius team tried it, even with all their strength, they couldn't shake the stone slab.

"I'm going, isn't this stone slab too heavy? How did those craftsmen make such a large stone slab more than two thousand years ago?"

Ah Can slumped on the ground weakly, looking at the stone slab and sighing.

Others present also nodded in agreement.

The surface of this stone slab is very smooth, without any traces of digging.

Even with large-scale cutting equipment now, it may be difficult to achieve such smoothness.

In the era of backward technology more than two thousand years ago, I really don't know how it was done.

"Okay, don't sigh, hurry up and think about how to get rid of this stone slab." Ye Feng pulled everyone out of worshiping their ancestors, and let them face the cold reality.

"Such a heavy stone slab may not be able to be opened by manpower alone. Why don't we find some excavators?" Lan Xingyue was the first to suggest.

"No, if you call the excavator over, the commotion might be too loud, and I'm afraid it won't be able to hide this matter." Before Ye Feng could speak, Xu Jingxin was the first to veto it.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

The reason why they chose to come here at night, enter the village secretly, and shoot everywhere is to deceive others.

If a few excavators are brought over, no matter whether the stone slab can be opened or not, I am afraid that everyone will know about it first.

"Then let's blow it up with dynamite..." Kazama Wu said halfway through, she might also feel that this idea is too unreliable, sticking out her tongue, "I'm talking nonsense."

If you use explosives, the noise will be much greater than that of an excavator.

And how much explosives would be used for such a large and thick stone slab?

Use less and it won't help at all.

If you use it too much, it is likely to alarm the people around you.

Everyone is an elite in various fields, but facing such a stone slab, they are all helpless.

Even Ye Feng had a hard time.

He could find the entrance by scanning the system, but he couldn't find the way to get in.

The scene fell into silence for a while, everyone was thinking about countermeasures, and no one spoke.

"There are so many of us, and we can't even fix a stone slab. What's the risk?" Wu Kazama waved the Luoyang shovel in his hand, and slammed it heavily on one end of the stone slab.


Luoyang shovel hit the stone slab, splashing sparks.

Kazama Wu felt annoyed by smashing it once, and wanted to smash it again.

"Wait a moment."

Ah Can rushed over suddenly, and stared nervously at the edge of the stone slab for a while.

Then changed direction again, groped carefully on the edge of the other side, and then changed direction again...

Everyone looked at him curiously, wondering what the **** he was doing.

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