Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1502: 【1502】You seem to be very experienced

After a while.

"I see."

Ye Feng and Xu Jingxin spoke almost at the same time.

"Let's talk first." Xu Jingxin graciously gave up the right to speak to Ye Feng.

"Let's talk about it, let me see if the two of us want to go together." Ye Feng was also very polite and modest.

"Can you two stop playing charades? What's the meaning of these words?" Ah Can really couldn't bear the back and forth between these two people, he was really anxious to death.

Xu Jingxin did not continue to be modest, and said her answer, "The top should be 'three', the bottom should be 'five', the left should be 'one', and the right should be 'two'."

"How do you know?" A Can stared blankly at Xu Jingxin as if looking at a fairy.

Lan Xingyue, Kazama Wu and the four members of the Sirius team all had the same expressions.

Only Ye Feng had a smile on his face, apparently thinking of going with Xu Jingxin.

"Let Ye Feng explain." Xu Jingxin really couldn't stand the scorching gazes of everyone, she was more suitable to be a female Zhuge behind the scenes.

Ye Feng had no choice but to take the ball she kicked, and continued to explain to everyone, "It's very simple, Kanglong Youhui is 96, or Yue Yuyuan is 94, Huang Shang Yuanji is 65, Wugui Wuyu is 64. Nine Minus six equals three, nine minus four equals five, six minus five equals one, and six minus four equals two. So the four numbers are three, five, one, and two."

Everyone was dumbfounded, it felt like they were listening to a bible.

After a long time, Ah Can couldn't help asking, "Then why is it subtracted? Not added?"

"Good question, this question reveals your cultural level." Ye Feng joked before continuing to answer, "For the ancients, numbers start from one and end at nine. So it can only be subtraction, not addition. .Of course, if you make a mistake, why don’t you add it again?”

When Ah Can heard his previous sentence, he thought it was a compliment. But when I heard the last two sentences, I realized that I was hurting him, and I was speechless.

"In other words, these numbers are related to opening this stone slab?" Lan Xingyue finally understood and was even more surprised.

If it weren't for the two freaks Ye Feng and Xu Jingxin today, even if they came here with King Xiang's secret treasure map, it would be difficult to think of this level, right?

Comparing people to people, it will really **** people off!

"Try it, there is no other way now."

Ye Feng put away the map of King Xiang's secret collection, feeling quite helpless.

Who would have thought that after finding the treasure, they would be blocked from the outside and not allowed to enter?

If you say it, you can be laughed to death.

"I come."

Ah Can was the first to take over this task, so he was about to pick up the Luoyang shovel and knock on the slate again.

"Come back, do you know how many knocks?" Ye Feng hurriedly called him back.

"Didn't the picture say three, five, one, two?" Ah Can scratched his head and looked at Ye Feng puzzled.

"Then what's the meaning of those little holes on the slate? Is it for the sake of looking good?" Ye Feng felt that the IQ of this usually smart thief king suddenly dropped.

"Oh, I see. Then subtract the number on the slate from the number on the picture, right?" Ah Can's eyes lit up, thinking he had found the correct answer.

"This time it's plus." Xu Jingxin had no choice but to remind.

"Didn't it decrease just now? Why is it increasing now?" A Can scratched his head, feeling that his brain cells were not enough.

"Nonsense. The numbers on the picture are three, five, one, two, and the numbers on the slate are four, two, three, and one. If it is subtracted, it will be negative. Tell me how to knock it?" Ye Feng said angrily question.

Ah Can was completely messed up in the wind, "Okay, okay, I'm already completely messed up, so how do you knock, can't I listen to you?"

Ye Feng sighed and had no choice but to point out, "Knock seven times on the south side."

Ah Can identified the direction, then walked over, and knocked **** the edge seven times with the Luoyang shovel.

"Knock three times to the west."

"Seven strikes from the north."

"Knock four times in the east."

According to Ye Feng's instructions, Ah Can tapped **** the four sides of the stone slab.

After all the beatings were finished, everyone held their breath and looked at the stone slab.

However, the slate remained motionless.

"Failed again?"

Everyone's heart sank suddenly, and there was a deep sense of frustration.

However, at this moment, the slate suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, it actually began to sink a little bit.

Everyone was taken aback suddenly, a little at a loss.

Ye Feng only hesitated for a second, and took the lead to rush up with his backpack, "Follow up quickly."

Then he jumped onto the stone slab first.

It wasn't until the others reacted that they hurriedly grabbed their tools and jumped onto the stone slab.

"I'll go, it's amazing, this is probably the oldest elevator, right?"

As the stone slab continued to fall, everyone became more and more surprised.

This was built more than two thousand years ago, and it can still be activated now.

"It's just amazing!"

Even Xu Jingxin couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"It is said that the mechanism technique of the Mohists at that time was very powerful, and the ancients must not be underestimated." Ye Feng also admired this secret mechanism very much, and really didn't know how it was built more than two thousand years ago.

Everyone agreed and nodded.

The stone slab fell for a full dozen meters before stopping abruptly.

In front of everyone, a deep hole about two meters high appeared.

It was so dark inside that you couldn't see your fingers.

A gust of wind blew along the entrance of the cave, making everyone shiver uncontrollably.

Everyone turned on their flashlights and took photos inside.

This tunnel is very wide and deep, and with the light of the flashlight, there is no end to it.

"Let's go in quickly."

After Lan Xingyue arrived below, she suddenly became extremely active, and was about to step into the tunnel first.

"Wait a minute." Ye Feng hurriedly grabbed her.

"What's wrong?" Lan Xingyue looked at him puzzled.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Ye Fengruo glanced at her meaningfully.

A trace of panic flashed in Lan Xingyue's eyes, "I... I'm not in a hurry, isn't this already down? If you don't go in, what are you doing here?"

"Who can't go in? But you must be careful, otherwise you will die without a place to die."

As Ye Feng said, he took a big rooster from Kazama Wu, untied the rope tied to the chicken leg, and threw the **** into the tunnel.


The big rooster stayed in place for a while, then walked into the tunnel.

"What is this for?" Kazama Wu looked at Ye Feng suspiciously.

"No one has come in here for more than two thousand years. Who knows if there is any harmful gas in the air? Moreover, who knows if there is any mechanism inside? If you go in rashly, you will only have a dead end."

When everyone heard Ye Feng's explanation, they all felt that it made sense.

"You seem to be very experienced, it doesn't seem like it's your first time to rob a tomb." Lan Xingyue looked at Ye Feng suspiciously, as if wanting to find an answer.

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